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The Fairy Ring Ch. 04


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"We honour you," she said. As she opened the door, a crowd of elves in the hall almost fell into the room with some of them craning their necks to see inside. "Out, out, out," Uriel said as she pushed through the mass of naked bodies. "He is sleeping now. You can bestow more appreciation on him tomorrow." He heard a collective whine from the crowd before the door closed.

"Come on up," he said to Roxanne. "I don't want you sleeping down there."

"Yes, yes," she said, slipping in beside him and entwining his body with hers. "Master is very kind."

"Look, you can stop with the 'master' talk." He felt her large soft breasts squashing against his chest as she snuggled into him. "You own this house and run the business here. I just want you to be comfortable tonight. Tomorrow, I'm sure Uriel will let you go back to the cottage."

"No, no. The new queen has shown me the light." She began to kiss his neck. "I am lucky that you came here so that I may serve you." He was tired, but she seemed to be finding all of his tender spots with her kisses, which sent little tingles shooting down his body.

"Roxanne, you are incredibly hot and sexy, especially when you do that, but I think we should get some sleep right now."

Moving her face over his, she gave him a deep kiss. "If master will allow me my true form, then we can both be comfortable, yes?"

"I don't know what you're asking, but by all means, be yourself." Adjusting his position, he made it so that she could cuddle under his arm, but instead, she rose up on her knees. Glaring down at him, she smiled.

"Thank you, master." Shaking her body, she transformed into her succubus form. He still found it terrifying to watch as her wings unfolded, her horns grew, and her tail snaked around.

Spreading her wings over him, she looked menacing as she leaned forward and glared at him with her green, glowing eyes like a predator determining where to start devouring her prey.

With her long, narrow tongue, she licked around his face, and then she pressed her lips around his mouth, inserting her tongue inside and snaking it all around. Pulling back, she descended his body with big, open-mouthed kisses, sucking and licking his flesh.

At his groin, she devoured his cock, sucking it like she were defleshing him. He stiffened just from her sucking, but she helped him along anyways, cupping his balls in her palm and sending a wave of energy into his groin. The sensation made him rock hard.

Straddling him again, she lowered herself onto his shaft, inserting him into her hot interior. The pussy walls grasped his cock with the grip of which an arm wrestler would be jealous. Then squatting, she pulled him off the bed with her gripping pussy, and with a loud exhale, she let him slide back down, his cock slurping out luxuriously.

Reinserting him, she lowered her face onto his. He could feel her breasts pressing against his chest and her pussy pulsing on his shaft. Unfolding her wing over his head, he found himself encompassed in darkness with the green glow of her eyes looking back at him and the softness of her lips kissing him.

Without moving her hips, she stroked his cock by pulsating her pussy walls, increasing the intensity from pulsing to vibrating. He couldn't take the speed and spurted into her, shooting to the rhythm of her vibrations, emptying himself into her wetness.

"Yes, yes, a good start," she said, reaching down to cup his balls to harden him again. "But we have all night."

"I don't think I can do it again," he said as her pussy began making long strokes along his shaft.

"Master can stop whenever he tells me, yes?" She slowly sped up her pumping. "But I must attend to him now."

"All right, you should—" Before he could finish, her tongue invaded his mouth, curling around his tongue, playing with it. As her pussy pumped faster, his cock lengthened and hummed, much to his surprise. Then something prickly teased between his butt cheeks.

Tickling and pressing, the thin object snaked between his cheeks, squeezing toward his anus. It was rough and oddly thrilling—it was the tip of her tail. Finally, the jagged tip tickled and teased his opening, as her pussy pulled on his erection.

Succumbing to her wet pumping and her sharp jabbing, he orgasmed again, although no cum came out. He felt all of his energy drain out of him, but he was able to push her off. "Stop. I have to stop now."

With a pout, she purred at him in disappointment, but she rolled off, transforming back to her soft, curvy, human form. Snuggling up beside him on his pillow, she nestled his face between her breasts.

"You must stay, new master," she said, kissing the top of his head. "You are a much better play toy than my brainless friend with the horse cock. You should sleep now so we can make love again more times tonight, yes?"

"More? If we do it more, then it will be my shrivelled up body that will be staying," he replied, drifting off. "But I sure do need to sleep."

