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The Drow Partner Ch. 01-09


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"What? Did you expect your pathetic servant to come to your rescue? Nobody can save you now, Akasha. You will die by my hand, and I will assume your house and kill your family. Your line of treachery and stupidity ends here!" Mephalis scolded as she sat up to cast a spell, her servant simply watching and smiling. At this point Akasha had regained all use of her right arm and partial use of the rest of her body, and didn't feel like hearing this bitch rant anymore. She quickly reached into her pouch and pulled out a small bead.

The hybrid didn't move, and let Mephalis finish casting her apparent 'finishing' spell. Akasha detected the spell as Finger of Death, and willed her recently cast shielding spell to absorb the blast. This gave her enough time to toss the bead at the hybrids face. He tried to dodge, but the bead followed him and burst his body into white light, turning him into nothing but a pile of dust.

Maestiff was still paralyzed on the ground, but Akasha was standing now. Mephalis continued her assault by firing some kind of enhanced Lightning Bolt on Akasha. Akasha dodged out of the way, and cast her own form of paralysis on Mephalis.

Mephalis was flung into the wall by the force of magic, and 9 metal rods appeared in the air. The rods flung against Mephalis, bending like shackles and adhering her to the wall. Two shackles were on each limb, and one was on her neck. Thick spikes appeared on the inside of the shackles and caused blood to spill down her body and stain the wall. Akasha smiled, and simply tapped Mephalis mount, causing it to fall into a deep sleep.

At this point, Akasha rushed over to Kristalla, who lay unconscious on the ground, barely clinging to life. She pulled a flask out of her pack, and drained it down Kristalla's throat. After a few moments, she awakened with an irritated look on her face, her wounds visibly subsiding. Akasha helped her up, the spear of energy now gone, and allowed her to recuperate.

"I… I am sorry mistress. That will never happen again," Kristalla said with a noticeable shakiness to her voice. Akasha had killed her servants for failing at minor tasks; she probably figured she was going to die shortly for her inability to defend her mistress.

Akasha allowed herself some compassion, Kristalla was an excellent servant and she wasn't about to harm her. She actually felt relieved that she was alright. She would never vocalize this though… but she let out the closest thing she could. "…Come, we have work to do," she finally replied with. Kristalla simply nodded in agreement.

Maestiff was up, and he was breathing gouts of hot air onto Mephalis, making her even more uncomfortable. Akasha and Kristalla both walked over to the bleeding woman, and crossed their arms. Akasha narrowed her eyes and shot a quick glance over to Kristalla.

"Kill me and get it over with, I grow tired of your presence," Mephalis said as she struggled to breathe.

"You'd like that wouldn't you," Akasha answers. "Unfortunately for you, I have other plans."

Chapter 6: Slavery

Akasha arose from her meditation and sat up quickly. She reached her arms over her head and stretched, allowing herself a quick cantrip in order to remove the trace amount of sweat from her transient rest.

She relaxed, and slumped, almost concerned when she did not feel the partner panging in her head for its morning snack. It only took a moment for her to remember the quick feeding she had done during the eve of the twilight. She wanted to get it over-with in order to allow more to be done this morning, as well as giving her ample time to prepare for the bursting. She allowed herself a smile as she reminisced about the event.

She had chosen a lithe female drow from her collection for the proceedings. She was short, with long blonde hair that waved toward the bottom. She had above average sized breasts with the sort of 'puffle' nipples, as some like to call them.

Akasha remembered forcing the young drow to lick up the lime colored lizard cum that had stained her ample breasts while she clamped her hand over her swollen pussy. Akasha had her fully awake during the process, and had already defiled her sacred canal with several objects before forcing something worse into it. Once the woman had finished servicing her breasts, she dipped one of her fingers into her pussy, only to remove it quickly causing the tortured female to slump to the ground lifeless. She allowed the smile on her face to transfigure into a grin at that last thought.

