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The Hottest Babe Pt. 01

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Anita hooks up with high school boyfriend at 10th reunion.
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Part 1 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/26/2022
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Meet Anita Olsen. The most popular girl in high school, she ruled as president of The Hot Babes Club - and as a bully who tormented Freddie Simpson for being a nerd. Freddie grew up to be a tech billionaire who invented a system of mind control, and life got very different for The Hottest Babe. All characters are over 18.


Anita popped the cork on the champagne bottle. "I hereby call this meeting of the Hot Babes Club to order! Anita Olsen presiding!" she said.

All six of the women gathered around Anita raised their arms in the air and screamed "Woo!" It was exactly the way they'd acted 10 years ago, when their clique ruled the social scene at Erickson High School. They'd called themselves The Hot Babes to set themselves apart from the students they looked down upon for having average looks and average social standing. For a moment, as Anita poured champagne into their glasses, it seemed no time had elapsed for the Hot Babes. Overall, the group had done an exceptional job of keeping the good looks that made them so popular when they were teenagers.

That was especially true for Anita, who'd worked hardest to maintain her beauty. She weighed 120 pounds, exactly the same as she'd weighed as a senior. She worked out regularly, took special care of her hair and makeup, and wore the most flattering clothes she could find.

The high school reunion was tomorrow. Tonight, The Hot Babes Club was reconvening for a pre-reunion celebration of what had been the best years of their lives. Anita wore a leather mini skirt that showed her legs were as shapely as ever, and her crop top displayed the same abs that looked so good when she wore her cheerleader outfit. She knew that the other girls would be a bit jealous that she still looked like she was 18. Well, almost.

It's true that the other women still looked good. They were still hot. But they were a little thicker around the middle. A bit broader across the butt. Most of them were married with children. They had done a good job keeping themselves presentable, but Anita looked best. That surprised no one. Anita always strove to be the hottest of The Hot Babes, and she always succeeded. It's why she'd been elected prom queen, homecoming queen, and head cheerleader.

"Connie, I understand that you've prepared a slide show for us," Anita said.

"Your understanding is correct," Connie said.

"Are you bitches ready to see it?" Anita asked.

Once again, the women raised their arms into the air and screamed "Woo!"

Connie opened her laptop, hooked it to the projector, and started the slides. The other women turned out the lights so they could see better. "Happy 10th Reunion for The Hot Babes!" said the title slide. "Woo!" said the women.

Connie, who worked in the marketing department of a local department store, had put together a professional-looking series of slides intended to get the rest of The Babes in the mood for the reunion. They got together a day early to enjoy each other's company in advance, and to reminisce about the good times they had in high school. For most of them, things went downhill after high school. The ensuing years had been more difficult in ways they couldn't have predicted when they were 18-year-old social butterflies who felt so superior to the other students in the Erickson High School Class of 2012.

The first slides showed The Babes as they were at age 18.

"Look at my hair!" Anita said. "Can you believe we used to think that looked good?"

The picture on the screen showed Anita and her high school boyfriend, Karl Tore. They were riding in Karl's Corvette convertible. The picture reminded her of the fun times she had riding around town with the top down so she could show off her long, lovely hair, her rich handsome boyfriend, and his bitching car. She remembered that Karl was the ideal boyfriend: rich, handsome, and a little bit dumb. It made it easy to manipulate him into doing whatever his sexy girlfriend wanted.

Another one of Karl's finer attributes was that his parents owned a lake house a short drive from town. They used to dress in hiking clothes and say they were heading for a state park, but they'd drive to the lake house so they could have sex in a real bed. Anita knew that some of her friends could only have sex in the back seats of their boyfriends' cars, and she felt a little smug about the fact that she could get plenty of sex in comfort from her big, strong boyfriend and his nice big cock. Anita had always been treated like a princess because she'd always been beautiful, and she felt she was entitled to more than merely average people.

The slide show included a picture of Anita as she looked today. It was a screenshot from the pharmaceutical company where she worked as a sales rep. She looked terrific, of course, wearing a designer suit, an expensive hair style, and makeup that could have been applied by a professional. Of all her skills, Anita excelled most in the art of looking good.

