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The Interventionists Ch. 03

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Is the game up with our intrepid interventionists?
3.1k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/22/2019
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I like to tell a story from the viewpoint of each main character.

The first two chapters were listed under Humour and Satire. This does not seem a well frequented category. In addition while still keeping light hearted if the voting remains positive then I intend to expand the story out and potentially with less satire hence the switch of category to Erotic Couplings.

In the time / reality the story is set Britain has merged MI5 (Military Intelligence 5) that deals with domestic operations and MI6 - overseas "because terrorism knows no international boundaries". A historical note - Britain at one time had MI units going up to MI19 - there again this was at a time it had an empire to control ;-). Currently it publicly admits to only having the two.

The Interventionists - Marie's story

Wakefulness came slowly with various muddled thoughts. What time is it? I don't remember setting an alarm. I can't be late for James. There's light behind the curtains so it must be 6 or later. I felt on the bedside table for my phone and did not find it. Remembering I was in a hotel and there was a hotel gadget on the opposite table I turned my sore body and peered over the blonde hulk next to me. The clock showed 5:50. She flopped on to her back and took stock. She was rubbed raw between her legs from where sticky goo was emerging, her bum was sore, as were her nipples. Her breasts and multiple muscles ached. Countering the minor discomforts was that sore warmth and feeling good - and the memory of the sex. Most Ops she was assigned meant fucking someone(s) - that was the job. Some of that fucking was pleasant and some profoundly unpleasant.

After relaxing in the cosiness for a few minutes she steeled herself, remembering yesterday's decision. Rab had come so close to losing them both their jobs and probably their liberty. After leaving Rab on the street the decision was clear. The only possible action was to end their relationship after the mission ended. The mission had to succeed. The best way to get him to work his best was to roger him silly - he was a man so that was only logical was not it? No second thoughts.

The sex had been good, and sex where she did not need as many mental barriers to be in place was a luxury. The previous approach of one night stands between operations scratched an itch but was probably overall less satisfying than her electronic and rubber night time friends. As for Rab, she considered him a 'good guy'. He showed consideration, he was intelligent, he knew the pressures on her as she did on him. He was a good fucker! I like him a lot - not love him - not sure what being in love is. Yet good though he is I am not going to fuck up my career no matter how good the fucking is!

A few more minutes had passed while this review till place. The hotel clock radio clicked on with the weather followed by the news. God damn Rab, setting the fucking alarm! He does not deserve a morning fuck. Yet her nipples tingled and her cunt rippled a little. Was she starting to get a Pavlovian reaction to the BBC news after staying at his place with his damn radio alarm every morning followed by a good fuck! It was not her mouth that any wetness was emerging from though. The truth, I could not deny, was that I wanted that morning fuck.

The hulk opened his green eyes and turned to me, "Morning, beautiful."

Marie thought it sounded so sincere and it did make her feel good even though she did not feel beautiful right now.

Turning to face him, the merest smile on her face. "Oh, and what could you be wanting this early morning?"

Rab placed her hand on his prick, which was typically hard having just woken.

"I don't believe in waste. My friend that you are holding is all hard and raring to go. Seems a shame for all if he is left to shrivel up."


Rab then bent and kissed my breast close to the nipple gently. He knew just how to arouse me. At the same time I felt his hand between my legs and my body opened my legs for me with no conscious thought of mine. My body knew what was good and I would miss this. Rab gently worked his way between my labia and got to work with his gently skilful fingers. He had ceased kissing for the moment. It was but the work of a few moments before I was suitably wet. Kissing restarted, more passionate now with tongues inflaming the other.

Rab had not finished the build up yet though. He set to work on both breasts lavishing gentle kisses working round the base then switching to the other, and back again, very slowly moving towards the centre. I grabbed my right tit and fed the nipple into his mouth. Thereby losing 'our game' but it was only done because of their early morning meeting I justified to myself. Though not totally believing it even as the thought crossed my mind succumbing to basic instinct and the warmth and passion of the moment.

"Turn on to your other side." Rab whispered. It was a favourite position for slow love making on the bed. Rab entered my cunt from the back and I could twist my upper half towards him, allowing kissing of lips and my breast the way we both enjoyed. He did this excellently gently massaging my breasts with his hands and kissing the nipple on the accessible side occasionally but mainly kissing my mouth. Another reason for liking this position was the twist in my body made the feel of his thick prick in and out of my cunt all the more stimulating. So very, very good. Rab paused strategically on a couple of occasions at just the right moment to prolong the love making until we could deny the climax no longer. For once we were able to enjoy a slow fuck building up to a stupendous, mini blackout inducing, stars-in-the-eyes orgasm.

