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The Land Lady

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A new tenant catches the eye of a restless landlord.
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Miriam Belle



Author's Note:

"This is one of many small stories that work as a supplement to 'The Finer Points of Sheila.'"


Joy had only been the manager of the Smokewood Apartment complex for six months. She supposed she liked the job well enough, but it wasn't nearly as fulfilling as her previous work. Spending the last ten years of her life working as a secretary for a law firm in the city, she was a whiz at office and management skills. But when she was exposed for having an affair with one of her bosses, she found herself without a job. She had taken the management position initially as a way of paying her bills while enjoying the benefit of free room and board. Still, as mundane as the paper work that crossed her desk daily was, she tried to find contentment in her new life.

She was an attractive 42-year-old woman, wearing her age gracefully. Her body was trim and had never given birth. Her 40 DD breasts were full and for the most part still as perky as they had been when she was thirty. There was only the beginnings of a few gray strands at the temples of her straight chestnut hair. Joy had no trouble finding men to spend time with, but the problem was most of them were too old for her. She had started craving younger men in the last few years, and this was only made all the more an issue with her when she started renting to a 22 year-old college student named Dave.

Dave was tall and in excellent shape. When he had first shown up at her office, he wore shorts and a tank top, allowing his sculpted body to be displayed. He was blonde, and the hair on his arms and legs was so light it seemed to vanish and reappear at will in the sunlight, like an optical illusion. Joy found herself speechless as she briefly wondered what his pubic hair was like. His eyes were green and powerful, and yet carried no cockiness or arrogance.

During the tour of the apartment, she kept her sunglasses on, watching him, taking in every line of his body. She fixated on his tight, round ass and imagined squeezing it, running her hands over and over it. She could also see that Dave didn't wear underwear, as a long, noticeable contour in the inside leg of his shorts revealed what had to be an eight inch cock at rest. Her heart began thumping as she considered what he must be like with a full erection.

"This apartment is next to mine," she said, finding her authoritative voice, "I don't mind music, but please no parties. The last guy who was here destroyed everything except the toilet."

"I'm not much of a partier," he said, looking in the bedroom, giving her another view of his ass.

"That's good."

"I might occasionally play a little Aerosmith, but otherwise..."

"Well, if you're going to be loud, why not do it with style?" she smiled and added, "Just not too loud."

"So I'm in?" Dave asked hopefully.

God, I wish you were in me, she thought bluntly and then said, "Oh yes Dave, you're in."

Over the next month, she began to figure out his routine. Most of the time, he wasn't home during the day but every other night, he would bring an attractive friend home, usually a busty airhead with tits ready to pop out of her shirt. They would disappear into his apartment and not be seen until the next morning. Joy had spent hours masturbating, lusting after her neighbor as she listened to him and his bimbo fuck next door. They would go for hours sometimes, the women reaching points where they were screaming as the bed knocked against the wall. Joy was tempted to say something, but she held back. As much as she was jealous of these girls, she also was turned on by it.

"What the hell am I doing," she muttered to herself one night after masturbating three times to Dave's sexual Olympics next door, "I could be this kid's mother."

She got up from her bed and walked to the bathroom. The hot water coming from the spigot was too much coupled with the summer heat, so she made the rag cool instead. She jumped a little as the cold cloth touched her sensitive sex, and her nipples instantly hardened as she wiped away her excess vaginal fluid that had spilled out during her sessions tonight.

"It's pathetic," she said to no one and put on a robe, grabbing her pack of Camel Lights, lighter and slipping on her sandals. She didn't bother with her hair as she opened the door and stepped out onto the front walkway that stretched from her apartment all the way down to number fifteen. Dusk had settled and the shadows of the long, summer evening had finally started to change into nightfall.

And that's when she saw Dave, in only his jeans sitting on the ground and propped against the front door of his apartment.

"Hey Dave," Joy smiled as she cursed herself for not fixing her hair before coming out, "How you doing?"

Dave smiled and shrugged. "Good as can be I guess. Yourself?"

"I'm great," she lied, desperately trying to fight back the flood of erotic imagery crashing through her brain about Dave.

"That's good," he said, and then looked at her. "Can I bum a smoke?"

"As long as you smoke it with me," she said, pulling out a cigarette and handing it to him. She lit them both up and they stood together, leaning against the black rod iron railing that separated the walkway from the small strip of lawn that ran beside it. Joy congratulated herself for being bold enough to hint that she wanted him to stick around for a little bit.

"Hello old friend," he said to his cigarette, taking a deep drag and clearly relishing it. Joy couldn't help but glance at his pants, seeing his large cock make a bulge down the side of his left pants leg. She felt her heart flutter a little as her nipples tingled and hardened again. He must not have had an inch of fat on his body as she looked him over out of the corner of her eye, quietly lusting after him.

"So," Joy began, and then decided to be really bold, "Sounds like you had a busy night."

Dave smiled, a little embarrassed. "Oh shit, you heard that?"

"I think everyone on this row heard you two."

"I am so sorry," he offered, his voice genuinely apologetic.

Joy shook her head. "It's okay, Dave. I was young once too, you know. When it's good, it's good."

