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The It Girl Ch. 03

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Cassie gets to know Devin.
5.1k words

Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/23/2015
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It was easy to fall into the monotonous rhythm of the days. Cassie woke up late in the morning, took a shower, went to work, came back, bit her tongue during the dinner conversation, watched dumb summer TV with her dad, chatted online with Rainey and Leigha until she was tired, got caught in a Wiki wormhole despite knowing she should really go to bed, and finally got some sleep. Her conversations with her family members and most of her co-workers were brisk and businesslike – no need to get in an argument when the promise of college was so close. She hadn't seen or heard from Sara since that morning at Ms. Bright's house, and she never appeared logged in on Skype. Cassie was fairly sure that she had been blocked.

The only part of this routine that really held intrigue for Cassie was Devin. Her shifts seemed to always overlap with the new girl's, and she was often called on to explain some arcane element of the cashier system or correct some shelving error. Devin's attitude seemed to change daily. Sometimes she would be distant, not making eye contact and only nodding curtly at each instruction. Other days she would be smiling, taking any excuse to touch Cassie on the hand or shoulder, and chat on and on about nothing. There had been no more kisses. Still, Cassie couldn't deny that this was how she herself had acted around her first crush, poor Jill Wozniak. Back then, in the hellish halls of middle school, she had raged between trying every strategy to get freckle-faced Jill's attention and wondering why she wanted it so bad.

But if Devin was gay, or bi, this surely couldn't be her first crush. She was older than Cassie, with a year of uni under her belt. Maybe this was just awkwardness over the kiss. And maybe the kiss was just a spontaneous act never to be replicated, that didn't stem from any kind of homosexual desire.

Sure. And maybe Devin was an alien from Saturn.

Finally, Cassie decided to do something about it. During a dry spell in the middle of the day, she leaned across her cash and beckoned to Devin, who was working the next aisle. "What's up, D?"

Devin turned around. She was in her nervous mood, stammering and playing with her hair as she talked just a little too fast. "Oh, nothing. I mean, not nothing, I'm working. What about you?"

"Well, I'm working too," said Cassie with a slight smile. "But fortunately, I'm not gonna be working all day. When do you get off."

"Um... five? Six? No, five."

"Great! What do you say we go grab some burgers after this? Anything to save me another family dinner." That was, indeed, one of Cassie's motivation. The other was to get Devin pinned down outside of a work situation and figure out how she felt. And then maybe get her pinned down in more literal ways.

Devin clutched those raven strands in her hand, obviously locked in indecision. Then she let slip a smile and nodded. "Okay! I mean, sure. Ernie's?"

"Where else?"

"Great!" Devin just stared at her for a moment, awkwardly.

"Devin, you've got three customers behind you, and they all have four bags of different types of mushrooms."

The other girl, spun around, anxious. Cassie had to laugh. "Just joking. You gotta learn, the hardest part of this job is staying sane when nothing's happening."

"I've worked retail before," Devin said, looking over her shoulder. "But I always thought that the worst part was dealing with dumbass customers."

"Well, you get those occasionally," said Cassie.

And so they whittled away a quiet summer afternoon trading retail horror stories, making each other laugh and occasionally get distracted from an actual, always irritated-looking customer. By the time they hung up their uniform aprons and headed to Devin's well-worn car, the awkwardness between them seemed to have evaporated.


Ernie's was a fast food restaurant chain unknown outside of this corner of the state, but those who knew it loved it. The hamburgers were tasty, but in truth the food as a whole wasn't much better than the usual food court garbage. But unlike the McDonald's or Burger King, it felt to the people of the down like something that belonged to them, and was a place you could always find someone you know.

Aggie, behind the counter at seemingly all times, was one of those people. She had seemingly known everyone in the town since their birth, and had been working at Ernie's the whole time. "Well how's it going Cassie," she said the instant they walked in the door. "And you've got little Devin with you too. I didn't know you two were friends. Of course, I guess you're both working at the grocery now."

"That's right," said Cassie, wondering if Aggie had a network of spies all around town. "Can I get a cheeseburger combo with Sprite, please?"

"Veggie burger. No combo," said Devin, who suddenly seemed nervous again.

"Coming right up." Aggie shouted the order to the kitchen behind her. "You know, I remember when you girls were both about knee high. It's crazy how you've grown."

"Yeah, well, aging works like that," Devin said.

Cassie ushered her co-worker away. "We'll take a seat."

