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The Hand of Death Ch. 05

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Step 4: Interrupted - First real mission.
4.5k words

Part 5 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/06/2024
Created 12/04/2022
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Chapter V

"The Attack by Fire"

"The Art of War"

~ by Sun Tzu ~

Yoshio seemed to enjoy my presence in his court after my mission. I had done some

investigating around the town and found that Daimyo Tetsuya had been furious when he first arrived and his sons had not done a better job of concealing their anger either. My understanding is that seppuku had been mentioned. Apparently Tetsuya was angry because his 'investment' had been risked at such an early stage. So my returning successfully and with gifts did much to exonerate Yoshio in the eyes of our Lord.

I still thought he had been petty in sending me out, but I felt pretty good about him seeing me in a favorable light now. And, to be honest, I enjoyed watching him work his vassals and advisers like puppets. Tetsuya and his sons visited for another week. They spent much of their time in court or visiting with Grandfather. I enjoyed one of the few vacations I had from training and used the opportunity to visit with my friend, Eita.

I found him strolling through the gardens, as most Giapanese are want to do. "Good morning, my lord." I said as I bowed to him in greeting.

He returned it and smiled. "Good morning Hiro san. How have you been?"

I sighed a little. "Very busy."

"Obviously." He gave a small laugh. "You did exceptionally well on your last mission, Hiro san."

I gave a small bow of thanks to him. "Domo arigato... I have wanted to ask, how was your brother's wedding? I was not able to go."

He gave a sigh. "You would have to ask."

I shrugged. "Gomen nasai. I was not aware it had been a sore point with you, my lord."

He shook his head. "It is not. It was just not a pleasant experience for me."

"May I ask why?"

He thought a moment and looked around to see if we were alone. "I had feelings for the girl."

"Oh... Did she feel the same?"

He shook his head with more certainty. "No. I thought she did but I was mistaken." I nodded my understanding. "When you get older you will understand better, but when a girl talks to you and enjoys the conversation, flirts a little and is genuinely having a good time with you... We, as men, assume that means she wants to spread her legs for us... When in reality, she is just enjoying the conversation."

I laughed. "So how do we know when they do like us?"

He gave a small shrug. "In my case, if I think a girl is interested, I try to kiss her on the neck and am prepared with a very sincere apology if it goes poorly."

I thought a moment. "So... you apologize a lot I take it?"

"More than you might think. Yes." He nodded. We both laughed for a bit until he continued. "Now my father is interested in arranging someone for me."

"That does not sound too terrible. Why not find someone before he does?"

"Easier said than done, Hiro san. I have to find someone I love and who is of an appropriate station."

I nodded. "OK. So start making trips to families with daughters who will be of your station. Maybe... you will find one you love?"

He looked at me. "Your optimism is invigorating." He said flatly.

We spoke several times during their stay but eventually they had to go home. I was sad when they had to leave but it had been a pleasant rest and it was time to get back to work. I had learned a new appreciation for Yoshio's court. He had used this act for so long that he knew exactly what to say, and how to act to exact a precise reaction from those present. Afterward he would often have me join him and his real advisers in his room for a game of Go or conversation.

Many of these men I recognized from the court but their input was much higher here. These were the only men he spoke to as equals. For my part I mostly just listened and learned from a master. Sometimes he would ask my input but mostly he just seemed to enjoy my presence.

One day after court he mentioned, "You know, Hiro san, on the day when you were giving out gifts to everyone. I do not recall you having one for me." He smiled sweetly.

"I was under the impression you already had everything you could want, my Daimyo." I smiled back.

He made a face. "What I need is a way to be rid of these sisters my father left me with."

In a concerned tone I said, "Rid of, my lord?"

He smiled. "Not like that! I just mean... something." he shrugged.

As I said earlier, Yoshio had eight older sisters. The eldest, Akiko, was married to the family Daimyo of the Nokizaru and lived with him in Shiro no Nokizaru. The fourth was married to Masao, but the other six were here and they were opinionated. I thought on his issue a moment before I remembered a story I had heard.

"My Daimyo, the Shang Di worshipers have a story about one of their emperors. He had a house of wives who did nothing but argue and cause issues for the man. Apparently their symbol for war is the same as two women under the same roof." I now had his full attention.

