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The Jade Princess of Darkness


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Suzi tried to clear her head of these concerns. She had a job to do, and she knew that she did it well. She headed over to the sound stage determined to give her fan base the best of fantasies that they could jack-off to. And for that, she was paid a thousand dollars that she would add to the retirement kitty when she could finally leave this industry for good.

Upon entering the sound stage, she saw what appeared to be a scene for a meeting in a tavern. There was a bar with four stools, and several small tables with chairs, and she noted where the cameras were placed. Immediately she began to visualize what she and her partner would do. The stools were low enough for an oral shot, but the bar was too high for any intercourse.We'd need a step-ladder just to get up there. She and her partner could do something standing up, maybe even some anal, and then move to one of the lower tables for intercourse before a clean cum shot onto her stomach. Within two minutes, Suzi knew exactly how the shot would proceed. All that was needed now was for Charlie to shout "action."

"If I know you," Suzi heard a voice say behind her, "you've already got this scene blocked out."

Suzi turned to see Brian Koga standing behind her, and immediately she felt her heart beating faster. "You know me well," she said with a smile as she reached into her purse for her pack of Virginia Slims. Brian was once again at the ready with a flame from his lighter. "I didn't know you and I were in this shot together."

"Well, to be honest," Brian said a bit bashfully, "when Charlie told me you were coming in today, I asked for the slot." He saw Suzi raise her eyebrows in surprise. "You wanna get some lunch after we're done here today?"

Oh my God, YES, YES, YES!!!! That was what Suzi was thinking as she stood before this man whom she had always found both kind and gorgeous; but such an emotional response would be unbecoming of the Jade Empress. "I'd like that," she said with a small smile as she brought the 120 up to her lips.

"So," Charlie said coming up to them both, "here are the scripts...."

Suzi gave him a sidelong glance.

"...which, of course, you don't need," Charlie added in a defeated tone as he threw them to the side. "You're John and you're Charlotte. Here's the scene: John owns this bar and is married, Suzi, to your sister. You've been away for many years, and you pay him a visit after the bar is closed. He's already had a few drinks, and he reveals to you that he's actually always been in love with you and your smoking." Brian thought for a second about laying out what he envisioned would be the best way to proceed, but his experience with Suzi told him that she would no doubt do the scene better than what he could ever imagine. So instead he finally added pointing with his fingers, "We got cameras here and here for a good, clean cum shot."

When Charlie left the set, Suzi smiled at Brian. "You take your Viagra?"

"Let's get going before it wears off," he replied.

Brian stood behind the bar which already had a glass full of liquid that looked like whisky. He took a sip, realized it was RC Cola, and then picked up a towel to wipe some shot glasses. Suzi walked over to the corner of the set out of camera range near a door that she would just open and close for sound effects.

"And....ACTION!" Charlie hollered.

Suzi opened the door which had the ringing of several small bells, and then shut it.

"We're closed," Brian said with his head down as he continued to dry a shot glass.

"Even for family?" Suzi said.

Brian lifted his head and looked at the woman with an expression of shock. "Charlotte," he gasped.

"In the flesh," Suzi replied with both arms wide open as she slowly walked towards him with a grin on her face.

"Oh man, it's been too long," Brian said as he walked around the bar, hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. "When did you get in?"

"Just a few hours ago," she said as they both took a seat on the stools. She set her purse on top of the bar and pulled out her pack of VS120s.

Brian had a look of tremendous longing on his face as he watched her light it freehanded. "Why, oh why, could you never get your older sister to start smoking?"

"Because I'm the Black Sheep of the family," Suzi replied with smoke cascading down through her nostrils. She looked at him intently as she took a long puff, opened her lips to snap back the white sphere, and slowly exhaled a smoky stream into the man's face.

Brian closed his eyes and inhaled through his nose. "Heavenly smoke," he whispered. "I always knew I married the wrong sister."

"You've been drinking," Suzi said playfully before bringing the 120 horizontally to her lips, taking a three second puff, and then opening her mouth again to snap back a white ball.

"I'm just being honest," Brian said as he picked up the pack of VS120s and pulled one out for himself. When he placed the long cigarette in his lips, Suzi flicked her lighter to bring forth a flame to the tip of the 120. "If Mary knew I was smoking with you, she'd have a total shit-fit."

