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The Lampmaker Ch. 01

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What would you do if you could make your own genies?
6.6k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/27/2018
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This is one of the first stories I wrote a while back and I have been holding back putting it. It's one of my favorites. It's about Genies and Harems. I considered this one a bit of a challenge as it had been done a lot. I started over several times before I came up with an idea that was (at least to me) somewhat original instead of the standard genie/harem story. I hope you like it. My standard comment about comments stands: please be polite, and please be useful in your feedback if negative.

Chapter 1

Rick leaned back and closed his eyes as he collected his thoughts. Rick supposed that most people would be still working through the situation and many would have likely screwed up by now, wasting wishes in trying to prove that this was real. But Rick had always been a very deliberate man.

Sitting across from Rick in his small apartment dining niche was a man. At least, what appeared to be a man. He was tall, dark, and had a Middle-Eastern look to him. He had a neatly trimmed beard, dark hair and was wearing something straight out of 1001 Arabian Nights. He was sipping a cup of tea and looking at Rick.

Rick still was thinking about what exactly he had in front of him.

Rick was 26, working a regular job as an auditor for an accounting firm in LA. He had graduated with honors from UCLA, and had been working at this job for about 4 years. He was deliberate, careful, and never rushed. It had made him a valuable asset for his company and he had built up a steady reputation as a solid, clear thinking auditor who also was not out to climb the ladder. Rick liked doing his job and if he got perks for it (bonuses, the occasional raise, a promotion, and so on), that was fine. But he wasn't out to get them no matter what. It was very obvious, and after he had carefully helped out some others when he had found a mistake and instead of screwing them over, his reputation as a safe and smart partner had made him highly sought after for many projects. He got plenty of money, lots of vacation, lots of good face time with the bosses and no one worried that he was aiming for them. All in all, a very good place to be.

He had been between girlfriends when he had found the lamp. He was a bit of a collector. He didn't really have any particular focus, but he liked old things. Things that were well made and had stood the test of time. He had a very varied collection of stuff; a Victorian Grandfather Clock, French made pocket watch from the early 1820's, a silver music box from Feudal Japan, and so on. He could afford them, and he liked going into out of the way places just to see what he could find.

Which of course is how he found himself in the current situation. He had been wandering around in San Francisco last weekend while taking a short vacation and on a large street sale had found this old Arabian Lamp. Nearly black with tarnish, it was actually in a bin labeled "scrap" by a metal smith and jeweler.

Rick took one look and knew the lamp was not normal. It just seemed different and so Rick had picked it up for a dollar. He took it home and started to polish it. And just like in the stories out had popped a genie named Ali. Rick had thought the name a bit cliché but since the guy had literally appeared in puff of smoke and had hovered in the air, Rick was willing to take his word and let the name slide.

Rick had talked to him carefully once he had appeared and stated that as the master of the lamp, he was to be granted three wishes. Instead of starting off with the first thing that popped into his head, Rick had instead started thinking. And then had offered the Genie (or Djnn as he preferred to be called) some tea.

The offer of tea had apparently pleased Ali, and so they sat at Rick's table while Rick thought about his situation.

"Ali, I am going to ask you some questions. They are not wishes, they are queries for information. If you cannot answer them without using a wish I order you to tell me so. I will not wish until I am ready. Can you do this? Silence by you will signify that even answering a question counts as a wish."

Ali bowed his head and replied. "Master, I can answer certain questions. Questions that are general, questions that have no bearing on you such as is there life on Mars or historic answers I can answer. But ones that can benefit you such as a winning lottery number or the location of lost treasure will count as a wish. Or information on how to do something that will change things. Do you understand?"

Rick nodded. After another moment he asked Ali his first question. "What exactly are you? Are you a type of human or something totally different? How do you derive your power and how is it that you are tied to the lamp?"

