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The Daughter with no Closet Pt. 02

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Family nudism escalates into sexual tension.
2.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/15/2023
Created 02/03/2023
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Rachel unhooked her finger from her pussy and wiped away her father's cum on a towel upon hearing him get on his feet. She opened the door, went to the living room and caught sight of his back while heading to kitchen with a crushed bundle of tissues in hand.

She followed to next find him by the sink washing his hands. "Are you ok, dad?" She asked. Scott, visibly unsettled, replied "I just woke up from a nap. Wasn't expecting to just... fall asleep." Rachel watched as Scott throughly cleaned his hands, his body and face tense.

Her eyes were drawn down as his cock and balls hung in view between his open legs, tempting her to reach between and grab hold. "You seem a little agitated. Bad dream? Are you sure you're ok?" She asked again with concern, to which Scott replied "I guess I'm just feeling kinda cranky, not the best of sleep, but I'm fine."

Rachel took a quick glance at his flaccid cock and replied "it's ok, dad. I just wanna make sure you're well and happy. Just to let you know, I don't think there's anything you can say that would surprise or shock me." Her words were profound and heartfelt to the anxious Scott as he turned to her and smiled back at his loving daughter.

Rachel returned to her room. Alone, she let out a deep breath of relief, closed her eyes, threw herself onto her bed as her body and mind were gushing with emotions. Joy, eagerness, excitement, restlessness, yearning... all from the desire to have her father fully for herself. The first move of her game had been played.

Over the next few days, Rachel came up with and acted out a new habit: no privacy policy. She no longer confined herself to her room, spending every possible naked minute at home in the living room, kitchen or hallways. Whether watching TV, on her laptop or phone, or even with nothing to do, relaxing on the sofa, she made sure she was out in the open for her father to see whenever possible. She even opted to shower without closing the door. The more time she could be near him and see him was heavenly bliss, and she was hopeful and waiting for his attention to fall on her. Perhaps the one of the only instances she would need privacy was when she would practice her twerking.

Her efforts were gradually paying off. She enjoyed observing her father, admiring his body, watching him around the house naked and casual. The view of his cock, even flaccid, was alluring, while his balls dangled so shapely and delicately. But without a doubt, one of her favourite things about him was his walk... his cock would swing side to side, like a dog's wagging tail. She overcame her shyness and hesitancy towards moving fast; it was time to let her body move more, let her breasts bounce and show off the full curves and jiggles of her body.

Occasionally and subtly she would touch her breasts, rub and gyrate her hips, hoping it would entice Scott. It wasn't enough. This game of watching and showing did not do justice to the full extent of her sexual desire. She was constrained by the laws of modesty and decency. After some thought, the answer came to her... an answer so perfect, it was a stroke of genius.

The following afternoon, Rachel readied herself in the living room and awaited for Scott to walk in. Starting out with some basic stretches, she made sure she was positioned in full sight as Scott opened and entered through the door. Holding a glass of water in one hand, laptop in the other, a startled Scott asked her what was going, to which Rachel replied she was just about ready to do some yoga.

Brushing off his perplexed surprise with a smile and an "ok" in response, Scott sat on the sofa. Rachel, stretching and circling her arms, took several strong, sharp and deep inhales and exhales of breath. Scott rested aside his drink, laptop in front of him. The living room was silent besides the light tapping of laptop keys and the sound of Rachel breathing. She sat in the lotus position, then rising, standing in balance in the tree position, all the while noticing that Scott's eyes were indeed calming shifting from down at his laptop screen to up and towards her.

Next were the warrior poses. First, she opened her legs, leaning and bending forth her left knee with her right behind her. Second, she turned her hips while raising her arms, holding them in a horizontal position. Finally, she moved into the third position, balancing on one foot, giving Scott the sight of a naked woman trying to shape her body into a capital T.

Her final pose was downward dog. Hands, head and feet face down with her hips raised into the air. Now she looked like an upside down V. The physical intensity of the poses made her all the more excited. The act of opening her legs, feeling her cheeks firm up, feeling her breasts dangle and move made her feel vulnerable and on display. She could feel her vulva was exposed. The bending and stretching had opened her outer lips, her vagina and inner labia now blossoming into view and light of day.