"I never understood what you saw in my sister, John." Suzi brought the 120 up to her lips and puffed on it at an angle. An extra pulse emanated from the orange tip as she pressed down on the filter with her lips while pulling it out. What followed was an exquisite French inhale that curled out of her mouth like serpents slithering up into her nostrils.

Brian held his cigarette between his fingers, but didn't puff on it. He much preferred to breathe in the smoke that was first floating in the lungs of this gorgeous woman sitting in front of him. It was at that moment that he began to lose touch with what was real and what was role playing.

"You're so gorgeous. And I don't say that just because I want to cum in my shorts when I see you smoke." Brian lifted his hand and caressed Suzi's cheek. "You are truly beautiful. And when you left fifteen years ago," he said, "I felt empty. Like there was a hole in my life."

"We were never that close, were we?" Suzi tapped her cigarette over an ashtray as she tried to stay in character; but, she, too, began to wonder whether they were still playing a role or speaking a real truth when she felt Brian's compassionate touch on her face.

"Not as close as I wished we could have been. We were both young. We made choices that perhaps were not the right ones back then. But now," Brian was moving his face towards Suzi's, "...perhaps we have a second chance."

When their lips met, both Brian and Suzi realized something odd was occurring between them. Their tongues were not swirling wildly together for the camera with fake passion. This wasn't even an act of lust as their shot together a few days prior clearly exhibited. This was something real; something meaningful. This was a tenderness being expressed between them as their tongues glided over one another, softly touching and caressing.

"Suze," Brian whispered passionately as he got up from the stool and let Suzi wrap her legs around his waist. He picked her up and moved her to one of the smaller tables where he set her down gently. Within a few seconds his pants were on the floor.

Suzi had taken with her the VS120 pack and lighter to the table so that she could light a fresh cigarette; and not because she wanted to make a show for the camera, but because she wanted the stimulation of her lungs to coincide with the stimulation she knew was about to come between her legs. And when Brian inserted that huge dick into her vagina, Suzi gave off a joyous gasp of elation. "Oh, Brian," she moaned with growing excitement, and she puffed hard and often on her Virginia Slims.

Meanwhile, Charlie was beside himself with frustration. It was bad enough that these two performers wouldn't follow a script; but now they went straight to intercourse without any foreplay at all. Where were the passionate smoky kisses? The blow job with smoke rising like sheets through Brian's or Suzi's pubic hairs? Would any of this even be worth using as they appear to be completely out of character, calling themselves by their real names?There better be a cum shot...!

Brian finally began puffing on his cigarette freehanded, filling his lungs with blast after blast of luscious smoke which he sent streaming out of his lips with his head bobbing upwards and downwards.Was the camera even still rolling? Fuck it. This is for me and for her. Fifteen years of passion had built up. He never forgot about Suzi. He wanted her as badly now as he did then when she was still in the business. Why she was attracted to the worst of the male species back then he could never understand. He hoped that middle age had mellowed her, because his feelings for her had never altered. And now, as wave after blissful wave washed through his body with each thrust of his pelvis, he knew that the love he had for this woman still burned like a bonfire.

"I've missed you so much," he whispered passionately to her as sweat dripped from his face. "So much...oh, God!!!" Brian's dick exploded in jubilation as cum rose like a geyser through the shaft and burst through the confines of the tiny hole at the tip. "Oh, Suze," he moaned in ecstasy, continuing to thrust his pelvis back and forth to plant his seed deep within her womb.

"Oh, Brian," Suzi whined in orgasmic delight as her body shivered from head to toe, "shoot it in deep."

And then, with both of them panting as they practically gasped for breath, they simply looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity. Suzi brought her shrinking cigarette to her lips, took a soft but long puff, and opened her mouth to show her lover the prize which awaited him. Brian slowly moved his face towards hers, and the two began to passionately kiss.

Charlie, by now absolutely livid, could take no more. "CUT!!!" he yelled. "What thefuck was that?" he hollered as he walked towards his performers. "You ejaculated into her pussy. Without a clean cum shot, we can't use any of this!"

"Charlie," a low voice said near the back of the sound stage. Only then did Charlie realize that Herb had been watching the scene in the shadows. "It's not a total loss. We can still market it as soft porn in Asia and dub out their real names."

