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The Jade Princess of Darkness


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"Mom," Ethan asked with a trembling voice, "why does this story sound so familiar?"

Sandra had remained silent until now, letting the Jade Empress take the lead. When Suzie gave her a nod that told her she should jump in to answer her son's question, she said, "I wasn't the only person Ichiro was fucking back in those days," Sandra said, looking into the eyes of her son. "As I told you before, he wasn't interested in me anymore when he found out I was pregnant with a son...with you."

Mia shot a glance at Sandra. "Wait a minute," she said quickly. "Are you saying...?" She looked back sharply at Suzi. "Mom, are you saying that this man...this gangster...fatheredboth Ethan and I?"

Suzi took a deep breath full of smoke. "Yes," she said definitively, smoke again pouring out of her mouth. "You and Ethan are related. You're brother and sister."

The expression on Mia's face looked like she had just been kicked in the gut. She put both of her palms face down on the table as if she was trying to steady herself and took several deep breaths. She then threw the cigarette between her fingers into the crystal ashtray and immediately reached for the pack of Virginia Slims, pulled one out, and lit the 120 freehanded, barely able to keep the flame steady due to her trembling hands.

For his part, Ethan was calm. "This explains everything," he said softly. He then turned to Mia. "It's not by chance that we were brought together. It's something more powerful." He turned to his mother. "Mom, you told me that we moved back to Vegas because you believed that something was pulling us back; that webelonged here." He took Mia's hands. "Don't you see? We were meant to be together."

"Ethan, we're related. This isn't a movie. It's real life. How can we be married? How can we have any children without the risk of deformity?"

Ethan tightened his grasp on her hands. "I don't need the government's permission to be with the woman I love, and I have never felt closer to you than I do right now at this very moment. We're both from the same evil seed. Can you imagine what our offspring would be like?" He answered his own question in a whisper as he embraced her: "A child of darkness."

Mia was warming up to the idea. She obviously wasn't opposed to incest since she and her mother had become sexually active. And though the knowledge that her lover happened to be her brother was certainly shocking, it was also a massive turn-on. "I want you inside of me...right now," she said passionately to him in their embrace.

"Sorry to interrupt this foreplay," Suzi said wryly, "but there's more that you both need to know." Suzi paused, bringing her fingers to her lips as she was for a moment at a loss for words.Where do I even begin? She looked at her daughter and decided to just dive in, hoping that the right words would come to her. "Like all countries, Japan has its share of apocalyptic cults. Some of these cults are quite dangerous and have attempted mass murder in the past. Others fly under the radar but still manage to attract tens of thousands of followers. All of them spin some kind of end of the world bullshit."

She paused to take a puff, French inhaled the smoke, and continued. "Your father was apparently the leader of one of these cults; or at least a very influential member. Don't ask me the name of the group because I couldn't remember if my life depended upon it. But I do recall that he believed a darkness would one day envelop the world, and that only those who had embraced this darkness beforehand - the chosen, he called them - would survive the apocalypse to come."

Ethan and Mia looked at her mother like she was talking nonsense.

"I know," she said with a chuckle. "His religious views were pretty extreme. He was an evangelical of this belief, but he didn't go door to door preaching the end of the world. Instead, he sought to corrupt individuals as a way to save them, and he believed that pornography was an effective tool in which to do that. This is why he partnered up with Herb who once told me that Ichiro's goal was to 'spread the darkness.' He didn't even care about profit. Every dollar Herb made for him was plowed back into the studios. Ichiro just wanted to get as many people addicted to porn as a he could."

Sandra then chimed in again. "That's how your mother and I came in contact with him," she said with a glance at Suzi, "though, of course, at different times. He often talked to me about how he was a prophet whose progeny would fulfill scripture, butonly if he had a daughter. With Suze, he won the lottery."

"And that's when he gave me this," Suzi said placing her fingers on the jade necklace.

"You told me that Herb gave you that," Mia replied even more confused than ever.

"What Herb gave me originally was a piece of glass; a prop to wear during porn shoots. When Ichiro found out I was pregnant with a girl, he replaced the glass bauble with this genuine jade gemstone. He said it was centuries old and had a mystical power." She took another puff and hissed an exhale, expressing her disbelief that the jade had any significance other than being a gemstone.

