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The Deal Ch. 12


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"SHUT THE FUCK UP," yelled Diana loud enough to attract stares herself.

The man stared at her open mouthed.

"Don't you dare talk to these boys like that. And don't you dare think to speak for me. I am more than capable of taking care of myself and making my own decisions."

Diana reached behind her back and yanked the ties on her bikini so hard they broke and pulled the top off throwing it at the man before leaning down to skim her bottoms off which she also threw at the startled man.

"Here's a fucking souvenir from Jamaica. Now take a fucking hike because you are blocking my fucking sunlight and ruining the pleasant company I already have. And if I see you anywhere near these boys or me again you won't need a plane to get home because I will personally kick your ass back to the States. GOT THAT?" she roared and threw her naked body back into her chair.

The bra had bounced off the startled man to lie in the sand next to his bare feet as the bottoms hung from his shoulder one leg hole hooked on his ear. He spluttered and stared and opened his mouth but closed it at the sight of the defiant glare from the naked woman before him just daring him to speak. He backed off, mumbled sorry and walked away with the bottoms still on his shoulder.

"Asshole," muttered Diana before she closed her eyes and tried to forget about the encounter.

"Ah mom?" Matt quietly spoke.

Diana turned her head, "Yes sweetie?"

"Ah, you're ah.. totally naked you know and Mr. Deforest has your bottoms." Matt pointed off in the direction the man had taken.

Diana looked down at herself, "Oh shit."

She looked at the glazed eyes of Craig and Chip and the concerned eyes of her son.

"I guess I lost my head for a minute there, huh?"

Matt looked off down the beach. "Do you want me to go get your bottoms from Mr. Deforest?"

Diana flared back up "I don't want you anywhere near that jerk. He can keep them and jerk off with them for all I care."

"Ah mom, calm down...Chip? Craig? Public beach?"

"Well I'm sorry but it really pisses me off; no one has the right to talk to you or me like that. Wait. Mr. Deforest? You know him?"

"He was our biology teacher in ninth grade, mom."

"You're kidding."

"No. He kind of lost it with us after Chip couldn't stop cracking up and making jokes during the sex, anatomy part."

Diana just stared at her son. "Oh, well, still. He is a jerk. Did you pass at least?"

Matt nodded.

Craig spoke up "Yeah barely."

Chip shook his head, "Nope I needed summer school for that one."

"Oh." Diana sat back again in her chair.

"Did I ever meet him?" She asked.

"Ah. yeah we had a couple of conferences."


"Mom, do you want a towel or something?"

Diana again looked down at herself," Shit, the cat is out of the bag already, so to speak. I might as well enjoy it after that encounter, but..." She pointed at Chip, "What happens in Jamaica"

"Stays in Jamaica." Chip finished.

"Can I buy you a beer Mrs. Hughes?" Chip added.

"I'd like that very much honey, but don't think that will get you any lotion liberties today young man. I am not about to teach you biology now."

The three boys cracked up as Matt and Chip ran off to get the beer.

Diana sat back and looked around. Some people were staring at her as she was the only nude woman on the beach at the moment but for the most part people just went about enjoying their own time in the sun.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Craig's eyes scan her body. She brought her hands up to grasp the back of the chair behind her head pushing her breasts up into the air. She tilted her head and looked at her son's best friend through her sunglasses.

"Well Craig, take a good look because you got your wish. What do you think?"

"You are absolutely gorgeous Mrs. Hughes. I mean no offense to my mom but wow. Are you really going to stay naked all day?"

Diana laughed "I don't know about all day, but for a while sure. It feels really good actually." She leaned over and grabbed the bottle of lotion squirting a huge glob on her belly and smaller amounts on both breasts. As she put the bottle down she looked at Craig again smirking "I better do this now before Chip comes back and drops another beer."

