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The Degrading of Patricia Ch. 01

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Patricia realizes her darkest fantasy.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/08/2020
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This story is for a very sexy lady who has some very kinky fantasies. I hope you enjoy Suzy.

The Degrading of Patricia

Patricia sat at her work desk mesmerized by the stories she loved reading on various erotica websites. She loved her husband, and would never think of straying from their marital vows. He was a great provider and a good man. But since her teenage years there had been this deep dark need within her that she couldn't bring herself to share with him. She craved being humiliated and degraded by a man. Being forced to do unspeakable things for his pleasure. She had hinted with her hubby many years before about such things, bringing it up as a hypothetical involving one of her friends. His reaction was all she needed to know how he'd respond to her fantasy if she voiced it. "What kind of a sick woman would want to be treated that way?" Was all he needed to say. Patricia knew from that one question she'd never bring up the subject again.

Over time Patricia turned to the internet to explore her inner fantasies. She read as many erotic stories as she could without being caught by anyone. The humiliation and embarrassment at the thought of being caught was more than she could handle. She cringed just thinking about it. Fortunately, she had her own office at work, and her computer faced the back wall. She'd lost count of how many times she read erotic stories as she rubbed her pussy through her dress. Most of those times were after office hours when the building was empty. But occasionally the urge and curiosity gnawed at her so badly she would read a story or two during office hours.

Larry walked into his office, sat down at his desk and logged into his computer. He just shook his head in disbelief. He had installed a program several months before tracking all his employees web searches. He didn't make it a secret. He had let all his employees know. But apparently Patricia thought if she used the "incognito" mode for her searches, she would be safe from being discovered. Larry began reading some of the stories she had scrolled through. He found himself getting aroused as he read the storylines. "Wow!" He mumbled to himself. "It looks like little prim and proper Patricia is a real slut." He spent a couple hours scrolling through her web searches and reading some of the stories that caught his eye.

"Ok. I've seen enough." Larry said as he stood up and walked down the hall to Patricia's office. He knocked briefly then opened the door and stuck his head in. "Come see me in my office before you leave today." That was all he said. Then closed the door and went back to his office.

Patricia's heart started pounding. He only used that tone when something was wrong. Had he caught what she was doing on the internet? Had she screwed up on the job in some other way? The fear of the unknown was often times worse than the reality, once it was realized. Patricia turned off her computer and straightened up her desk as the clock on the wall showed it was 5:00.

She did her best to control her shaking as she walked down the hall to Larry's office. She knocked on his door softly. Everyone had left the office. "Come." Was all she heard. She walked in the office and closed the door behind her.

"Please sit!" Larry said with no expression. Patricia sat in one of the chairs directly in front of his desk. "We have a problem Pat." Then he slid a printed copy of one of the stories she had read across the table at her.

Patricia picked it up. As soon as she saw the title, she burst into tears. The humiliation and shame washed over her like a tidal wave. She felt like she was drowning in her humiliation. She couldn't bring herself to look her boss in the eye. She just hung her head and cried.

Larry let her cry it out for several minutes before taking control. "Alright! That's enough!" He slid a box of tissues across the desk to her. "You knew I put that tracking software on the system here, and yet you thought you could by-pass it somehow. Either you think you're really smart, or I'm really dumb. But either way," he leaned forward, "you're busted."

Patricia burst into tears again.

"Enough!" Larry almost shouted. "First there's your cheating the company with your time. I know most of your reading time took place after office hours. But do you know how many hours you've accumulated so far on company time?"

"Twenty-eight hours!"

Patricia looked up, her tears streaming with her mascara down her cheeks. "What?!" The shock on her face told Larry she had no idea how much time she'd spent reading her stories.

Larry laughed. "That's right you stupid bitch. And that's just the hours you've read your dirty little stories during business hours. Those fifteen and twenty minute breaks you like to take really add up fast. Not only are you a slut, but you're a dumb slut." He let her sob for another minute. "Here's what I'm going to do. First I'm going to dock your pay for those twenty-eight hours. Then I'm going to have a nice long chat with your husband. I think he has the right to know what a cheating little slut you are."

Patricia's eyes shot open. "NO! PLEASE! You can't do that!" She pleaded with him. She was visibly shaking. "Please! He can't know!"

Larry smiled to himself. She was falling into his grasp and she didn't realize it. He had no intention of telling her husband. But she didn't know that. "He has every right to know." He taunted her.

"No! Please!" She sobbed. "I'll take the pay cut. I know I deserve that. But my husband can't know."

Larry couldn't help but laugh. "You're in no position to bargain, you dumb slut. I'm the one who's calling the shots here."

Patricia knew he was right, and she had no bargaining power. She just hung her head in shame and defeat. "Yes sir!" She whimpered. "Please!"

"Please what? Bitch!"