Devin picked out a corner booth and promptly began staring out the window. Cassie sat across from her. "So Dev, what are you studying in school?"

"Don't call me Dev," the other girl said, not meeting Cassie's eyes. "Makes me sound like an Indian guy."

"Um... sorry?"

Devin laughed at herself. "Sorry if I sound grouchy. It's just that my ex-boyfriend always called me that. Well, when he wasn't calling me 'baby' or 'frigid bitch'. Bad memories."

"I get it," said Cassie. "I have an ex-girlfriend who can be a real pain in the ass."

Devin raised an eyebrow at that, but didn't comment. "As for your question, I'm in English. I just really love all of that Romantic and early modern stuff. Poetry, plays, circuitous essays, dirty lyrics that are ostensibly about God... I'm probably the only girl you know who's wrote a sonnet cycle."

"About the ex?"

"God no. It was about Chris Hemsworth. I had just gone through puberty, you see..."

Both girls laughed. Aggie arrived with their food and, after some semi-invasive small talk, went back to doing her job.

"So what are you going to study?" Devin said.

"Well, I'm undeclared right now," said Cassie. "Honestly, it seems like a big decision. I just want to be in that environment. You know, to be surrounded by intellectuals and ideas and cool people my age instead of, you know, this."

"To be honest, I'm happy to see places like this after a year away," Devin said. "You get homesick, even if you don't think you will. And college isn't really the ivory tower they talk about in the brochure. Most of the people I know are just concerned with getting drunk and having sex, and the school just wants to squeeze as much money out of you as possible."

"So it's no worse than here, is what you're saying?"

Devin chuckled. "That's one way of thinking about it."

The two girls then dug into their burgers, thick juicy patties full of unhealthy goodness. In between bites, Devin related the inconveniences of college life – a noisy and smelly roommate, a lack of money, term papers demanded on an insane schedule. Cassie listened intently, but if Devin was trying to convince her to abandon her dreams of a rose-coloured campus life, it wasn't working.

After the last fry was eaten, and both young women's mouths tasted of grease and regret, they headed out back to Devin's beater. Cassie thought the older girl seemed relaxed. Now was as good a time as any to broach the subject that she couldn't get off of her mind.

"So, uh... have you ever fooled around with other girls?"

Devin gave her an impenetrable look. "Smooth transition there, Cass."

"Well, we were talking about college, and you know what they say about girls in college..."

Devin laughed, but it came out strained. "I don't know what you've been reading, but most girls stay straight when they go to school. Or stay gay, or bi, or whatever. I stayed straight, if that's what you're asking."

Cassie climbed into the passenger seat. "But you kissed me."

Devin slammed the door and buckled her seatbelt. "Yeah, well that was... temporary insanity, I guess. I told you that."



Devin pulled out of the parking lot and started down the road to Cassie's house. Cassie couldn't help but prod a little bit further. When she got within sniffing distance of pussy, she was like an attack dog. "Do you think you'll have any more bouts of temporary insanity?"

"How can I say? Do I look like a psychiatrist?" Cassie thought that Devin sounded flirty, not annoyed, but wasn't sure.

"I should have your number," Cassie said. "Just in case you wake up with a mad pussy-craving. Or, you know, you need a ride to work or something."

As they paused at a red light, Devin turned and stared down Cassie. "Are you trying to pick me up? Because you're acting like a creepy guy right now."

"I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to do."

"Definitely like a creepy guy."

Cassie had to giggle to herself. Maybe she was being too forward. "Look, I'm just joking around. But I should have your number. For work stuff, if nothing else. And I'd like to be friends."

At the next light, Devin reached over and pulled out a marker from the glove compartment. She scrawled her phone number onto Cassie's wrist. "Stalk away."

"Well, if you insist..."


That night, Cassie was spending her usual evening curled up in bed with her laptop, chatting with her friends and watching episodes of Broad City. Rainey popped up on Skype, and Cassie almost instantly opened up a text chat. She liked to bounce problems off of Rainey – she often had good advice, and was never judgmental.

Cass: hey girl

RaineyRoyale: what's up bae?

Cass: the usual

Cass: internet slow af

Cass: mindy probably watching some shit movie

RaineyRoyale: downloading some music/spyware

RaineyRoyale: probably still on kazaa or osme shit

Cass: lmao

RaineyRoyale: my dad and my brother are yelling at each other downstrs

RaineyRoyale: started with something else but I think theyre onto the tattoo again

Cass: lol

Cass: is your dad that strict?

