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The Gems--Jade Ch. 04

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Cassianna--A Royal Bitch.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 11/04/2011
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Sorry it took so long for me to finish editing this. I am trying to get these out faster but I'd rather that they make sense rather than have them out quick. Some of the stuff I write and then read back later really makes no sense at all. I think it has something to do with being tired. Anyway, enjoy!

* * * *

Chapter Four

Cassianna lifted her hand, watching as her ladies-in-waiting rushed to her side, eager to do her bidding. Of course they were eager, if they weren't they were punished. "The water grows tepid. Fetch more."

She never asked, she never needed to. Now that she thought of it, the last time she'd asked for anything had been from her father. Pompous, arrogant bastard that he was. She'd seen him last when he'd hung from his tongue and nipples, his toes barely brushing the rocky ground. He'd screamed over and over. It had made her smile. Even the memory of those screams sent a shiver of pleasure through her. They had been worth the time that she'd had to spend with Calder, working as his second, learning every art of torture and finding she enjoyed it all. The magic had been a second gift. That girl had ruined everything, taking Calder's sword and his life, skulking away in the night with some of Calder's slaves. That red-haired bitch...!

She shook away those thoughts. "You." She picked one of the women with one red tipped finger and motioned for her to come next to her bath. "I don't remember seeing you before."

"You ordered my father to bring me to you, lady."


"Excuse me, lady?" She glanced around as she heard the gasps given by the other ladies.

"That was your once. Question me again and I will have your father and mother taken to the commons and have the flesh stripped from their backs. Now strip and make it quick, before I grow bored." Cassianna's pale blue eyes sparkled as she watched the young girl begin to pull her clothing from her body.

Her breasts were large and lush, her nipples quickly growing hard. They were light brown and sat high upon those perfect, heavy curves. Her waist was tiny, her hips full and womanly. Cassianna felt a spurt of lust as well a spurt of desire from between her sleek thighs. She already had dreams of the girl riding a top the stud of your pleasing while she pleasured Cassianna with her tongue.

"Have you had a man?"

"H-had?" The girl shifted nervously her hands coming up to cover her nipples, her legs crossed. Her legs tried to hide the sweetness between them.

"Don't be tiresome girl. Has a man thrust his hard cock between those sweet pussy lips and into that dripping slit?" She let one hand trail up the girl's leg and then pushed between the girl's trembling thighs. One finger slid over the dry flesh of her cunt and then thrust against the tiny entrance that seemed to strive to keep her out.

"N-No my lady. My father would never permit any man to look at me, much less touch me in that way." She flinched when Cassianna flicked her finger over the tiny bud of her clit. "Oh, what are you doing?!"

Cassianna smiled and licked her full, red lips. She hooked her finger in the lips of the girl's cunt and tugged upon her gently. "I wish for company in my bath."

"But you touch me where not even my maid would dare?"

"But it is nice, is it not...I do not know your name."

"M-Malilynna de Rance, lady. My father is Martom de Rance."

"Malilynna, such a pretty name. Come join me in my bath, Malilynna."

The girl didn't argue, instead, she went up the one step and then slid into the bath. Cassianna drew the girl down until she lay above her, their bodies sliding against each other in the warm water. "Kiss me, Malilynna, give me your tongue."

"I've never..."

"Not even with your little female friends?" She chuckled huskily when she saw the red creep into Malilynna cheeks. "Ah ha! I was right. You've been naughty with your little friends. Have you enjoyed it?"

Malilynna opened her mouth to speak only to gasp as Cassianna's mouth covered hers, her tongue sliding into the silenced girl's mouth. "Kiss me back, let me taste your tongue."

* * * *

The girl did as she was bid, a soft moan escaping her lips. She'd heard so many bad things about the mistress, things whispered between her friends, warnings that came from her parents. However, this lady did not seem as evil or horrid as she'd been portrayed. If it wasn't for the awful rumors she'd heard of the torture of King Daxton, she might enjoy the things that Lady Cassianna was doing to her.