"And then he abandoned you," Mia added disdainfully.

"Well, he gave me money for all of the medical expenses associated with the birth, but yes, he went back to Japan. Herb told me later that he isolated himself in some mountain monastery waiting for the end of the world." She looked over at Sandra with a smile. "I guess he's still there, still waiting."

She turned back to Mia. "Of course, I was so angry when he abandoned us that I didn't want anything to remember him by. When I left the business, I returned this necklace to Herb who apparently didn't notice it was a real jade gemstone. I was pretty surprised when he gave it back to me a few weeks ago."

Suzi reached behind her neck and unclasped the necklace.

"What you need to know is that your father wanted you to have it, but not, he told me, until you had 'embraced the darkness.' I don't know why that makes any difference, or what markers would even be used to determine that. I do think it's pretty clear, though, that you are not the same person you were a few weeks ago." She reached out to her daughter with the necklace hanging from her fist. "I think it's time you have this."

Mia looked at the jade necklace with apprehension. "What's going to happen if I take it?" she asked with a hint of fear in her voice.

"Honey, I don't think anything is going to happen. Ichiro had some very disturbing ideas, but they are no different from the crazy homeless man standing on the street holding a sign that says, 'The End is Near.' He wanted you to have this when you became an adult. Think of it as your legacy from him if you are willing to accept it."

Mia continued to stare at the gemstone. She began to hear whispers all around her, a cacophony of voices that were all saying one thing:Take it.

Mia set her cigarette in the ashtray and reached across the table, gently taking the thin chain out of her mother's hand. Immediately she felt a pleasant tingling sensation start to move up her arm and swarm through her body. She made no movement, feeling an overwhelming desire to put the necklace around her neck, but also fearing what the consequences would be.

"Let me help you," Ethan said as he took the chain out of her hand and moved behind her chair to clasp the necklace around her neck. As soon as the gemstone touched her skin, Mia felt lightheaded. The room began to spin, and then felt she was being swept away as her vision went black.

When Suzi saw her daughter close her eyes as if she had fallen into a trance, she was suddenly filled with fear. She had never given Ichiro's beliefs any credence until this very moment. Had she made a terrible mistake by giving her daughter the jade necklace?

"Mia," she called in desperation. "Mia, can you hear me?"


Mia found herself no longer sitting at the kitchen table in her two bedroom apartment. Instead she was once again standing in a cave enveloped in darkness.

She looked down at her hand and saw a freshly lit 120 between her fingers, its ash a fiery green. She once again heard the whispers celebrating her arrival, and she was surrounded by countless pairs of green eyes. And yet she remained calm.

"You're not afraid of the darkness, are you?" a familiar man's voice asked. "In fact, you never have been." As the voice grew closer and her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she could see standing before Brian Koga, his eyes sparkling like green emeralds, and the cork-tipped Marlboro he held in his hand also had a green glow from its ash. "You find it comforting, even alluring."

"Brian," Mia asked in surprise, "what are you doing here?"

"Aren't you happy to meet your Dad?" he asked with a smile.

"My mom said that you're not my father."

"True," Brian said as he brought the cigarette up to his lips for a puff. The green glow of the tip flared brightly. He sharply inhaled and continued speaking. "But am I not the man you wish was your father?" He moved closer to her, circling her. "Loving...lustful; the perfect combination for an incestuous relationship, don't you think?"

Mia found his words incredibly enticing, evoking such sinful, lustful thoughts within her. She struggled to stay focused. "Where am I?" she asked as Brian continued to circle her as if she were his prey. "And why do I keep hearing voices?"

"You're in the darkest recesses of your mind," he whispered seductively. "And those voices have been your companions since birth, guiding you down the dark path in life. The ones who told you it was okay to lie when you stole money out of your mother's purse or to talk shit about a friend behind their back. The ones that convinced you that smoking is cool and beautiful. The voices that persuaded you to let Ethan rob you of your virginity." Brian was standing behind her back, his hands now caressing her breasts. "Face it, Mia," he whispered into her ear, "you were never the good girl you pretended to be. Your soul is black as ebony. You've always been among the chosen ones. And now you've embraced the darkness without any reservations."

