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The Island Ch. 18

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The clarity of twilight.
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Part 18 of the 23 part series

Updated 02/15/2024
Created 10/04/2022
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The next few days went by in pretty much the way you would expect, considering the demands of the girls in my group. Robyn returned from the supply gathering expedition and dumped her haul on the ground, not even bothering to chase a mango that started rolling down the hill. She grabbed me by the waistband of my shorts, dragged me into the bunker, and demanded I fuck her until she lost the ability to walk, form coherent sentences, or see straight. I fucked her through six ear-splitting, screaming orgasms before I pumped her full. Her screams and pleas to screw her harder were loud enough for the girls outside to hear everything, which in turn, developed into something of a girl-on-girl orgy.

And I missed it.

She barely gave me a chance to recover before she rolled me onto my back, pinned my hands to the ground above my head, and used my cock as her own personal dildo, riding herself through another handful of climaxes before I seeded her again. With only two out of her promised three loads supplied before bedtime, as we settled for bed in the middle of the group, she pulled me onto her, and in a stark change from the rampant, frantic fucking we had been doing all day, had slow, deep, tender, and quiet sex that almost approached making love... But sure enough, she fell asleep with a smile on her face and a womb full of those three promised deposits.

The next day was Katie. I thought it was Liz, but apparently, they had swapped. I had been a little nervous about her; there had not been any sign of the discord in the group that came with Mother, but I still couldn't shake the memories of her behavior when we first started exploring the bunker. Even I had to concede that her hostile attitude had vanished as quickly as it had appeared, and she had been perfectly normal since then, but still, I was nervous. Those nerves were settled, to a large degree, when I woke up to find my cock buried in her throat. Katie, it would seem, had something of an oral fixation and had been enthralled by the taste of me.

There is something special about having your first act of the day be emptying your balls into a very hot, talented, and very willing mouth. Each of the girls was starting to show their own distinct sexual personality. Robyn, for example, had been quite aggressive and extremely vocal; Katie wanted to be taken. I was in the process of moving bed frames in our soon-to-be bedroom when she walked in, closed the door,, pulled down her panties, grabbed the frame as she bent over and wiggled her ass at me, and silently challenged me to do my worst.

The hardships a man must suffer.

She left the room, grinning from ear to ear.

The day ended with her riding me until long after the others had fallen asleep. The next day started being ridden by Lizzy. After almost a week of waiting, Liz was even more frantic than Robyn had been. I'm not sure what it was about her that I found so sexy about that. Maybe it was the sexual confidence I loved about Hayley and Hannah because Liz either took what she wanted or demanded I give it to her. Her mind, it would seem, was firmly made up about the whole baby thing as well, and her panting wails were usually filled with demands that I "fuck my baby into her" or some other variation of knocking her up. I'm not even going to try to pretend that it wasn't unbelievably sexy.

I will hold my hands up and admit a truth that Liz and I swore to secrecy: I fucked four loads into her that day, not three. Robyn would have been pissed!

By comparison, Amy's was a day of rest. She only wanted to be screwed against a wall again, which considering the athletics of the previous few days, was a walk in the park. Amy and I were the first to christen a few of the other beds. There was no mattresses on them, but bending her over the frame, according to the curvy blonde nurse, still counted. The final load of the day ended with satisfying "slurp" and "schluck" sounds echoing around the central room as she submissively knelt before me and worshipped my cock to a thunderous, almost blinding climax. The doe-eyed look of pure devotion in her eyes as she looked up at me while swallowing was enough to take my breath away.

Life on the island had settled down into something of a slow and steady routine. One of the girls would claim me for the day - although thankfully not demanding more than one or two loads after those first frantic days - sometimes including a friend or two, while the rest of the group fell into the throes of sapphic pleasure amongst themselves. With the stunning women in my group, I started measuring the passage of days by which of the girls I was with, and weeks shrank to a six-day long period of time rather than seven. The whole concept of a day of rest never seemed to materialize again. The time between the frenzied attempts at breeding was spent exploring the enormous bunker, sometimes with Tom, sometimes with a lucid Ray, but a lot of the time, I was alone.

