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The Karen

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Stephanie learns that the rules do in fact apply to her.
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"Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for flying with us today. We are now approaching your gate at the Miami Airport. We are experiencing a slight delay however and we do ask that you keep your seatbelt fastened and remain seated until the light goes out. We apologize for this delay and will resolve the issue as quickly as we can."

Stephanie Porter unbuckled her seatbelt regardless and began to stood up. Her friend Nicole whom she was traveling with put her hand on her leg.

"Stephanie, what are you doing? Did you not hear that announcement?"

Stephanie chuckled and waved her hand dismissively.

"I'm just getting my bag down," she said as if it was no big deal.

It wasn't the first time Stephanie had failed to adhere to flight regulations during this flight. It wasn't even the second or the third. It was the fourth. Three times during the flight, a flight attendant had caught her drinking her own alcohol she had brought onto the plane with her and had to continually tell her that was against airline and FAA regulations. But Stephanie had refused to listen. She'd always been rich and entitled and didn't feel she needed to abide by those types of rules. So, she stood up and began to open the overhead compartment.

They could hear the aircraft door open at the front of the plane.

"There," said Stephanie to Nicole, "see, they're opening the door. It's fine."

"The light is still on," Nicole said, unsure, pointing to the lit seatbelt light.

Stephanie waved her had dismissively. As she reached to retrieve her bag from the overhead compartment, her attention was turned towards the front of the plain where a flight attendant was pointing two police officers her way. The officers began approaching her.

"Ms. Porter," said the male officer as they approached. "We need you to come with us."

"What's going on," she asked, confused.

"We've been informed that there were some problems on this flight and we need you to come with us," the female officer repeated.

Nicole was avoiding looking at her but everyone else's attention was directly on them.

"Look," said Stephanie in an annoyed tone, "I really don't know what the issue is, but I'm just trying to deboard the plane."

"We can discuss that after you come with us, Ms. Porter," the female officer said, reaching for Stephanie's arm.

"Excuse me!" Stephanie said in an entitled voice, pulling her arm away, "but don't touch me!"

"Ma'am this can go one of two ways," the male officer said. "But I can promise you, whichever way it goes, it is not going to end up with you walking away from this."

The female officer reached again to take her arm and Stephanie again pulled away.

"I told you to keep your hands off of me!" Stephanie yelled. "Is everyone watching this!? These people are attacking me unprovoked!"

"Ma'am," said the female officer, "you need to calm down right now."

Stephanie began backing up, trying to get away from them only to find herself backing into the Air Marshall who had stood up and was blocking her path.

"YOU'RE ALL HARASSING ME!" Stephanie screamed finding herself blocked.

She turned and tried to push past the Air Marshall but the female officer reached for her and pulled her down to the ground. Stephanie screamed and tried to throw a fist at her, but the officer evaded the blow and turned Stephanie onto her front on the floor. Stephanie coninued trying to wriggle free, but it was no use as the officer pulled her arms behind her back and applied a pair of hinged handcuffs tightly around her wrists.

"LET ME GO!" Stephanie yelled.

The two officers pulled Stephanie to her feet and practically dragged her from the aircraft as she continued to struggle and scream. As they pulled her through the boarding tunnel and into the airport gate and terminal, she continued to try to wrestle free to no avail as more onlookers continued to turn their attention, and their recording cell phones, towards her. Finally, tired of dragging her, the two officers sat her down in a chair at an adjacent gate.

"Look," the male officer said loudly and commandingly, "I'm sure you've realized at this point that you aren't getting yourself free. You can continue making a spectacle of yourself or you can calm down and walk calmly. I guarantee the second option will be a lot less trouble for you."

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE TREATING ME LIKE THIS!" Stephanie yelled squirming against the handcuffs. "And what the fuck are these handcuffs!? I can't move my hands at all!"

"They're hinged cuffs," the female officer said. "Now, are you going to calm down and walk willingly or are we going to have to continue dragging you."