"But Herb," Charlie protested as he walked to the back of the sound stage towards his boss, "their contract calls for a cum-shot. They don't get paid without a cum-shot!"

"Charlie," Herb said, his voice rising, "if you can't see how passionate that scene was, then you don't have the heart for this business. Pay them." Herb moved towards the door, but then turned back to Charlie. "Pay them half. After all," he said with a small grin, "there wasn't a cum-shot."

As Charlie and Herb discussed the issue of compensation, Brian and Suzi continued to stare at one another through deep breaths.

"That was...interesting," Suzi said.

"Just interesting?" Brian replied.

Suzi softly touched his face. She had no words to describe what she had just felt. Was it love? It had been so long since she knew that emotion. Could she even recognize love if it slapped her in the face? What she felt for this man at this very moment was something powerful. She kissed him, and Brian reciprocated.

Suddenly Herb came back into the sound stage with his cell phone in hand. "Suze," he said urgently, "there's been an incident at your daughter's graduation ceremony."

Suzi stopped kissing Brian, sat up on the table, and looked at Herb in confusion. "But my daughter didn't go to graduation."


"I don't understand," Suzi said as she nervously puffed on her 120. "Mia didn't go to graduation."

"We'll get to the bottom of this, don't you worry," Herb said as he drove to UNLV where Palo Verde High School held its ceremony at the Thomas and Mack Center.

"Why were you called and not me?" Suzi asked.

"Principal Gonzalez is a friend of mine." Then he added cryptically, "Apparently the girls were handing out something he thought might be related to my business."

Suzi was even more confused now. "I just don't understand," she said again. "Why didn't Mia tell me that she was going to the ceremony?"

"Well," Herb chuckled, "clearly she didn't want you to know whatever she planned on doing." He looked at Suzi with a smile, but realized the concern on her face revealed she found nothing funny about the situation. "We'll find out soon enough," he said sympathetically.


Upon reaching the arena, security led Herb and Suzi into a manager's office where Principal Gonzalez was sitting behind a desk staring disapprovingly at Mia and Emiko, both of whom had forlorn expressions on their faces as they wore bathrobes with the UNLV Rebel mascot emblazoned on the back.

"Ron," Herb said with a handshake, "what happened?"

"These two young women made a spectacle of themselves at the graduation ceremony. They ran into the hall, wearing only a graduation gown with the front portion cut out to reveal their...their..."

"Okay," Herb said calmly, "I get it. They took a page out of the 1970s and decided to do a little streaking through the aisles. What's the harm here?"

"But that's not all! They were also throwing these cards into the audience," and the principal held up one of Emiko's publicity cards and gave it to Herb.

"I'm a Smoking Slut," he said as he read the caption out loud. "Catchy," he added lightheartedly as he looked over at Emiko who gave him a smile. "So the kids got carried away. Back in our days we tossed beach balls at each other in the audience. Really, Ron, what's the harm here? Two kids got over-excited after achieving a milestone in their young adult lives."

The principal was incensed that Herb was making light of the teenagers' actions. "You are not grasping the gravity of this situation. President Paxton of the school board was up on that stage today, and he isn't just calling for their expulsion; he wants to press charges, and...."

"Now hold on just onefucking minute," Herb said with a fierceness that could have been delivered by Robert De Niro himself. "Charges? He wants to press charges? Are you fucking kidding me?" He tried the soft approach, but Herb Shapiro could play hard ball with the best of them.

"I'm sorry, Herb, but he was insistent. My hands are tied." Ron sat back down in the chair behind the desk trying very hard not to reveal the fear he felt talking back to a man he knew was so powerful in Las Vegas.

Herb, however, looked at Ron with a fiery glare that was so intense it could have melted wax. "Ladies," Herb said in an icy tone while continuing to stare at the principal, "would you all wait outside for a few minutes?"

When the two men were left alone, Herb didn't hold back. "Don't you to me that way again, do you understand? Or I will fucking rip off your head and shit down your neck!"

Ron was immediately transformed into a pile of quivering Jell-o as he tried to defend himself. "Herb, why are you breaking my balls here? You know the kind of pressure I'm under from Paxton and the school board."

