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The Kinky Family

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Malcolm goes on a date with his dream girl, but gets more...
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Her name was Carla and she was absolutely stunning. I had been in love with her since high school. She was a redhead, which always got me going, and she was petite, about 5'2 with a tight body with large breasts. I had always assumed that she was way out of my league. After graduating from high school, I got a scholarship to the local university in sciences, so I started there. It wasn't until my first class in chemistry that I saw her. How could I not notice the woman of my dreams sitting in my class.

A few weeks after school had started, I was sitting in the commons of the university when I heard an unmistakable voice. "Malcom?" I looked up and there she was, wearing a tight sweater that did wonders for showing off her tits, and jeans that equally showed off her resplendent ass.

"Uhh, hi Carla." I responded, meekly.

"Wow, I didn't think I would see you here."

"You didn't?"

"No, I figured you'd be off at Harvard or Yale, you were always so much smarter than the other kids in our classes." I was shocked that she had ever even noticed me. I won't lie, I wasn't much to look at. I had always been skinny, and even though I was tall, the lack of discernible muscle made it difficult for women to find me attractive. Additionally, for most of high school I had had a fairly serious acne problem, so I wasn't really raking in the girls. I had made up for this gangly, unattractive appearance by focusing on my studies and doing pretty well. I had received a number of offers from more competitive schools than this one, but my family didn't have the money to pay for them, so I had stuck to a local one.

"No, I couldn't scrape together the kind of money to go that far from home."

"Yeah, I hear you. It's great to see you. There aren't a lot of us here." She was right, our high school had been pretty small and most of the people smart enough had done whatever they could to get out of our town, or had not been smart enough to go to university in the first place.

"None of your friends?" I asked.

"Not really. Stacy and Jasmine both went to New York for fashion, and Laurie went to LA for acting." Carla's friends had been almost as attractive as her, and as a group, they had been the queens of our school.

"That sucks." I responded.

"What about you, Malcolm? Where are Fernando, Lee, and Oliver?" I was once again shocked that she knew who my friends were.

"Uhhh, Fernando went to UCLA for engineering, Lee to MIT for computer science, and Oliver to Yale for business."

"Wow, that is quite the pedigree for your friends." She sat down beside me and turned her legs towards me. My mouth dried up quickly.

"Yeah... Well, their families are pretty well off, so they can afford it."

"So, what kinds of classes are you taking, Malcolm?" I told her what classes I was taking and she exclaimed "Oh, I'm in that chemistry class too! Would you mind sitting with me?"

"No, of course I wouldn't mind." I responded.

We continued our small talk about what we were planning to do at school and then Carla had to run to her next class. She leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek as she left, leaving me almost swooning as I struggled to catch a glimpse of her magnificent ass as she ran away.

For the next several weeks, Carla and I sat together in our Chemistry class. She was always delightful, and even flirty sometimes. We chatted about a number of things, not least of which was her love life.

"So, you and Dennis are no longer dating?"

"No, he found other things to occupy himself with."

"I'm sorry about that." I lied. Dennis had been the school jock and had always bullied kids in the lower grades. He was a classic lacrosse player, all machismo and bravado and no real redeemable qualities.

"You shouldn't be, sweety. It just means that you and I can spend more time together." I smiled at the very prospect.

Over the next month, Carla and my relationship blossomed. I had never really expected her to be so wonderful in so many ways, but it turned out that she was as amazing as I had always dreamed her to be. Of course, I was never going to be the one to make the first move, considering that I had no reason to believe that she would want to be with me. Which is why I was shocked when she asked me out on a date after class one day.

"Like, an actual date?" I asked.

"Yes, silly, an actual date. You and I, going on a date." She replied.

"I would like that very much." I responded.

"Great, pick me up at my place at 5:30pm. You know where it is?" She asked. I knew where it was. I had done drive-by's of her house a number of times throughout my high school years, hoping to catch just a glimpse of her away from her friends.

"I think I remember." I said.

She reached out for my hand and wrote her address on it. "Just in case you forget."

I spent hours that afternoon getting ready. Choosing the right outfit, coiffing my hair over and over again, choosing a cologne and then showering when I didn't like it. By the time it was 5pm, my parents thought that I had gone insane. I explained to them that Carla was the girl of my dreams, but they just laughed it off, thinking I was clueless. In retrospect, they were right. I was a clueless, lanky, dorky, virgin who was about to go on a date that would change my life forever.