*** Deciding Whether to Stay ***

Brad was dreaming that someone was sucking his cock. In his drowsiness, he saw different bobbing faces flash through his mind doing the deed—Roxanne, Phoebe, Melia, the many elves at the party. The sucking was slow and steady as the many-faced dream girl worked with determination, if not optimism, on his flaccid cock.

"You are not letting him rest," Uriel said quietly in the room, prompting him to open his eyes.

"I am sorry, my queen," Roxanne replied, releasing him from her mouth. "You asked that I convince him to stay, yes?"

"I meant for you to captivate him, not desiccate him." Dressed in her white gown, Uriel was leaning over the bed, speaking to Roxanne, who was curled up around his groin. When Uriel saw that Brad was awake, she helped him to get out of bed.

"I am sorry to wake you," she said, leading him out of the room without giving him a chance to grab his shorts, "but I need for you to visit the fairy ring one last time before the full moon gives up its vigil." Behind them, Roxanne followed, her breasts bouncing as she shuffled to catch up.

Opening his sister's door, Uriel whispered inside, "It is time."

Craning his neck over her shoulder, he saw a mass of pale flesh covering his sister's bed, with Harmony sleeping serenely in the middle of the heap of arms, legs, breasts, and bums. Naked elves were cuddled up to her sides, lying on her chest, and resting across her lap. White gowns were tossed onto the floor, hung over the headboard, and strewn across of the slumbering bodies. Kneeling at the side of the bed, Phoebe looked up at them submissively underneath several gowns thrown over her in lusty haste.

"You know what to do," Uriel said to Phoebe in exchange for a nod.

As they turned to leave, he watched the elves carefully sliding arms and legs out from under his sleeping sister and surreptitiously stepping off the bed to put on their gowns.

"The full moon marks a time of change, a time of decision," Uriel said to him as they descended the stairs. "Its brightness can bring clarity to one's thoughts. Its waning can highlight the cost of not acting in time."

As they came to the bottom of the stairs, Brad glanced over at the couch to see the incubus stretched out asleep, with Melia curled up on his lap, hugging his fat cock in a full cuddle like a teddy bear.

"Has your attendant convinced you yet to stay?" Uriel asked Brad.

"She is sure making it tempting, but we have lives back home," he said as they walked through the front hall. "My sister has school, and I have to start looking for a job. In fact, I was thinking that we should probably head back tomorrow."

"It is as I feared," Uriel responded as they walked out onto the front porch. "It sounds as if you have not been convincing enough, Mistress Lilin." Outside, the full moon was oddly bright, and the cool air was a shock to his naked flesh.

"I apologize, my queen, but you interrupted me as I was showing him the benefits of staying," Roxanne said as they walked around the house to the fairy ring. "Perhaps we need to be more persuasive, yes?"

As they walked toward the tree, he could hear the chattering and giggling of elves behind them. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw a line of slender girls, looking young and innocent in the moonlight, stepping lightly over the grass. Their thin, white gowns pressed against their bodies, showing off stiffly erect nipples and little mounded pussies under the material. As he reached the tree, the elves formed a semicircle around him and kneeled down.

Seeing him standing naked at the tree, the elves started tittering amongst themselves, pointing at him and whispering behind raised hands. Then a stream of fairies flew out from behind the tree to make a circuit of the fairy ring, which began to glow as they buzzed over it. Before they got around once, one of the fairies broke formation to fly over to Uriel.

"Is the man going to do it?" Maisy asked hovering in front of her. "Maisy will get into position in the hole."

"No, little one," Uriel replied. "As I told you, there are many full moons ahead of us. Tonight is for fulfilling other destinies."

Suddenly, another fairy flew down to grab Maisy by the wrist. "The queen already told Maisy," Misty shouted as she yanked her away.

"Misty is a fairy bitch," Maisy yelled as the two of them tussled and tumbled into the grass.

With a sigh, Uriel nodded to Roxanne, who cupped Brad's balls with her hand, sending waves of warmth into his groin. Slowly his cock inflated, growing in little twitches like a time-lapse video of a seedling sprouting. In front of him, the elves shifted on their knees to watch, occasionally whispering to each other and giggling.

Moving around behind him, Roxanne hugged him back against her squishy breasts and pulled him down to sit on the ground with her back against the tree and her legs splayed out to his sides. As he settled back against his fleshy easy chair, Uriel moved around to kneel between his legs.

