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The Fox and the Wizard Pt. 04

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Alayna is used as a reward and gets an unexpected surprise.
11.4k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/16/2024
Created 01/28/2024
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Alayna didn't try to touch herself again.

Perhaps her body was aware of the torment she would receive if she did or perhaps it was the aphrodisiac potion finally settling, but her need hadn't been... as great.

Sort of.

It no longer hit her so hard she couldn't think of anything else or brought her to a point where she would risk his punishment again, but the desire was always there. Every part of her body felt hypersensitive to the slightest touch, which made washing herself a nightmare. But, given enough time, the all-encompassing need to orgasm would fade until it was simply a thought in the back of her mind. As long as she had something to occupy her time, she could withstand it.

In the days that followed, Xanth came to her room often. In the middle of the day to see if she needed anything, in the evening to have dinner with her, at night to bid her pleasant dreams. Each time ended with him fucking her until she couldn't recall her own name. There were times he would come randomly striding into her room throughout the day, throw her across whatever horizontal service was readily available, and bury his face between her thighs. It didn't matter if she was reading, napping or bathing, he would barely utter a word before he had his tongue inside her.

He even let her leave the room once, under a ridiculously heavy guard, to tour the formal gardens outside the castle. Her request to explore the forest outside the protective walls was firmly denied.

She had a beautiful room, a spacious bathing chamber, food that tasted better than anything she'd ever had before, a constant supply of new books, well-made clothes to wear, days and nights filled with more orgasms than she could count... She wanted for nothing.

And Alayna hated it.

As her father always pointed out at every turn, she'd been bastard-born. But if she had been the obedient type, perhaps he could have managed to marry her off to a minor lord's sixth or seventh son, to live out her days in relative comfort and peace. That was a future she'd never wanted, even at a young age.

She wasn't meant to be kept in a cage, however gilded it was. She was meant to be in the sunshine, amidst the trees, in open fields, wherever her heart led her. She was meant for freedom and choice.

Xanth had taken both those things away from her.

For now, obedience served her well. She no longer protested taking the potion. She didn't fight when he forced her to knees and told her to open her mouth. She didn't struggle when he pushed her up against the wall of windows in her room and fucked her until her knees gave out. Yes, part of that was because the potion made her constantly ready, even eager, for those moments. But she needed him to think her as docile as Yesenia. A toy, to be added to his collection and played with at his whims.

But, by the gods, she would show him this fox still had teeth.

She hadn't given up on working to summon only a whisper of her power, though her efforts often left her with a pounding headache after the cilice did its job. In the rare times she was successful, Alayna found she couldn't maintain it for long. It either slipped away or came bounding forth like an overeager puppy, triggering the cilice. She was still trying to discover the line of how much she could draw.

Alayna had to remind herself that magic wasn't the only tool she had at her disposal. Each night before she fell asleep and at random times during the day, she would mentally walk through the path they'd taken on their way to see the gardens. Each flight of stairs, every door, all the faces they'd passed, every single turn. If she couldn't manage to get the cilice off, she would need to know how the castle and the city around it was laid out for a speedy escape. Braving the dangers of the Greenfrost without magic was a problem unto itself.

She was going over her mental map of the gardens when the door to her room opened. Xanth walked inside, carrying a wooden box. He didn't explain as he crossed the room to where she sat at the little table in front of the hearth, pretending to leaf through a book.

"What is-"

He dropped the box on the floor and gripped her arm, forcing her to stand, then abruptly bent her over the table. The book fell, forgotten, from her fingers as he went to his knees behind her and shoved the scraps of silk aside. He had his tongue inside her before she even knew what was going on.

"Oh!" Alayna gripped the edge of the table, her eyes going heavy-lidded as he feasted upon her. His tongue wriggled deep inside her, moving in ways a cock never had, ways that had her panting in anticipation.

Though he had other plans. He slid his tongue out of her and angled his head so he could wrap his lips around her clit. He sucked on it insistently, the way he did when he wanted her to cum quickly. It didn't take long at all before she was crying out, her hips rocking against his mouth as she came. Normally, he would lap at her arousal with his tongue, but this time he pulled away, leaving her dripping.

