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The Good Son Ch. 01


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And I did cum. I came like I don't ever remember cumming in my life. My balls felt like they were the size of softballs and boiling and tingling, and then--BAM!

It felt like both my balls exploded as they heaved and quivered and my dick expanded and tightened up and--and exploded! Cups. No pints! No GALLONS! Gallons of cum exploded from my loins and flooded my little sister's womb until I thought she would feel her belly expanding, but no! She didn't feel a thing! She was so caught up in what we had just done and in the pain of her hymen being torn that she didn't even realize that I, her big brother, right at this moment, was filling her womb up with MY potent sperm!

Leesa's laying down on top of me plopped her gigantic breasts soundly on top of my chest, and so, I slipped my hands around her back and played with her hair for a few seconds before sliding down to cup the cheeks of her wondrously ample ass. She laid her head down on my chest and mumbled, "Do you mind if I just lay here for a little while?"

"Sure," I replied evenly, trying not to sound strangled as I thrust my hips just a little and continued to cum inside my sister.

She never felt a thing, and I never said a thing. Leesa lay there on my chest with my dick buried deep inside her womb for almost a half hour. The angle she had my dick bent and the amount of pressure her pubic symphysis put on the base of it while her vagina bent it around her arch was so great that even after cumming for a very long time and in what felt like a very great amount, my dick remained swollen to almost painful rigidity for that entire half hour.

During that time Leesa asked, "Hey Nate, was this your first time too?"

Alarm gongs seemed to sound loudly in my head at the question, so I asked, "Why do you ask?"

Leesa looked up at me then and smiled as she replied whimsically, "Oh, just hoping I suppose. For a long time now, since middle school, I've always felt so embarrassed of my virginity. The girls at school were always talking about their boyfriends and how it felt so good to have sex. Except, they called it fucking and getting fucked. Anyway, none of the guys at school ever asked me out, and now I'm out of school and we're out here in the middle of nowhere and there isn't a man for a hundred miles that I've seen that I would say "Yes" to if he did ask me out! Except you--Nate."

Leesa paused then as she reminisced about her time in school in Marietta, Georgia. What she said next was so weak a mumble that I almost didn't hear her, "Not one guy in all of Atlanta wanted to date me, much less fuck me!"

There was so much venom and bitterness in her voice that it made me sad that I never did anything before now.

"Why," I asked just as softly.

Leesa had looked away as she reminisced, but her brown eyes sharpened as she looked back at me and said, "Angelica said it's because I'm a big fat Holstein cow, and no one wants to fuck a big fat animal like me."

"Leesa," I hissed angrily as I brought a hand up from her wondrous ass and cupped her chin lightly.

Tears were budding at the corners of her eyes as she continued, "And look at me now, I am so fucking ugly and desperate that I seduced my brother-- My own brother! --into taking my virginity just so that I won't die some old and shriveled spinster!"

"Leesa!" I growled again more forcefully this time. She shivered out of her depression and looked at me as the tears in her eyes began to roll down her cheeks, "I want you to listen to me and believe every word I say, okay?"

She nodded and wiped her tears away, and I continued, "I am a man, and I think if anyone should know what men like, it is me. So, first of all, that Angelica bitch is wrong! 100% fucking WRONG! She's an envious bitch and a liar!"

Leesa smiled at me but I could see that she didn't believe me, so I leaned in and kissed her harder and more thoroughly than I had ever kissed anyone before. I wanted to, my hope was, that I could somehow will all of my feelings, all of my love and lust for my little sister, into her mind and body. By the time I pulled back from kissing her, we were both breathless.

I cupped her chin and held her eyes with mine as I continued, "YOU--," and I pointed my finger at her and poked her in her wondrous breast as I professed, "--are the most beautiful woman in this house, in this state-- HELL! --in this whole fucking country! You didn't seduce me into having sex with you. You didn't have to. You've never had to! I've been masturbating to thoughts of you naked before me or on top of me like this ever since you were, well, since you grew those magnificent breasts and that magnificent ass. Honey, I would have fucked you then and anytime since. All I wanted was an invitation. All any guy wants from you is an invitation! And, if by chance all those guys in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia are too stupid, or blind-- (Because those are the only reasons I can think of as to why some guy hasn't swept you up and knocked you up by now!) --then I am happy and honored to be so lucky as to be your first, and I hope, only fuck partner! Because, Leesa, I worship you. I worship your fat as fuck tits, your wide as fuck hips, your thick as fuck ass, the curvy wonder that is your belly, and your perfectly angelic face. Leesa, it was like God took every man's ideal dream girl, perfected it, and then made you. You are so beautiful that--I can't even come up with the words to tell you how beautiful you are!"