"By the way thanks for the little show last night. You really are an exhibitionist aren't you?" Craig said as he watched Diana spread lotion deeply into some very intimate areas of her body. She really was just spreading oil on her body, but it was the most erotic thing Craig had ever seen in his young life.

Diana thought for a moment. "Yeah I guess I am at that. I have always been comfortable with my body and never mind showing it off in small settings. Nothing like this, mind you. But yeah, I do like it. It's not like an all encompassing sex act. A fast boom or anything like that. It's more of a slow constant pleasant buzzing inside of me. It gives me this ongoing pulsation all day. It is so enlivening. After so many months being like this with Matt it is like I am constantly aroused. It's a great way to feel all the time, take my word for it."

"I'll take your word for it."

"Craig, honey. You don't have to sneak peeks. It's all out there; have a good look. You know Chip will when he gets back. I am just amazed Matt isn't sick of the old bod yet."

They both laughed.

Diana and Craig watched as three of the familiar college couples walked on to the beach and started to set up their blankets. Craig looked at his watch.

"Yup, almost noon."

"I hope Matt and Chip make it back before the unveiling or they will be so pissed," Diana added.

Matt and Chip came flying in with beer splashing from the cups.

"Wow, it's hard to run in the sand holding two cups of beer," Matt panted.

"Did we miss anything?" Chip added.

"Other than Mrs. Hughes, do you see any one totally naked, dipshit?" Craig couldn't help teasing his friend.

"I don't suppose now that you have seen every part of me that you would be willing to call me Diana or Di would you?"

All the boys shook their heads and grinned, "Nah, too weird."

Their chuckles stopped as they watched the cutest blonde and the missing guy coming towards their friends.

One of the college men looked at his watch and clapped his hands, "Ok ladies, its 12:00 noon, lets see some skin!!"

The four girls nervously stood up together and looked around. One clearly caught sight of Diana and the fact that she was totally nude. The cute blonde started first by pulling her T-shirt off and then her shorts with the rest of the girls following close behind disrobing. The blonde reached behind her back and took her top off her three day tan making the white triangles of her breasts standout all the more. She saw that the rest of the guys were staring at her and she turned bright red. She quickly bent down and pulled her bottoms off and stood back up completely naked on the beach. The naked blonde looked around at her still disrobing friends and the ogling boys and then around the beach at everyone including Diana and the three boys staring at her. Once all four were completely nude, the cute blonde, Amy, spun around and wiggled her ass to the appreciative boys who cheered and whistled drawing even more attention to the four nude girls.

The guy who called time in the first place grabbed together all the girls' clothes and shoved them in a bag and headed back to the hotel with it. Like Diana the girls were naked in the middle of the beach with no clothes to put back on.

The guy who had come out last with Amy looked at her grinning and said "Hey, can you and Katie get us some drinks from the bar? Thanks Amy."

If looks could kill Amy would have killed him right there and then looked at the other blonde Katie who shrugged and said, "What the Hell." And the two walked off naked through the sand.

Diana looked at her boys, "Those poor girls are in for it with those boys. They will definitely not be getting bored any time soon." The three boys nodded in agreement.

Shortly after the girls returned with their drinks everyone watched as they spread lotion on their exposed skin. The blonde Amy turned more of an angry shade of red glaring at her obvious boyfriend as she stood to rub lotion into her ass. The boy missed the glare as he was busy watching one of the brunettes rub lotion deeply into her breasts.

Matt noticed and chuckled "Oh is he in for some shit later."

Diana nodded.

After numerous pina coladas two of the girls got up to swim, Diana turned to Chip and Craig, "So as long as you stay north of the border if you know what I mean you may give me some suntan lotion boys. Matt you can do my legs if you behave.

The college boys practically fell over watching Diana have three boys rub oil into her nude body as she moaned loud enough to be heard.

Amy's boyfriend held up a bottle of lotion to one of the remaining girls grinning as she laid back so he could rub the oil into her breasts and stomach.