"Please don't tell him. I'll do anything." She whimpered in defeat.

Those were the three words Larry had been waiting to hear. He stood up and walked around his desk till her was standing directly in front of her. Then he sat back on his desk and just stared down at her. He had always thought she was an attractive woman. Even though she dressed very conservatively. Her dresses and outfits were always loose fitting as per her husband's demand. He didn't want other men gawking at her large breasts. "How big are those tits of yours?"

"What?!" Patricia asked in shock, not knowing if she'd heard the question correctly.

Larry leaned forward and slapped her across the face. Not hard enough to leave a mark. But hard enough to get Patricia's attention. "When I ask you a question I expect an answer. Now how big are those tits of yours?"

She looked up at him as the tears streamed down her cheeks. "They're double Ds." She felt shame and humiliation for having to talk about her body with her boss. Yet she also felt that twitch in her pussy she felt every time she read her stories.

"Let's see them!"

"What!? I can't! I'm a married woman!" Again she couldn't believe what she was hearing from her boss.

Larry laughed as he leaned forward again and slapped her across the face. "You stupid slut! You can either remove the blouse and bra, or I can rip them from your body. Your choice! But either way, they're coming off!" Larry had read enough of her stories to know that she got off on being humiliated and used like a cheap whore.

Patricia couldn't believe what was happening to her. This was like one of her stories she had read. Was her boss using her stories against her? She felt her pussy starting to gush as her shaking hands began to unbutton her blouse. She pulled the blouse out of her skirt and finished unbuttoning it, then slid it off her shoulders. She then reached behind her back and unsnapped her bra. She held it momentarily, covering her breasts, before sliding it off and dropping it on the floor.

Larry glared down at her. The lust in his eyes visible to Patricia. "Looks like I've got myself a dumb slut with some nice cow tits."

Patricia felt herself sinking further and further into that zone where her dark needs took control of her rationale. Her boss was pushing all the right buttons in her psyche. The shame and humiliation of sitting before him with her breasts exposed only fed that loss of control.

Larry leaned forward and cupped one of her tits, lifting it, feeling their firmness and weight. "I'm going to enjoy playing with these cow tits." He slapped one of them lightly. Patricia yelped from the sting. Larry laughed. "That's nothing slut." Then he pinched both nipples between his thumbs and index fingers as he smiled.

Patricia's mouth opened slowly as the pain increased. She finally screamed a moan. Larry pulled her to a standing position as he pinched her nipples. The searing pain caused her scream out. "PLEASE STOP!" Her chest was heaving as she stood in front of him. She had never been so humiliated and yet so turned on at the same time.

"Now the skirt and panties! All of it!"

Patricia sobbed softly as she slipped her thumbs inside her skirt and shoved it down her legs along with her panties. The whole time wondering how deeply Larry was going to humiliate her. She slipped them off her legs and let them fall on the floor beside her. She stood before her tormentor completely naked. She felt like a piece of meat as Larry eyed her body up and down. At that point she realized she was just an object of his lust. She had no other identity with him.

Larry leaned forward and again and shoved his hand between her legs, cupping her womanhood. He thought her bush had probably never been trimmed or cut. But she was soaked. He chuckled. "You dirty slut! You're soaked! You've been loving every minute of this, haven't you?"

Patricia couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye. She didn't know if her humiliation was complete. Could it get any worse?

Larry began to gently rub her clit and pussy with one hand as he fondled her tits with the other. Patricia gasped from his light touch. Larry laughed again. "I think my slut likes this." Patricia felt her body responding to his touch. But she began to wonder if her response wasn't more psychological than physical. The fantasies she had dreamed of for years were coming to fruition.

"I should shave your bush and send you home to hubby." He said taunting her. "I'd love to be there when you explain that one." He added laughing. Patricia stood there frozen, feeling her orgasm building. Larry could feel her body responding to his manipulations. Just before he knew she was going to explode he pulled his hands from her body.

Patricia stared at him, her chest heaving from arousal. Her body was shaking from the overload of emotions and sensations it was being subject to. The longing on her face was not lost on Larry.

"You need to cum. Don't you slut?" He taunted her.

Patricia couldn't bring herself to admit it. But she did. She needed it so badly.

Larry slapped her left tit. "Answer me slut! You need to cum, don't you?"

"Yes! I do!" Patricia moaned with her head hung down. Now she was being forced to admit her need.

"Well you can't!" Larry chuckled. "I like the idea of keeping you horny." He pushed himself off his desk and walked around it, sitting back in his chair. "Get on your hands and knees and crawl around here." He laughed as he watched her drop to her hands and knees and crawl around the desk till she was between his legs. When she reached his chair, she sat back on her legs and looked up at him. It felt like every nerve ending in her body was tingling. She had never felt so humiliated, and yet so alive all at the same time. It suddenly dawned on her how natural it felt for her to be in that position. "I think you know what's expected next."