"You're not real," Mia said, trying to resist.I've made some bad choices in life. And yes, I'm attracted to the darkness. But I'm a good person. She knew she was. "This is all in my imagination."

"Of course it is, Mia, but that doesn't make it any less real. Can't you feel my hands squeezing your breasts? Or my lips brushing against your neck? You've wanted me from the first moment you saw me, hoping that I was the father who would fuck you raw."

Mia's resistance was fading fast. Whether this was a fantasy induced by the jade gemstone or not, she wanted Brian...badly, and her pussy began dripping liquid pearls. She wanted to fuck him as if he were her father, just like she fucked her mother; just like she fucked her brother. She was an incest slut, and that knowledge filled her with excitement. She brought the cigarette up to her lips for a luscious puff, feeling the smoke filling her lungs and erotically enhancing this sensuous experience. She moved her head to the side to give his kisses plenty of room on her neck as she took another puff and inhaled deeply.

"Why am I here?" she asked in a groan of ecstasy.

"To fulfill your destiny," Brian replied in an echoing voice.

That was all the trigger the Jade Princess needed. "Then let's get started," she said hungrily.

With no more than a thought, Mia's clothes vanished as she turned to Brian and forcefully placed her lips against his. Their tongues swirled together violently. This was not a tender moment. Mia was driven by a carnal lust. She felt that she was about to fuck evil; and when Brian lifted her legs by the thighs and inserted his dick into her pussy, Mia had the exhilarating sensation of being everywhere at once: past, future, and present. She saw her true father making love to her mother. She witnessed her own birth, and the gifting of the jade necklace Ichiro gave to Suzi for safe-keeping. She watched Ethan and herself engage in the most intense sexual intercourse, laughing maniacally and blowing long streams of smoke as he ejaculated into her vagina. She looked upon herself giving birth to a child - a beautiful girl - and observed the child's coming life: being raised by her and Ethan; attending the best schools; smoking her first cigarette; seducing men and women of influence and power; being cheered by hundreds of millions of followers; and finally, sitting on a throne, smiling wickedly and smoking a long cigarette in a jade colored holder as the world was engulfed in an inferno of green fire.

"I see it all," she gasped in ecstasy as her pelvis pumped Brian's cock back and forth, back and forth. "Oh, God, it's beautiful! The darkness.I want to bring on the darkness."

"You and your brother will bring forth a child of darkness. A Jade Empress to rule the world."

Faster she pumped her pelvis. Brian's dick scraped those vaginal walls with a friction that sent wave after wave of pleasure throughout her body. And the images of her daughter wielding total power over humanity was fueling a high like helium being pumped into a balloon. Eventually it was going to pop; her mind was going to explode from too much stimulation; too much pleasure; too much wickedness.I can bring about the end of the world. What power she had. Mankind's fate rested in her womb."OH, FUCK!" she shouted in total ecstasy, followed by an overwhelming surge of lustful gratification in her body that she knew was the climax to her final transformation towards evil.

"Ohhhhhhh," she gasped in anguish as an orgasm ripped through her body with the ejaculation from Brian's dick. But this was unlike any orgasm she had ever experienced. It was bone-chilling cold; it felt malevolent and baneful. She puffed hard on her 120, filling her lungs with the cool mentholated smoke that gave her so much cold pleasure. She felt as if evil itself had been infused into her pussy, filling her womb with a darkness that only an evil seed could grow in; and she smiled at that thought as her pelvis thrusts slowed. "The end is near," she chuckled.

Mia knew what she had to do. From that womb, with the sperm of her half-brother, would be born a princess of darkness. She now understood everything. The gemstone had opened a door. She knew exactly what would happen today, tomorrow, and all of the days that followed...until the darkness came. She understood her role, both in sharing this knowledge, and in fulfilling the prophecy.


It had only been less than a minute that Mia sat there erect in her chair with her eyes closed. When her eyelids opened, Suzi gasped as she brought her hand up to cover her mouth. Her daughter's eyeballs had been transformed. The iris, the pupil, the white sclera - all of them had been subsumed by a luminescent green which glowed brightly. "Oh, honey," she said in anguish, "what have I done to you?"

