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The Futa Vlogger Ch. 01

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A Vlogger on YouTube is more than she seems.
2.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/05/2015
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Author's Note: So, if you're not familiar with Vlogging on YouTube, this may not be as enjoyable. Besides that, warning: This contains Futanari, Unreal Sizes, Growth of the Extreme Kind, and Severe Cum Inflation.


"Hey guys. So, not much planned for today; gonna hang out with my girlfriend, maybe grab a late lunch or early dinner, I dunno." Valeria Johnson said as she walked down the street. She was a Vlogger on YouTube, which, for those who do not know, is essentially a video blog. Valeria was fairly popular, with over four million subscribers and various other channels where she posts short videos. Thanks to her popularity, Valeria is able to live solely on her YouTube career.

"Oh yeah, I didn't have the camera out, but there was this guy who started hitting on me. I mean, literally out of nowhere. Of course he ran off as soon as he looked beneath my boobs." She pointed the camera down, laughing, to where one could easily see the bulge in her pants. This is one of the reasons she was so popular. Valeria was at once, the peak of feminine beauty, with her pouting lips, smooth fair skin, and all natural G cups, but she was also the record holder for the world's largest penis and testicles. Her penis measured at thirteen inches when flaccid and twenty seven when erect, when soft it was as thick as her wrist and nearly doubled when hard.

Of course she was part of a very small percentage of women who were born with both genders. This resulted in her current popularity, since she reached maturity at a time when fans of hermaphrodites were near their peak. She had found out about this, and, in need of money, she had started setting up webcams streams of herself masturbating. In what seemed to be no time at all, she had became insanely popular and was making enough money to move into her own apartment. She was happy, until she had met her current girlfriend; Anna Smith.

Since then, Valeria had cut back on her pornographic content, transitioning to YouTube surprisingly easily. Many of her fans were interested in seeing what kind of person she was, so they tuned in and subscribed to her, while others just happened to stumble upon her channel and enjoy themselves, whether because she was gorgeous, or because they liked her usually fun, or perverse personality, was something of mystery, though the amount of times she got comments saying she was hot as fuck, implied that most people were there because of her looks.

"Sorry about not doing too many live streams guys. I know you enjoy them, and believe I do too, but with Anna and all the other stuff I'm doing with YouTube, I just can't find the time to fit it in y'know? I'm gonna try tomorrow, but we'll just have to wait and see." Valeria knocked on the door to her girlfriend's house. Anna was more than aware that Valeria was an hermaphrodite, how could she not? That said she was still worried about having sex with the well endowed girl, since she, or probably anyone for that matter, had ever taken a cock that large before.

Anna answered the door and was greeted by Valeria's camera and gorgeous smile.

"Hey there, you guys been keeping my girl company?" She said to the camera, as she pulled the vlogger in for a kiss, something Valeria made sure to keep in frame. Two million views here I come, she thought as she returned the kiss. She and Anna had met about a year after Valeria had moved out of her parents home, when the two were at a nightclub hoping to find some prospective partners, though each were looking primarily for the opposite gender, instead they had met and hit it off. The night had led to many drinks and Anna bringing Valeria to her home.

They had been about to fuck, but of course something got in the way; Valeria's massive dick. Anna had been somewhat freaked out at first, but given what she had been looking for that night, that is to say a guy with a large dick, combined with her inebriated state, it wasn't a turn off. After calming down a little, she had explored the giant phallus, gasping in shock when it grew completely erect. They had tried that first night, but Anna was far too small to fit it inside her vagina. They had settled for getting each other off and passing out together.

Anna always felt ashamed that she couldn't have sex with her girlfriend as they both wanted to. She had been working on it recently, but with no luck. Her vagina always tightened up too fast, even after she stretched out as much as possible. Valeria put her camera away and simply enjoyed Anna's company, while watching whatever was on the tv. When Anna went to use the bathroom, Valeria pulled out the camera.

"Something I kept forgetting to tell you guys, but I've got a plan. Obviously, you know how Anna and I haven't been able to get me inside her because I'm hung like a monster horse, well, I did some digging around and came to the conclusion that nothing's gonna work. So, my plan is to get her drunk, maybe slip her some fairly strong painkillers and force it inside. Now, I know what you're thinking: 'Holy shit, Val, that's so fucking mean, won't it tear her?!' Well, she told me about what she'd been doing, and from the sounds of things she was always close to getting something of my size inside her, and without any pain. Oh shit, she's coming down gotta go. Wish me luck!" With that she turned the camera off.

