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The Dominatrix Order Pt. 04 Ch. 03 - Femdom

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Book Four subtitle: After Care.
4.4k words

Part 18 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/05/2018
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Sixteen days before the next supply of Medication 42 was due to be manufactured, General Callisto paid another visit to Femininus. Upon the General's arrival, she was nonplussed when she received an invitation to have drinks with Isabella at her castle. She arrived at Isabella's residence that morning, dressed in a modest black knee length dress. Servant Bull was more than happy to take her bag for her and place it in the closet for safekeeping. Servant Bull then escorted her around back to the veranda, where Isabella sat at the table, with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Isabella wore a revealing, backless, blue bodycon party dress that showed off an enticing view of her enormous cleavage. General Callisto gestured to the champagne with trepidation.

"What is the meaning of this?" General Callisto asked.

"A peace offering," Isabella said.

"Or you could be attempting to distract me from overseeing the work on Medication 42," General Callisto said.

"Distract you from what, watching the leaves on the plants grow? Come, join me for a drink," Isabella said.

Isabella and Callisto passed the morning together, at first sipping their champagne in awkward silence, but by the time the bottle was finished, they found themselves chatting and even enjoying one another's company. Servant Bull had brought out two more bottles before the morning was over, and once the ladies had finished their final glasses of champagne, Isabella dismissed him, leaving her alone with General Callisto. Callisto drunkenly swayed back and forth, gesturing with her empty champagne glass in her hand.

"You know, Imperium doesn't appreciate everything I have done for that city. General Suarez doesn't appreciate me, and that damn Supreme Leader of ours sure doesn't appreciate me," Callisto said before she leaned in uncomfortably close to Isabella. "Can I tell you something? I've got a plan," Callisto whispered. "On the night that the manufacturing of Medication 42 is finished, I'm taking all of it, and I mean all of it. And I'm going to take it overseas with me. I already have the shipping orders all drafted. It'll all be shipped out with me. And I'm going to sell all of it. And I'm going to keep all the profits for, for myself," Callisto finished, slurring her final few words.

Isabella leaned in to kiss Callisto. Callisto instinctively pulled away. Isabella made another attempt at a kiss and Callisto sprang up onto her feet. Isabella quickly rose from her seat and grabbed Callisto by the front of her dress, and Callisto struggled in response. Isabella tore at her dress, ripping open the front of it, exposing her petite breasts as they shook from the force of Isabella pulling her body towards her. Isabella roughly kissed Callisto, biting her lower lip. Callisto felt the deep sting as Isabella sunk her teeth into her tender lip. Isabella tore Callisto's dress off of her and then stood back and stared at her completely nude body.

Isabella smirked devilishly as she pulled Callisto by the hair, leading her out into the open courtyard. Callisto fell to the ground and Isabella continued to drag her by her hair as Callisto kicked her petite legs and screamed out. Isabella dragged Callisto to a tall wooden post that had wrist cuffs secured to the top of it. She pulled Callisto up onto her feet and attempted to secure her wrists with the wrist cuffs. Callisto twisted her wrists, escaping Isabella's grip.

"I cannot do this. I won't," Callisto said.

"It must be so stressful, to be a general of the Imperium army," Isabella said, her piercing bright green eyes conveying empathy. "It's okay to let go," Isabella continued, leaning in to whisper in Callisto's ear. "Just let go," she whispered.

Callisto surrendered her hands to Isabella. Isabella seized her wrists and lifted her arms above her head.

"Shouldn't we go inside?" Callisto said, looking all around in hesitation. "What if one of your slaves catches us? Or one of the other Goddesses? Then won't you have to resign as Supreme Leader?"

"That's part of the thrill, the risk of being caught," Isabella said as she finished binding Callisto's wrists. "I think I'll leave you here, give you some time to think about what you have done," Isabella said and retreated indoors, leaving Callisto to boil in the blistering Femininus sun.

Callisto loved that feeling of helplessness, being left out like that, with no idea as to when Isabella might return. She felt degraded; being tied to a crude wooden post out in someone's open yard, with her arms bound high above her head. After some time, Callisto grew restless, and after a great deal of maneuvering, she managed to escape her binds. She crept inside the castle to find Isabella sifting through the items in her bag.

"Oh, so that's why you had your slave take my bag when I arrived earlier," Callisto said, startling Isabella. "What are you looking for?"

"Well, I guess you've got me. I was looking for your shipping orders for Medication 42, to try to steal some of it myself for our slaves," Isabella said.