Ali smiled. "You master are the first human to ever even bother to ask me those questions. You have a very inquisitive mind and some wisdom for someone so young. I am a djnn, a being from another existence or dimension if you prefer. Our "laws of reality", what you would call laws of nature, are much different than here. Our powers come from the fact that if a portal is opened between our worlds someone who understands the laws and use the reactions of our two dimensions to create or change things. Any djnn here in your world can do this naturally while only certain humans can do it. The lamp is actually the portal through which the energy flows, a gate if you will. Every gate requires a gatekeeper, in the case of this lamp that is me. Once there were many of us on your world, but over time our gates have been destroyed and we have been released back into our realm. Of the djnn, I am the last one. My lamp was nearly destroyed twice, once by a large fire which scorched it, and if you had not happened along, the smith would have most certainly melted it down."

"Would that have hurt you? Losing you lamp?" Rick asked.

"No, it would merely release me back into my home realm." Ali replied.

"Do you miss it? Do you desire to go back?" Rick said sipping his tea.

"I would not mind it certainly, but I have also enjoyed my time here. Watching humans work with their wishes is quite entertaining. For every wise one who can properly manage the wish there are ten fools who end up providing me much entertainment. I am not cruel, but I can laugh at the follies of lesser beings." Ali said with a hint of a smile.

"You said certain humans could control the interaction of powers. Who are these humans?" Rick asked.

"There are two types. One type are the ones that you kind has called sorcerers, wizards, or witches. Humans with a natural talent. But they are very limited in their understanding and usually cannot control it well. Humans with djnn level control are what you call genies. They have full control of this power, just like us djnn." Ali said.

"But are then tied to a lamp and are not free." Rick replied.

Ali smiled broadly. "You are wiser than Mr. Hoshin of Baghdad. He did not ask that and in his quest for power tied himself to a lamp for 1000 years until it was destroyed in a fire."

"What happened when his lamp was destroyed?" Rick asked.

"He died. Djnn have life spans of millions of years, but humans have only at most a hundred or so. Once the connection to both worlds ends time catches up." Ali replied. "Master, you have asked more wise questions over a single cup of tea than I have had in my entire span on this world."

Rick smiled back. "It always pays to be deliberate. Another question, you can obviously turn humans into genies, but can anyone else do it?"

Ali thought for a minute. "It could be done by someone with the knowledge, ability, and materials to do it. But no one on this world is alive would could do it now."

"If I were to ask for these, would there be any side effects? Any issues or harm to me?" Rick asked.

"No, but the initial gaining of knowledge will be painful. It will be agony for a few moments of your time, but then you will be your normal self." Ali said.

Rick smiled broadly. "Ali I have my wishes. I wish for the ability to create genies. I wish for the knowledge, the complete knowledge to create genies, and I wish for the materials to create genies."

Ali blinked. "Master, you have wished and I shall grant them. I believe I am going to be very interested in what you do with this knowledge."

Ali stood and crossed his arms. He closed his eyes and recited words that sounded bizarre and then Rick stiffened. For a split second he felt as if his body was torn apart and rebuilt and that his head had been crammed with TNT and blown apart and then reassembled. And just as fast as it started it was over.

Rick stood and looked in the kitchen mirror. He saw no changes and as he turned to Ali, he saw he was no longer there, just the lamp. But on the kitchen floor were container of all sorts of things. Rick looked them over and knew each one. Lastly was a small smelter and a jeweler's tools.

Rick smiled. All the materials for making a lamp. Only one, but Rick was not worried as the majority of the requirements were easy to get in the age of Amazon, and the few items that were not online, he had a plan for.

"Time to make a genie." Rick said and set to work.



Rick looked out his kitchen window down onto the city street. He lived about 5 stories up in a high rise apartment building very near Beverly Hills and as such had some seriously good looking women living there. Lacey, who was heading out to an evening class, was definitely one of them.

Lacey was a black haired, 6 foot tall knockout. 38 DD tits, firm ass, body toned like a starlet and lovely brown eyes. She was working on her Master's Degree at UCLA, but Rick had noticed several things about her that had perked his interest. She kept some odd hours, she had no boyfriend despite being hot as hell, and she had expensive tastes. Her car was Lexis, her wardrobe 100% designer, but she supposedly came from a small town in the Midwest from fairly normal parents.