RaineyRoyale: only with really shitty looking tats

RaineyRoyale: bro looks like some ufc reject

RaineyRoyale: anyway, you chat with sara recently?

Cass: ew, no

Cass: we broke up

RaineyRoyale: yeah, and then you banged

RaineyRoyale: at the teacher's house no less!

RaineyRoyale: ur a bad girl cassie

Cass: it was an one-night thing

Cass: now I'm up to my old habits

Cass: driving around straight girls who are still thinking things thru


Cass: girl at my work

Cass: devin

Cass: just got home from freshman year apparely

RaineyRoyale: ooh, an older woman

RaineyRoyale: wait a minute

RaineyRoyale: I think I know here

RaineyRoyale: *her

Cass: really?

RaineyRoyale: give me a minute

RaineyRoyale shared a photo

Cass: omg

RaineyRoyale: eyah, she used to date my friend andrew

RaineyRoyale: in the year ahead ofu s

Cass: she looks very

Cass: uh

RaineyRoyale: goth?

Cass: yea

RaineyRoyale: white girls gotta try to be different

RaineyRoyale: he thought it was sexy

RaineyRoyale: until she drained his blood

Cass: will you stosp?

RaineyRoyale: okay

RaineyRoyale: but be aware you will be licking the pussy of someone who has most likely read the complete twilight trilogy

RaineyRoyale: AND fifty shades

Cass: no , she seems like she had good taste

Cass: english major

Cass: talked about romantic poetry and all htat

RaineyRoyale: I know I love it when boys talk shakespeare to me

Cass: besids which

Cass: I may not be licking anything

Cass: she says she's not into girls

Cass: she just kissed me on the spur of the moement when we met

RaineyRoyale: lmao

RaineyRoyale: you can not be serious

Cass: this is my life rainey

RaineyRoyale: just bend her over the chwckout counter and fingerbeng her cass

RaineyRoyale: then let her inside your sweet little patnies

Cass: typing one-handed???

RaineyRoyale: you wish

RaineyRoyale: if I was a dyke you would never let me go

Cass: you would be part of my harem, yes

RaineyRoyale: just keep me chained to the bed

RaineyRoyale: for u se whenever you feel like it

Cass: shit

Cass: have you been thinking about this a lot?

RaineyRoyale: that's IF I was a dyke

RaineyRoyale: slow your perverted mind down

Cass: don't get ahead of urself

Cass: i'd toss you out of bed in the morning just like sara :p

RaineyRoyale: shit

RaineyRoyale: ur gonna hurt my feelings

Cass: sos eriously, what should I do about devin?

Cass: i think she was flirting with me today, but im not sure

RaineyRoyale: I was serious

RaineyRoyale: she wants your puss

RaineyRoyale: gonna give you some college girl head

RaineyRoyale: shit, I bet she's been eating cunt all year and is just playing innocent with you now

RaineyRoyale: but be warned

RaineyRoyale: andrew says she bites ;)

Cass: o_O

RaineyRoyale: i mean, don't be too pushy about it

RaineyRoyale: just offer to give her a nice shoulder rub, and go from there.

Cass: don't you think the massage thing is a little transparent

RaineyRoyale: shit, it works when boys try it on me

RaineyRoyale: you loosen up your joints AND you get fucked

RaineyRoyale: win win

Cass: that's gross

RaineyRoyale: why? b/c it's hetero

RaineyRoyale: penises penises penises

Cass: i'm gonna go before you start bombarding me with dick pics again

RaineyRoyale:aw come on

RaineyRoyale: i've saved up a hole folder

RaineyRoyale: *whole

Cass: lmao

Cass: freudian slip?

RaineyRoyale: shut up

Cass: c ya

Cass: ill let you know how the backrub goes

RaineyRoyale: I wait with baited breath

After another episode, Cassie went back to the chat window and found that Rainey had indeed messaged her with several pictures of penises.


In the end, it wasn't that difficult to get some alone time with Devin. Cassie dragged herself out of bed the next evening and sent her a text message –You want to hang out?After an agonizing moment of waiting, Devin's reply popped up on the screen.sure. chilling at home now. come around the garage.She sent her address in the next message.

Cassie made her way down the stairs as quietly as possible. She already had her coat on and was partway out the door when she called out to her parents "Going to see a friend, bye!"

Charlotte appeared in the doorway to the living room, where she and Cassie's dad were watching a movie. "It's past nine o'clock."

