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Click hereThere are two of them Jennie and Joi with Jennie three years older than Joi while I'm two years older than Jennie.
Jennie and I were married when I was twenty-one and a little math will tell you Joi was too young for me but it was okay with me. I love Jennie and always will and we've been married now for seventeen years.
Jennie and her sister are the best of friends and always have been but I didn't find out until a few years after we'd married just how much they communicate. I was probably twenty-four when Joi married. Since then she's been married once more and divorced twice.
Jennie and I'd just finished more than two hours of great sex. It wasn't a marathon for us because we'd frequently had sessions that lasted more than five hours. We still have those sessions but they're a lot less frequent now and usually occur either early in the morning when she wakes me or early in the afternoon of a weekend.
Anyway after that particular session Jennie told me how much Joi envied her. She'd just divorced husband number one and they'd discussed the guy's 'shortcomings.' That's when Jennie told me that Joi had asked all about me and the details of our first sex on the day after that sex. Jennie said she'd described it all including the size of my manhood and all the ways I'd given her pleasure.
She told me Joi had been amazed at her description of me as well as the details of our sex. Joi had told Jennie that her sex life had been nothing at all remotely close to ours and she felt left out. She apparently had been completely engrossed in the description of our oral sex and the effort I'd taken to pleasure Jennie. At first it also sounded like Joi had trouble believing my size or the depth we'd achieved but changed her mind the first time she'd seen me in an old bathing suit worn swimming one day when Joi had accompanied us.
In the years since they've continued talking sex and Joi was always comparing things I'd done against things her husbands had or hadn't done.
I loved Joi as a sister-in-law but we'd never done anything more about our relationship even though many times Jennie had suggested that if anything ever happened and she wasn't around that she wanted her sister Joi to fill in for her and wanted me to make her sister's life a happier one.
Now to bring things up-to-date, one evening Jennie came home from work and told me of something she'd been asked to do and wanted my opinion. Jennie has always been nearly irreplaceable at her company. She is totally dedicated and a hard worker and the rewards have come until finally she was made a corporate Vice-President last year.
The corporation has a division in the distant Northeast near Boston and that division had been in a decline for three years.
The decline had been traced to local management and now the Corporation wanted Jennie to go back and rescue the division. They wanted her to fire the existing upper management and then bring in new people and train them until the division could be profitable again.
As strange as it sounded the Corporate CEO had hoped she could do it in three months but that was a totally impossible task. So, when Jennie told them this they'd asked her to go back and plan on at least six months there. She was promised a huge bonus regardless of the result of her efforts.
I work from home and have major contractual commitments that require frequent visits to my clients locally and so I couldn't go with her. Also I couldn't let Jennie down and not give her the opportunity to further improve her Resume' and repay the debt she felt that was owed her company. After our talk and a week of sensational sex Jennie had agreed to fly back and begin the task of reorganization in the division.
Jennie began worrying about me after that and right up until she caught her flight to the east coast. Her principle worry was her concern that she knew what a hound I am and my need for sex and corralling of my daily 'wood.' In many ways it was funny listening to her worries and I tried my best to explain that I could do it and she needn't worry for me. It didn't really help and soon Jennie mentioned her sister and that she thought sister would take care of me for her.
Both Jennie and Joi look a great deal alike. They're each about five feet four and perhaps one hundred seventy-five or one hundred eighty pounds. They each have a great ass, great eyes, smile a lot and have large perfect boobs although Joi is probably at least a full cup size over Jennie. Jennie has a firm sweet ass better than Joi's.
I'd never seen Joi naked although I had seen her a few times in a bathing suit and had always assumed her naked body was much like Jennie's.
Jennie and I had another marathon of sex those last two weeks and a long clinging together most of the night before her early morning flight. I'd set the alarm to allow us some together time in the morning before I drove her to the airport but somehow I overslept.