Patricia reached for his belt. Then the visual image of her husband flashed in her brain. "Please don't make me do this!" She pleaded almost crying.

Larry felt no mercy for her. "I'm not making you do anything slut. You can stop anytime you want and just walk out. Choice is yours."

She started sobbing again as she unbuckled his belt, then unzipped his pants. Larry stood up just long enough for her to pull his pants and shorts down to his ankles. He sat back down. His cock was standing erect. He reached forward and grabbed a fistful of her hair. "Alright slut! Let's see how good a cock sucker you are." He shoved her head down onto his stiff poll.

Patricia opened her mouth, knowing she had no choice. She gagged slightly when she felt the head of his cock hit the back of her throat. Larry pumped her head up and down, fucking her face like she was some cheap whore. But then she heard him begin to groan from the pleasure she was giving him. 'What the hell is wrong with me?' Her brain screamed. 'I'm getting turned on knowing that I'm giving him pleasure!' She felt her pussy begin to twitch and gush even more.

"Oh you filthy fucking whore!" Larry moaned. "You really are a good cock sucking slut." Then he began to taunt her. "Here you are the uptight bitch of the office! Miss prim and proper Patricia. You probably go to church and pretend to be this upstanding christian lady. I wonder what all those folks would think if they could see what a common cock sucking whore you are?" Larry laughed as he reached for his phone.

Patricia's head continued to bob up and down on his swelling cock, her eyes closed, as his tirade continued. She was being degraded and used, and yet she was more aroused than she'd ever been in her entire life. The experience was so overwhelming to her senses that the clicking sound she heard didn't register in her brain till the fourth click. She looked up his body as her mouth stayed impaled on his cock and saw that he was taking pictures of her with his phone. A panic shot through her like a bolt of lightning. She pushed herself off his cock, in spite of his fistful of her hair. "NO! YOU CAN'T!" She shouted.

Larry laid the phone on his desk out of her reach, then grabbed her head with both hands, holding it in a vise grip. Then he pulled her head up as he sat forward. Their faces were only inches from each other. "I can and I did slut! Think of those pics as insurance. As long as you remain a good little cock sucking whore, hubby will never see them. I wonder what he'd think if he did see them? The look on your face was priceless. You almost looked like you were enjoying it."

Patricia began to sob again. Her enslavement only seemed to be getting deeper with each passing minute.

Larry then sat back and released her head. 'It's time I really make her look like she's compliant.' He thought. As Patricia sat back on her calves sobbing Larry just stared at her. "You've got some really nice tits." Then he reached inside the middle drawer of his desk and pulled out a black sharpie. "Hold your tits up slut!" He barked at her. Patricia had no fight left in her. She was a broken woman. She lifted her tits and offered them to him like an offering. Across her right tit he wrote the word WHORE. Across her left tit he wrote the word SLUT. "There! That properly identifies you for what you are." He laughed.

Patricia looked up at him, tears streaming down her face. "Why are you doing this to me?" She sobbed.

"You stupid slut!" Larry taunted her. "Everything I've done to you is what you've read about. You love what I'm doing to you. It's what you've fantasized about! Isn't it?"

Patricia couldn't bring herself to admit he was right. She had read stories about everything he had done to her, and in her fantasies she'd longed for a man to treat her this way. Now she was getting everything she had fantasized about and her boss was going to make her admit it. She felt the sting of his slap across her face again.

"Answer the question bitch!"

"Yes!" She sobbed. "I do love it. I've fantasized about this my whole life." Then the words began to flow from her mouth as freely as her juices were flowing from her pussy. "I am a whore and a slut. I love being treated this way. I've always craved being degraded and used like a cheap whore." Then she hung her head and sobbed. "What's wrong with me?"

Larry just smiled down at her. He almost felt a pang of compassion for her. But he quickly squelched it. He knew she'd been broken. Now he was going to keep her as long as he could. "Wrap those tits around my cock. You've got the kind of tits that should be fucked on a regular basis."

Patricia leaned forward and placed his cock in the valley between her tits. Then squeezed them together and began a slow pumping of his cock. Larry groaned his approval. Patricia looked up at him, craving his approval of her efforts.

He looked down at her. "You remain a good and obedient slut for me, and hubby will never see those pics or hear about your internet addiction. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir!" Patricia just whimpered.

"Good slut!" Larry replied as he caressed her face. "I plan on keeping you for a long time." The warmth and softness of her tit flesh wrapped around his cock was bringing him to the edge faster than he wanted. But he knew he'd have plenty more times to use his new slut. He pushed her off his cock and stood up. He wanted to degrade her in one final way before sending her home to hubby. He grabbed her head with both hands and began to face fuck her with a fury.