Akasha shook her head to loosen her hair and then used magic to conjure a salve. She lightly coated her hair with the salve and then grinned again as her hair straightened and cleaned itself. She swung her legs over the side of her bed and stood up, waving her hand once more to summon her formless panties. She left the bra in stasis, and used magic to reshape the panties into a thong. Then finally used magic to make her bed, making sure her spider-silk comforter and black satin sheets had no wrinkles or dirt on them anywhere.

Normally Drow did not sleep in a bed; in fact they were incapable of sleeping at all. Like surface elves, they meditated for a paltry amount of hours during their rest period. Most Drow had a small marble altar-like bench that they sat on during meditation, but some individuals owned beds for meditation. Akasha preferred laying in a soft space for her meditation, the extended comfort meant and great deal to her.

Akasha walked topless over to her armoire and physically looked through her formal wear. She had plenty of things to wear, but wanted to wear something specifically revealing just to piss off some of the elders that would be showing up at her place during the 'festivities.' After selecting something, she used magic to organize the shelf and then adorn the clothing.

She had selected a practically see-through spider-silk top that had no sleeves. She had black fish-net individual sleeves that she put on as well, with small finger and thumb holes, making her look extremely gothic. The spider-silk top had a small black satin underlining that held the garment in place; it just barely covered her nipples and tied in the back, making her breasts look even larger, as if they were going to burst out due to their size at any moment. She cast a long-term spell to keep the straps in place. She picked a very low mini-skirt with a small slit up one side that was black with silver trim. For footwear, she chose very high black boots with no heel. Akasha hated heels in shoes and thought they were ridiculous.

Akasha left her hair down and put a small black circlet with a purple spider-shaped gem in the middle on her head. She put it under her hair evenly, so it was only visible on her forehead barely where her hair started. After she was done, she walked over to a small enclosure near her bed about the size of a walk-in closet, and sat in a cross-legged position. She leaned forward and concentrated, preparing her spells for the day.

After she awoke from her trance, she let her arms fall on her legs, and thought for a moment. She was very curious about something, and knew just how to deal with it. She waved her arms in a somatic gesture, and waited for the results of the magic.


Mephalis awoke to a pinch at her wrists, and looked up to see them in shackles. She looked around the room she was in and quickly remembered what had happened the day before.

The room looked like the inside of a goblin cave or something, about 20 feet wide and even larger across. The floor was made of wooden boards and there was a large iron door with solid silver locks and hinges, apparently magical of some kind. There were strange mechanical devices in the room, and a large assortment of furniture. What disturbed Mephalis the most was the row of apparently mindless humanoids hung from shackles directly across the room. All of them were wearing odd collars that appeared to be contributing to the effect somehow.

Her first instinct was to use magic to release herself, and then teleport away. She manifested the spell in her mind, and used complicated metamagic to do it without using her hands. Then something strange happened. She could feel the spell ready to be cast, but it wouldn't cast. In fact it was almost like she had no 'aura' of magic at all. What was going on?

She looked down at the small pedestal she was on. It was about 3 feet off the ground, and she was suspended above it, high enough that her feet were not touching the pedestal. She was being held up by her wrists, as well as an iron shackle that went around her midsection right under her breasts. She looked up and saw the pillar above her that held the chains. It was like someone cut out a piece of a pillar large enough to hold her and placed her inbetween. Both the pedestal and the pillar were made of some kind of green marble and emanated a white glow. That's when she realized what was going on.

A targeted Anti-Magic Field; Damn it, you worthless bitch, she thought to herself. Akasha was much smarter than Mephalis often gave her credit for. And now she was naked chained to a pillar in a crazy dungeon of some sort. And she assumed that was just the beginning of the torture today.

A few moments later she heard the door being manipulated from the other side. The silver hue on the latch subsided, and then the door opened. A tall woman walked slowly into the room. After she got in, she closed the door and the silver color returned to the lock.