Connie also included a current photo of Karl. It was a screenshot from the website of his father's construction company. It was a very profitable company, and it was understood that Karl would take control when his father retired. The photo showed Karl had less hair, but he still looked good. He lived in a mansion with a cute wife and two cute kids. Like their father, the kids weren't overly bright.

There was one surprise in the slide show. Connie included the graduation picture of Freddie Simpson, the least popular student in the Class of 2012.

"Why did you use a picture of that dork?" Anita asked.

"I'm guessing that means you don't know what happened to Freddie," Connie said.

"Of course not. I don't keep track of losers," Anita said.

In fact, Anita had bullied Freddie. He was awkward. So skinny you'd call his scrawny. He wore thick eyeglasses and combed his hair in the least flattering style possible. His teeth were crooked. He wore what Anita called "a Walmart Wardrobe." She used the phrase so often that other students picked it up and used it to ridicule Freddie.

The worst happened when Anita discovered Freddie had a crush on her. She acted as though she liked him, and suggested they go to have a private conversation in an area behind the stage in the auditorium. When Freddie and Anita arrived, all the members of The Hot Babes were waiting to ridicule him for thinking a hot girl like Anita could be interested in a loser like him.

"Things have changed for Freddie," Connie said.

The next slide showed Freddie on the cover of BusinessWeek magazine. He was barely recognizable. Gone were the glasses and the crooked teeth. Anita recognized that his suit was from Brooks Brothers.

"I heard about this," Cindy said. "Freddie invented some kind of medical device when he was in college. He started a company to manufacture and sell it, and it was a huge success. He's branched out to other businesses since then."

"How big a success can a nerd like Freddie be?" Anita asked.

"Billionaire big," Connie said. "If you combine the net worth of all the members of the Class of 2012, then multiple times 1000, it's still much less than Freddie is worth."

Connie showed another slide. It was a picture from a charity marathon sponsored by Freddie's company. It showed him in running shorts and a T-shirt. He was ripped.

"Whoa. Somebody's been working out," Cindy said.

"Freddie isn't actually coming to the reunion, is he?" Anita asked. "It sounds like he's a busy guy."

"That's what everybody thought, but he sent in a reservation. He'll be there tomorrow," Connie said. "I'm as surprised as anybody. I don't think Freddie had a single friend in high school. All he had were a bunch of people who made fun of him, especially a person I shall only identify as Anita Olsen!"

It was true. Anita felt awkward knowing that a boy she'd bullied mercilessly would be present at the reunion tomorrow. Should she apologize for her behavior? But she rejected that pretty quickly. Anita Olsen wasn't the kind of woman who apologized for anything. Ever. She'd just do her best to avoid Freddie.

By the time the slide show was over, the Hot Babes had a pretty good overview of what they had done in the 10 years since graduation. Nobody was surprised Anita did best.

She graduated from college with a B- average because she didn't like working hard enough to earn good grades. She was a varsity cheerleader, but other girls had more skills and got more attention. The most valuable thing she learned in college was that pharmaceutical companies like to hire former cheerleaders as sales reps. Most of their customers are men who are suckers for pretty girls, and Anita earned a good living by flirting with the men who bought her products. She slept with a few of the ones who purchased particularly large amounts of her products; having sex with a married doctor once or twice a year guaranteed he'd always buy from her.

It was a pretty good life, but Anita knew it wouldn't last forever. She knew her best long-term plan was to marry a doctor, preferably a surgeon because they make so much more money than most docs. She didn't particularly want children, but she'd do that if it meant she'd get to live the life of a rich doctor's wife.

She found the perfect guy soon after she started looking. Kenneth was a tall, handsome orthopedic surgeon. There are few medical specialities that are more profitable that doing knee replacement surgery, and that was Kenneth's speciality. He was a very bright guy, but he was a bit awkward socially, and Anita figured out how to manipulate him quickly. Her primary tactic, of course, involved sex; she'd withhold it if Kenneth didn't give her what she wanted, then dole it out when she got her way.