Stephanie seethed at them but she could tell she wasn't getting anywhere and wasn't going anywhere. She decided to try a different approach and she started to work up some tears.

"You won't even tell me what I did!" she whined. "I don't know why you're picking on me!"

"We can talk about what you did when we get to the security office," the male officer replied.

"This isn't FAIR!" Stephanie cried.

The officers sighed and grabbed her by the arms again and stood her up. Though she wanted to continue to fight, she was beginning to realize it would do no good and slowly began to walk on her own, the two officers holding her firmly by the crux of her elbows. She was led to a security office and she was sat down in a metal chair in front of a bare metal table. The two officers sat down in chairs across the table from her.

"Now," said the male officer, "I'm Officer McDonald, this is Officer Hall. Are you ready to calm down and speak with us?"

"I've been TRYING to speak with you," Stephanie whined. "You won't even tell me what I did!"

"We were informed by the flight crew that on three separate occasions they had to warn you about consuming your own alcohol on the flight," Officer Hall said. "You refused to put it away."

"That's just a scam so people have to buy their overpriced drinks!" Stephanie complained. "I wasn't hurting anyone! It's not like I stole their alcohol!"

"That's really not the point," said Officer McDonald. "It's still against FAA regulations."

"Why?" Stephanie scoffed.

"Why is not important. You broke the law by doing what you did."

"And, to boot," said Officer Hall, "you unbuckled your belt and stood up at the gate despite instructions from the flight crew to remain buckled and seated."

"The plane was stopped and at the gate!" Stephanie continued to complain.

"Do you believe that the rules do not apply to you, Ms. Porter?"

"When did I say that?"

"With your actions," McDonald replied. "By continuing to disobey the rules."

"This is so ridiculous," Stephanie cried. "Why are you picking on me?"

"I'm not sure if you realize how much trouble you are in, Ms. Porter," Officer Hall said. "You're facing federal charges and perhaps a few years in prison."

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" Stephanie screamed. "Prison over drinking alcohol and unbuckling my seat belt!?"

"Your attitude here is not helping yourself," McDonald said.

Stephanie seethed at them for a moment.

"Then what DO I have to do to help myself," Stephanie moaned, still tugging against the cuffs. Her arms were beginning to grow sore and the cuffs were digging into her wrists.

Hall and McDonald looked at each other. McDonald leaned in and whispered in Hall's ear and then Hall whispered something back. They looked at each other again and then shrugged and nodded.

"We, uh, we can think of a way you might be able to help yourself," Hall said. "How badly do you want this to go away?"

"I just want to fucking go home," Stephanie seethed.

McDonald and Hall looked at each other again.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors," McDonald asked.

Hall nodded and they played a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors with Hall's scissors beating out McDonald's rock. McDonald stood up and exited the room, closing the door behind him. Hall smiled across the table at Stephanie.

"So," Hall said, "you want to go home, you say?"

"Yes," Stephanie seethed.

"How are you at eating pussy?"

Stephanie looked across the table at Hall in shock.

"Excuse me?"

"How about taking cock? You like a nice hard cock up your slit? You like having your pussy eaten?"

"You fucking pervert!"

"The way Officer McDonald and I see it, you can have a little bit of fun with each of us, or..."

"Or what, I go to prison?"

Hall shrugged.

"Are you saying this is the only way you let me go?"

"I didn't say that," Hall said. "Neither did Officer McDonald. If you do this we MIGHT be able to help you."

"You might? But that doesn't mean you will."

Hall chuckled.

"All you need to know is that if you don't do this, you will most certainly go to prison. AND be on a no-fly list when you get out."

Stephanie considered her options and thought for a moment. She did have to admit, both McDonald and Hall were both attractive. She hated being coerced like this, but her options were slim.

"Fine," she finally said through clenched teeth.