When Jennie woke me there was barely time to dress and drive to the airport. She'd already been up and showered after a week of casually packing her suitcases for the trip. I loaded the car and reminded her to check for travel checks, plane ticket and the like then we were off and the trip went by far too quickly for me. I worried about her time aboard the airplane and getting to her lodging then getting some sleep and a weekend to catch up from jet-lag before reporting to work Monday morning early. It was early Friday morning and I thought she'd arrive at her destination in a rented car in about seven hours.
We hugged and kissed then she went through security as the porter checked her bags. I had no ticket and wasn't allowed through security to the boarding area but she waved and threw me a kiss when she was inside. She was through security only fifteen minutes before boarding and I was certain there's be another thirty minutes sitting in the plane before it left the terminal.
I went to a window and looked out at the airplane and tried to find her staring back through the tiny window but it was no use and after the plane left the terminal there was another twenty minutes before I watched it taxi into position and down the runway for what appeared to be a smooth takeoff.
I drove half-way home then stopped at a diner for breakfast before driving the rest of the way. The house seemed emptier than usual and I walked through it before finally settling down at the desk in my home work room.
It was hard to concentrate but somehow I managed finally to engulf myself in work. I skipped lunch and worked through the afternoon and intended to work until late that night.
It was almost eight hours before the telephone rang and it was her telling me she'd arrived safely and telling me she was already unpacked and missing me. Her voice was sweet and I clung to the phone until she'd hung up. She told me she'd call again sometime on Saturday afternoon because she was planning to make a trip into the division in the morning to look around the place.
I was barely back to work when I thought I heard something but after a moment I decided it must have been street noise and ignored it. Somehow perhaps fifteen minutes later I heard something again and decided to investigate and be certain the house was okay.
I went through every room carefully looking for any disturbance in case something had fallen onto the floor. Everything was good until I'd finished the living room and headed for the kitchen.
I heard another sound as I approached the kitchen door and cautiously peeked around. At first I'd have sworn it was Jennie back and wearing her old apron working at the sink. It was a bib-type apron with a simple loop around the neck and a narrow waist tie.
The most interesting difference I noted was that she was naked beneath the apron and then I noticed her boobs seemed to have grown. I guess I should have realized instantly who it was but Jennie had been on my mind and it took a moment for me to understand I was staring at Joi. I glanced around and noticed her clothing neatly folded on a chair with her high-heels placed on top of the pile.
I looked again at her bare ass and it was nearly identical to Jennie's and then I heard "Well... do I pass muster?" she asked and a moment later turned to face me. As she turned I noticed the apron's bib barely covered the tips of her breasts.
"You've never seen me naked before and I doubt Jennie cooks in just an apron." she laughed.
I could barely speak as my eyes scanned her every inch. Her hair was down and a bit longer than Jennie's. Both girls usually wore their hair up and Jennie only let it down when getting ready for bed. "What are you doing here?" I stuttered.
"Jennie talked to me about coming over a few weeks ago. She wants to be sure that you are satisfied, fed and taken care of and that you don't stray." she laughed. "She called me a few minutes ago on my way here and asked if I was coming over. She told me that when she hugged you before she left that you were already aroused after two weeks of serious effort on her part to keep you remembering. She said that she could feel you hard and I told her that I was in the car already on my way over after work. She made me promise again that I'd spend my time here and reminded me that it's been a long time since my last time with a man. After all I know about you and her description of your size I've always wondered how true it really is. She wants me to cure that arousal and keep it that way while she's gone." and she was looking down at the front of my shorts.
I frequently run around the house naked in the daytime if I'm not expecting anyone yet I keep a pair of jeans or shorts close-by to keep from surprising anyone. When I got home that morning for some reason I'd slid on an old pair of shorts. Jennie loved to see me in this set of shorts because, although they were far too old and should have been thrown away years before, they were unlined and when she had me aroused it hung more than an inch below the bottom leg. Joi was now staring at that dangling length.