Leesa looked back at me stunned. I couldn't tell at all if she knew how she felt, or how she should feel. As what I said ran through my brain again I cringed a little. I would be lucky if she felt only a little insulted for being objectified. I would be lucky indeed if she felt gratified that I, a man, was so deeply under her thrall. Or, happy that I thought she was the most beautiful woman on earth. Most of all I hoped she wasn't sad because no other men had ever told her what I just had, or because it was her brother that finally told her how god blessedly beautiful she truly is.

"Leesa," I began again after a few seconds and she focused in on me again as I added, "I'm not saying this because I'm your brother and I love you. I'm saying this as a man that doesn't give a fuck that your my sister because I love you. I love you, your mind, your body, your spirit, everything about you! You are a woman I have yearned to love and fuck just in the way we are right now even though it is incest and supposedly a horrible taboo."

Leesa smiled then, her confidence slowly returning before she remembered her question and asked, "So, are you going to answer my question?"

Now it was my turn to look apprehensive and then stoic as I replied, "No, Leesa, I'm not a virgin."

There was only a brief moment of disappointment before Leesa shrugged and said, "I should have figured. Leave it to me to make things awkward. I've hated being a virgin for the last six years and look at me now, worried that I might be the only one! Of course, you're not a virgin. Haven't women been throwing themselves at you since you were--twelve? Wasn't there a teacher, um, Missus Deirdre that started calling you when you were in the seventh grade? Wanted to tutor you privately or something?"

"Or something," I replied dryly, "And, no! Women have not been throwing themselves at me. Missus Deirdre was a fluke!"

"Whatever happened to her?" Leesa asked, "Did you fuck her? Was she your first?"

"No, and no," I answered, "Mom could tell right off what type of tutelage Missus Deirdre wanted to teach me and ran her off with threats of taking her to the school board and the police if she ever approached me again. A couple of years later she was fired and taken to court for having a relationship with another boy. She got pregnant by him too. The court ruled in her favor though saying that the teenager by the fact that he was male and could have rejected her consented to the relationship. Still, she lost her job though."

"Mmm," Leesa hummed as she put her head down on my chest again before mumbling, "A bullet dodged then."

"Yeah," I replied.

Lifting her head, Leesa's eyes met mine and she asked, "So, who was your first?"

"It's a secret," I replied with a rapscallion grin, "Only me and her know."

"Please!" Leesa begged as she rocked her hips so that she fucked my dick with her vagina a couple of times, "I promise you can fuck me anytime you want--forever--if you tell me who your first was!"

"If I tell you," I warned, since unfettered access to Leesa was more than I could take, and with that promise I was going to not only fuck her but impregnate her and make her my woman for the rest of her life, "Then you can never ever even hint that you know. You can't look at her differently. You can't treat her differently. Nothing! She is extremely sensitive about the subject. Okay?"

"I promise," Leesa answered solemnly, "I will not tell a soul."

I stared at her speculatively while she in return tried to look as innocent as a newborn lamb.

"Fine! I'm trusting you," I said cautiously as I gestured to our bodies currently locked in our intimate union before continuing, "I'm trusting this and my hope that this means more to you than a simple fuck..."

I left the sentence hanging, both as a statement and a question because I wasn't really sure what I meant it to be.

Leesa's expression grew serious then. Her smile fell as her eyes searched mine for a long moment looking for the meaning of my words. She seemed to find what she was looking for because she gave a small nod and whispered so that only we could hear, "I promise to you, Nathan Simon, that I am your woman from now on. I am your wife for the rest of my life even if I can never marry you. I love you with all my heart. I will support you in all your decisions. I even know that one day you will probably marry someone else and I will support that too. However, from now on, I am also your woman. I give you everything of me-- Everything! --and as many children as you want. I will keep your secrets, and ours, and anyone else's you bring into our relationship!"