"It's okay, Mom" she said calmly as she picked up her cigarette from the ashtray and took a slow burning puff. Never before had the cool mentholated smoke felt so good as it enveloped her lungs. "Everything is going to be okay," she continued with smoke pouring out of her mouth. And then with a small grin she added, "I understand now. I understand it all."

Both of the mothers were paralyzed with terror, but Ethan remained calm. "What did you see?"

Mia turned to him, a smile still on her face. "How it all ends. Let me show you." She took another puff which lasted for eight seconds and fueled Ethan's excitement. She inhaled deeply, enriching the smoke with the power now flowing through her body, and moved her lips towards his.

Ethan opened his mouth to let the dense cloud of smoke float into his lungs. Immediately he saw it all and his role in the fulfillment of their father's prophecy. As smoke poured out of his mouth and nostrils, Mia smiled while caressing his face. The teen opened his eyelids, revealing through their jade luminance his status as among the chosen. He was the first to be converted. She knew instinctively through the gemstone that only those worthy, those who had embraced the darkness, would be saved. Ethan would be her closest apostle, but more would be needed.

Both of the teenagers slowly turned their heads to look at their mothers. "What's happened to you?" Suzi asked in fear.

"Something wonderful," Mia replied softly with a warm smile. "Do you trust me, Mom?"

"Of course I do, honey" Suzi answered trembling.

"Then take my hand," Mia said with her palm up.

With tremendous ambivalence, Suzi put her hand in her daughter's. She felt a coldness that immediately shot through her arm and overwhelmed her body; but as a child of the darkness herself, she felt immense gratification at the sensation. Through her touch, Mia was able to convey all of the images from the cave and what the future holds. It was an instantaneous orgasm that Suzi experienced as she watched with excitement how it all ends. "Oh," she gasped as she swung her head back with her eyes closed. She took several deep breaths, and then she relaxed when her daughter let go of her hand. "I understand now," she said softly as she opened her shining green neon eyes, revealing that she, too, was one of the chosen.

Mia smiled. "Auntie," she then said reaching her hand to Ethan's Mom, "follow me, and let me show you, too, the joy that is to come."

Sandra, who had embraced the darkness very young in life, eagerly took Mia's hand, welcoming the cold power which flowed through it. "Oh, yes," she moaned as she felt a rolling orgasm move through her body with rapid force, "show me the darkness."

Suzi grinned as she watched the green glow being revealed when Sandra opened her eyelids. She was waiting for her, puffing on a freshly lit cigarette. When Sandra looked at her with an evil smile, Suzi responded by moving her face towards her companion's and inserting her smoky tongue into Sandra's mouth.

Mia and Ethan's faces beamed as they watched their mothers begin to finger one another between their legs while taking puff after puff on their 120s.This is how the world ends, Mia thought to herself with a smile;not with a bang, but with the whimper of an orgasm. Their mothers' salvation was assured, as would be all those who understood and partook in such dark, lustful pleasures.

But the attention of these half-siblings was now diverted to one another. The prophecy must be fulfilled, and itwould be fulfilled here, on the kitchen table. Brian, or the power of the gemstone - she didn't know or care which - had prepared the soil in her womb. Now it was time to sow the seeds. Mia knew that not even taking the pill would prevent that now. This wasn't just the right time of the month; it was the right time of eternity.

"I need you inside of me," Mia said calmly to her brother. She took a puff on her cigarette and placed her mouth upon his, filling his body with the power of the smoke to enhance his own dark force as the son of Ichiro.

Ethan felt that force flowing through his veins. He felt stronger, his erection bursting through his underwear. They both stood up from their chairs, madly kissing and sharing smoke, and unbuckled and unzipped each other's pants. Ethan ripped off Mia's shirt and suckled her breast while she stretched back her head as she took a long puff on her 120.

When Ethan reached to insert his dick, he realized it was longer and bulkier with its veins bulging. He thrust the cock into his lover's pussy and gasped at the sensation. "This feels different. It's like I'm fucking the whole world!" he cried out in exhilaration.

"The power of the darkness flows through you now, stronger than ever," Mia moaned with her eyes closed. She brought the cigarette to her lips again.Must increase the power.

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