"I love being welcomed this way" she said and then untied the apron and pulled it over her head before putting it on the sink. She did a naked pirouette and asked "Do I meet your approval and help with that thing?" she said and pointed to my arousal.
"You didn't have to come over. I told Jennie I'd be fine and you being naked isn't helping it." I said in an amazed whisper.
Joi took three steps closer and then as she turned her head up and away from where it had been staring she cupped its head in her hand and used her other hand to pull me down by the neck and kiss me. "It feels good and warm and it's even bigger and firmer than Jennie has always told me. I can't wait to enjoy all the things she does. Do you want me to leave?" she asked as she broke the kiss.
My mind was still filled with naked images of her and I was too confused to say no. Jennie and I have always been in love and Joi has always been a great sister-in-law but now with Jennie's blessing and Joi's eagerness I couldn't tell her to go. I didn't want to hurt Jennie either if she really didn't want Joi and me to have sex but I kept remembering Jennie's urgings to be with her sister and I knew she was serious about it.
When I didn't answer and while my mind was busy Joi took the moment to pull the leg of the loose-fitting shorts higher and begin to stroke me. She moaned and then said "Jennie is right. I haven't been with a man for a long time and I've never been with a man equipped like you. Jennie had also told me all the things you do during sex and I've never known a man that does those things."
Now she slipped both hands into the elastic waist of the shorts and I felt the friction as they were slid to my knees.
"Now I'm going to do what I know Jennie loves to do with you." Joi said and dropped to her knees on the cold linoleum floor. Her hands and tongue began immediately and a moment later I almost lost the ability to stand as she took it into her mouth while her fingers stroked it and her other hand cupped and lightly massaged my balls.
I couldn't resist at all now and locked my fingers into her long hair and began to stroke across her tongue and deep into her mouth. Perhaps two minutes of exquisite pleasure later she had me into her throat and was giving me exactly what Jennie had always provided except Joi had a slightly different attack. Jennie too had her own way and in this manner the two girls differed and yet it all seemed natural and necessary.
Joi pulled back as her fingers continued to work and she said "I've never had a man so big but it's what I've always wanted. I want you to give it all to me, don't hold back but you can take all the time you'd like because I'm really enjoying this." and as she took it deep again her eyes were locked on mine just as Jennie's always were. I saw Joi's climax and felt her body stiffen as her thighs closed and her knees slid together on the cold floor. She moaned and I began to assist her. In seconds I was driving hard into her and her moans were deeper and more intense.
I felt it all coming and it really was intense as I felt my balls tighten and the warmth begin the long trek out and deep into her throat. With each clench she slid it back a little further until finally it was emptying into her mouth.
I suppose every guy does it differently when they climax but mine are always intense and as I finished I drove once more deep into her throat until I felt her nose exhaling against the hair at my base. It was different and yet the same it seemed as I realized Joi appreciated it and worked just as firmly to achieve it as Jennie had always done. She too cleaned it up and later told me how much Jennie had told her she'd always loved the cleanup.
I leaned my hands down on the tabletop as my legs shook from the experience and I saw Joi clinging to my thigh with her cheek against it. She was smiling as if she'd been the one just pleasured.
Finally I had to find somewhere to sit or lie down but Joi had her hand around it and giggled as she said "Jennie told me you were always multi-orgasmic although you don't call it that. I'd have bet her that you'd be soft when I finished but I guess I'd have lost the bet." but she didn't release it. "Let's find somewhere else to give me another chance."
She moved her arm to my waist and started to pull herself up but she was using one hand so I had to help her. "Where to next?" she asked with a continuing smile.
"Do you want to lie down?" I asked.
"Oh it doesn't matter because I'm ready and alive with warmth. How about right there on the chair?" she asked and then pulled me to a kitchen chair before pushing me down to sit on it. My shorts had fallen away and I saw them on the floor where we'd been.
When I was down she moved next to me and then swung one leg out and around to straddle me then held it as she guided it in. She had only a moment of surprise and it looked like a moment of pain before she was settling around it and smiling again. "It really is larger than anything I've known. Do you like it tight?"