Contrary to what I originally envisaged, the bunker was not a sprawling complex of interconnected rooms and passageways but a cluster of smaller bunkers attached to a number of gun emplacements, with long tunnels connecting them. The original bunker, the one we had set up as our home, had two such turrets. Most had three; the largest, however, had five, but all but one of those had succumbed to the passage of time and collapsed to rubble. In fact, most of the turrets facing North or West had been reduced to blocked passages and piles of broken concrete.

Considering the size of the area I explored, I was amazed by the fact that it just seemed to keep going. I remember saying on the first day of exploration that the bunker could theoretically encompass the entire mountain. At the time, I said this to end a petty argument between the girls, but the further I explored, the more likely it seemed that I was right. More than that, aside from a few areas close to the surface, the complex was in staggeringly good condition. I only had to condemn three areas, and all of them were in such bad condition that only an idiot would have ventured into them anyway.

The vast number of gun emplacements and pill boxes also opened up shortcuts through the mountain, cutting down the time it took to resupply our food and water stores by hours. One turret on the south side of the island overlooked the beach and the path we had taken into the crater the very first time. In fact, the stream that Liz and Hannah used to scout the southern mountain ran only a few hundred feet from its opening, although it was so overgrown that it was almost invisible to the naked eye. Only a collection of three partially buried basalt boulders immediately to the side of the gun port gave it away. It was on top of one of those boulders that I found myself sitting.

We had found more beds, more blankets, more supplies, and many, many more usable rooms - none of which seemed to hold anything that caused the others to ignore them, but as much of an achievement as that had been, I still hadn't found either the lab or the munitions stores. I was starting to wonder if they were in one of the sealed rooms that we hadn't been able open along the way. Getting into them was not only going to be difficult but potentially extremely dangerous.

I sighed heavily. Without finding those - or at least one of them - we had no chance of combatting Mother when she returned. I had been excited to open the desks and read through the notes that Dr. Walker left for us but had been crestfallen to find sheet after perfectly preserved sheet of medical jargon and chemical formulas that meant absolutely nothing to me. The hours I had spent pouring over those notes had been about as productive as trying to teach Swahili to a raccoon. I had "woken" Amy and let her have a look instead.

Her eyes widened as she read through the indecipherable documents. She said she understood them, at least for the most part, but it would take weeks, if not months, for her to go through everything. I made a point of "waking" her every day since then to allow her to work. The other girls hadn't noticed. It felt like I was in a holding pattern at the moment, unable to make any more progress until those documents were translated and we found the lab and ammo stores. It was incredibly frustrating.

On the bright side, fucking Amy while she was lucid was certainly different. Without the influence of that compulsion, she had been much more vigorous in her efforts, if a lot less vocal. Staring into her eyes as she whimpered through that final titanic climax was one of those moments I knew I would never forget.

I huffed out a deep breath, looking out as the long shadows of the setting sun danced along the cove where we landed more than a month earlier. I could still make out the shape and shadow of the life raft and found myself - oddly - wondering if Steve was still hanging around. I could make out the stacks of wood that Ray used to build the fireplace that we had prepared. I could even make out the discarded items strewn around the salvage pile of luggage we rescued from the water.

It was getting late. I had been away from the group, exploring alone, for several hours, and would need to get back soon. Today was Hayley's day, and I was looking forward to spending some time with her. As close as we had been since the crash, the last few weeks had seen our relationship rise to new levels of affection and intimacy.

"Ah, here you are," a feminine voice sounded from behind me. I turned around to see who had found my temple of solitude.

One of Ray's tawny-haired twins stepped through the gun port of the mighty emplacement with a smile on her face. I still had absolutely no idea which one of the twins she was. "Hey," I said, trying to hide my frown behind a friendly smile. Neither of them had ever shown much interest in my whereabouts before. "I was just about to start making my way back."