"My friend," Herb said as he switched back to the soft approach, "those girls are the next generation of porn stars that are going to make us rich. And that includes you. If you want to continue to be a silent partner - and let me stress the wordsilent - then you are going to let those girls go with a reprimand. As for Paxton, you tell him that as apersonal favor I'm asking that he forget about this whole thing." Then the power broker added threateningly, "Stress that it would bein his interest to do so with the elections coming up this November."

Ron understood, knowing as he did that Shapiro had dirt on all the men and women of importance in the town. "But what do I tell the parents and faculty who witnessed what those girls did?"

"Tell them whatever the fuck you want," Herb barked, his inner De Niro returning to the surface. "Jesus Christ, Ron, do I have to think of everything? You're an investor in this business, and you're making a tidy profit every year. So do something to earn it!"

"Okay, okay, Herb, I'll take care of it," Ron said apologetically. "I'm sorry you got dragged into this."

"It's alright," Herb said, once again taking the soft approach. He was in control now and Ron was once again obedient. So he asked, "How's Betty and the kids?"

"They're fine," Ron replied, grateful to be back in Herb's good graces. "Sheila's heading off to U Penn this Fall if we can afford it."

"Don't you worry, my friend. When those two girls out in the hall start their careers in earnest, you will have enough money to send your daughter wherever she can get into." Herb offered his hand. "Give Betty my best, okay?" he said warmly with a handshake. He then turned to leave.


Out in the hallway, all three women sat quietly on a bench. When Herb walked out of the office to join them, he gave Suzi a little nod with a wink. He then focused his attention on the two teenagers. "You two," he said in a very serious tone, "walk with me." Mia and Emiko did as they were ordered, following Herb to the middle of the hallway away from the manager's office.

"First of all," Herb said sternly to both of them, "I am shocked that you would think you could even get away with something this crazy." He let that sink in before he went on. "Secondly, I am thoroughly impressed with your creativity."

The two teens looked at him in confusion.

"This was great publicity! You two have shown me that you're willing to take chances. You're going to be very successful in this business. I want you both to come see me next week so we can map out how to capitalize on this stunt."

"Thank you, Herb!" Mia and Emiko said in unison as they hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Finally," he said once again in a stern voice as Suzi walked up to the three of them, "you owe Ms. Nakamura here a sincere apology. She was in total anguish on the drive over."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Nakamura," Emiko said in repentance.

"Me, too, Mom. I'm really sorry I got you worried."

Suzi glared at them both, ready, it appeared, to rake them over the coals. But then her cheeks puffed out as she stifled a laugh. Within seconds she was unable to control herself and began laughing hysterically as she put her arms over their shoulders and walked down the hallway and out towards the parking lot where Ethan, still in his graduation gown and smoking a cigarette, was there waiting for them.

"Were you in on this, too?" Suzi asked him after regaining her composure.

"Unfortunately, no," he said with disappointment as he hissed an exhale.

"We didn't want to get the school's only admittee to Harvard in trouble," Mia said after lighting a 120 handed to her by Emiko.

"I wish you had," Ethan said softly to his girlfriend. "Then I could stay here with you."

"Where's your Mom," Suzi asked looking around. "She was here for your valedictorian speech, I hope."

"Oh, yes, she was here, but she had to get back home. She wants to meet up with you later this week, she told me."

"Suze," Herb said as he looked at his watch, "I need to get back to the studio, and you need to pick up your car."

"I'll take Mia home, Ms. Nakamura," Emiko offered.

"Give me just a sec, Herb," Suzi said as she pulled her cellphone out of her purse. She moved a few feet away from the group as Mia and Emiko recounted running up and down the aisles nearly naked as they threw the porn publicity cards into the audience before they were finally nabbed by security guards.

"Hey, Brian, it's Suzi. I'm so sorry I had to cancel our lunch date, but how about an early dinner?"


In the weeks after graduating, Mia was pretty happy with her life. With Herb's approval and Charlie's direction, she had begun to regularly post smoking photos and videos on the website Ethan's Mom had set up for her through Shapiro Studios. Most were low-quality clips of her solo or with Emiko in an around their apartments until they could book some time slots at the studio; but she realized their influential reach when a Starbucks customer, a Caucasian boy no more than 15 years old, whom she handed an espresso to one after noon replied, "Thank you...Princess." She gave the boy a wink and a seductive smile.

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