Leesa paused for a second and took a deep breath that seemed to make her breasts grow another three sizes, and then she smirked at me and asked, "Is that enough? Or, do I need to also promise to be your submissive sex slave too?"

"Would you?" I asked half sarcastically to which Leesa returned a naughty grin and sparkling brown eyes, hinting at the possibility.

She brought her hands up and used my shoulders to push away from me, lifting only half the considerable weight of her breasts off my chest while still leaving her belly and pubic mound firmly pressed against me. It arched her back excessively and looked fucking sexy to boot. Then she lifted one of her darker blonde eyebrows and purred, "Well? I've only given you all of me for forever--till death do us part! Are you going to tell me, or what?"

I couldn't help the sinister grin that turned the corners of my mouth upward as I whispered, "Mom."

Finally, I had someone I could trust enough to tell the biggest secret of my life to! However, it was like a bomb had gone off in the living room.

"Mom!" Leesa gasped and then immediately clasped both of her hands over her mouth as she giggled, laughed, and gasped all at the same time while I frantically waved for her to quiet down. Finally, after several seconds if not minutes of Leesa laughing at me she settled down and whispered, "Mom?! Really? Holy shit! When? How? Why? Holy fuck! Why?!"

Slipping my hands around Leesa's shoulders I pulled her down so that she was lying fully on my chest again. I tilted her head up and I kissed her so deeply that Leesa was humming and licking her lips for more by the time I let her go. Then, I answered her in a low whisper only we two could hear.

"It was four years ago while we were living in Florida," I began.


Four Years Previous, August 1, 1994-

I was eighteen. Just barely. Just turned that day. Oddly, it felt just like the day before when I was seventeen. I was dating Janine Fredrick at the time. We had been writing to each other for about a year before we moved to Florida. Honestly, she was a huge factor in why I pushed Mom to push Dad to move us back to Florida. Besides the fact that all my friends were in Florida, and at the time Jamin was being a royal bitch all the time.

My sister, Jamin, had this remarkable capacity to be my best friend one moment and my worst enemy the next. We fought like cats and dogs. I, for one, wanted to kill her, but I loved her too much to do it. I loved her, and I hated her.

Anyway, when we moved back to Florida I didn't really have a place to be in the house, so mom talked my grandmother and grandfather into letting me stay in their extra bedroom in their new Palm Bay Home. Yay for me right?

It was fun for a while, I got a summer job and worked to make the money to go see Janine in Bonifay, Florida. My first car broke down so Dad bought me a new car. A 1992 Buick Skylark. Man, that was an unbelievable summer.

It was the end of July. Dad was traveling. The house mom and my sisters were living in was small. It was the house my Great-great-grandmother bought for my mom, as she had with all of her grandchildren, to give them a head start in life and a foundation they could always fall back on, the first time we moved to Florida. This was Mom's second time owning the house since seven years prior she sold it before we moved to a small town in Alabama where Dad's folks were from.

Anyway, no room for me. At this time Jamin was seventeen, Beth was fifteen, and Leesa was fourteen, and they were off on a sleepover with our cousins Andrea and Devon who were eighteen and sixteen. I was at home. Well, my home with my grandparents when the phone rang. It was my ringtone so I left my room and padded to the kitchen where the nearest phone was and picked it up.

"Hello, this is Nathan," I answered.

The line was silent for a long time, then I realized I heard crying. Soft, pitiful, crying.

"Hello? Is something wrong? Who is this?" I asked my voice more than a little colored with concern.

"Nate," Mom's voice whispered weakly, "Honey? Will you please come home?"

"I'll be right there!" I said firmly and put the phone down in its charging base.

Within a few seconds, I was on the road and cruising down North Lagoon Drive. A mile and a half later I was pulling into my other house. My parents' house. My mom's house.

I jumped out of my car and ran to the front door. I didn't even bother to knock. I hit the door, turned the doorknob, and pushed it open all in one smooth motion. As soon as I was through the door I saw Mom sitting and crying on her huge overstuffed burgundy couch while Bobbie O'Shea sat across from her in a matching overstuffed burgundy chair.