God, I would miss these fucks after the mission. Regrettably it was the only thing to do if I wanted to keep my career and maybe get on the international missions too. I knew Rab had been on some international missions but beyond the fact some involved warm places, as he came back tanned, I did not know where. It was a rule never to discuss missions.

All too soon it was time to get up. We showered together but I was strict in controlling any long dalliance in the shower. We had called for room service and ate in the room. On the way in to work by tube it was agreed that I should go ahead whilst Rab grabbed himself a coffee as we should not be seen in each other's company around Vauxhall Bridge too often.


So it was that I was on the command floor and had found myself a hot-desk close to James' office just after 8 o-clock. Unbeknown to me, shortly after my arrival James who had been visiting a colleague saw me sat there. He diverted to Jen and asked her to instruct Rab that the meeting with James was no longer necessary and to meet Marie at Costume at 09:30. Jen knew better than to ask any questions though did confide the event to me later.

James approached and invited me into his office shutting the door behind. When I sat, James chose to stay standing and look down on me. This was not an accidental positioning, only the spotlight in my eyes was missing from the interrogation which was undoubtedly to come. I had guessed what was about to happen as soon as James invited me into the office without Rab and had closed the door. I therefore had a few seconds to compose my lies.

"Marie, talk! What is going on between you and Rab. No bullshit. I cut my teeth as an interrogator. Lie and you face the consequences."

Marie spoke in a calm, clipped, professional way not over dramatising which would have been a sure give away.

"I wanted to know too. I did not understand his reaction either. I thought he had a problem with me though did not know what it could be. I asked him directly last night and think he was telling me the truth. He said he was sanguine regarding the risks he took with his own life but that he did not like the responsibility of his actions risking others. So he did not like working as a close team."

"We had not yet said anything about a joint mission when he entered."

"He said that he was expecting a new level 1 case and why else would I be there other than for a joint briefing."

"Do you think the reaction was because you are a woman?"

"I'm not sure if that added to it. I like what I know of him and don't think he's overtly sexist. My guess is that he would probably still feel the same if it was a man partnering him. Has he often worked with others on ops?"

I'm buggered if this is standard for Rab to do joint missions though she knew it was not the case with her missions. The department did not have the resources for one thing. I'm also fucked if James interrogates Rab before I can speak to him.

James looked down on me, I could see him studying me for a few seconds before answering my question.

"He has worked with others, admittedly not on an every day partnership or as closely as he will be doing so with you. Marie, this is your life and your career and your last chance to speak. Do you have any doubts about working with Rab for what will be 24 hours a day and sharing a fuck with him?"

"We will work well together. We will deliver a successful mission, Sir!"

James stared at me closely for another few seconds. "That'll be all. Do whatever you were doing. Get a coffee and meet Rab at Costume when scheduled. Dismissed."

Did that mean he was not going to talk to Rab and see what story he told? Let's hope.


After Marie had left James called Harriet and relayed the story told to him.

Harriet asked, "You bought the story?"

"Possibly. Of course he might have been protective because they're fucking each others brains out?"

"Are they fucking? And if they are, you seem relaxed about it."

"I don't know. I got a certain vibe from Marie, but she's good - as she has to be - so I am not certain. If they are fucking then for the current mission it's a possible plus point. Longer term we may have to intervene to ensure that no security risks occur. If we intervene then I would ask we make it look accidental they are separated and not able to get together rather than drop them in a black hole. They both are useful to the department and it takes so long to train newbies up to a decent standard. A posting to Afghanistan or China for one of them maybe - that sort of thing?"

"I'll think on that. Got to go, James."


Rab was working at a nearby hot desk when I finished the meeting. We greeted each other and Rab asked if I wanted a coffee. I told him that I would come with him to help make the coffees. In the corridor leading to the kitchen passing the lifts and where there was a fair amount of background noise and trying to minimise lip movement I whispered,

"You are concerned that you could endanger me as well as yourself in this mission that was why you froze yesterday. Understand?"

In a normal voice as if they had been discussing something else entirely Rab said:

"Yes. I know the schedule. Happy that you handled the meeting with James alone. I'm sure it did not need us both just to go over the brief."

They got their coffee and then rehearsed their legends by testing each other out on their fictitious backgrounds.