"Sir?" she asked in a breathless tone.

"Don't clean off," he said as he climbed to his feet. "I need you wet. Come over here."

She raised up, a little unsteady on her feet from the quick, intense orgasm. Alayna turned to find him standing in front of the armoire holding the box, so she walked over to him. He lifted the lid.

"I thought you might like to take a walk through the city today."

Her heart lurched in her chest, though she was careful not to let her expression change. She didn't need him to know how badly she wanted that, wanted to further the knowledge of her surroundings. So she just arched a brow as she looked up at him.

"And I need to be wet for that?"

He chuckled. "Not for that, exactly. Here." He lifted the box slightly and Alayna looked down to find clothes.

Real clothes, not these damn scraps of fabric she'd been forced to wear. The plain gray dress wasn't much different from what she'd seen the servants wearing, unremarkable but well-made. Alayna lifted it from the box to find sensible leather boots beneath it.

"I find it very reassuring that you don't expect me to go traipsing around the city with my breasts on display."

"Somehow, I think you'd like that."

She snorted. "That might not be appropriate if there are children around." A thought occurred to her and she looked up at him. "Are there children?"

"Do you mean is this city normal or is it full of immoral, wicked creatures who would snatch a beautiful woman off the street and keep her?" The pointed look she gave him made him laugh. "It's a normal city, Alayna. There are people, families, shops, everything. Get dressed."

She removed the scraps of fabric clinging to her body and started to step into the dress, but his command to wait had her pausing. He took the dress from her hands and laid it over the bed, along with the box. When he removed the boots from the box and placed them on the floor, she realized there was something beneath it.

In the time she'd been here, Alayna had never been given underwear. She figured that was because it was one more barrier between Xanth and her pussy. But lying in the box was something that... very vaguely resembled underwear.

She tilted her head to one side as she studied it. Leather was an odd choice for underwear, but the metal clasps on each side, where it would sit on her hips, seemed even odder. She could deal with that, but the large phallic object jutting up on the middle of it gave her the most cause for concern.

"Is that..." She reached out and poked it, finding it to be made out of the same material as the machine.

"Meant to go inside you, yes."

Her eyes shot to his. "No."

Even before the word left her mouth, she already knew it was useless. Yes, she'd made a point to be more obedient, but she couldn't just blindly accept whatever he threw her way or he might become suspicious. And this was definitely something she should object to.

"Fox." His tone held a soft warning.

"You can't seriously expect me to go walking through town with that... that thing inside me!"

"That's exactly what I expect. I'll give a little time to adjust to it before we leave, but you will wear it." He picked it up from the box. "Open the armoire and face the mirror."

Alayna hesitated and Xanth arched a dark brow at her. "I'm rewarding you for good behavior with this little trip. Don't make me regret it."

She was learning that there was a limited amount she could push him and she was quickly approaching that line. Too much more and he'd chain her back to the bed. With a little huff to convey her disapproval, she opened the armoire and stood in front of the mirror.

Xanth got down on his knees behind her. She had to reach back and place a hand on his shoulder to keep her balance as he lifted one leg and guided her step into the underwear. The other leg followed suit.

"Stand with your legs apart." She obeyed. He pulled the material up her calves, her thighs. The tip of the cock brushed against her entrance. "Try to relax."

That was easier said than done, but Alayna took a breath in an attempt to lose the tension from her body. He pressed on, the tip of it spearing her entrance. The hand on his shoulder tightened. Xanth took his time, the moisture from her earlier orgasm helping it slide into her pussy. Alayna made a little sound in the back of her throat when it brushed that bundle of nerves and kept going. She couldn't help but watch in the mirror as the inches disappeared inside her.

It filled her completely. It wasn't nearly as large as Xanth or Beckett or Coen, but it was enough that she was definitely aware of its presence. The tightness of her pussy held it in place while Xanth pulled the straps tight at her hips and buckled them in place. He affectionately patted her backside and rose to a stand.

"How do you feel?"