"What did the man do, Hiro san?"

"One day a great general came to see him, I want to say it was Sun Tzu but I am not sure.

Anyway, the General took the Emperor's wives and taught them to be mononofu. After a year they were trained to protect their husband and he had no more fighting in his house."

Yoshio sat back with a sour look on his face. "So I should teach my sisters to be samurai? That is your answer?"

"Possibly. I think the lesson here is that you should give them something constructive to do, my Daimyo."

"...Yes. Maybe..."

Within a week his sisters had mellowed dramatically. From what I could gather they were

meeting with Yoshio's spymasters, probably to get information about the courts they would be going to, while he was making arrangements for their marriages or transfers to oversee parties of our dignitaries around Giapan. In all, everyone was happy.

After another three months of court Sensei took me below the castle to the dungeons, to speak with some Onmyoji or sorcerers. He introduced me to a Shotoku Godiao, a woman of great age and knowledge. She and her assistants trained me in herbalism. The names of plants, where they can be found, when to harvest them, and how to make poisons with them. They also taught me what heals and what impairs.

I was given more books then I was grilled on the information. This took several months for me to learn and Sensei continued my physical training at night. From time to time Yoshio would still want me present in his courts.

On the first day of the week I would finish with my reading and go to the court. Court lasted for the first half of the day. This was too much time to give to every day so I could only go on the first, third and fifth day of the week. On the days when I didn't go to court, I could spend the last half hour before bed with the Onmyoji. Sensei would come and get me at midday and we would play Tag on the way home. Once there I would bathe and go to bed. Sensei would wake me up three hours later to begin with an hour of Kara-Te or Jujutsu, depending on what day it was. For the next hour I practiced Ninjutsu. On the off days I would practice the art of the samurai instead of Ninjutsu. The rest of that hour we studied over tactics and history. He would set up a tactical situation on a board with pieces and I would have to solve it. This I liked, I always have. The next half hour was spent at home with Sensei quizzing me on what I read, herbalism mostly. The last half of that hour he would quiz me on my skills at court. The entire next hour was spent solely on stealth. Sometimes he would test me against the palace guards. Many of them were good and did catch me. He would have to step in and explain. Soon though I got better. By the end of my time there I had not been caught in several months. The last two hours of the day, most of the time, was mine to do with as I wanted. It was early morning so the library was just opening. Sometimes though, Grandfather would use it to issue me drills.

"Hiro get a job with the Machi-bugyo and bring me back some information."

He didn't care what, he just wanted me to fool whoever it was he sent me to. All twelve hours of the day were filled and I was a very busy boy.

I spent a year and a half in total at Shiro no Shotoku. The Onmyoji taught me well and were very thorough. The last six months with Godiao and her wizards were spent on narcotics. How to make them, how to find them, the usual. This was interesting, but depressing. By now I had a very clear understanding of what my Daimyo wanted from me. As a side note, that had changed.

Near the beginning of my last six months in Shiro no Shotoku, Goemon Tetsuya had retired to the life of a monk, which is the tradition for a samurai. His eldest son Goemon Masao was our new Daimyo. Yoshio had left for a few weeks to see his brother in law's coronation. Masao ascended the throne and his father Tetsuya joined the monks in the temple of Arikura-no-baba to the east of Goemon Toshi. I was busy with my studies and not allowed to go. Mother wrote me that it had been lovely. She and I had been writing to each other since I left home.

I had little time to miss her as I was being taught more and more every day, and my Sensei didn't show any sign of slowing. Then things flew out of control for a little while. I had just finished my kata for the nunchaku; it was the second week of the first month of winter when I heard a runner come to the house from the palace. He was very loud in speaking to Minoko. Sensei and I came to the front door of the house.

"Minoko san, what is going on here?" Grandfather asked.

The runner answered him. "Sensei Nokizaru! Someone has been killed at the palace! The

Daimyo sent me to bring you!"

Grandfather nodded. "Wait here. We will not be but a moment." He walked back into his room. "Hiro! Get your knives. You are coming with me."