Bobbie O'Shea was four years older than me, which made her twenty-two. She was a stunning beauty with sunburned brown skin with dark freckles, emerald green eyes, and long brown hair. She looked like Evangeline Lilly before there was an Evangeline Lilly. In form and figure, she had proud C-cup breasts on something close to a 34-inch underbust. Her waist was slim and trim and athletic. She was a girl freshly come into her womanhood. Her waist was a tiny 24 or 26 inches while she had broad hips and an ass that I would say is flat, especially when compared to mom's wide and lushly round booty, but still measured something close to 38 maybe 40 inches.

"What's going on mom?" I asked, not so much in a panic anymore, but still very very concerned.

"Come here and sit by me," Mom bade me with hand waves and sniffles.

So I did. I walked over and I sat right beside her, hip to hip, and she immediately wrapped her arms around me and started bawling. Looking over at Bobbie I asked, "Bobbie, what's going on?"

Bobbie looked very uncomfortable. She glanced at the front door several times like she really just wanted to get up and run out of the house before she finally sighed and looked at me as she began, "I've been waitressing at Schooners this summer. Well, about six months ago, shortly after you moved down, James, your father, ran into me there. I was his waitress you see. Anyway, he was by himself. No buggy right? Lots of guys come in alone for lunch. He ordered like normal; a beer, a burger, and fries. It was all great. I hadn't seen you guys in years so I was excited to see him and hear that you all had moved back. Anyway, we started talking and one thing led to another and he offered to set me up in my own apartment if I would be his side dish..."

"And you accepted, didn't you," I finished for her.

Bobbie nodded solemnly.

"He gets home a couple of days early and comes and visits me first," Bobbie confessed, "We've been fucking pretty regularly ever since."

"Why come and tell us now," I asked.

"Well," Bobbie said hesitantly, "I thought you should know what your husband, and your father, is doing."

Looking at her shrewdly I replied scornfully, "That's not the only reason. You know you're breaking up a family by doing this. Causing trouble at the least--a lot of trouble, and you've been happily fucking my father, mom's husband for what five months now? So why are you here really?"

Bobbie stared at me for a long minute and then sighed again before answering, "I came here because I can't do it anymore. I feel horrible, and I'm sorry. I never should have accepted his offer."

Ever since I came into the house I had this overwhelming sense of dread and it wasn't over yet. Finding out that Bobbie was fucking my dad was actually not as surprising as I thought it would be. However, I could feel in my bones that this wasn't all, so I continued, "Bobbie, what led you to this new bout of conscience? I know there is more. What is it?"

Tears welled up in Bobbie's eyes and streamed down her cheeks now. She shook her head and bit her bottom lip, but her pleading eyes never left mine as she refused to say more. Looking her up and down, from the way she sat in her chair to the way she held herself, when I finally looked back up at her eyes I said, "You're pregnant aren't you?"

Bobbie's eyes opened as wide as they would go. Her mouth opened and closed several times but not a word came out.

"How long?" I asked.

"Pregnant?" Mom wailed, "Pregnant!"

Finally, Bobbie found her voice and asked in a croak, "How? How did you know?!"

"Deductive reasoning mostly," I replied, "Something had to motivate your sudden change in conscience, and for a woman that didn't mind being the marriage wrecker for the last five months, I can only imagine one thing that could influence such a drastic change so suddenly. Now that you're pregnant you've gone from being the other woman to being the woman. The woman who is pregnant with my father and Mom's husband's child. So as I see it there are two possibilities as to why you're here now. 1) Now that you're pregnant and looking at being a mother yourself, you've had an honest to god change of heart, and want to come clean. Or, 2) You're hoping that by telling my mother about your affair with my father they will get divorced, and that will in turn free Dad up to marry you and support your child. The only problem with that is this is my father you're talking about. If he is fucking you on the side of being married to my mom, then what makes you think he won't find some other girl to fuck on the side of having you?"

Bobbie broke down then as tears cascaded down her cheeks. Snot ran out of her nose and she was blowing bubbles in her mouth as she confessed, "I know! I know! I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Yes! I'm pregnant! It's been three months but I'm not showing much yet. I told James that I was pregnant. I told him I needed more from him, and now I haven't heard from him for almost a month. Then a week ago he told me to move out. When I asked why he didn't answer, but the other day I saw him at Spinnakers with another girl, and I think she's only eighteen, maybe younger!"

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