Hall grinned and stood up. She walked over to Stephanie and stood her up as well. She pulled down Stephanie's jeans and her panties and sat her up on the table. Hall got down on her knees and placed her hands on Stephanie's thighs, spreading them apart. She kissed the inside of her thighs, moving her mouth upward, closer and closer to Stephanie's pussy. Finally her lips touched Stephanie's slit and she slid her tongue inside and she heard Stephanie let out a high pitched moan. Hall begin flicking her tongue back and forth inside of Stephanie. She let her thumb flick Stephanie's clit up and down, rubbing it. Stephanie continued to tug at the cuffs which felt even tighter as she wanted to hold Hall's head to her to keep her tongue inside of her.

But Hall wasn't going to give her everything at once. Hall stood up and leaned in, kissing Stephanie's lips, smiling at her wickedly. She placed two fingers inside of Stephanie and began sliding them back and forth. Stephanie's body shook, almost in a seizure as the pleasure radiated through her body. Hall's fingers kept sliding in and out, her tongue continuing to play with Stephanie's clit. Stephanie was moaning loudly in pleasure. Hall unbuttoned Stephanie's blouse and then pulled her bra cups down exposing Stephanie's tits. She began kissing Stephanie's nipples, flicking them with her tongue, playfully biting them lightly.

Stephanie's mouth was gaping open wide. She wanted to lay backwards on her table but kept herself propped up with her cuffed hands. Hall pulled away from her and grinned at her.

"You know, we keep some confiscated items back here," she said. "Things we've taken from other travelers, things they aren't allowed to have. Or things that we keep here when we have to bring back others who cause problems on flights."

She walked over to a shelf and pulled down a vibrator. She walked over to Stephanie.

"I wonder if thing is charged," she said with a grin.

She pressed it to Stephanie's clit and turned it on. It was most certainly charged. Fully. It began vibrating intensely at full speed. Stephanie screamed in pleasure as her legs convulsed. She couldn't even speak. Her arms were convulsing as well, feeling more and more sore from the handcuffs. Her mind could barely think. She felt her body explode and she came, squirting out onto the table and dripping onto the floor below. Hall turned the vibrator off and knelt down and licked the residue from Stephanie's pussy, grinning widely.

Hall stood up and told Stephanie to get down on her knees. Stephanie complied and Hall dropped her own pants and panties, letting her navy blue uniform shirt hang just over her waist. Whereas Stephanie was fully shaved, Hall had decided to keep a nice neatly trimmed bush. Hall sat up on the table where Stephanie had been.

"Well," she said. "Get to work."

Disgusted, but also incredibly turned on, Stephanie leaned in and begin licking Hall's cunt. Hall immediately began moaning. She exaggerated it a bit to further humiliate Stephanie, but it truly did make her feel great. She held Stephanie's head to her and began to slowly thrust her hips back against Stephanie.

"Oh yes, oh yes, that's right. That's the spot right there!" Hall moaned. "Put that tongue of yours to work. Fuck yes! Keep going you filthy slut!"

Stephanie felt degraded as Hall called her the name but she knew she couldn't stop. She wasn't sure if she wanted to, either. She Had to work fully with her mouth as her hands were still cuffed behind her, but she skillfully kept her tongue moving back and forth between inside Hall's slit and playing with her clit. Hall, meanwhile, unbuttoned her shirt and began playing with her own nipples: touching them with her fingertips, squeezing them, twisting them, causing herself to moan louder and louder.

"OH FUCK," Hall screamed. "Make me cum, slut."

Stephanie worked her tongue faster and faster as Hall's moans became more and more intense.

"FUCKKKK!" Hall screamed as she felt herself cum.

Stephanie pulled her face away. Both of them were breathing heavy and deep. Stephanie was looking up at Hall and Hall grinned the same wicked grin at her and took her hand and slapped Stephanie across the face, not hard enough to truly hurt, but stinging enough to let her know who was in charge.