"Alright boys any more and I will have more to explain to your parents when we get home then I want to. Enough, down boys," She laughed.

"Go, go get some booze."

All three boys walked to the bar getting all the more excited when they noticed the two naked girls that had gone swimming were now sitting at the bar with a couple of really well built college men, obviously athletes. The boys wisely decided to hang back and watch only.

After a while one of the college jocks after looking the girls up and down smirked and said, "Hey, you guys wanna do a Tequila body shot?"

Matt and company perked up and leaned forward.

After looking at Jen, Amy smiled "Sure, what part of the body did you have in mind?"

After a brief discuss one said "Oh you pick" while the other said "How about off your chest?"

Everybody in and around the bar smiled when Amy said "Sure, why not?" And with that she got some ice and rubbed it into her nipples as the boys order four shots that the bartender quickly back as Jen also with a gleam in her eyes rubbed an ice cube into her nipples. Both men slammed the one of the drinks back and looked Amy in the eye "You ready for us babe?" Accepting the simple nod from her the two dove forward and latched their lips to her nipples at the same time. A look of stunned pleasure crossed Amy's face. After only seconds which seemed a life time the two pulled off her breasts with loud sucking sounds and slammed back the remaining shots before sucking down the limes with the same sounds heard a moment before. Without being asked the bartender quickly passed out four more shots. Jen could barely contain her excitement as the boys again slammed their drinks then dove forward latching onto her breasts in the middle of the crowded, open Jamaican bar. The boys again finished with shots and limes. The intensity in the air slid off fast as everyone settled back to normal drinking and talking as much as possible with two gorgeous nude girls present.

Matt tapped Craig and Chip in the shoulders and carrying their drinks and Diana's they headed back only to find another hot scene waiting for them.

The two girls who had stayed behind were now straddling the two face down men rubbing lotion into their backs as their open sexes slid back and forth with their motions across the men's swimming trunks.

As Amy and Jen came back from the bar the boys turned over their members straining the fabric of their shorts almost obscenely as the girls got off and sat Indian style next to them. The girls stopped and gaped at the scene.

Amy's boyfriend looked up, "Hey don't be mad at us, we saw what you guys just did at the bar!"

The two girls stared at each other stunned.

Before they could answer the boy added "Don't worry, we aren't mad are we Mike? As long as there is no sex you guys can do anything you want. And besides, we knew what we were all getting into with the bet and all." And in front of his own girlfriend and everybody else on the beach he reached down and rubbed the other blonde's pussy briefly. The girl, Katie, closed her eyes and smiled.

After a moment of thought the other two smiled and joined their friends.

Eventually the sun started to come down and the other two college guys returned from a day out somewhere and the foursome got up ending the day's show collecting up all their stuff to walk back as a group to the hotel. The two nude blondes dipped their heads together to whisper as they strolled into the hotel and out of sight.

Diana stood up and stretched her limbs her body gloriously on display for all to see.

"Well boys that was certainly a fun day." She reached down to wrap the biggest towel around her waist leaving herself topless.

She walked back slowly toward the hotel.

Matt ran up next to her, "You okay mom?"

Diana ran her hand on her son's shoulder, "Oh I'm fine. Just a bit too much sun, hard as that is to believe. I think dinner and a quiet night in for me tonight if that is alright with you boys." She stopped to look at the chest fallen expression on Chip and Craig's faces.

"Tell you what. Why don't you have fun party hopping in the hotel tonight. With all these college kids there are a lot of parties going on. Just please use your heads, make sure you stay in the hotel, don't drink too much and stay out of trouble."

They all joined together for a dinner at a restaurant not far from the hotel which was every bit as good as the previous meals. Soon the foursome were standing out side of their doors.

Diana opened her door and turned to the boys, "Alright boys you remember the rules and have fun. Don't get me in trouble with any of your parents back home, got it?"