Patricia choked and gagged and his cock plowed in and out of her mouth, hitting the back of her throat with each thrust. She felt her saliva running down her chin and dripping onto her tits.

Just before he was about to explode Larry pulled out of her mouth. "Grab it! Pump it!" He growled at her. Patricia grabbed his cock with both hands and began a furious pumping of it. Larry held her head just inches from the head of his swelling cock and grunted as his orgasm slammed into him. Each ejaculation spewed all over her face and hair, as he grunted and groaned with each spasm. His body shook with one of the most violent orgasms he thought he'd ever had.

Patricia continued to pump as her face slowly became covered in Larry's cum. She had never felt so filthy and degraded before as she did at that moment. A man was spewing his seed all over her face and hair. She tried catching some in her mouth. Then without warning, Larry shoved the head of his cock in her mouth. She released her grip on his cock as Larry shoved the length of it in her mouth.

Larry fucked her mouth as he slowly descended from his orgasm. He finally opened his eyes and looked down at her. Her face and hair were smeared with his cum. He fell back into his chair and just grinned at her. "Now you look the part." Patricia began to wipe away his cum from her face when Larry grabbed her wrist. "No no! You wear my cum home. Or at least till you get to your car." He leaned forward again. "Stand up." Patricia did as she was told. "Now go look at yourself in the mirror."

Patricia walked around the desk and over to the full-length mirror Larry had in the corner of his office. She burst into tears again when she saw what she looked like.

"Now get dressed and go home. Tomorrow I think I'll sample that pussy of yours. Make sure you're not late for work. You have a lot of time to make up. And make sure that pussy of yours is shaved smooth. If it's not, I'll shave you myself."

"Please no!" She begged. "My husband . . ."

Larry never let her complete her statement. "Fuck your husband! If that pussy isn't shaved when you come in tomorrow, he'll be shown everything. And the pictures I took will make you look as guilty as they come."

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AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

Low brow trailer trash writing! The misogyny and brute vulgarity reminds me of how neanderthal most men still are. stop picking your nose and your ass in public.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

In response to the oldest comment, which complains "In what sense is this story non-consensual?", I posit that being forced to enact one's darkest fantasies is non-consent. I wonder if he's ever fantasized about being in Larry's (Patricia's boss) shoes? I wonder if he occasionally enjoys reading stories about men degrading repressed busty office ladies because it's a hot fantasy, but never wanted to actually degrade anyone in the real world because there's actually more satisfaction in being a kind, decent person that doesn't live in an 8'x6' cell containing both a convenient toilet and a bunkmate? What if he were to be pulled over for speeding when running late to work one day, and the officer turns out to be the guy he bullied a bit in high school. The cop then threatens to plant enough heroine and meth in his car to put him in front of a judge on charges of Intent to distribute if he doesn't videotape himself degrading and raping some poor innocent woman that works with him at the 7-Eleven. That would be non-consensual despite the fact that he enjoyed reading and fantasizing about women being degraded and abused, que no?

pummel187pummel1878 months ago

Divorce papers baby. Hahahahaha hahahahahahahaha THANK YOU LARRY

MrBondsMrBondsabout 1 year ago

Really hot - very descriptive and erotic.

RanDog025RanDog025over 1 year ago

Didn't like it at all. Not into this kind of shit!

PiusPaulPiusPaulabout 3 years ago

A promising start.

sapna_prakashsapna_prakashabout 3 years ago

My cunt is shaved all the time...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Longbarrel, you need to get out of your moms basement and see a real woman. The majority of women nowadays have a smooth pussy. Mines been shaved bald for 40 years since I was a teen . And every woman that I know is shaved perfectly bald at all times.

longbarrellongbarrelover 3 years ago

Great til you got to the part about making her shave her cunt. A woman has hair on her cunt only kids are bare.

VanessaStaggVanessaStaggalmost 4 years ago

Great so far. This very closely fits to my own fantasies about my boss using me. I’m looking forward to reading the next chapters.

nola_slutwifenola_slutwifealmost 4 years ago
Keep it coming, great job

Enjoyed the story so far can hardly wait for the next installment

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Usual blackmail

However, depending on how the author goes about setting up for Patricia to fail, there could be many chapters as she participates in many activities to humiliation and degradation. I wonder just how long she goes before any limits are reached and she retaliates or does not remember how to be anything other than to be a whore. Let's see how this plays out. I do hope that there is a time period of slavery and it does come to an end (I always hope for a good happy ending for the victim and she does not end up as a worn out whore).

NuhNuhNuhNuhalmost 4 years ago
Consensual maybe only for the beginning

Patricia seems to like but it’s only the beginning.

A fantasy it’s a fantasy, when it’s become a reality it’s always less fun...

Her boss’s plan could be far more deviant than she expects.

Actually one man bangs her, but after ? How many ? She could work only naked always...

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