Scott only had a side view, but his gaze and smile expressed his admiration of his daughter's talented and flexible performance. To Rachel, it felt like she was flirting without words and bonding without touching. But before leaving, her attention was towards Scott and something quite unusual and unexpected... a pillow placed on his lap.

"Since when have you been shy, dad?" Rachel playfully asked, her eyebrows raised and gestured to his lap with a look of her eyes and a nod from her head. Scott, his eyes closed, shook his head with visible embarrassment. "Don't you remember what I said? There's nothing you can say or do that could shock me," Rachel said to offer reassurance.

"Look, we both know what's going on here. I'm fine with us being nude, but this is something else, and I don't want to offend or alarm you," Scott said with a firm tone but with a tinge of apprehension.

"Dad, this is just natural. I'm not afraid and I don't want you to feel like you have to hide yourself from me. I'll snatch that pillow myself if I have to!" Cracking a smile, Scott stood up and put aside the pillow, brazenly revealing his erect cock. Staring at his manhood, she raised her hand, fluttered her fingers in a waving motion and whispered "hi." Scott chuckled under his breath at Rachel's reaction with a smile.

Having spent the last few weeks nude with him, Rachel had enough familiarity to read Scott's body like an open book. She could feel the confidence and excitement emanating from his cock, while the rest of his body and his face made her realise he was holding back. He was restrained and fighting his instincts. He couldn't do anything except stand frozen in front of her, creating a unusual stalemate.

Rachel calmly walked away with a smile, sensing and sympathising with her father's frustration, understanding it was not yet time and he was not ready. But the sight of his erection gave her elation, giving her the truth that she was starved for... the sexual attraction between them was mutual and now it felt like a magnet. This is the beauty of nudism, she thought to herself, how their bodies and their emotions were open and free.

The following Thursday, Rachel offered to do a home cooked meal for the two of them for when he gets home from his shift, while also suggesting a movie to watch together for the evening. A proposal that Scott warmly welcomed. Rachel prepared a stir fry dinner, had two bottles of white wine, fancy plates and candles.

Scott returned home, pleasantly surprise, the two sat and toasted their wine glasses together. While enjoying their meal, they conversed with the usual small talk about work, their friends, along with comments and jokes about their nudist lifestyle together. The obvious of which being that their laundry bills are now cheaper. Rachel kept an eye on Scott's glass, making sure it was topped up as the evening went on.

Concerned, Rachel later asked if he was taking care of himself in regards to work, if he was experiencing muscles aches or soreness. Scott admitted he was overworking himself in the gym and was due to get a physiotherapy massage. Rachel commented how she could relate, as her job as a waitress meant she had to be on her feet for many hours, carrying stacks of plates and could at times strain her back if she was not careful. "All of a sudden, all that yoga makes sense", said Scott. "Maybe you should try it yourself. You'd be amazed how calming it feels", replied Rachel. Scott laughed, prompting Rachel to laugh while also refilling his glass.

Watching the wine pour into his glass, she noticed Scott's eyes, the way they dropped down to glance at her breasts. Halfway through their third glasses, Rachel was feeling the effects of the wine and dinner was just about wrapping up. The lightheadedness, the feeling of relaxation, the tingly numb sensation in her fingers and toes were a solid signs she was tipsy.

Moving to the living room, Scott grabbed the remote to put a movie on, while Rachel set the lamps to a low ambient setting. Relaxed on the sofa in the quiet house, only fifteen minutes in, Rachel moved closer, resting her head on her father's shoulder. Something that they had done many times before, just never naked. His arm moved over, allowing her to move in closer, while Rachel was about to hug his chest and other shoulder, she instead rested her hand delicately on his knee.

Another ten minutes passed. His steady breathing and chest made her head move, her eyes had a straight sight down to his lap and towards his resting flaccid cock. Her focus was no longer on the movie. She gently pressed her palm against his knee and she remarked "Geez, dad. Even your legs are super hard." "It comes with the job, sweetheart. I think every part of my body is har... um, tense."

Rachel laughed while biting into lips, then proceeded to rub Scott's thigh. It was like he was made of iron beneath his skin, something that was not surprising and certainly impressed her as she rubbed harder. Pressing down her fingers, stroking her palm firmly and gradually working up his leg squeezing between her thumb and fingers.