"Full." She shifted slightly, the motion sending pleasure tingling all the way to her toes. "I don't think I can walk like this."

"I'll give you some time to adjust before we leave. With this being your first time wearing it, you're free to cum if you need to."

The slight hint of mischief in his eyes told her that she would need to, likely often. Alayna took an experimental step, the cock shifting inside her as she did so. Two more steps had her biting back a moan. She took a steadying breath and made herself walk over to the bed, where he'd discarded her dress. Xanth watched her in silence, studying every expression she made.

Alayna stepped into the dress, trying to focus more on the task rather than the movement inside her. She laced it up tightly in the front, the cut of the dress low enough that the tops of her breasts were visible. She sat on the bed and reached down for the boots. The sudden shift from bending over had her abruptly sitting back up, her body begging for release. Alayna fell back on the bed and, uncaring that Xanth was watching her, began moving her hips. The cock hit that bundle of nerves in just the right position to make her moan. Through heavy-lidded eyes as her hips undulated on the bed, she watched Xanth get down on his knees in front of her. Alayna spread her legs, hoping to feel his tongue on her clit, but he instead slipped the boots on her feet. Her hands fisted in the covers as she continued to move, fucking herself on the cock buried deep inside her. It didn't take her long to bring herself to orgasm, her little cries filling the room as her pussy clenched tightly. Xanth patiently laced her boots up, despite all the thrashing she was doing.

He stood, his gaze resting heavy on her shaking body. As the pleasure began to wane, he spoke. "You're a delight in every way, Fox."

When she was finally able to catch her breath and sit back up, she found him donning a heavy cloak that hadn't been present a moment ago. She attempted to tame her wild hair while looking for a cloak of her own.

"You don't need one," he said, loosely tying the laces at his neck. "No one is looking for the treasonous Lady Alayna Clayborne here."

Alayna paused, really mulling over what he'd said. She supposed they wouldn't be, not with the way his city seemed so cut off from the rest of the world. Since escaping her father's dungeon, she had never wandered into a city without a heavy cloak and hood to hide her face, even in the height of summer. To do so now... she felt more naked than if he'd left her in the scraps of silk.

"Why do you need one, then?"

"My people love me too much." An arrogant smirk curved his lips. "We couldn't have a normal experience if I came striding out of the castle in all my glory."

She fought the urge to roll her eyes, but conceded there was some sense to what he said. He took her hand and helped her stand. Each step in the direction of the door sent little pleasant tingles radiating through her body. Just as he was about to open the door, however, he stopped and looked at her.

"I trust I don't need to tell you to behave yourself?"

Her lips pursed. "I'm happy just being allowed to leave this room. I won't do anything to jeopardize that."

Except make a mental map of every twist and turn, each street and the number of guards or soldiers scattered through the city.

"Good girl." He pressed a kiss to her forehead and opened the door.

Though she was eager to be out in direct sunlight and fresh air, their progress was slow. They made it down two flights of stairs before her knees began to wobble and she gripped Xanth's wrist. Alayna looked around wildly, afraid a servant or guard would happen upon them at any moment, but Xanth simply looped an arm around her waist and pulled her in close to him so she wouldn't tumble down the stairs.

"It's okay, Fox, let it happen. Fighting it makes it worse."

She gripped his cloak and buried her face in his chest, using it to muffle her cries as she came. Her knees went weak, but he held her tight until her tremors had passed. She couldn't have said if anyone passed them on the steps or not.

To take her mind off the cock buried inside her as they made their way down to the ground floor, she spoke. "Was this another gift from that friend you spoke of? I've never seen anything like it."

"Yes. Tarian brings me a great many useful gifts, though some of them aren't always functional by the time he delivers them."

Her brows knitted together as she mentally marked another turn and another flight of stairs. "What do you mean?"

"Tarian's world is far more advanced than this one in terms of knowledge and industry." Once they reached the ground floor, he led her down a long hallway. Her head swiveled back and forth, making note of all the rooms with open doors and what they contained. It was surprisingly busy in the castle, people flitting back and forth as they carried out their daily tasks, many of them pausing to nod their head in greeting to Xanth. "However, many of their commonplace items have advanced to a point that they don't always function the way they're supposed to."