"Look around you and see all my sisters attending to you. But they are all your sisters now too," Uriel said, placing her hands on his thighs. "We are all one family. A family that takes care of one another." She slid her hands up his thighs to frame his groin.

"As you have brought us fruitfulness and transformation," she said, leaning forward and giving his cockhead a little peck, "we will bring you love ..." She kissed his tip again. "And comfort ..." Kiss. "And attention." Kiss. "Much attention." Opening wide, she took his erection into her mouth, causing him to moan.

"So I must ask you to reconsider," she continued. "Will you not stay with your family?" She sucked on him again.

"Oh god." He shuddered as she sat back up. "Look, you must know how beautiful you are and how wonderful this is, but we have to go home."

Rising silently, she gestured to the elves and said, "Begin."

Off to his right, one of the elves jumped to her feet immediately, shucking off her gown. As she tiptoed toward him, she stared at his erection, grinning in a way that showed off the dimples in her cheeks. Behind her, one by one, the other elves stood up, slipped off their gowns, and followed her, their pale, slender bodies closing up to her in a line.

As the first elf replaced Uriel to kneel between his legs, Brad fixated on her soft skin, her delicate curves, and the little nipples standing out from her pert breasts.

"Don't go. Stay," the elf said to him, looking up at him through the tops of her eyes. Then she took his cock in her mouth. He loved the satiny texture of her sweet mouth.

"Yes, stay," another elf said. Kneeling beside her sister, she pulled his shaft toward her mouth and sucked on him. Soon, the other elves broke the line and closed in around him, their soft flesh pressing against his. Hands slid over his chest, down his arms, and across his back. Lips pressed on his cheeks and neck and mouth. His erection went in and out of different mouths.

He could hear a chorus of voices whimpering, "Stay" and "Don't go," as the group clamoured around him. He could feel breasts pressing against his skin and hands pulling on his hair. All the time, his erection was going from mouth to mouth. Blonde heads bobbed up and down on his groin in a feeding frenzy.

Elves tussled with each other to cuddle up to him, to kiss him, to stroke him. Behind him, Roxanne's long tongue licked his neck and ears. Fairies began to land on him, and soon their little lips were kissing him, their little hands were fondling him, and their little pussies were rubbing on him.

A pair of hands pulled on his ankles, causing him to slide flat on his back. Jostling with each other, elves pushed to straddle him. An elf kneeled over his face, and pressing forward, she mashed her pussy onto his mouth. Then another elf straddled his hips, and just as she lowered herself onto his cock, he heard Maisy cry, "Hey!" followed by the sound of buzzing and a smack.

"Ow," an elf yelled out. "What did she do that for?"

"Sisters, sisters," Uriel said as she pulled writhing elves off and shooed buzzing fairies away. "I think you have pleaded enough."

Soon she regained control of the blonde melee, sending the petite molesters back to their gowns, their little bum cheeks winking at him as they scurried back.

As the crowd cleared, he felt his erection standing stiffly up on his lap, throbbing in desperation. Above him, Uriel stared down at him, her arms folded.

"Surely, you are not going to refuse to stay now," Uriel said. "You will not find that much love and devotion in the human world."

"We ... we can't," he muttered, dizzy from overstimulation.

"You were right, Mistress Lilin," Uriel said, looking down at Roxanne. "I defer to your knowledge of humans. I will allow you your way. The transformation may proceed."

"Ahh," Roxanne sighed in satisfaction, giving him a long lick up the side of his face as Phoebe appeared around the side of the house accompanied by his sister, both of them naked. On seeing him, Harmony broke into a run before landing on her knees beside him.

"What's going on, Brad?" she asked. "Why is everyone out here, and why are you hard?"

"We are trying to convince him to stay," Uriel informed her.

"What? We're not leaving, Brad. You didn't tell them that we are leaving, did you?"

"We have to get back, sis." He tried to prop himself up on his elbow, but Harmony hugged him, forcing back down.

"No, no, no." She began to kiss his face. "I don't want to leave yet. This place is amazing."

He could feel her breast squash against his chest. Looking past his kissing sister, he saw Phoebe grin before bending down to swing his sisters hips over on top of his body. Harmony's soft pussy rubbed along his erection.

"Please let's stay," she said, kissing his neck.