I pulled up outside of Carla's house and got out of the car. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Carla's father opened the door. His name was Ivan, and he was a big man. He was a contractor and he appeared to do a lot of the heavy lifting. He was around 6'4 and looked to be at least 240lbs of ropy muscle. He was wearing a tight t-shirt that showed off his pecs and biceps clearly and a pair of baggy jeans. I couldn't help but look him up and down and I saw that there was a thick tube of something in the area of his groin.

"Malcolm, right?" His voice was deep and powerful.

"Yes, sir." I responded.

"Sir? I like that. Well, come on in, Carla is getting ready." He gestured me inside.

Inside the house, just past the entryway, I saw that there was a living room with two other people in it. I was shocked by who was there. The first person was Carla's older brother, Xavier. He clearly took a lot from his dad, being tall and fit as well. I had known him somewhat in high school, but he had been a few years older and hadn't had much time for us. He hadn't been a jock, and had gone on to work for his dad.

What really shocked me was that, sitting close to Xavier was Dennis, Carla's ex-boyfriend. As I walked in, I thought I had caught a glimpse of Dennis rubbing Xavier's thigh. Xavier was playing a video game and it looked like Dennis was just watching.

"Don't bother those two, Xavier is busy beating all the newbs and Dennis loves to watch." Ivan said to me. "Come on into the kitchen." I did as he asked. Ivan went to the fridge and pulled out a beer. He tossed it to me and I caught it. He then pulled out another one for himself and opened it. I tried to do the same, but it didn't appear that the bottle had a twist off. "Here, let me." Ivan traded my beer for his and opened it up. There must have been some trick to it. I took a swig of the beer and it tasted good. Some kind of import that I wasn't aware of.

"So, you're taking Carla on a date?" Ivan asked.

"Yes, sir. I'll have her home before late."

"Whatever. Just do what she wants. She is a handful, but she is still my girl. You have full permission to do whatever she wants you to. She has had a tough time of it, and you look like a good kid, so treat her right."

"Yes, sir."

Just then, Carla came around the corner, looking stunning. She was wearing a red dress, which did wonders to show off her red hair and her blue eyes. She was wearing black heels and a black belt, which made her look appropriately slutty. I loved it.

"Wow." I said.

"Wow is good." She responded. "Daddy, don't tell me you have scared poor Malcolm off with one of your talks."

"Not at all, honey. I just told him to treat you right." Ivan walked over to his daughter and bent down to kiss her on the head.

"Damn right he will." She said. Carla walked over to me and took my hand and dragged me away. "Bye, daddy! Bye, Xavier! See you in a few hours."

We left the building, still hand-in-hand, only breaking once we got to the car. I, doing my best attempt at being a gentleman, opened the door for Carla. I then got in the car and started it.

"So where are we going, stud?" She asked.

"I got us a reservation at a nice restaurant and then thought we could go see that play that is in town."

"Oooh, fancy. I like."

For the next several hours, I was in heaven. Carla was perfection. She laughed at my jokes, asked me questions about myself, we regaled each other on our plans for life, and she flirted with me incessantly. The restaurant had great food (not that it mattered much, as I was feasting my eyes on Carla), the play was funny and sad, which ended with Carla resting against my arm, sobbing quietly, and Carla made out with me in the parking lot.

As we stood there, her leaning against the car, me leaning against her, making out, I was still in awe. I had never been even this far with a girl before and here I was with the girl of my dreams having my first make-out session. I wrapped my arms around Carla and began kissing down her neck.

"Ohhh yesss, Malcolm." She grabbed my ass and pulled me towards her. Our crotches began grinding together. "I feel how hard you are for me, baby." All three inches of my cock were straining to burst free of my tight white briefs. Carla brought my head back up to her face. "Take me home so we can fuck, sexy."

"But your dad and brother are home." I said.

"Don't worry about them, sugar. They've never bothered me before."

"Ok." I responded. Totally in shock that something so good could be happening to me.

We jumped into the car and I pealed out of the parking lot. Carla laughed at my enthusiasm and reached over to stroke my cock through my pants. I moaned.

"I'm going to put that thing to good use. I hope you know how to use it." Carla stated.