"Girl, pay heed to what I am doing here!"

"Yes lady. It's just..."

Cassianna sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. "It's just what?"

"I've heard that..."

"Girl, if you do not wish to feel my anger, you'll finish your thought."

Malilynna blinked, confused by the harsh tone of her lady's voice even as her fingers stroked over the hardening buds of Malilynna's breasts. "I've heard that you have King Daxton locked up in the dungeon. I've been told that you have forced unspeakable things to be visited upon him and that he is close to death?"

Cassianna laughed. "Do you believe everything that you hear?"

Malilynna glanced around when she realized that the entire room had gone silent. Only two of the ten women were still in the room and both of those women had frozen, their mouths open in horror. "I...I a...No, my lady."

"But you do. Don't lie to me and compound your sins against your ruler. Speak to me freely girl. I wish to know your thoughts." She gently twisted one hard nipple before stroking the heavy under curve of the girl's breast. "I wish to know. I need to know if you trust me enough to become mine."

"B-Become yours? I...I'm confused, m-my lady. Ohhh. Mmm. What are you doing?"

"Loving you, sweetling. Making you mine. You wish that, don't you?"

"I...I." Malilynna was stuttering, confused. The lady she'd been warned against was making her feel things she'd never felt before. She opened her mouth to answer her lady only to hesitate when she felt something thick probing at that forbidden hole between her thighs. "M...Milady... What...what are you doing?" Any answer she would have been given was interrupted by a heavy fist pounding at the chamber door.

"My lady Cassianna! The prisoner has escaped!"

Cassianna pushed the shivering girl away from her and stalked up the stairs to step over the rim of the tub. One of her lady-in-waiting's was standing at the bottom of the stairs. She held a thick warm robe and a towel to wrap her thick hair with. She even held her hand out, accepting the phallus that was slapped into her palm.

Her eyes were pale blue ice as she raked her gaze over the castle guard that had drawn the unfortunate duty to report to Cassianna. With a snap of slender fingers, the guard couldn't breathe. "You imbeciles! How hard it is to keep one man in a dungeon. He had to have help. There is no way in the shadow realms that he went on his own. Tell me who was there, who dared to offer assistance in his punishments."

Cassianna snapped her fingers and the guard fell to his knees. He gulped in lungs full of precious, sweet air. His hand was at his throat and he glanced around the room. Hia confusion was compounded by the amount of people that were there, people he hadn't known. There were all these people and so many more eager to witness Cassianna's punishment.

His heart thudded heavily in his chest. He'd known she would lose her temper. It was the greatest form of punishment that Cassianna could give him. His cock was hard and throbbing. He didn't understand how she could cause him pain and he still enjoyed and wanted more each time. He watched her cautiously. If she were too angered, it could cause him his life.. She had architects in evil that would do what she had done to others, to the ones that disappointed her. It was only when Cassianna became hands on, then he would beg her for more even as he moaned or screamed in pain and would never leave a scar. Kennisto, the guard, jerked in surprise when he felt her trail her fingers over his cheek and then ran them over his lips. "You are a sweet one. don't look like I'd expect you too, unless you're married. Tell me, Kennisto, tell me what you've witnessed here".

Kennisto reached down and yanked on the strings of the cod piece that he only wore when on duty. Then he stroked his hand over the end of his cock, showing his lady the drips of his excitement that were there. He sighed. This lady was too beautiful to ignore. Her tawny skin and the sweet, satiny texture of her lips were talked about within the guards. Every voluptuous curve, every long line was discussed and bandied about. Even those who had captured the attention of the killer portrayed, seemed electric and alive. She had an aura that was ringed with real fire that lapped at the skin of those that angered her.

"Nothing, my lady. I've not held anything back. King Daxton had to have help, he couldn't have done this himself. He would have to have the true magic of the Lords of Traciel. The chains that held him in check would have been more than enough to keep him locked up otherwise."