Rick had also noticed some fetish bags and had seen her work out in the building gym with some stretching and other activities. Given the information, Rick suspected she was a stripper, and he was certain that if that was the case, she worked at "The Grand Ball" club. It was a VERY exclusive strip club, only the hottest strippers worked there, and only the richest men got in. A single night dancing there could earn a woman thousands of dollars. Lacey was hot enough, and she certainly spent money enough, so Rick had been nearly certain that was her job. What had finally proven it was when she had dropped a business card with a picture of her in a Marti Gras Mask and her stage name "Lace" on it when digging in her purse in the elevator and she hadn't seen Rick quietly step on it until she had left the elevator.

Rick had decided to target Lacey first for this reason. After careful discussion with Ali, he had found that his ability to fully remake a genie was a bit limited. He could not fully remake someone into another person but only enhance what nature had provided. An ugly woman would be at most an average genie, but a real beauty could be even more beautiful. So Rick wanted beauties. Lacey was certainly that and she was also his key to more beauties.

Rick's plan was rather than try to get more wishes or get maximum use out of only three wishes; he would simply make himself more genies and get more wishes that way. It was pretty foolproof, continued questioning of Ali had shown that no one, no creature, or no dark power from the other side was going to come and tear his soul out and his genie making wouldn't undo the fabric of space and time. His only real limitations were his natural age (no matter what, he could only live to be about a 100 years old, time would not stop and could not be stopped), and the materials to make more lamps.

Rick knew once he had bound Lacey, she would cease to be Lacey his neighbor and would become Lacey of the Lamp, a genie knowledgeable in the ways of the Djnn, loyal to her master 100%, and an exotic beauty willing to ensure her master was pleased in whatever manner he desired. And Rick had a LOT of desires. Easy going or not, when presented with a chance to make his dreams come true he wasn't going to hesitate one damn bit.

Rick had been watching her for several weeks. His plan was of course well thought out and he had taken his time to make sure no one had noticed his surveillance. It was Thursday night, and Lacey actually did have a late class. She would finish it at ten, and then she would head over to the club to work a short shift until about 1am. She would then head home after stopping at a 24 hour Chinese Take Out place called "Speedy's Chow". She would take the bus to a stop down the block and walk up. She never took her Lexis to the club or to school. Given that the street was in a very good section of town and near Beverly Hills meant it was really safe after dark, even really late.

Rick reached into his backpack and checked his materials one more time. Everything was in readiness. Ali stood back by his kitchen table grinning. He had been most helpful. Despite the wishes being used, he was still bound to Rick as the owner of the lamp, and Rick had discovered that he had great advice and some abilities that were very useful. Such as being able to use magical means to spy on people, which had allowed Rick to confirm Lacey was indeed a stripper, completely map out Lacey's day and identify weaknesses and patterns he could exploit. He was most helpful in advising Rick on how to forge and craft the lamp for Lacey, and had also explained some of what would happen. Rick had been able to craft some of what type of genie Lacey would become, and could even work out how much of the "old her" she would remember. Rick was going to go with a completely blank slate with Lacey until he had seen some of what he called "footage" of her at the Club. He had decided that her studies were of no use, but her skills at stripping, sex, and pleasuring men would certainly remain. Ali had stated that as Rick grew his skill he could craft even better genies, but it would certainly be fun helping this one to learn new tricks.

Rick had asked why Ali had been so helpful and was even volunteering information when not asked. Ali response had been simple. "Master, you are the very first human to ever show this much patience and wisdom in using the power you were given. You did not squander your opportunity, you showed restraint and intelligence. You also gave me and still give me great respect. You invited me to your table to have tea with you. You were polite, honest, and a gracious hoist. No one has ever treated me thusly, so I am your servant not only because you own the lamp, but because you are a truly worthy master."

Rick smiled at the memory and smiled more at Ali. "All is in readiness Master. The store in which she will shop will not be open when she goes by. I have increased her excitement, or what you call metabolism, so she will be very hungry when done. The plan is in readiness and I will report to you when it is time to move."

Rick nodded and then sat back in his easy chair to nap a bit. In a few minutes he was sleeping soundly. He was then gently shaken awake and saw it was past 1am.