Scott moaned with relief, relaxation and leaned his head back. "I had no idea I needed this so badly" he said, to which Rachel replied "I told you we need to take better care ourselves more regularly, so I don't mind if you need me to help." She watched as her hand crept higher up his thigh, his cock so close in front of her, as she continued her massage while carefully stroking his skin with her fingertips. "I can't remember the last time I ever felt so good like this in just my leg" said Scott. His head still leaning back, body slouched comfortably, Rachel moved her head in close, letting out gentle, slow breathes, her lips allowing the her exhales move down towards his hips. A teasing, gentle breeze of wind from her mouth, yearning to kiss him between his legs.

A twitch... his manhood began to rise and slowly bobbed up to it's fully erect form. Scott awoke from his trance, looking down upon his erection with shock. It was something they both couldn't ignore, something so blatant and was filling the air with sexual tension. Letting go of his thigh, Rachel again fluttered her fingers as a wave towards his erection, while smiling, looking and whispering a playful "hi."

She then turned her gaze to him, with her open mouth, pouting lips and loving eyes. Scott met back at her with a nervous look, as if he were a geeky and awkward school boy, helpless and inexperienced. Her hand moved, with her fingertips, she gently touched his cock. Slowly and delicately stroking, rubbing and exploring his full length and thickness. Still with her eyes in his, taking her time, Rachel was playing the part of a seemingly naive, innocent, yet curious girl playing with a new toy.

Her fingers curled, wrapping and gently clenching his cock in her hand. His face turned to a smile. She could finally again feel the familiar firm, smooth and warm joy of his manhood that she had been missing and wishing for the last few weeks. Her patience and the time leading up to this moment made it feel all the more sweeter and exciting.

She tighten her grip and pulled down. His eyes widen, his smile stayed the same and his moving chest showed how harder he was breathing. Rachel had Scott under her control. His cock in her hand was the key to his heart and her fulfilment. Frozen in his place, Scott could not move, enthralled in the pleasure of her daughter's hand.

Rachel moved from the sofa to floor, kneeling in front and in between Scott's legs. Moving her hand lower to the base of his cock, she gripped tighter than ever before, startling Scott as he grunted and raced with breath. His cock became ever firmer and began to flex against her hand. It was almost as if she could feel his blood flowing and his cock pulsate in unison with his heartbeat. No longer stroking a pet, she was ready to tame the monster.

She leaned in closer and planted a kiss on his foreskin. Another kiss. The third kiss, she opened her mouth, dragging her lips and making his manhood wet. Savouring him like a long and sweet ice lolly. Scott moaned, clutching the sofa, feeling teased, tense and resisting the urge to thrust himself into Rachel's face. She kept kissing his cock until gradually, and finally, she felt ready to open her mouth.

Rachel slowly moved her mouth down, taking his glans inside her, letting her tongue slide against him and while keep her lips tight around his girth. She was overwhelmed and moved slowly and comfortably as possible. Scott's body convulsed as he cried out "oh god... please stop."

As Rachel took a step back, Scott realised it was already too late. He was already on the edge and the magic of his daughter's mouth had already worked. She gave his cock four more quick, hard tugs and...

Scott fired a thick shot of cum across Rachel's shoulder and chest. "I can't believe this" he said, with exasperated breath and wit his body shaking. Rachel could not contain the sheer joy and overexcitement, as she touched the cum, sticking and dripping down. She wore it like a badge of honour as she proudly and seductively rubbed and caressed her breasts in her father's hot mess.

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Ozgood13Ozgood138 months ago

I love this and going right to the next story.

Saula88Saula88about 1 year ago

Gosh! Gosh! So erotic! Masterfully written. Keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great so far

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"The view of his cock, even flaccid, was alluring, while his balls dangled so shapely and delicately. But without a doubt, one of her favourite things about him was his walk... his cock would swing side to side, like a dog's wagging tail." That aptly describes my dad's cock, which I never grow tired of looking at. It takes my breath away and makes me so wet that my juice runs down my legs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

An excellent second chapter. Nice slow descriptive flow that is sweet to read and enjoy the pleasure/tension between daughter and father. Keep the chapters coming. PLEASE!

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