Kenneth, like most red-blooded heterosexual males, was overwhelmed by Anita's beauty. Her strawberry blond hair. Peaches and cream complexion. Lovely face. Shapely body. He never had a chance after she put him in her crosshairs. When he proposed, he gave Anita a stunning two carat engagement ring. As they planned their wedding, Kenneth offered to let Anita quit working. He thought he was being gallant, but Anita turned him down.

She said it made sense for her to keep her six-figure sales job long enough to pay off Kenneth's college loans and to get a down payment on a house. The real reason was that Anita knew her job made it easier for her to have sex with other men. As a sales rep, she had complete control over her schedule. She'd cheated on every boyfriend she ever had, and she intended to cheat on her husband. It would be tricky because he was the smartest man she'd been with, but she'd become an expert at infidelity, so she figured she could keep cheating as long as she wished.

As with everything else, Anita figured she was entitled to all the sex she wanted - and she wanted a lot.

That's why Anita excused herself from the party so she could go to the bathroom, and while there she sent a text to her old boyfriend Karl. I CAN BE AT THE MOTEL IN 20. YOU?

Almost immediately, Karl responded. SEE YOU THEN.

"Well bitches, I hate to go, but I've got to get back to my motel," Anita said. "I've got to call my fiance before it gets too late. I'll see you at the reunion tomorrow."

"Are you sure?" asked a girl named Cindy. "We were just about to open another bottle of bubbly. You can call him from here, can't you?"

"That's very tempting, but I really should go," Anita said. "I'm a little jet lagged, and this has been a long day for me."

And with that, Anita went to her rental car and drove to her motel. She had just enough time to change into some sexy lingerie she'd brought along for Karl. She thought she'd made it pretty clear that she wanted to see him so they could have sex, but Karl was kind of slow sometimes. It might speed things along if she answered his knock dressed for sex.

"Hello, Karl," she said when she answered the door. "It's so nice to see you after all these years."

"Anita! God, you look incredible! You haven't aged a day!" Karl said. The same couldn't be said of Karl. Anita was disappointed to see he looked a little pudgy, and was a bit thick around the middle. His hair was even thinner than she'd expected. Anita knew that it would be OK taking him to bed now, but there was no way she'd do that at the 15th or 20th year reunion.

"Aren't you going to kiss me?" Anita said, anxious to get started. She knew from experience that conversation with Karl was usually pretty tedious, so she wanted to get to the part of their meeting that involved getting naked.

Karl swept her into his big arms and kissed her passionately. Anita returned the kiss, probing between his lips in a way that let him know exactly what she wanted.

"Do you remember all those times we drove out to your family's lake house?" Anita said. "I think about that all the time."

"So do I," Karl said. "Anita, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever known."

No shit, Anita thought. They don't make girls sexier than me. But what she said was, "Oh Karl, you don't have to flatter me. I'm just glad to see you again. I'm glad to be in your arms again."

That was all she needed to say. Karl kissed Anita's neck and shoved her shoulder strap aside. His hand ran up her body, then slowly moved to caress her breast. It felt exactly the same as when they were both 18, having sex as often as possible - which was pretty often.

Anita unbuttoned Karl's shirt and shoved it off his shoulders. She wanted to get down to business. Kenneth wasn't really expecting a call from her tonight, but Anita wanted to enjoy having sex with Karl and then sending him home to his wife. She wanted to get a full night's sleep before the reunion tomorrow, so there was no time available for Karl to linger after Anita was satisfied.

As she'd feared, Karl did not have the well-defined muscles he'd possessed when they were both 18. He'd spent too many afternoons drinking beer and watching football, and hadn't spent enough time in the gym. But he still had a nice sized cock that still got hard soon after Anita began stroking it.

She wondered if he'd become better as a lover. When they were teenagers, Karl tended to climax too quickly. It was annoying, but Anita knew that if she just waited for 10 minutes or so, Karl would get hard again and he'd be able to make love for as long as she wanted. But that was 10 years ago, and she suspected things would be different.

As she'd hoped, Karl had learned a few things. He kissed his way down her breasts and belly, then spread her legs. He's going to go down on me! Anita said. I used to have to beg for that! Karl's resistance to eating pussy seemed completely gone, and he was good at it. He kissed the soft flesh of her inner thighs, working closer to the outer lips of her pussy. He kissed, licked and nibbled as close to her wet slit as possible. She jumped when he finally ran his tongue from the bottom to the top, lavishing extra attention on her clit.