The rest of the day was fairly standard pre-op stuff.

We got the clothes we needed to suit our legends in Costumes. The department no longer let them go spend on new outfits on the government account every time they had a new mission . Instead, they had to first see if the department had clothes that were suitable. The Costumes staff had been recruited from film companies and were both knowledgeable and knew how to make the process fun. Though I was a rare clothes shopper myself I always enjoyed these sessions.

The next meeting was Property where we were given things we would need - such as keys to the apartment where we were staying for the op, keys for the cars provided and jewellery. To suit our legends Rab was provided with an Audi A6 supposedly hired locally and me a left hand drive, few years old, Jag XKR with French plates. All of which had to be signed for on paper forms - no internet apps in this department. Unfortunately no laser watches, exploding pens or magical escape wires either. The only non-standard tech were the phones which as well as having additional encryption and tracking they linked to a comprehensive kit of bugs - audible and visual - which transmitted on frequencies most bug detection equipment would not check.

Documents department was always boring and did what it says. We were issued with birth certificates, driving licences and the like. The only thing unusual here were certain certificates of authenticity on works of art plus some receipts from Sotherby's and Bonhams auction houses . All in all after meeting James the rest of the morning was boring.

We had lunch in the canteen and then went for our afternoon instruction on sculpture and modern art. During our travel to Tate Modern I reported my meeting with James word for word. Little was said for a while. Neither of us were into speculating when we had no facts to work with.

The two presenters during the afternoon, who thought they were briefing a TV production crew, were both amusing and informative. I enjoyed our time with both and felt a little more informed for when I met up with Beth posing as an art buyer.

The apartment to be used for the operation would be available from midday Wednesday so we had one more night at the hotel before moving in.

Not long back at the hotel, reception rang to say a letter addressed to me - my alias that is - had arrived. Returning to the room I opened the letter. It stated I had been selected as employee of the month and won tickets for two to see Hamlet at the National Theatre, Southbank, tonight. The note came from the HR manager, Jen. Typical of her sense of humour, the note added that it was a shame it was not 'Mac beth' (sic. Spelt with a space between the 'c' and the 'b' ) as she knew this was my favourite.

We opted for a cheap pre-theatre meal close to Waterloo underground before the 5 minute walk to the theatre. Arriving before most of the audience Rab bought drinks and we positioned ourselves near the large stair leading to the main auditorium so we could watch the arrivals.

Whilst waiting we agreed that the objective tonight was reconnaissance and not to engage. That was only sensible wasn't it?

Beth was easy to spot when she arrived. Not only tall, she walked straight backed, confident, and people made way for her and her companion, non other than Sir William himself. Though she did not need it in order to stand out, she was wearing a Valentino long multi-coloured dress, that no doubt was an original. Her dress sense had been listed on file. The upside was that Costumes had set me up with a couple of French original dresses and two Chanel pant suits so we could talk haute couture together. Only a few paces behind was Sir William's police bodyguard, not blending in particularly well, but there again although in plain clothes his objective was not to blend in.

At the interval there was the inevitable queue for the ladies 'Loo' and seeing Beth heading over to join the queue I sneaked in behind. Whilst waiting in the queue we exchanged a few words.This was confined mainly to the play and the weather. I did use the conversation to ask whether she lived in London. When the question was returned, I established the legend that although English I was now a resident of Paris and just back over in London for a few weeks. I kept conversation general and non-intrusive seeking to avoid suspicion that this was anything other than the normal chatter whilst queuing for the Loo. My thinking in initiating the contact was that when we meet again it would be an ice-breaker, meeting queuing together for the 'Ladies' was something we could have a giggle over, thereby saving time in establishing friendship.

I did not consider myself naturally bi. Since becoming an Interventionist I had bedded a fair number of women. A few of these encounters had been enjoyable and I now knew my way around other women's cunts well. Beth exuded a sexual presence I could not recall sensing off any other woman to the same degree. Sex with Beth should certainly be interesting. I suspected also that one waggle of those big tits of hers and poor Rab would be drooling down his shirt. Not withstanding these thoughts, one of the rules of survival was uppermost in my mind, to consider every Op Target as highly dangerous.

I di not have a chance to discuss my actions in joining the queue with Rab in advance of seizing the opportunity. When we spoke about it after leaving the South Bank centre he agreed that it was worth the risk and that Beth was unlikely to become suspicious when she and I met again.

Oh Well, another night of sex with the Hulk, and officially sanctioned too - life could be worse!


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