I nodded and she laughed. "I thought you might but I know I do because it really feels good sliding in and even better finding it deeper than I've known before. Do you think I can make you get really involved?"
She didn't need and answer because as she found full depth I felt it too and placed my hands on her hips and lifted her until I felt her lips slipping over its head and then I let her drop downward. Her eyes sprung wide and I heard her moan before she said "OMG! I've never even thought about a guy able to do this." and she moved her hands to my shoulders and we repeated it again and again before she added "I hope this is okay because I like to be kissed when I'm being fucked."
I'd never heard her speak this way before but I'd always known Jennie sometimes had a preference for street talk during sex. "Well feeling your pussy this tight around my cock makes it even larger and demands its response." I told her.
"Well then let's get this cock happy." she giggled and increased the tempo before begging me to do more than just drop her.
I began to pull her down hard but let her decide how fast she wanted to use her legs to rise around it. "You really are the best! It's no wonder that Jennie is always happy. Are you this good if I go reverse cowgirl with it?"
"Go for it." I told her and she did. A moment later I was using my ass to thrust as my hands found her huge tits. For a few minutes I'd lost my chance to taste her nipples but knew I would make up for it at my next opportunity. Jennie's tits were firm with nipples long and usually very sensitive but as I fucked Joi I began to wonder if she too enjoyed nipple play. I pinched Joi's nipples and instantly her rhythm changed, her excitement was ratcheted up and she let out a small excited scream. I didn't have to ask if her nipples were sensitive.
Joi stopped with one last drop into my lap and I was about to ask before she began sliding forward and back along my thighs and each time as she came back she dug her heels in and drove back hard. It was something I'd never known Jennie to do but I liked it. If Joi kept it up she might be surprised to find how quickly she'd finish me. I tried to throttle my own excitement and increase endurance.
Joi climaxed quickly four or five times and with each orgasm she screamed and gripped my knees more tightly before finally gasping and slowing to a stop at full depth. "You're next!" she said with a weak grin as she turned her head to look at me.
Jennie always has been a 'rider' and Joi is only different in that she doesn't have the endurance or action that Jennie always shows but that isn't a criticism. Joi gave it all she had and her unusual method of sliding back and forth on my thighs was unique enough that it took her only ten or fifteen minutes before she was draining me again. She'd been sliding eagerly but then she passed the vertical and slid further back part way onto my abs and the primary friction shifted from the top side to the underside of my cock and it was enough. She sat with the muscles into her pussy pulsing around my base as I finished and then she turned her head once more and smiled at me "I felt it. I've never felt a man's cum shooting pressure into me. Usually it's just a quiet let down. I can always tell when a guy cums but I've never actually felt it. It's warmer too. You really are a lover."
When finally we'd caught a breath she slipped me out and got to her feet before whispering "Thank you Bro-in-law. Now how about if I get a shower and then finish fixing us some dinner?"
I smiled back and asked if she wanted company in the shower but she surprised me "No. I know Jennie loves sex with you in the shower but I've had sex once in the shower and didn't like it at all." she said.
"Perhaps it was the guy you were with." I said.
She answered back "Could be and maybe we'll do it sometime but not right now."
It was another difference in the girls. I missed Jennie being here with me.
After her shower Joi smelled fresh and had used the lotions Jennie always used. The fragrance was familiar and enticing. She turned on the oven and returned to scrubbing potatoes in the sink and then asked if I liked them best peeled or natural with the skin on. I told her I liked them both ways and she began cutting thin slices with skin on.
Next Joi went to a paper sack on the dryer in the utility room and returned with a package of two steaks. She cut one of them in half and then fried all three pieces before adding the potatoes to fry in the drippings. While the potatoes fried she made a green salad with Ranch dressing and sliced tomatoes.
She opened the oven and pulled out a tray of nicely browned home-made biscuits that she must have made before I first saw her in the kitchen.