A few hours later, the two were eating dinner and drinking wine. Valeria constantly insisted that Anna have a refill, and, in a short amount of time, she was drunk. Valeria had sneaked a painkiller into the drink as she had said and the effects were obvious. The dickgirl pulled out her phone and began vlogging again.

"So, guys, Anna's drunk." She turned the camera to her girlfriend, who was standing in the middle of her living room, doing a drunken dance, "So, if you didn't skip to this part, you know what time it is. Yep, time to get naked. I can't show you this, since it'll get taken down, but I'll put it on a porn site or something. And yes, Anna doesn't mind, since she has helped with out a few times in my streams. Anyway, let's see if we can do this."

Valeria began to gently lead Anna upstairs, where her bedroom was. Inside the hermaphrodite began stripping off, something Anna was all to eager to join in with. Valeria, camera still recording, began kissing Anna fiercely, forcing the drunk girl onto her bed, where she spread her legs, allowing Valeria to get between them, her rapidly hardening length rubbing slightly against Anna's already moist snatch.

"W-wait... We can't fuck remember?" Anna slurred, though she was clearly too out of it to put up much of a fight.

"Don't worry, babe, I'll get it in. Then you can have my babies." In several previous vlogs, Valeria had told her fans of her desire to impregnate Anna, something Anna was on board with as she had a bit of a pregnancy fetish. Tests during her early life made it clear that Valeria had fully functioning genitalia and was in fact, even more virile and fertile than any other man or woman in the history of the human race, something her near always drooling pussy and cantaloupe sized testicles attested to.

"Hmm, o-okay then." Anna moaned as she spread her legs even wider, almost doing the splits a result of her daily yoga training. Valeria was completely hard by now, with one hand on her cock, and the other on the camera, she trained the device on her cock head as she pressed it against Anna's dripping snatch. The inebriated girl only moaned, even as Valeria began forcing her near grapefruit sized tip into the significantly smaller girl.

Grunting and pushing hard enough that she began to sweat, Valeria was able to get the first inch inside. She moved the camera to Anna's face. She no longer had the dazed expression of someone who was drugged and drunk; her eyes were focused intently on Valeria's dick. The dickgirl took a deep breath and began to push forward once again, placing her free hand on Anna's thigh to keep the small girl in place. Valeria was fortunately strong enough to do so with only one arm.

"See this guys, I've almost got the head in. Oh god, this feels amazing. Sorry if I don't, oh god, talk much." She said and gasped as another inch went inside. She trained the camera on Anna's massively stretched cunt, moving between it and the penetrated girl's face. As another inch went in, the look of pure ecstatic rapture that spread across her face was a clear indication of her joy, but, as though it weren't enough, she let out a high pitched cry of joy. With her relaxed and so very wet, Valeria began pressing more of her massive shaft inside.

She couldn't believe her eyes. While she was intent on getting her cock inside Anna, she hadn't expected it to go so smoothly. Maybe Anna had been anticipating Valeria's attempt today and had done what she could in preparation, that or the drug Valeria slipped was powerful enough to relax her completely, without dulling the sensation of pleasure. The dickgirl felt herself come to a blockage, something she knew to be Anna's cervix. Valeria only had a third of her dick inside, but she figured it would have to do. She began to pull out, but Anna sat up and stopped her.

"N-no. I want... all of it." She said, looking directly into the camera.

"But..." Anna placed both of her hands on Valeria's shoulders.

"Fuck the buts... I. Want. It!" Each word was punctuated by Anna pulling with all her strength.

"I-I guess we're going all the way then." She pushed Anna back down and handed her the camera. She was quivering from the constant pleasure burning through her, but she managed to hold the camera fairly still as she kept it trained on Valeria and her cock. The dickgirl grabbed onto Anna's shapely hips and began pulling with her arms, while thrusting forward with her own hips. Anna could feel it; her cervix was giving, any moment now and Valeria would be in her womb. Suddenly, Valeria lurched forward.