"It is just as difficult for me to get any of it right now as it is for you. Although, I may possibly be able to get you one extra dose," Callisto said.

"Really? And why would you do that? What do you have to gain from giving me the extra dose?" Isabella asked.

"I would like to see you again," Callisto said before roughly kissing Isabella.

Over the next week and a half, Isabella and Callisto spent their afternoons together in the courtyard. The next several times, Isabella again tied Callisto naked to the post and abandoned her there for hours on end. On the fifth day, Callisto was tied naked to the post and whipped, and found that submitting to another excited her more than she ever thought possible.

Isabella discovered new and creative predicaments to put Callisto in. Isabella set up a metal bondage rig outside in the courtyard behind her castle. She had Callisto nude, suspended in the air horizontally, with her arms forced behind her back and bound with rope. She then blindfolded Callisto and secured a ball gag in her mouth. She humiliated Callisto by telling her she looked like a pig ready to be roasted. Isabella left her piggy to suffer for hours, only to return to savagely whip her sweat-drenched, sunburned body. It turned Isabella on so much, treating Callisto like nothing more than a slab of meat, an object to be used. Isabella would sit in her chaise lounge chair and masturbate; cumming over and over again as she watched Callisto writhe around in her binds and drool and whimper.

Seven days before the next supply of Medication 42 was due to be manufactured, Isabella once again enjoyed hogtying a totally nude Callisto and leaving her outside for hours, and then caning her and whipping her. Just prior to leaving Isabella's castle that afternoon, Callisto surprised Isabella by handing her a vial of one dose of Medication 42. Isabella held the vial up to the light, examining the medication intently. She then looked at Callisto and as she did so, she let her guard down, allowing appreciation and even a vestige of affection to shimmer from those piercing bright green eyes of hers.

"I was able to get this. I did it for you," Callisto said. "Of course, now you'll have to decide which lucky slave you are going to give it to."

Six days before the next supply of Medication 42 was due to be manufactured, Nadia arrived at the overcrowded Femininus infirmary, where she had admitted her Slave boy. Slave boy had a bed right next to Johanna's slave Pomona as well as Isabella's slave Sissy Slut. Nadia spent several hours reading poetry to Slave boy as she stroked her fingers through his hair. Much later into Nadia's visit, a young Mistress by the name of Jennifer approached carrying an envelope.

"Mistress Nadia, there is a letter for you," Jennifer said.

"Hmm, I wasn't expecting a letter. Never mind it. Please leave it at the front desk, I will get to it later," Nadia said.

"Mistress, it pertains to your Days of Absentia," Jennifer said.

"I'll take it now then," Nadia said, quickly grabbing the envelope.

Nadia opened the envelope to find a rather small papyrus within. She removed the papyrus and read it. Nadia then turned the opened envelope upside down and a small portion of sand began pouring out from inside the envelope. She poured the remainder of the sand onto the floor. Nadia's eyes dilated, ballooning and filling with tears.

"I'm sorry, Slave boy. But I must go," Nadia said and quickly rushed towards the door.

"Where Mistress? What's wrong?" Slave boy weakly cried out just as she exited the room. "Why did she leave?" he muttered to Pomona and Sissy Slut.

"At least she comes to visit," Pomona said. "My Mistress never comes to see me."

"Well I'm sure she cares about you," Sissy Slut remarked from his bed.

"Let's face it, none of the Mistresses care about us anymore. That's why they left us here in this terrible infirmary," Pomona said.

"No, there are just too many of us who are sick," Sissy Slut said.

"I just wish my Mistress would come see me. I just need to know that she'll always be there for me," Pomona said as she rolled over onto her side.

"She will. I'm sure of it," Sissy Slut said.

Pomona soon drifted off to sleep. Sissy Slut sat up in his bed and leaned over towards Slave boy. Sissy Slut cautiously whispered to him.

"Have you noticed all of the Mistresses have acted even more strange than usual, ever since the Council put a ban on them leaving for the Days of Absentia?" Sissy Slut said.

"I have noticed that Mistress Nadia has," Slave boy said.

"Why do you think there was sand in that envelope?" Sissy Slut asked.

"I don't know," Slave boy answered.

"Has she ever gotten anything like that sent to her before?" Sissy Slut asked.

"I don't think so. Not that I have seen," Slave boy said.

"What do you suppose that note said?" Sissy Slut asked.

"I don't know," Slave boy said, his agitated voice like sandpaper scratching wood.

"Haven't you wondered though? Haven't you wondered, where do the Mistresses go on the Days of Absentia?" Sissy Slut asked.