She was wearing a maroon-coloured bikini that left practically nothing to the imagination, but with her imprinted on Ray and the way the island's influences seemed to work, I hadn't really given either of the twins much of a look. It suddenly became extremely difficult to follow that pattern as she put a hand on my shoulder to keep me sitting on the rock and dropped down next to me. "It's nice here," she said, smiling as she took in the scenery.

"You can't beat the view," I smiled again, leaning back onto my elbows and looking out over the ocean.

She nodded softly before a teasing grin washed over her face. "You don't know which one I am, do you?"

"Nope, sorry, I still can't tell you apart," I laughed in self-deprecation. "I'm sorry; I don't mean to be rude. I guess I just haven't spent enough time with you."

She giggled and nodded. "It's okay; I guess we do look a lot alike. But here, let me show you how to tell us apart." I turned and arched an eyebrow at her, but that look descended into abject shock as she lifted herself up, swung a leg over me, and straddled my waist. Her eyes, smoldering with lust, never left mine as she reached behind herself and pulled the string of her bikini top loose, letting it fall away. "Look," she purred, running a finger around her diamond-hard nipple and lifting it. "I have a beauty spot..." she reached down and took one of my hands "...right here," and gently pressed my hand on her beautiful B-cup breast. I gulped loudly, but neither of us missed the vigorous twitch in my shorts beneath her. "I'm Caroline."

"I've been watching you," she said, her hips starting to slowly gyrate on me as she used her hand to make mine massage her chest. "I've seen how good you are with your girls. I've seen that sparkle in their eyes after you have taken them." She leaned down until her lips were right next to my ear. "I want that too."

My mind was racing, battling against itself as my body fought to decide which urge won out. The primal desire to flip her over and take her up on this exceedingly blatant offer was overwhelming the sensible parts of me that were fumbling in shock that this was happening at all. "But..." I cleared my throat, "What about Ray?"

She smiled, her eyes never leaving mine as she lifted herself again and started to grind against the fully hardened steel bar in my shorts. "Ray is great, but he is struggling to keep two girls satisfied. I don't think he would mind if you lightened his load. More to the point," she purred again, "I don't think you would mind if I lightened your load."

Her hands reached between us as she lifted up a little, starting to work my shorts off my hips. "I don't know, Caroline," I groaned, starting to worry about how this would affect the group dynamic, and yes, I was impressed that thought came to me, too.

"Shhh," she slipped her finger into her sodden sex, then placed it against my lips to silence me, her heady aroma wafting into my nose. "Just let me show you how good I am at sucking your dick while you think about having all of my holes whenever you want, and you'll understand how much I want this and how grateful I will be to call you Master."

"Oh fuck," I groaned as her other hand circled my shaft and started to stroke.

"Oh wow," she purred loudly, leaning in to start kissing the side of my neck before starting to trail her kisses down my chest. "Now I can see why your ladies always look so happy."

I closed my eyes, letting the sensations overwhelm me. That itch was starting to scratch at the back of my mind, a sensation I hadn't felt in a while.

Her kisses trailed lower, and before I had time to process what was going on, her lips wrapped around the head of my throbbing cock, and she pushed down, swallowing all of me in a single movement.

"Oh, Jesus!" I didn't know where this girl learned to suck cock, but she should be giving lessons!

"Mmmmm fuck, baby, you are so big," She purred as she pulled herself off me, stroking me harder as she gasped for breath. "You are so much more of a man than Ray!"

Something ticked in my head, and a frown crossed my face. I liked Ray; I had no desire to cuckold him. That thought was overwritten, however, as she inhaled me again, bouncing her head up and down. She pulled off again after another minute or two of her doing her damndest to suck the seed from my balls. "Zoe would love this cock. You should claim her, too. We quite enjoy being together as well. Can you imagine that baby, both of us working together to worship our master? Treating you like the king you are!" she lapped up a heavy drop of precum from the tip of my cock. "We can just get rid of Ray."

My eyes snapped open, and my hands reacted before my conscious mind willed them to. I sat up sharply, shoving the brunette off me, and clambered to my feet. "Nice try, Mother!" I snarled at the shocked-looking girl. "But it's going to take more than that to make me turn on people."