She looked almost 6 feet tall, maybe a little bit shorter. She wore high boots that laced all the way up, and fishnet stockings that only went to right above her knees. She had a small hooded cloak on. The cloaked frayed in the back and looked more like a tiny cape, the hood was also down and lay over her back. Other then the cloak, she wore a silk top that looked like fishnets but it was a different shape of net, almost like tiny octagons. It had no sleeves and no sides, and only covered the front portion of her large breasts; with the only solid fabric covering her nipples and the front part of her breasts. It stretched down into a small skirt made of a shiny fabric; the skirt didn't cover the crotch area so her thong bikini black panties were visible. She had long silvery blonde hair that went down to about the small of her back. Her eyes were a soft white, and she had silver lipstick on over her large full lips.

The cloaked woman walked over to a cabinet and opened it by entering a combination of turns. Mephalis tried to memorize them, but it was too far away and she couldn't cast anything to aid her vision.

The woman pulled out a small rod about 8 inches long and half an inch wide, it had a bluish tip. Mephalis recognized this as a magical wand of some kind. But the spell that it held within she couldn't be certain of. Maybe her luck would turn up, and she was going to die right now.

The woman walked over to Mephalis, slowly, and just stared. "You are lucky today; my mistress is occupied and will not be joining us," she said while thumping the wand in her hand.

"No, it is you who is "lucky" young one, this field is the only thing keeping me from exploding your head, and once I escape, your head exploding will be the least of your worries," Mephalis snapped back, a hint of rage in her tone.

The drow woman didn't respond at first, a smile just appeared on her face. "Why don't you go fuck yourself," she finally suggests. She moved closer, and then shoved her hand into Mephalis's face, twisting her head and drawing blood from her cheek with her nails.

Mephalis shook her head free, and then spit the blood out of her mouth. "What did you say to me? You little urchin!" Mephalis shot back, a grimace of hatred on her face.

"I said you should go fuck… yourself," the woman responds with, making sure to put emphasis on the right words, speaking them slowly as if talking to a retarded infant. After she spoke, she walked away, back toward the cabinet. Ignoring the bickering the Mephalis continued to spew out at her back.

A few moments later, Kristalla arrived. She was wearing an intentionally frayed skirt that looked like a torn table-cloth and a bikini top made of leather and dipped in some kind of thick black dye that glossed in the magical light made by the magical mushrooms in the room. Her hair was held back by braids, but it was still down and laid over her back perfectly straight.

The first thing she did was pull a dagger out a small sheathe hidden in her skirt, walked over to Mephalis, spun her around and stabbed her in the back. She left the dagger in, and spun her back around. Mephalis was about to speak when Kristalla punched her in the jaw, and then slashed at her face with the brace she wore on her palm, spilling her blood and splitting her lip.

"Is that all you've got?" Mephalis finally got out once Kristalla walked away.

Kristalla turned immediately, and picked up the nearest object, which happened to be a wooden chair. She threw the chair across the room, which cracked against Mephalis's head and then shattered in splinters, causing Mephalis to get a bloody eye.

The blond drow licked her lips and smiled, turning her head to Kristalla, who nodded. Kristalla grabbed a small chain made of some dark metal, and walked over to Mephalis with the other woman in tow. At this point Mephalis had genuine fear in her eyes, because she knew that they wouldn't let her die this easy.

"Sciara… is it?" Kristalla asked the blonde woman.

"Yes, how may I be of assistance?" she responded with. She lacked the proper tone of a servant, but Akasha had let her into her fungal room on her first day, so she assumed significant trust or preparations were given to the woman before and shrugged it off.

"Grab one of the blue collars, and get ready to attach it to our new guest here," Kristalla ordered a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Yes ma'am," Sciara responded, while simultaneously moving to an open space on the other side of the room. She reached into an empty space, and her arm disappeared. Mephalis realized that it was an invisible cabinet. Her arm reappeared with a dark collar with blue colored mithral segments in the center. It had the same design as the other collars on the other humanoids in the room, but it lacked dials and just had one large red star symbol.

"You'll never get that thing on me, you worthless idiot," Mephalis grunted in Kristalla's general direction.

Kristalla ignored the words and got behind Mephalis, shoving the dagger in deeper and forcing screams of agony from the bruised woman. She wrapped the chain around her neck twice, and twisted it in the back. She tightened her grasp when Sciara got closer.