Matt looked at her, "Mom if it is all the same to you I think I am going to call it a night too."

Craig looked at him suspiciously "Oh really, just the two of you?"

Diana scowled at Craig, but Matt turned red and looked at his feet causing all three to stare at him.

"Actually I was thinking of giving someone a phone call to see if she might be home." All said with his eyes on his swaying foot.

Diana smirked while Craig looked baffled.

"That's right, you were talking about "a real live" girl last weekend weren't you," Chip pointed at the reddening boy.

Craig looked stunned, "What?" and he proceeded to push his best friend into their room with Chip close behind.

"You gave too much information Matt. Might as well fess up now," Diana called as she walked into her room.

Shortly a disheveled Matt came in through the divider door.

Diana looked up from the book she was reading, "So still alive I see. My interrogations are way more fun I think."

A knock came at the front door and Matt opened to see Chip and Craig standing in the hall. Matt looked at them questioningly.

Craig spoke up "we figured we should ask if there was a curfew or anything? Oh hold up.."

Craig and Chip looked down the hall to see the naked co-ed Amy step into the hall with her boyfriend. Instead of being totally nude she was now wearing black high heels which even made her look more erotic than she looked totally nude on the beach all afternoon.

"We'll be back" Craig called as he and Chip took off down the hall.

Chip and Craig got on the elevator with them.

Chip looked her up and down as she was staring at them "I wanna go where she is going!"

Amy's boyfriend laughed, "We're going to a party upstairs in room 627, come and join if you want. We'll be there all night." He put his arm around Amy's shoulder.

Craig and Chip couldn't help but stare at Amy's most intimate place. Craig noticed her nipples pebble as she became aware of their stares.

The elevator dinged open. Craig and Chip stepped out and watched as the two waved at them as the doors closed.

Craig looked at Chip, "We have got to go to that party."

Chip looked back at Craig, "Uh. Exactly why did we get off the elevator?"

Both looked around, "Shit." And headed for the stairs back down.

Soon Matt was opening the door again to Chip and Craig.

Craig looked in at Diana sitting on a chair on the balcony with a book in her hands, She turned her head to look at the boys.

"What's up sweetie?"

"We just want to know if we are under some kind of curfew or anything?"

Diana smiled, "Very mature and responsible my boy. As long as you are smart and stay mostly sober, no, we are on vacation in Jamaica, have good, clean fun. I'll trust you tonight. Do not make me regret that!"

With huge grins on their faces Chip and Craig went off in search for Room 627 which as long as Amy was around they were not going to leave for the night. They were in for a hell of a night.

Matt came out onto the balcony and crouched down putting his arms around his mother's bare shoulders. He looked down to see her breasts with her book open between them.

"So still into this whole topless thing huh?"

"I don't see you boys complaining," She twisted her head and kissed her son.

"You look down? No luck getting Cindy?"

"Oh I got her but she had to go to work. Mom I can't tell you how my heart jumped when I heard her voice and then sunk when we had to hang up."

"Oh I figured. I saw you put your stuff on the other bed. I take it sleeping arrangements are going to change?"

"Do you mind, mom?"

"Gee, my son getting really serious about a girl? Do I mind? Of course not. I am perfectly happy to be a normal mother and son. At least a son with a mother who is naked all the time, right?

"Oh yeah."

Matt kissed his mother again and the two watched the beautiful Jamaican night sky and had a great normal mother and son vacation with his two best friends the rest of the week.

Except for the fact the mother was naked for most of the time.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

As everyone now knows, the story this author refers to in his introduction is no longer on Literotica. I'm sure we're all the worse for missing the writing. This author thought it was amazing. Maybe sometime in the future it will come back....