"Slaves are not allowed to question the Mistresses or speak about the Days of Absentia," Slave boy said, and turned over on his side facing away from Sissy Slut.

Five days before the next supply of Medication 42 was due to be manufactured, Callisto made her regular afternoon visit to Isabella's castle. Isabella ordered Callisto to strip naked and lay on her back on the grass. She then bound Callisto spread-eagled on the ground, tying each limb to four separate posts with long pieces of rope. Callisto was blindfolded, left not knowing when she would feel the sting of Isabella's riding crop on her exposed breasts, Isabella at some points waiting a half hour between administering the beatings. The afternoon culminated with Isabella sitting on Callisto's face as Callisto ate her pussy, bringing her to multiple, intoxicating, mind-numbing orgasms. Once Isabella was pleased, she untied Callisto. As Callisto stood, she gazed upon Isabella's face and her blonde curls as they gleamed in the radiant sun.

"So, did you decide which slave to give the extra dose of medication to?" Callisto asked.

"Perhaps," Isabella replied.

Callisto reached out and took Isabella's hand in hers.

"You lied to me and searched my personal belongings to try to steal more of the medication. But still, I know you have feelings for me. I can tell by how hard you cum," Callisto said and then kissed Isabella's mouth hard and fast.

Isabella withdrew from Callisto, catching her breath and her senses.

"I'm still carrying out my plan," Callisto said. "I am leaving the country with the entire supply of Medication 42. I'll be rich."

"And you aren't concerned about General Suarez? She is still as hell-bent on finding Slave 111, perhaps even more so than you are. If she is that determined to search for a missing slave, she certainly won't give up looking for a General who defected and stole valuable medications," Isabella said.

"You know as well as I that she won't be able to find me once I leave the country. Imperium doesn't have the resources for a full scale search overseas," Callisto said, pausing with desperation. "You could come with me."

"I'm not sure. I have built a life for myself here," Isabella said.

"And even if you don't come with me, I shall return for you. I will live here in hiding to continue being with you. That will give me the chance to continue my search for the missing Imperium slave as well. Or you could just run away with me," Callisto said.

"I suppose I do have five days to consider it," Isabella said.

"And I have five days to convince you," Callisto said and she grabbed Isabella by the hand, beckoning her towards the metal bondage rig, begging for more.

Four days before the next supply of Medication 42 was due to be manufactured, Johanna surprised Pomona by showing up at her bedside at the infirmary. The other slaves remained sound asleep as Pomona awakened. Her sleepy eyes abruptly lit up as she saw Johanna kneeling beside her, holding a vial in her hand.

"Mistress?" Pomona said and eagerly kissed Johanna's lips.

"Hello, pet," Johanna said, smiling pensively.

"Mistress, what is that?" Pomona asked, gesturing to the vial.

"It is a dose of Medication 42. It is for you. I convinced the Council of Goddesses to allow you to have it, based on the fact that you are a woman, and that therefore entitles you to medical treatment, regardless of your status as a slave," Johanna said.

"Thank you, Mistress," Pomona said and paused. "I missed you. I needed you."

"I am so sorry for not taking better care of you. I was just scared, terribly, terribly scared. I hated feeling so powerless. I hated seeing you so sick. But I promise, I shall stay by your side until you get well," Johanna said.

"What if it takes longer than the usual three days for me to get better? What if it takes months, or an entire year?" Pomona asked.

"Then I shall stay by your side, no matter how long it takes," Johanna said. "Now, let's get you home."

True to her word, Johanna did not leave Pomona's side. Fortunately, it only took Pomona the standard three days to recover, and Pomona found herself back to her normal health.

And on the night before the next supply of Medication 42 was due to be manufactured, Johanna was ready to once again play with her pet. Pomona laid in bed, curled up on her side, the curves of her nude body silhouetted by the candlelight, reflected upon the wall, flowing like waves. Johanna entered the room, dressed in a blue lace up boned overbust corset with matching thong panties. She carried a wrapped gift with her. Pomona noticed the gift and inquisitively sat up on the bed.

"I got you a gift, pet," Johanna said, handing it over to her.

"A gift for me?" Pomona asked.

"Well, go on and open it," Johanna said.

Pomona tore off the wrapping paper and opened the box. Her eyes lit up and swelled with tears of affection. She procured her gift from the box. It was a leather collar with a metal dog tag attached. The metal dog tag was engraved with the words "Johanna's Pet". Johanna took Pomona by her delicate hand, her brown, amorous eyes gazing upon her.