Kristalla used the chain to force Mephalis's body back, and grabbed her hair with her other hand, pulling her chin up. Sciara opened the collar, and moved in, a horrid smile on her face. Mephalis tried to twitch out of the way, but her vision was blurring and she was starting to pass out from the chain. Sciara easily attached the collar. The last thing Mephalis saw was a close-up of Sciara's neck. She saw a similar collar, one with dark bronze trim and no buttons or spikes. Then everything went black.

After what seemed like an eternity, Mephalis awoke. She was in a different room, and took a moment to look around.

The first thing she tried to do was cast Teleport to rid herself of this place. She experienced the same effect as in the other room. She couldn't get a spell to activate. It's this blasted collar, she thought to herself. She easily remembered it once she felt the weight around her neck.

She looked around. She was lying on her side, in a circular shaped room carved into the rock. The cave type looked the same as the room she was in before, so she figured she wasn't too far away.

The thing that bothered her was that all of her wounds were gone, and some sort of visual enhancement spell had been cast upon her. Sciara was to her side, holding onto a chain. It was at that moment that she realized the chain was wrapped around her ankle… no it was attached to her ankle with some kind of magic. Sciara noticed that she had awoke, and looked at her with a devilish smile.

The walls of the room had a couple creatures adhered to the wall with the same spell that immobilized her in the dark canyon. A succubus and an erinyes, both of which had collars on and were in some sort of stasis. It appeared Akasha only kept alive the ones that were decently attractive in some way.

It was when Mephalis laid her eyes on what was in the center of the room that she became alarmed. There was a large cage made of force, and a large Circle of Protection on the floor. It looked like Kristalla was monitoring something, and then began to hum another spell.

The creature was very tall, but not necessarily huge. Mephalis had seen trolls that were larger. It was only around 10 feet tall, but it had huge bat like wings that made it look more intimidating. On its head were very typical looking demon horns that sprouted from the top, which was covered in what looked like a tangled stringy mop. Its skin was a light brown and it had huge bulging muscles. Its face had a long snout and angled eyes and a maw filled with jagged, but sharp, teeth. Its feet were hooves, and the creature radiated heat. The only thing it was wearing was a burlap cloth over its crotch. It currently stared at Kristalla and roared, drool spilling out of its mouth.

The creature didn't necessary look ugly to Mephalis, just incredibly intimidating and… well large. Mephalis turned to the 'Sciara' girl and said "Just let it crush me and get it over with." She was in no mood for more pathetic torture from these would-be servants.

Sciara continued her stare, a sinister smile appearing on her face. "I will remember this when you beg me to stop," she replied with a lot of emphasis on "stop."

Mephalis noticed Sciara looking her over, she seemed to be impressed, but had no intention of showing it. Mephalis, much like Akasha, had a keen interest in her appearance.

Mephalis had hair a little past her shoulder length that was naturally jet black. It was of varying lengths, and was layered forming a point at the longest point on her back. She had bangs, but they weren't very short at all. Her skin was a much paler gray, with a stronger hint of blue in it. Her eyes were a vibrant red that almost appeared demon like due to her (apparently) smaller pupils. She had full lips that were naturally a light pink.

At the moment she was naked, which only accentuated her curves. She had slim hips and a low mound with long slender legs. Her muscles were toned and fit, although she was very thin which made it easy to see her hip bones. Her breasts were about the size of Kristalla's, albeit a little smaller (about the size of cantaloupes). However, she had bright pink nipples to match her lips with average size areola. Her nipples however, were huge. Currently they were twisted in hard knots due to the cold floor and walls… which were quickly warming up due to the creature.

Sciara began casting spells on Mephalis. Mephalis lowered her innate resistance to magic and allowed the spells to be cast upon her. She figured that if they were going to kill her with something they would have done it already.

Mephalis recognized the spell as Protection from Elements and a couple stacked Resist Elements, all tuned to fire. She appeared to have them prepared to be Empowered. She was right; they were keeping her alive to resist some sort of fire attack, probably from this monster. She almost regret lowering her resistance, but didn't care much. Sciara probably would of repeatedly attempted the spell until she knew its affect was active.


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