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aabout 3 years ago

Good series. 5 stars. Note: Hope the biology teacher has a stroke.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I know it's done already, but I hope Craig and Chip don't do anything with Diana

litfan10litfan10over 7 years agoAuthor
Response to prop69

I absolutely love your comment. Errr.....can't a single high school teacher who is smart with his money afford Jamaica? Honestly, I don't know but I thought they could. I was friends with a high school history teacher years ago and he was always traveling all over the place. My writing pays the bills but not much more - close to home vacations for me.

As an exhibitionist myself, I've always been interested in the idea of nude beaches - never have experienced it but certainly fantasy material.

Thanks again and I hope you continue to enjoy the story and it gets back to more plausible for you.

litfan10litfan10over 7 years agoAuthor
Response to Anonymous

First - my apologies on the timing. Initially I found submitting on Tuesdays would get the story posted on Friday. Some time around chapter 9 things got out of whack and I don't know why. Generally this happens when contests are going on at Literotica because they get first priority so other non contest works can get thrown into a longer queue. This isn't the case here.

Second - I don't know what to tell you. No bullshit - I've been a writer for most of my life - for free when I was a kid, paid when I got older and very professional after college. Honestly, I am frustrated how when I first read a new chapter here I do see imperfections. I do write these and edit completely by myself, so go ahead and shoot me - I'm over all very happy with the outcome. Your comment does crack me up as I've had quite a few editors compliment me on my clean copy though I'm sure you'll chalk it up as more bullshit.

As long as you enjoy this - no skin off my nose!


prop69prop69over 7 years ago
Good story. A little over the top with the Biology teacher. How could he afford Jamaica

Bare pussy in front of her son's 2 friends all day....I do not think so. Topless was enough, but naked pussy...NO

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Ch 13

It's late Saturday night and chapter 13 is nowhere to be found! Also still WAY too many spelling/grammar usage errors to be considered good writing. Quit your bullshit with the "I used to be a journalist" tales.

litfan10litfan10over 7 years agoAuthor
Hey Pete!

Hi Pete - Great to hear from you hear. 'Inventive' - thanks! It was a lot of fun to follow along with another story.

Oh please add on to "Following..." As I'm sure I've mentioned, I'm always anxious for new stories from you. Hope your writing is going well.

I'm about to start chapter 32 after a little more editing on 31. Winding it down which is exciting but also bittersweet.

Take care my friend - peace, love and happiness to you always!

petertowerspetertowersover 7 years ago
Well done

I thought your writing was even more inventive than usual here. I read the Bet first and thought you wove your story around it perfectly. I need to add to Following on in a similar vein I suppose.

Looking forward to the rest of the chapters. Pete.

litfan10litfan10over 7 years agoAuthor
Response to Balok64

Wow - thank you very much for your very detailed comment. I'll answer as best as I can without spoiling too much (if anything ideally.)

I first posted this series on Literotica starting in 2010; it ran through about 2013 (I think.) For personal reasons I pulled all my work (I had three different series and a whole bunch of stand alone stories.) At that time I was up to Chapter 26 (I think - I was dealing with health issues part of which has affected my memory a bit.)

I can tell you the core to this story is the concept of true love and that never goes away and the focus is always on Matt, Diana and Cindy (a bit of a spoiler.)

One part that is a sticky wicket is everybody loves sex in this but the Hughes realize that love trumps sex, so they do react accordingly. You read Diana really well. She will have some serious sex fun but with limits. Honestly, Sue Lynn followed closely by Kim Hamilton are/were the wildest of the bunch. In the past, the Hughes, Hamiltons, Lynns, and Brocks had some serious orgy sex parties. Life got in the way but Diana and Matt are leading everybody back down that path again.

Personally, I feel being an ethical slut is the best way to be and how I try to live my life, and that is what I tried to make my characters. There are definitely codes of conduct.

Matt on the other hand, I love Matt - he has it tough. He is trying to be the dutiful son, but he is learning rapidly about a very wild lifestyle and loves it. He does have his head in his ass, but I like to think I would too if I was in his shoes.

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The Deal Ch. 11 Previous Part
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