"I don't have work tomorrow, so it'll be fine," said Cassie.

Charlotte frowned. "Well, Mindy already took the car. I'm just worried about you biking around this late."

"In this town? What's going to happen, I'll get attacked by a lawn gnome?" With that, Cassie shut the door behind her and headed to her bike.

Devin lived in the closest thing to a rich part of town. It was a decent distance away, but it was a nice brisk night and the ride was enjoyable. Of course, maybe it was just the prospect of getting laid soon that lifted Cassie's mood. Straight or flexible, Devin was hot – even the teenage-goth photo Rainey had sent her, where Devin tugged a baroque black coat around a heavily made-up face, was sort of beautiful. And judging from that kiss, she wouldn't be dull in bed either.

Cassie passed by the address twice before she realized that the fancy green-shingled house was her destination. The house was twice as wide as hers, and the garage was house-sized also. Feeling a little out of her element, Cassie left her bike leaning up against the house and rang the bell on the side of the garage.

Devin answered the door with a nervous smile on her face. It was unusual to see her out of the plain black clothes she wore to work. Instead, she was wearing blue jeans and a black T-shirt advertising a band whose name could not be said in polite company. "Come on in!" Devin hugged her. "It's just upstairs. Sorry in advance for the mess – I haven't had anyone over here in weeks."

Up the narrow staircase was a wide open space that had been reconfigured into Dawn's room. It wasn't really messy at all. Devin's iPod was hooked up to a set of speakers playing soft songs Cassie had never heard of. A massive bed with silky black sheets sat at one end of the room, a TV hooked up to a computer at the other.

"How do you like it?" said Devin. "My parents let me move out here when I was fifteen. You get the comforts of home without having your family always hovering around you. No AC, and it gets cold when I come back for the winter, but I can cope."

"Man, I would love a set-up like this," Cassie said. "No bratty step-sisters or nosy step-moms in my hair."

"Take a seat," Devin said. "Er, I don't actually have any chairs up here... people usually sit on the floor or on the bed."

Cassie didn't need a second invitation. She sat down on the edge of Devin's bed, and patted the spot next to her. With just a little bit of hesitation, Devin sat down. And of course, as they continued talking they leaned back and ended up sprawled across the wide bed, and their hands needed somewhere to rest so their arms entwined around each other just a bit, and as they turned to talk to each other their lips were just inches away from touching. But all of this was just coincidental, of course. It could just be part of the physical but platonic intimacy between female friends that had tricked Cassie so many times in the past.

Maybe she should try Rainey's suggestion, as cheesy as it sounded. She ran a hand under Devin's back. "Jeez, you're tense back here."

"Oh, you know. Stress. I nearly had a mental breakdown around mid-terms this winter."

"Is college that tough?"

"Not really. I just got caught up in partying and let a bunch of stuff slip until the last minute."

Cassie squeezed Devin's right shoulder. They really were tense. "You want me to give you a massage?"

"Mmh, yes please." Devin sat up and Cassie kneeled behind her on the bed, rubbing her shoulders. The only problem: Cassie didn't really know the first thing about giving a massage. She decided to just rub in circles and hope that she didn't break anything. There was another problem, now that she thought about it. She had no idea how to transition a sexually-suggestive massage into actual sexy times without coming across as a creep.

Finally, Devin grabbed Cassie's massaging hands and pulled them down to her breasts. "This is what you actually want to rub, isn't it?"

"Maybe," Cassie said, as she made the same soft circles on Devin's orange-sized breasts as she had on her shoulders moments ago. Devin groaned, and Cassie, pressed up against her back, could almost feel the vibration from her lungs. Devin's tits were soft and endlessly touchable, but there was a hard nub to them that Cassie was unfamiliar with.

"God," said Devin in a hot breath. "I've been thinking about you all week."

"Right back at you," said Cassie before kissing the side of Devin's soft neck. The black-haired girl leaned her head back and the two were soon kissing each other as their hands explored each other's bodies. There was nothing of the hurried and spontaneous nature of their first kiss in the back room of the store. This was the long, sensuous kiss of two people who knew that they weren't going anywhere.

Devin lay down in Cassie's lap. Cassie brushed her bangs out of her face and gazed down at her green eyes. She really was beautiful. A part of her wanted to just sit here admiring Devin for a while, but another part of her was desperately horny, and the second part was taking off her shirt and there was really nothing to be done about that.


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