Her face had gone from lusty and seductive to surprise in an instant. Now it curled into a smug grin. "It was worth a shot," she shrugged, pulling herself to her feet. "It is time we talked."

"Why the fuck would I want to talk to you?"

"Dan," she said calmly as she put her bikini top back on. "I just had your dick in my mouth. If I wanted to harm you, I could have bitten it off. Not only would that have royally fucked up your life, but it would also have put an end to your breeding efforts. I think that alone should be enough for you to hear me out."

I mean, there is flawless logic, and then there is THAT.

"Alright," I said with a noncommital shrug as I leaned back against the taller of the three sunken boulders. "Talk."

Caroline took a few paces backward and leaned against a tree. That tree would have been cut down back in the day that the gun emplacement had been built, given that it completely blocked a good portion of the firing arc, but the trunk she was leaning against had either grown from seed or from that stump in the time since the Japanese garrison had diligently manned their posts.

"I think we have gotten off on the wrong foot," she said with an inquisitive smile.

"Is this the part where you convince me that you are really the good guy in all of this, and you are just misunderstood, or that I have been lied to?"

"Oh no," she laughed, seeming genuinely amused. "Not at all. I take full ownership of the things I have done. I know that you have heard the recordings left by Simon Walker. I killed him, I killed a bunch of his friends too, and if I were faced with the same choices again, I would make the same decision. What I did, I did for the survival of the species."

"Your species or mine?"

"You ask that as if one could live without the other," she tilted her head. "Oh, Freja forgot to mention that part, did she? Would you like to know what is really going on here?"

I stayed silent, waiting for her to continue. For reasons I couldn't adequately explain, I hated the idea of her thinking that she had something I wanted. But in this case, she was right. She had knowledge. I doubted I would be able to trust anything she had to say, but it was still knowledge. I just didn't want her to know that I wanted it.

"Do you understand what is happening on this island?" She asked, sounding genuinely interested in the answer.

"I think I have a pretty good idea, yes," I answered flatly. She nodded with a smile.

"Good, there is hope for you yet," I arched an eyebrow at her, prompting her to continue. "That you only think you know is a good start. I can imagine the sort of things Freja has told you, and they are probably all true. But I am also certain that her explanations lack context, and I doubt she told you why I had to do those things."

"Context?" I scoffed. "There is context to you killing Dr. Walker and the others in cold blood?"

"What if I told you that killing those people, ending that whole experiment, saved millions of lives?"

"Did it?"

"But that's my point. If I say yes, then their deaths are justified," She held my eyes as I stared at her, waiting for a real answer. She sighed heavily before she started to speak again. "Okay, fine. Dan, what do you know of the Gods? I don't mean God, singular, but entities like me?"

I frowned as I thought about it. I half-remembered some lessons in school about them two decades earlier, but even those had barely been paid attention to. The simple fact was that everything I thought I knew had either come from Hollywood or from what Freja had told me, and I was more than willing to admit that neither could be called "Rock-solid sources."

"Not much," I admitted, not taking my eyes off her.

"Well, I'm sure Freja told you how we get our power, right? She usually does. It's how she justifies..." She swept her arm in a wide swing "...all of... this."

"Yeah, something about getting powers directly from people worshipping them."

"Exactly, and she also explained that we are concepts rather than deities. That the Gods, singular, that many modern religions pray to are actually just a bunch of our gods grouped together," she went on. I nodded in agreement. "Right, so then ask yourself this. When your president says something like "God bless our troops," who do you think he is praying to?"

I frowned again. I seemed to be doing a lot of that recently. "I don't suppose there is a God of soldiers?"

"Well, there is, but he is known by another name, too."

"I'm guessing that is the God of War."

"Got it in one. Well done," she smiled. I couldn't tell if the way she said it was condescending or not. "Now, when is your president more likely to pray for the troops?"

"I don't know...Veterans Day?" I squinted.

Carlone, or Mother, deadpanned me. "Really?"

"I don't know what you are asking me here!"


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