He drew himself up and rose. In a second, he had his sword, his fingers clasped over the designed forged into an elaborate pattern of knots. The top of the intense structure of these knots were three breaks in the pattern. Those knots were a sign of his people, of the land that he came from. "This sword hasn't tasted human flesh since my family sent me to pay our dues to you."

Cassianna scoffed and then rolled her eyes. With little effort, she disarmed him and ran one slim hand over the blade from the tang to the tip of the sword. Her fingers slid down the blade and then her eyes moved to his. "You lie." Her eyes were black, as if all life inside of her had been given to the dark lords.

"No Mistress, I would not...I could not..."

Cassianna trailed her hands over the tip of the sword and then dug her hand in the leather of his pants. She smiled even wider when he groaned and stiffened. "You've tasted blood and you enjoyed it."

Kennisto tried to hold himself stiff and still but was little able to control the true lusts of his body that had him jerking into her hand and moaning louder with each magical touch. "N...No. No...Mistress. I would never kill unless it served you."

Cassianna moved easily away, evading the shaking hands the wanted to do nothing more than thrust her against the side of the castle wall and fuck her until he could get her out of his hell. "Please, milady. Please, I wish to bring you pleasure." He pulled open the front of his pants and exposed his cock for everyone could see.

Cassianna smiled and waved her hand at Kennisto. The guard turned and stared at the two ladies left stranded and with no chance to declare their wishes. The older of the ladies unbuttoned the few buttons left upon her rough uniform. Then she stood proudly as the guard in the room circled her.

Malilynna, who still stood where the evil witch had bid her stay, felt the many eyes of the guard touch upon her naked body and a rush of panic sent her scurrying toward the door, but it was locked. She pounded upon the solid door, begging for someone to let her out or to stop the men. Her wishes were ignored.

"Stop, milady. You might end up injuring yourself badly. None of us want that."

Lynna turned her fear of what might be behind her greater even as she fumbled with the handle on the door. "I don't want this. I want freed and to go home."

"You don't want that, not really. You want me to be the first inside that tiny cunt. You are virgin."

"Y-Yes. Do not dishonor me this way. I wish to save my body for my husband." She jerked when she felt a hand push between her slender thighs. The long fingered hand was doing something to her, something that had her moaning. His finger pushed inside of her and she lifted her leg, exposing her even more as she continued to protest.

"You have little choice in this matter, Lady Malilynna. You can pick me to be your first." The guard stepped back and held his arms wide, his cock pushing over the top of his pants. "I will be gentle, lady. I will give you your first pleasure. You've but only to ask for me to take you and you will feel more pleasure.. Just ask."

Then she was facing a nightmare worse than the day she'd been told she was to stay here and do whatever was necessary to make her own way and pay for the food she ate and the space that was provided for her to sleep. She hated this, hated it worse than any would believe. She couldn't lift her hand to choose. It was her body and they wanted to take the prize of it in the same way any of them would. A warrior was prized for every piece he took.

However Lynna was scared. Her emotions seemed too jumbled and her eyes switched from one of the men to the other and then back to her lady. The men were laughing and seemed to be sharing a private joke. Then she heard the sound of the elder of the two women, the one who was being bent over, another of the guard holding the back of the woman's head so that she was doing something that seemed extremely lewd pressed against the naked guard's loins. This was what her mother had feared for her.

Then the second man stood behind Lynna and the heat of his breath was terrifyingly close against the skin at her nape. "No," she whined. She pressed her hands against those that plucked at her nipples. One moment she pulled at them and the next she pressed them against her with even more force.

"I have to ask you to be mine, Lynna. I can give you more than he can. I would be kinder than Lady Cassianna. She would kill you just for the taste of your first orgasm. I would protect you and when we were done with each other, I would be happy to find a groom for you and deliver you to the arms of your loving family. You would not be happy delivering babe after babe and smiling up at your husband with dog-like devotion." His eyes were incredibly green and they ran over her body. His hands trembled as they ran just inches above her skin. He seemed fascinated by the heavy round curve of her breasts. "Be mine, Malilynna. Let me claim you..."