While Roxanne's tongue licked his ear, he could feel Phoebe's hand send warm energy up through his groin. Then she grabbed his erection and tried to angle it into his sister's pussy.

"Please, please, please." His sister kissed and kissed him.

As he felt his cockhead nudge between his sister's pussy lips, he pushed up to roll his sister off, but Phoebe and Roxanne held him down. He ended up on top of Harmony, who threw her arms around his neck.

"I don't want to leave, Brad," she said, wrapping her legs around his hips, and then feeling his erection on her pussy, she cooed, "Do it, bro. Put it inside."

"Wait," he replied, but Phoebe was manipulating his erection again. He could feel fleshy warmth hug his cockhead. His resistance faltered. He wanted this too.

"Put it in, bro. I want this." Pulling him closer, she gave him a long kiss on the mouth.

He was overcome. With a long push, he slid into her, past the resistance, into her warm, tight tunnel, as she gasped into his mouth.

He tried to thrust again, but she was very tight. He pumped as best he could. Her pussy walls compressed his shaft, making the sliding feel wonderful on his skin.

Slowly, he built up a rhythm, pulling and pushing. Pulling and pushing.

At first, she tried to keep her lips fixed on his, but after a while, she leaned her head back to gasp for air. Suddenly, he really saw his sister's face and recognized what he was doing, but instead of feeling shock, he was overcome with love. Then, as the excitement built, the love turned into lust.

Thrusting and thrusting, he increased his pounding, slapping into her crotch as she writhed under him. It was too much—he spurted.

Feeling his cum, she orgasmed, arching her back and letting go a guttural moan like something out of a bad horror movie. Her whole body stiffened. Her face contorted.

Something was strange. It wasn't a normal reaction. Her skin flushed intensely. Her moaning sounded demonic. A wave of energy flashed across her body.

He looked down on her in fear. Two spots appeared on the sides of her forehead. They opened up, and then small horns extruded.

As her body relaxed, she opened her eyes. They glinted green.

"Oh my god!" he exclaimed, pushing himself up off her.

"I feel fantastic," his sister said in a husky voice, grinning as she tapped the little horns on her forehead with her fingers. "I feel like my body is glowing."

"What have I done?" he said as she pushed him onto his back with surprising strength. "What's going on?"

"You fucked me, big brother," Harmony said in a raspy voice as she straddled his stomach to pin him down. "You came inside me, you freak, and transformed me into a cambion."

"Oh my god, oh my god," he said, trying to squirm out from under her. "This can't be happening."

"Does it always feels this good?" Harmony said as she received a kiss from Roxanne.

"That was just your first time, my sweet," Roxanne replied. "There are many more conquests to come, yes? Men are now your plaything."

"Welcome, sister," Phoebe said with a kiss as she moved his sister aside to replace her on his stomach, "but it my turn now. His seed is still potent and the moon is still full."

"Harmony, help me up," he cried. "Where's Uriel? We can fix this."

"Put your hand here," Phoebe said, guiding his sister's hand over to cup his balls. "Now think about what you would like to do to him again."

"Yes!" Harmony shrieked as energy shot into his groin from her hand, causing his cock to stiffen. "I feel the power."

"May I transform now, my queen?" Phoebe asked to Uriel, who looked down on them disdainfully. "You promised."

"Very well." Uriel whipped her arm in a circle over her head to launch the fairies in their circuit again. "The spirits have willed it."

As the sound of the buzzing grew, Phoebe pushed her hips back, inserting him into her pussy.

"Save some more for me, bro," Harmony said as she gave him a big kiss. "We're not done."

With a shudder of her body, Phoebe let out her wings and horns and tail. As she pumped up and down on his cock, she leaned down to join his sister kissing him. Then Roxanne kneeled down on the other side to join in too.

Energy surged through his body from all the kissing and licking and humping until he blacked out.


*** Departing ***

"Aaah!" Brad shrieked, jerking upright. A damp washcloth slid down his face, landing on the linen sheet that was covering him. With light streaming in through the window, he was surprised to see that he was in his bed.

"Geez, you scared me," Harmony said with a startle. "How do you feel? You had quite a night?" Dressed in a tank top and cargo shorts, she was standing beside his dresser with her hand on her chest.

"What? How did I get here?"

"Don't you remember passing out at the party? We were pretty worried about you. You had quite a lot to drink."

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