I was lost for a moment. I was a virgin. I had never done anything even close to fucking with a girl. The only experience I had with my dick was my right hand. I was torn as to whether or not to tell her. In the end, I couldn't lie to her so before we reached her house, I pulled over.

"What are you doing, Malcolm?" She asked.

"Carla, I'm sorry, I just don't want you to get the wrong idea." I said, somewhat forlornly.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm a virgin. I've never had sex before."

"Oh." She responded. "So, does that mean I get to teach you?" She smirked, mischievously.

"If you still want to, I'd really like that." I smiled back.

"Goodie." She grinned. She reached over and grabbed my dick again. "Then let's get back to my place and I will show you how I like to be fucked."

I pulled out and finished the drive to her place. We got out of the car and walked up to the house. By this time it was almost midnight, but the door opened for us and Carla's dad let us in. He looked like he had just finished a workout. He was wearing just a pair of shorts and they were bulging with what looked like his penis but had to be too big.

"Welcome back, honey. Malcolm."

"Hello, sir." I responded.

"Daddy, Malcolm and I are going to my room and we don't want to be disturbed." Carla said, almost defiantly.

"Of course, baby girl. Have fun. You too, Malcolm."

"Thank you, sir." I responded, confused. Carla grabbed my hand again and dragged me upstairs and into her bedroom. Just as we were entering, I looked to the left and caught a glimpse of Carla's brother, Xavier, fully nude, walking from the bathroom into a different room. He also looked like he had been in a workout, and was glistening with sweat. I also caught a glimpse of his cock, which was massive, even though it was flaccid. I felt ashamed at my own paltry equipment considering what Carla had grown up with.

Carla dragged me into her room and closed the door. She threw me on the bed and stood at the foot of it.

"Now I get to show you what I'm working with." She reached up and with a simple flick, her dress fell down to her feet. She had a sexy black lace bra on that showed me her light areola and nipples underneath. Her pussy was covered with similar set of black lace panties. She turned to the side and stood on her tiptoes, arching her back so that her firm little ass was popping out. "Do you like what you see, Malcolm?" She asked.

"Fuck yes, Carla. You are stunning." I responded breathlessly.

"Would you like to see these?" She asked as she caressed her tits through her bra.

"Mmmmhhmmm." I moaned. I reached down and stroked my cock through my pants.

Carla reached behind her and unclasped her bra, she then moved her hands to her front and held onto her tits as she pulled the bra away, so she now had a hand bra. She was still standing in profile, so she turned to face me and looked me in the eyes as she released her hands and showed me her breasts in all their glory. I was in awe of them. They were perfect. They were big, with just a little bit of droop, with upturned nipples that were quite pale and puffy. "You like?" She asked.

"I definitely like." I said.

Carla walked over to me and shoved her tits in my face. I began to suck on them and I reached up to grasp her back and pull her closer to me. Carla, meanwhile, reached down and undid my belt. Somehow she managed to undo my pants and began to pull them off of me. I stood up and kissed her on the mouth and she let my pants drop. She did the same to my boxers and then grabbed my cock, giving it a firm tug. "Take off your shirt." She ordered.

As I struggled with taking off my shirt, Carla kneeled down and slapped herself in the face with my three inch phallus. Once I had finished taking off my shirt, I looked down to see her poised to take my cock into her mouth. "Please." I begged.

Carla smiled at me and licked the head. Then, she opened her mouth and took my entire length inside of her. I groaned and, despite all of my efforts not to, came in her mouth. I spurted my paltry load directly down her throat and she didn't even seem bothered. As my final tremor ended, I fell back onto the bed and groaned.

"Well, that was quick." Carla said. She climbed onto my and kissed me on the mouth. I kissed her back, realizing only part way through that she still had some of my cum in her mouth and not caring.

"I'm sorry. It was just so hot to see you take me in your mouth. It was so hot to see everything you did so far." I apologized, meekly.

"I'm not complaining. It's cute to see you squirm for me." Carla responded. "I'm assuming you will be capable of getting hard for me again?" She asked.

I looked down at my penis and saw that it was limp. I also felt like I needed to pee. "Sure, I just need to go to the bathroom first."

Carla smiled. "Ok, sexy. You go ahead. I'll slip under the covers and wait for you to return." She climbed up onto her bed and slipped into her bed. She then reached down under the covers, coming back a moment later and throwing her panties at me. They hit me in the face and I got whiff of her sex. I stood up and reached down to pull on my underpants when Carla stopped me. "Don't you dare put on those clothes. I want you to go naked, so that you have a reason to come back here sooner." She smiled mischievously.