Two guards stood before a set of massive wooden doors. As they approached, the guards pulled the door open, the heavy wood groaning as they did so. Sunlight filled the entryway, nearly blinding her. Xanth pulled the hood of his cloak over his head and guided her out of the doors. It wasn't a long walk to the city, for which Alayna was grateful because the movement inside her was getting harder to ignore.

She did have to stop and catch her breath at one point, to compose herself so she wasn't cumming in the middle of the city street. Xanth seemed to find her torment incredibly amusing.

Once they were able to begin walking again, Alayna asked, "Are all his gifts... like this?"

"The more entertaining ones, yes." She couldn't begin to imagine what sort of monster would give him these things to use on unsuspecting women. "He also provides valuable aid and supplies to our war efforts."

"War efforts?" She arched a brow as they walked, wending their way through the crowd. It was surprisingly clean despite the number of people present, the street they were on paved with large stones, though she could see a few side streets and alleys that were formed of packed dirt.

"To retake our home. We're battling every day, valiant soldiers giving up their lives to reclaim what we lost. Tarian claims his world makes great war machines that could win the battle for us in a matter of days. Unfortunately, what machines he's tried to bring over lose functionality, much like the toys he provides. The worlds don't like it when you try to bring something in that doesn't belong."

It still boggled her mind that there were other worlds, though she'd gotten quite good at accepting things she couldn't explain. To be fair, she had quite a lot of troubles to occupy her in this current world. Xanth showed her around the city and the way it was divided into various districts. Homes, shopping, business, food. The city had just about everything and was so large she knew she'd have difficulty recalling each street and in what direction it led.

They stopped at a tavern to have a quick meal, choosing to sit outside in an area that wasn't overly crowded. The act of sitting down pushed the cock inside her deeper, making her have to bite back a moan.

As they ate, Alayna asked, "How do you supply this place with food? I haven't seen any signs of farms or livestock." He'd said the city was cut off from the rest of the world, so they couldn't be trading for it.

"The farms are located in the Greenfrost, where the land is better suited for growing crops and raising livestock."

"Isn't that dangerous? You said the Greenfrost is home to all sorts of nasty things."

"It is. The farms are heavily guarded against the beasts there. I also send out an experienced patrol to make sure everything is as it's supposed to be. There are more patrols roaming the Greenfrost to ensure the creature population doesn't grow to become a problem."

She made a note to be on the lookout for any of these patrols when she finally decided to make her escape.

"Do you ever have a problem with people from the outside world stumbling into the Greenfrost?"

"The creatures take care of most of them. It's rare, but occasionally some hardy soul will stumble onto one of the farms. We actually had this happen recently. A group of three, this time."

She couldn't begin to image what madness drove them into the Greenfrost. "What happens to the people who make it through?"

"Generally speaking, if they're brave enough or skilled enough to make it that far in, we take them in for questioning to determine if they have any skills that would be beneficial to the city. If they do, we give them a choice: Spend the rest of their days here, working toward the betterment of this society, or death."

Alayna blanched. "That's not much of a choice."

"I'll be honest, most of them die regardless. They find being trapped on the other side isn't to their liking and attempt to leave."

Exactly as she was planning to do. Alayna reached for her drink just as the cock buried inside her moved. She startled so hard she nearly knocked her cup over.

"Something wrong?"

"N-no." She shifted in her seat, but couldn't feel it moving any more than the motion of her body created. "Perhaps just a chill. You spoke of your friend's world. Have you ever been there?"

"Once. It was loud and overcrowded. I wouldn't recommend it." He sat back in the chair. "Though admittedly, some of their advancements are quite impressive. I think you would be particularly interested in their healing capabilities."

That made her sit up. "Really? Better than what we can do here?"

"Nothing beats magic, but they've advanced to a point where it almost seems like they use magic, as well. Perhaps I'll take you there one day."

"Perhaps." She didn't intend to stay here that long, though the healer in her was certainly curious.

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