I nodded to him and ran to my room. My throwing knives were in the box with many other weapons I had trained with. I wrapped an obi around the kimono I had thrown on and tucked the six knives under it. We left with the runner just a few moments later. The city was quiet at this time of night. With a little snow still falling from the sky no one wanted to be outside. He brought us to the fifth floor of the main tower of the castle. Yoshio, Fujiko, and many others were waiting for us. The Daimyo addressed my Sensei when he saw us.

"Sensei Nokizaru san, we have had a terrible incident. An assassin has killed poor Nishi." He was putting on his act for those around who didn't know any better. I could tell it was one of those times he didn't like doing the act.

"Yes, my lord. But why call me?"

"The investigator I would normally use is away at Goemon Toshi. You are the best asset that I have. Will you help?"

Grandfather bowed slightly. "Of course, my lord. Can you tell me what has happened?"

Fujiko took over that part of the discussion. "Yes, Sensei sama. One of my guards came to relieve his watch on lord Nishi's room, when he found his associate dead from a neck wound."

"Did anyone see anything?" Sensei asked.

"No. The guard checked lord Nishi and found he had been bound, gagged, and stabbed in the genitals. Death was apparently from bleeding to death."

Grandfather nodded quickly. "Yes. Where is the room?" Fujiko pointed to the far end of the hall. Yoshio made everyone else stay where they were while the three of us went to the room. I saw that the shoji screen was askew, she commented on this.

"The guard says that the shoji was open when he arrived."

Sensei stepped into the room and looked around quickly. I followed him in. "Hiro, what do you see?"

I looked around. Nishi lay on the bed, his lower half covered in blood. I almost threw up. I had killed before, but not like this, this was inhuman! I looked around the room to clear my head. All of the windows were closed but one was unlocked. I looked back at the body of the guard, trying to keep my mind off of Nishi. His neck had been cut with a katana, or something close to it. The blood sprayed mostly on the back wall and the shoji screen, to me it looked like the blow came from behind. If so, then why would someone who had sneaked into a room undetected enough to tie up a lord, want to exit through the door? I went to the unlocked window. After opening it I could see where someone had smudged a spot with their foot on the window's polished edge. Looking down I saw how it was a fairly easy climb, not unlike my climb at Shiro Goemon. I turned to address my sensei.

"Someone climbed up here, bound Nishi, and killed the guard to make us search the inside of the castle. I think he exited by the same way he entered, Sensei."

He nodded. We searched the room but found no more clues. The restraints were sashes from Nishi's wardrobe and nothing was missing. We headed downstairs to the bottom of our culprit's climb. Sensei got on his hands and knees while I held a lamp for him to see. Fujiko frowned.

"Is this really how you want people to see you? Crawling around in the dirt?"

"You would prefer I stand so that I may to look proper." He said without raising his head.

"Yes." She said flatly.

"And fail my lord because I could not discern the killer's tracks from the heimin's?" Her

jaw dropped a little as he looked up at her. "Do your job, woman. Watch for the assassin."

He made Fujiko draw her katana; he said we never knew at what point we would bump into our man. He told us there were many tracks, even I could see that, but only one set headed off towards the cover of the stables. After he stood up, we followed it over to the building. Once there he got back on his hands and knees again, glancing at Fujiko as if daring her to comment.

It went around the building and off towards a storage shed that lay between the stables and the castle wall. He crawled after the trail to the wall. There was some fresh snow on the ground so it was easy to follow the steps as they clung to the raw face of the wall. We followed them up and over the wall; with three of us it was easy.

The trail took a long time to follow. It was dark, so sensei crawled to make sure he didn't

confuse it with others that crossed it. We took our time and eventually we found that the man had gone down back alleys to the wall of the city. Every time we bumped into the guards Fujiko would speak to them for us. We followed the tracks over the last wall of the city and out into the woods. Once in the woods Sensei made us go even slower.

The killer braved a few icy streams, walking up them a fair distance before climbing out. It took us a long time to find where he had exited the streams. After our third stream Grandfather looked back at us and whispered.

"He will have settled down to rest soon. Hiro, get a knife ready."

I drew one with my right hand, and flipped the blade end into my palm. Then he had me douse the lamp; I set it down afterward. I was sure they were both as freezing as I was but neither one would show it. He crawled in front of us until we could hear the man sleeping. We came across a ronin with his back to us. Grandfather crept up to the ronin. Just as he was about to hit him the man sprung forward with his katana drawn.