"But your dad and brother." I said.

"Oh please. They won't care if you are naked. Honestly, they'd walk around naked all the time if they could. Now get going and come back here so you can stick that dick in me."

I cautiously moved to the door and opened it a crack to see out. The coast was clear to the bathroom. I opened the door, walked through, closed it behind me, and tiptoed into the bathroom. I closed the door and realized that there wasn't a lock. Cursing to myself, I walked over to the toilet and sat down to pee. I had always sat to pee, partially because my penis was too small when flaccid to aim well, but also because it was cleaner, having seen what a house full of boys and their terrible aim did to bathrooms. I began peeing and that was when it happened.

The door opened. In walked a fully naked Ivan, rubbing his eyes. His muscular form was on full display as he remained unaware of my presence. His uncircumcised cock hung down from his abdomen, flaccid but still massive. It must have been nine inches long and was very thick. Ivan walked over to the toilet, still on autopilot. He grasped his dick with one hand and pointed it towards where I was sitting. His dick was directly in front of my face. His eyes were closed. I knew he was about to pee, and knew that if I didn't do something he was going to pee on me. I did the only thing that came to my mind. I leaned forward and took the head of his dick in my mouth.

Ivan looked down, opening his eyes. "Well shit, Malcolm. I didn't figure you for bi. Can't say I'm not happy to discover that. I'm sure Carla will be too."

I don't know why, but I didn't pull his dick out. As soon as his cock had entered my mouth, I had become locked on a path not of my choosing. I began to suck and moved my head. I couldn't take his cock out of my mouth, it tasted amazing and the scent was intoxicating.

"Yes. Good boy, Malcolm. Suck that dick. I needed a piss, but if you keep this up, I might change my plans." He grasped the side of my head and began pulling it towards his groin. I had to fight to keep him back as I struggled to take more of his cock into my mouth. It was growing as I sucked it, reaching full hardness, at least twelve inches in length and thick. "I'm bottoming out in your mouth, you mediocre dick-sucker. You need to swallow as it hits the back and then you will take me into your throat." He forced himself forward a number of times, making me gag on his dick until I grasped what he was saying and tried to swallow as he hit the back of my mouth. Amazingly, I swallowed the head of his dick and he was able to fuck his dick into my throat. "There you go, Malcolm. You're learning. Now hold on tight while I fuck a load into your stomach."

He was true to his word. Ivan held onto my head with a firm grip as he pounded my throat with his cock. I reached down and grabbed his balls as he fucked my face. After about a minute, Ivan roared and unloaded into my throat. I would like to say that I swallowed, but I didn't even have to. The load went completely into my throat, bypassing my mouth altogether. Only when he slowly extracted his dick from my throat did I get a taste of his cum as his cock passed my tongue. I was surprised that it tasted not only different, but much better than my own seed, which I had only just tasted on Carla's mouth. My own dick was raging hard.

"Fuck, that was good work, Malcolm. Now move so I can pee."

I stood up and moved aside and watched as Ivan pissed out of his massive dick into the toilet. His stream was strong and forceful, much like him. When he was done, he flushed the toilet and looked at me. "Clean my dick, Malcolm."

"What, sir?" I asked, meekly.

"I've got some piss left on my dick. Clean. It. Off." He ordered. "You want more of my dick, don't you? This is the requirement. You do as you are told and you will get more."

I kneeled down and cleaned off Ivan's dick. I worshiped it, licking it up and down and taking the head inside my mouth. His cock returned to full hardness as I did so.

"Good work, Malcolm. Now, go back to Carla's room and finish with her. When you are done, come to my room." Ivan ordered.

I stood up. "But what will Carla think?" I asked.

Ivan laughed. "Tell her. I bet you will be surprised at what she says to you." He smiled, stroking his cock. "Look, I enjoyed introducing my dick to your mouth, and I think you did to. If you want to continue the introductions, come to my room after my daughter is done with you. Either tell her the truth, or tell her you need to pee again. I'll leave you to decide. Maybe you'll even enjoy the punishment for lying to her." He chuckled as he walked out of the bathroom, leaving the door open and me standing there naked.


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