His breath tickled over her skin. Lynna closed her eyes as she fought the sensations but they flew open with his first real touch. His eyes were frosty but they crawled over her body with a heat that denied that ice. Each new touch he gave sought the darkness that grew inside of her. He hummed his pleasure and she looked into his face.

"You ask for too much. I am lady born and raised. My parents would be horrified." Malilynna moved beneath his hands and she moaned once more. "I would be ostracized. I would be outcast with nary a penny to ease my plight." She was overwhelmed, little able to know what she was saying or what she should think. His hands were hot and they pressed against her, his fingers tugging on her nipples. He nodded once at the man behind her and she felt a terrifying bolt of fear as fingers played at the junction of her thighs, pulling her legs open and keeping them such with his own leg.

"Then is that all you need? A penny?" The air took on a wavy clouded aura and then cleared. There was a heavy wooden table covered by pennies and gold and silver coins. The prize in such was the heavy square of deep green. "Will this suffice? Or would you like a crown and jewels to match?" The crown sat atop one undoubtedly heavy bag of coins with more of jewels mixed within. "Will you be mine?"

It just confused her more and she shook her head. "H-How are you able t-to do this?"

The guard chuckled. "Where do you think the sweet lady receives the energy she needs? She siphons what she needs from the high lords and ladies of her realms. They gladly give her the strength she needs and the knowledge and information of how to keep her realm safe while she is out in search for her true mate."

Malilynna shook her head. "I am one of those ladies, sir. I do not possess the talents that you seem to bandy about so easily."

The guard grinned and dropped his head, his forehead resting briefly against her own. She felt the guard behind her back off and instantly missed the loss of his warmth so much she almost reached out to stop him. Her eyes darted back to him as soon as he began to speak. "You do not recognize me, Lady Lynna? Our parents had thought to draw contract between us."

Lynna licked her lips and forced her eyes to open despite the desire that made them so heavy. When he stepped back and bowed from the waist then reached out and tugged on one fiery lock of hair, she knew. "Lord Gramsby! Her hands rose and covered her breasts and eyes grew wide.

He reached out and tugged her hands back down. "I think we can use first names, Lynna. I never realized how beautiful you are. You were always that ginger haired girl. How could I not see how beautiful this is." She felt his fingers slide over the hair between her thighs. "Especially here."

Malilynna jerked and moaned. "You...You should not touch me like this." But the hand that she moved to stop his, curved over his hand and moved as his did. He stepped even closer, his lips at her ear. "If I am going to get you out of here, don't fight me or her. She'll kill you, Lynna. Please, help me get you out of here."

Lynna swallowed harshly. "She dare not. My father is the King's cousin."

Her eyes flew opened when a slender sharply tipped nail ran over her cheek. "I dare not what?"

Malilynna couldn't speak. She stared up at the icy blue gaze of her lady and felt a quick spurt of terror.

Cassianna leaned closer, her lips touching Lynna's ear. "I hear all, girl. If it were not for my fondness of Gramsby, I might throw you to my men, the ones that are not as well paid. If you doubt what power I have and who I will and won't use those powers on, try my hand."

Lynna felt her lady's icy lips against her cheek and then the twitch of her fingers against one nipple.

"Teach her well, Grams. She will share my bed soon." Cassianna chuckled softly as Lynna gasped and began to totter on unsteady feet. Lord Gramsby reached out and caught her as she headed toward the floor.

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ausvirgoausvirgoover 7 years ago
Loving it.

One part didn't seem very coherent, but could be meant to be that way, as it involves magic and illusion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Continue this story soon!

MizTMizTover 12 years ago

The Queen seems to have taken the escape of the King rather well, either that or her brain tells her sex is more important. I guess I expected her to rage more. If Lord Gramsby is able to help Lynna escape maybe that will rile the Queen. Speaking of Royalty, how are the King and Jade doing?

I agree w/you that the story should only be published when you think it's ready. It is YOUR story to be told the way YOU want.

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