"Bandits!" He screamed.

"More like the hand of Goemon come to drag you into hell." Grandfather said.

"Kyai!" Is all the man said as he leaped at Sensei.

Grandfather rolled under his attack and came up with his katana in hand. As the man turned to face him, Fujiko stepped in to stab at his back. The man parried it and doubled her over with a kick to the gut. He swung his katana at her but he had to change to a parry when Sensei stepped back in. Fujiko caught her breath quickly, as Sensei and the ronin traded blows she swept his legs from behind, taking him to the ground. The ronin was agile. He had no sooner hit the ground than he rolled backwards to his feet and leaped at her. He hit her with a snap kick knocking her to the ground, and bounced off of her a safe distance away.

I crept slowly closer as Sensei closed with the man. They traded more blows, but the ronin kept hopping around him. Fujiko had recovered and was back in the fight but the man just didn't show any sign of slowing. I had gone unnoticed until I was close enough. I took careful aim and I threw a dagger into his right thigh. He screamed, jumped towards me and kicked me several feet across the woods. He was so fast I didn't even see it coming. When I landed I hit my head on a tree trunk and blacked out.

The world was dark at first. Then it started getting all shaky. I could see some dim light and make out the shape of trees, until finally I saw her. I was being shaken by a woman in armor; she was pretty. I sat up suddenly.

"The ronin!"

"He is out." She said. I could see Sensei binding him off to my left.

"How long was I out?"

"Only a few moments. After he kicked you I was able to trip him. Your Sensei put him out with an elbow while he was trying to rise." My head hurt. Fujiko wanted to kill the ronin then and there, but Sensei stopped her.

"We do not know who he works for yet. Yoshio will want to know that."

She calmed down then. We bound him up and carried him back to the castle. I found the lantern along the way but I didn't have to light it. The tracking through the woods had taken so long that the sun was rising as we walked home. Fujiko threw the ronin's now conscious body down before Yoshio.

"Well, that was very fast, Sensei Nokizaru. Arigato gozaimasu."

"It was our pleasure, my lord." This was a small room with only a few of Yoshio's actual

advisers present. His mask of cowardice had been put aside for the moment.

"Remove his gag, Fujiko." She did as her Daimyo ordered. "I suppose your honor will insist that you not tell me why you killed my friend?"

"My lord, I do not know what you mean. I was simply resting in the woods for the night, when these three attacked me." Yoshio looked at Sensei.

"Is there any chance this is the wrong man?" Normally, questioning a samurai's word is a very big deal. Even for his lord to do it. But no one seemed to act like it was strange in this instance.

"If the tracks had not been so fresh, yes. But in this situation... no, my lord." Sensei was

shaking his head. Yoshio nodded.

"Good. We are a little out of our element on what is needed here. The nearest specialist is at Shiro no Nokizaru." The ronin became very frightened at that comment.

"I understand. You nobles kill off one of your own and since it would be dishonorable to

shoulder the blame you find a ronin to do it for you!"

He was right. Ronin often got the blame for many crimes they did not commit. He was still lying. Yoshio continued while watching the man's face. "Sensei san, you were about ready to move on with your pupil, were you not?" Sensei nodded. "Then I will send six samurai with you to escort this man to Nokizaru Daiki. Yes?"

"As you wish, my lord."

"Excellent. The trip will take you about two days to get there, and it will take Daiki about a day to get what we need out of him, so if he sends a pigeon, I should have my answer in about three days. Good." He looked at me, "Hiro san, I will miss you my little friend but there is more for you to learn out there."

"Domo arigato, my Daimyo." I bowed to him. "I will miss you as well." He nodded.

The sun was up by the time we headed back to our home. We would be leaving for Shiro no Nokizaru tonight so we had to get what rest we could. I woke early and retrieved a grand kimono I had finished as a gift for Yoshio a few months back. I took the kimono and slipped past the guard till I stood on Yoshio's favorite balcony. I slid over the side and stood there a moment watching Yoshio sitting on his balcony. He looked sad. I cleared my throat which brought his head up to me. He smiled when he recognized who I was.


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