Anna's cervix had been penetrated.

"Oh god. You guys, you've no idea... how good this is." She grunted as she sunk as much of her shaft inside as she could, before colliding with the back of Anna's uterus, who panned the camera down to see the massive bulge in her stomach, made by Valeria's cock. Even though she had gone so far, Valeria was only half way inside, and Anna had demanded all of her cock. She gave her girlfriend a worried look, but Anna's gaze was fixated upon her bulging stomach. Valeria pulled back an inch, which was enough to send Anna into a sudden orgasm stronger than any other she'd had.

The orgasm made it impossible to hold the camera, so Valeria took it back. She zoomed it in on Anna's face, her eyes rolling back, tongue lolling out and drool running down her neck. Seeing how good she was feeling, Valeria decided she would go as far as possible. She waited for Anna to come down and regain enough strength to hold the camera, before giving it back to her and taking hold of her hips. Valeria let out a low moan, and took a deep breath, before thrusting forward. Anna was fortunately able to catch what they saw.

Anna evidently was extremely stretchy, it just took a bit of urging to open her pussy. Valeria had roughly twenty inches of her dick inside, and Anna's skin was stretched taut around it even as the head was poking into her breasts.

"You're like a human condom." Valeria half laughed and half moaned, as she continued to sink inch after inch inside her bulging girlfriend. Anna was barely keeping hold of the camera; she could feel her pleasure rising, placing her on the tip of a climax, but she held on, wanting to see it all. Valeria saw this and took the camera back, since she no longer needed both of her arms to hold Anna, who promptly let her orgasm wash over her, almost passing out from the overwhelming ecstasy as Valeria's crotch met her's. Valeria began pulling out and thrusting inside with all the power she could muster.

Anna was cumming with nearly every thrust. She was barely staying conscious, the promise of even greater pleasure the only thing fuelling her will at that moment. Despite being both drunk, drugged and in a constant state of pleasure, she could feel Valeria's thrusts speeding up, a sign that she was about to cum. Mustering all of her willpower, Anna kept her orgasms at bay and took the camera from Valeria who hilted inside her once more, letting out a soundless cry of bliss as she came inside for the first time. Anna stayed on Valeria's face for a second, before fixing it upon her growing stomach.

Anna could hardly believe her eyes. Her stomach was inflating rapidly. She looked maybe six months pregnant, but that was barely a taste of Valeria's incredible production. It would be several minutes before she ran dry, and Anna recorded every second of it. By the end of the first minute she was overdue, by the second she seemed pregnant with a large toddler, by the third she could be carry quintuplets, the fourth saw her approaching octomom size. By the time Valeria ran dry, Anna's stomach was a massive dome structure that could probably house Valeria herself. The two soon passed out soon after that.

The next day, Valeria had edited her video and put it up on every free adult website and the clean version onto YouTube. She checked it both forms of the videos an hour later, and saw that the full version had nearly as many views as her entire YouTube channels had altogether. She smirked, knowing that Anna was in the bathroom not five feet away getting ready for another night like that, though with the addition of a massive stomach that made her seem pregnant with triplets, since that was all that could leak out before her vagina had sealed totally shut. They had three different cameras set up on tripods.

Valeria sat on the bed in front of one of the camera's and began recording.

"So guys... since you enjoyed yesterdays video so much, we're gonna go all out for you today. Anna," As she spoke Anna sat beside her, "and I are gonna fuck like rabbits."

"Hell yeah. Let's see how big I can get." Anna said as she brought Valeria in for a deep kiss. Not long afterwards, Anna was sucking on Valeria's cock as it grew to full size. To both of their surprises, it didn't stop at the usual massive twenty seven inches, instead it went to an even thirty six inches. Anna squealed in both horror and joy... nothing would stop her from taking it. Nothing. A look beneath showed them that Valeria's balls had grown when her cock had, now each the size of basketballs.

"I'm gonna need a bigger bed after this." Anna said and got on all fours, presenting her eager cunt for Valeria's cock.

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BurhanDangerBurhanDangeralmost 9 years ago

Great out of the box thinking. It is awesome.

But there're some problems for me to imagine the unrealistic sizes in mind.

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