"Oh, Karl, don't stop," Anita said. She was impressed to see that Karl actually knew how to find her clitoris. That was something he'd struggled to learn when they were teenagers. And he didn't seem to be in a hurry to get some pussy for himself. He kept working on her for so long that she had an orgasm. In the many months they'd had sex as teenagers, Karl had never made Anita cum from oral sex alone.

Her climax was receding when Karl climbed up her body and laid down on top of her, face to face. "That was beautiful, baby," Anita said.

"I'm glad you liked it," Karl said. "I think I know something else you'll like."

With that, Karl placed the head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy. When he'd done this in the past, Karl had been quick to shove his cock all the way inside her, then hump like a jackhammer until he came. That never satisfied Anita, who had to wait long enough for Karl to get hard again. After having one quick orgasm and getting hard again, Karl was able to satisfy Anita before he came a second time.

Anita expected the same thing, but that's not what happened. Karl began pressing his cock inside Anita, but he withdrew again before even pushing the head into her. He pressed in again, going a tiny bit deeper, then withdrawing yet again. Somebody has been teaching Karl how to fuck! Anita thought. She wondered how long the new, improved Karl would be able to prolong this unexpected pleasure.

It turned out, Karl was able to keep going for a very long time. Over the last 10 years, he'd learned to pace himself. The sensation of gliding in and out of Anita's fabulous pussy was almost unbearably exciting, but Karl knew how to keep things from feeling so good he lost control. They went on, and on, and Anita realized that Karl was about to give her another orgasm. It was amazing.

That nice, thick cock just kept going, and going, and going, and Anita finally felt a strong climax begin. It was the kind where muscles all over her body clenched, relaxed, and clenched again. Karl felt throbbing in Anita's pussy, gripping his cock. He wanted to keep sliding in and out until Anita's orgasm was completely over, but he couldn't prolong things any longer. He began to cum, thrusting into her pussy over and over as he came and came and came. Karl couldn't remember feeling so much pleasure.

It helped that Anita was the sexiest woman he'd ever known, and that they were making love again after 10 years apart. She was making sexy noises and shaking, making it easy for Karl to see that he'd thrilled her deeply. He felt like a teenager again.

Karl rolled off Anita's body and laid down beside her. She looked into his eyes and smiled. For a moment she thought about how upset Kenneth would be if he knew his fiance was screwing her high school boyfriend, but that thought went away quickly. This had been a lot of fun. Her pussy felt loose and happy. She felt she was entitled to this, and she intended to keep finding ways to enjoy as much sex with as many men as possible.

Karl began kissing Anita's breasts and sucking on her nipples. It felt nice. The sensation was lovely, of course, but Anita also enjoyed the idea that Karl was worshiping her breasts. She had great breasts. She liked it when men let her know how much they appreciated them. Karl could kiss, lick and suck them for as long as he wanted.

After several minutes Anita reached down and began to stroke and caress Karl's cock. When he was 18, he had no trouble getting hard a second time. Would this still be true now that he was 28? It took her a lot longer, but Anita finally coaxed an erection out of Karl's cock. She had a feeling that he was too tired to do a decent job screwing her again, so she rolled him onto his back and laid down on top of him.

She gripped his cock by the shaft and guided it to her pussy, which was wet and loose from having sex once. When he was fully inside her, Anita sat up and began riding him. The thing Anita enjoyed most about the cowgirl position was the look on the face of the man beneath her. It was overpoweringly clear that Karl loved looking at her hot, shapely body. His hands roamed all over her breasts and belly, stroking the abs she'd worked so hard to maintain. Anita always dressed in sexy clothes that drew admiring looks from men, but nothing beat the feeling she got when men watched her give them a ride.

Karl lasted a long time, which didn't surprise Anita. She began moving faster, and faster, and eventually Karl was going crazy from desire. He finally grabbed Anita's waist, threw her down on the bed, and climbed on top. She wrapped her arms around his back and felt the muscles working as he pounded in and out of her. Anita hadn't been sure it was a good idea to contact Karl at work and suggest they hook up, but she was sure now.


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