Hall stood up and buttoned her shirt and pulled up her panties and her pants. Stephanie was still on her knees, her tits hanging out from her bra and her pussy dripping wet. Hall leaned down and put her mouth to her ear.

"Now it's my partner's turn," she whispered.

Hall exited the room and McDonald came back in.

"Been having fun with my partner," he asked with the same grin on his face Hall used.

Stephanie nodded.

"Is your cunt ready for some cock?" he asked.

Humiliated worse than she ever had been before, Stephanie nodded.

McDonald helped her to her feet and bent her over the table. He kicked her feet apart, spreading her pussy open. She heard McDonald unbuckle his pants and they fell to his ankles. Standing beside her and not wasting any time, his cock was already hard as a rock and she felt it penetrate her pussy and she cried out in pleasure. She'd never felt anything that hard inside of her before. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she felt McDonald thrust back and forth, his balls slapping into her as he fucked her. Her cheek was pressed to the table and the cum she and Hall had squirted onto the table was leaking across the tabletop towards her cheek. McDonald's hands were on her waist but he moved one hand between her legs and began to run her clit as he fucked her.

Stephanie's heart skipped several beats. She was white hot, every nerve ending in her pussy was on fire. She had already cum once for Hall and she felt her body climax again. But Hall wasn't finished. Her cunt was clenched around his rod but he kept pushing in and out, in and out, rubbing her clit aggressively. His other hand gave her ass several quick spanks. A third orgasm came over her and quickly after that a fourth.

Then she felt it. A rush of McDonald's seed flowed out of him, several ropes worth, and filled her up, rushing deep inside of her. He pulled out and let another rope of cum squirt onto the crack of her ass at her waist and up her back, soaking the back of her blouse.

Both of them were trying to catch their breaths and McDonald bent down and pulled up his pants. He pulled up Stephanie's pants as well. He stood her up, pulled up her bra cups and buttoned her blouse for her.

He went over and opened the door to let Hall back in.

Stephanie stood there. She was exhausted and feeling fully degraded as McDonald and Hall looked at her.

"So what do you think," Hall asked. "Think we should let her go?"

McDonald stood there a moment as if pondering the thought.

"I just wonder if she's learned her lesson," he said.

Hall walked over to her and grabbed her face, squeezing her cheeks together.

"Tell me, slut: have you learned your lesson?"

"Y...y....yes," Stephanie whimpered.

"You going to behave yourself from now on? Follow the rules? Or are you going to continue to behave like a spoiled entitled little brat?"

"I'll behave myself," Stephanie whispered.

Hall looked at McDonald. He nodded. Hall turned Stephanie around and unlocked the cuffs from her wrists. Stephanie rubbed them looking at the red marks they had left on her wrists.

"Get your ass out of here," Hall said to her, opening the door for her.

As Stephanie walked towards the door, McDonald gave one last playful slap to her ass.

"You think she really learned her lesson?" Hall asked.

"A Karen like that? She'll have forgotten about it by tomorrow morning and be right back to her usual entitled self."

Hall sucked on her fingers, the taste of Stephanie's pussy still on them.

"I just hope we're the ones on duty the next time she acta up like that," she said with a satisfied grin.

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GayKatGayKat10 months ago

Too Much Cock! 🤢


Hallo Angie!


Too much cock for a couple of hot dykes... but we still enjoyed reading most of "The Karen",,, yes! Don't we all know a Karen, or two?


Well ha-ha-ha!... Anonymous doesn't have the slightest fucking idea what real police brutality and rape is!


Thank-You, 5-More Stars and 5-Orgasms..

The Black Queen 👩🏿 and Gay kat 👩🏼‍!

💋 💋 💋

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Love how you made fun of police brutality and rape in one video! Hope ur feeling like a great human being!:(

BryanGunnBryanGunnalmost 2 years ago

Great story Angie! Proud of you *hugs*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Well, what a delightful story. It would have been more fun if there were a couple more folks were involved and she had to stay overnight getting a train ran on her. Oh well, maybe next time.

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