"You will always be my pet," Johanna said.

Johanna wrapped the leather collar around Pomona's neck, securing it in place. Pomona obediently cast her young, gorgeous green eyes downward. Johanna affixed a chain leash to Pomona's new collar. She pulled on the leash forcefully, staring into Pomona's eyes, which were slightly obscured by the thick strand of her dark blonde locks that fell in front of her face. Johanna retained her tight grip on Pomona's leash as she gave her pet a slow, deep kiss on her lips.

"Follow me. On your knees, like a good little pet," Johanna said. Pomona positioned herself on the floor on her hands and knees. Johanna tugged on the leash as she stepped ahead, and Pomona crawled naked in absolute subservience behind her.

Johanna led Pomona into one of the play rooms. Johanna had set up a stainless steel vet exam table in the middle of the room. Pomona's heart dropped down into her chest when she saw the cold, shiny exam table before her.

"It's like you are at the vet," Johanna said, then walked over to the table and patted the palm of her hand against the stainless steel. "Come on. It is time for your checkup."

Pomona leapt onto the table, kneeling on her hands and knees. The stainless steel felt frigid against her palms and her knees and the tops of her feet. Johanna circled around the table, eyeing her naked pet. Pomona quivered, intoxicated by the rush of being exposed and on display for her Mistress. Johanna had something much more wicked and stimulating in mind, though. She left the room and soon reentered, holding a stainless steel butt plug that had a long, light brown fox tail attached. Pomona eyed the rather large butt plug with inquisitiveness, anticipation, and a tinge of fear.

"Face down, ass up, my pet," Johanna commanded.

Johanna watched as Pomona obediently pressed her face against the stainless steel table and thrust her curvy, eager ass into the air. As Johanna pressed the butt plug against Pomona's vulnerable, pink asshole, the harsh coolness of the stainless steel jolted Pomona. Pomona soon steadied herself, offering up her ass to her Mistress. Johanna caressed Pomona's hair as she began to force the butt plug into Pomona's tight little asshole. Pomona's lips trembled as they expelled a helpless, sustained whimper. She clenched her fists and thought to herself that she wanted to take it all in for Mistress. And Johanna delighted as she watched Pomona's asshole swallow up the butt plug, leaving Pomona with her majestic fox tail dangling down the backs of her legs. Johanna then grabbed the ball gag that hung from the wall. She thrust the ball gag into Pomona's face.

"Open up, pet," Johanna ordered, and Pomona reacted by whimpering in protest. "Come on, open up," Johanna said and Pomona unclenched her jaw, allowing the ball gag to slide into her mouth. "That's a good girl," Johanna said as she clasped the ball gag strap behind Pomona's head.

"Now, wag your tail for me," Johanna commanded.

Pomona deliberately shook her ass back and forth at a smooth, seductive pace. Johanna had Pomona right where she wanted her, gagged with her face down and her ass up, her butt plugged, and her fox tail swaying. She observed her transfigured pet, so pliable, so demure. Pomona was all hers; hers to use, hers to own, and hers to take care of.

"Come on pet, wag that tail," Johanna said.

Pomona innocently whimpered through her ball gag as she continued shaking her curvy ass, wagging her tail for Mistress.

"That pleases me," Johanna said.

Johanna's words warmed Pomona, knowing that the subjugation she suffered pleased her Mistress, feeling that her Mistress was just as turned on by that moment as she was. Pomona not only surrendered her body to her Mistress, but also her will, and was reshaped into a pet whose troubles and worries all dissolved away when in the hands of her Mistress. The focal point of her existence was to be Johanna's pliable, subservient pet, bringing Pomona serenity and safety.

"You're such a good girl. Let's give you your check up now. Head up," Johanna commanded.

Pomona raised her head, her innocent green eyes conveying the utmost obedience. Johanna carefully removed the collar and she massaged her fingers against Pomona's neck, examining her lymph nodes. Johanna then ran her fingers through Pomona's dark blonde hair, caressing the entire length of her curls.

"Such a healthy, nice, shiny coat," Johanna remarked.

Johanna continued running her hands down Pomona's back. Pomona moaned and whimpered and moved her hips and her sexy ass. Johanna pushed her fingers into her pet's wet, eager pussy. Pomona was wild and in heat, moaning loudly through her ball gag. Her young, supple body undulated and jiggled. She moved her hips backwards in desperate, animalistic thrusts as Johanna finger fucked her to a sweaty, shuddering climax. Pomona calmed from her euphoric state and cuddled up to her Mistress, purring with tranquility.


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