Ali grinned at him. "Master, the beauty Lacey has left her work and is heading home. You must move to you place now."

Rick nodded, stood and left his apartment with his backpack and a large brown bag that smelled of Chinese Takeout. He exited the building and slowly walked around it. He turned the corner walking back to the main entrance just as Lacey strode into view from the opposite end. Rick reached the door just as she did and held it open for her.

"Thanks Rich! Nice to meet a gentleman in the building, especially late at night." Lacey said as she headed towards the elevators.

"Well, glad to be of help. But it's Rick, not Rich." Rick replied.

Lacey flushed a bit. "Sorry. I'm just terrible with names. But I do remember you. You live on the fifth floor on the far corner. We leave for school or work at the same time on Mondays and Wednesdays. I do remember that."

"Heh, that's me. No problems about missing my name. You were close." Rick said as he hit the elevator button for up. "Damn, every one of them is on the top floor, we'll be a bit."

Lacey signed and Rick noticed her sniffing and looking at his brown bag. "Worked late. Got some takeout from a place a buddy recommended. Got there just as they were shutting down, someone had screwed up a delivery so they were out of food. Pretty worked up about it to." Rick said.

"Oh wow! Speedy's! That is my favorite place; I got there just after they shut down. God I'm starving!"

"Would you like some? They gave me all they had left so I got a bit larger portion than normal and I bought extra for tomorrow's lunch. I can split it with you no problem. Sesame Chicken and bean sprouts with sweet and sour sauce." Rick said knowing this was her absolute favorite dish.

"Oh God! That is one of my most favorite dishes! What are the chances? But I can't, really..." Lacey started but Rick cut her off.

"Hey, it's no problem. Come to my apartment, wait by the door and I'll grab a container and spilt it with you. Just bring the container back tomorrow sometime." Rick said.

Lacey was about to say no again, but her stomach gurgled at that point and she and Rick laughed. "Ok, I guess my stomach wins." Lacey said.

They rode the elevator up and Rick led her to his apartment. "You can just wait here. Don't want to make you uncomfortable coming into a stranger's place."

Lacey thought for a moment and then smiled. "I think I'll trust you. You seem quite the gentleman after all."

Rick opened the door and led her inside to his kitchen. The place was spotless thanks to Ali's abilities and Lacey looked over his odd collection of stuff.

"Wow, neat clock. Seems like you have all sorts of stuff from all over. You collect antiques then?" Lacey said as Rick pulled out a container to start splitting the food.

"Sort of, I just buy stuff that, well, speaks to me sort of. I don't really know art per say, just what I like." Rick said as he split the order. He sealed the lid and made to hand it to Lacey. "Here you go."

Lacey reached over and Rick moved the container up and his other hand which had been underneath it forward. Lacey's hand closed on a brass lamp and Rick tossed the box to the side as he closed his other hand on her hand. Lacey's eyes widened and the lamp glowed.

"As the maker of this lamp, and the opener of the gate, I name thee the gatekeeper. Lacey, I bind you heart, soul, and body to this lamp so long as it exists. You control its power, whoever controls it, controls you. You are bound as the genie of this lamp, so sayith the lampmaker!" Rick said with a steady voice.

The lamp pulsed and Lacey's eyes glowed. "I, Lacey, am bound to this lamp as its genie. I swear upon my soul to serve whoever owns the lamp as my master until I am freed or a new master takes me." Lacey responded in a monotone voice.

Rick pulled out a needle and pricked her index finger and pressed it against the lamp. The blood seemed to boil into steam and flowed up. Instead of dissipating it thickened and flowed around Lacey like a body wrap. Rick watched as her feet seemed to turn to mist and her form was gradually eaten by the thickening mist. Her face was the last thing to go and just before it disappeared Rick heard her say "Holy Shit, what's happening to me?" in a quiet, confused tone. Her face disappeared into the mist and the mist suddenly was sucked into the lamp in its entirety.

Rick stepped back and looked at the new brass lamp sitting in front of him. Ali walked up behind him and said in a hushed tone "It is finished Lampmaker. You have turned this mortal beauty into a genie bound to this lamp. Rub it and take her as your loyal servant."


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