Dave agreed, feeling better now as the subject changed and they talked about their jobs and a little about families over the next two cigarettes. Joy was captivated by him as she listened, her pussy growing wet and needful again as he talked. His voice was sexy and smooth, even his ears were sexy.

"How much older than me are you, anyway?" he asked casually, changing the topic again, "You said you were young once, but you don't look old at all."

Joy was caught off guard, but recovered. "How old do you think I am?" she countered.

Dave looked her over, and Joy thought there was a little more there than just an appraising look. Dave guessed, a devilish smile crossing his lips, "Maybe 138?"

Joy laughed. "You're such a sweet guy. 150."

"That's not bad at all," he said, adding, "You seem to wear it well."

Now it was Joy's turn to be embarrassed. "Well, thank you. Compliments will get you everywhere," she said, thankful for the dim dusky light that hid her furious blush, "I'm actually 42."

"See, I would have guessed 34 or 35."

The door to Dave's apartment opened and a striking brunette poked her head out. She was wrapped in a towel, and from what Joy could see she was a stacked girl. Dave was a breast man, no doubt about it as the girl asked, "You coming back in?"

Dave finished his smoke and crushed it out on the edge of the cement walkway. "Yeah baby, be right there," he told her as she smiled giddily and closed the door.

"Duty calls," Joy said with a half smile, but felt disappointed as she knew she would hear them again, and that she wouldn't be the one he was fucking.

"Yep," Dave grinned, trying not to be over-excited. In the dim light, Joy could see his bulge beginning to grow again. "Goodnight, Joy."

"Night, Dave," she said and he was gone.

The rhythmic pounding on the wall began anew, and Joy fingered herself the whole time. Dave lasted only a half and hour this time, and Joy found herself finishing alone. When she was done, she lay on the bed naked for a long time, thinking and considering her options. She decided that if she had any chance of seducing Dave, she would have to be more aggressive, bolder in her pursuit of him. They had enjoyed a great chat tonight, but he still had no clue she wanted to fuck his brains out.

The first of July rolled around and it was well up into the hundreds. Dave rarely wore a shirt, and his tanned muscular body turned more heads around the complex than just hers. The conversations at night over cigarettes turned into a regular event, and Joy allowed herself to begin touching him on the shoulder, grabbing his arm when she laughed and even hugging him. She always made sure with each hug to not only bury her face in his neck, but press her tits against his pecs firmly and put a hand on the back of his neck. Each time, she felt a rigid hardness in his crotch against her hip and knew that her plan was working.

One Saturday afternoon towards the end of the month, Joy knocked on his door. She wore a tank top that hugged her breasts and showed off their full roundness, the shirt supporting her impressive bust by two spaghetti straps. She wore her gray sweats and sandals, the top of the sweats rolled down a little to reveal her toned midsection. Her hair was pinned up and off her shoulders. Dave answered the door and made no effort to hide his pleasure in seeing her. His eyes fell to her tits and stayed there, despite his best efforts to maintain eye contact.

"Dave," she said, leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed, "My bedroom light bulb burned out, and I am not tall enough to reach it. Can you help me out?

"Sure," he smiled and went next door with her.

It was true she couldn't reach the bulb in the ceiling fixture, and at 5' 7" standing on the ottoman from her living room, she couldn't make up the difference. But at 6' 2", Dave would have no trouble. She briefly thought of the stepladder in the storage behind the office, but thought against it. Why bother with a step ladder when the whole point was to get Dave into her bedroom and do it himself? Dave again wore only his shorts and sandals as he walked into her bedroom, the thin material of his shorts revealing that he also was not wearing underwear. Joy thought it might be a sign as neither one of them was wearing anything under their clothes. She considered her going braless might seem sluttish, or even laughable at her age, but Dave wasn't complaining as his eyes continually rested on her full tits.

"Okay, give it to me," Dave said.

"Excuse me?"

"The bulb," he explained innocently, "I need the new bulb."

"Of course," she laughed, and thought about the bulb at the end of his cock, how big it must be and how she would polish it off until he came for her... if she ever got the chance. She handed him the bulb from a box on her bed, "Here you go."

She watched Dave as he stood up on the ottoman and replaced the bulb, entranced by the muscles in his arms as they flexed and maneuvered throughout the procedure. She had deliberately turned off the AC, and as a result, it was getting hot in the bedroom. She could see his body beginning to get shiny from sweat. As she felt herself getting more and more aroused, she looked at the thermometer on her window. It read one hundred and five degrees.

Beads of perspiration had formed on her forehead, lips and cleavage as she watched him. When he stepped down from the stool, she put her hands on his midsection, guiding him down. Dave didn't say anything as she held onto him for a lingering moment, and then let go. Dave flipped the switch and the light came, bright and powerful.

"Thank you," she smiled and hugged him, again making every effort to convey her need for him as the damp parts of their skin touched. He even smelled good.

"Hey, no sweat," Dave smiled and handed her back the bulb, "No pun intended."

Joy laughed. "How can I repay you?"

Dave shrugged. "I'll think of something, but you might want to have your wiring checked."

"Really, why?" she asked, anticipating his idea of repayment being a night of sex together.

"Well, it's just that the filament in your bulb isn't burnt out," he said casually, "There's nothing wrong with the bulb, but maybe you have a goofy wire."

Joy mentally slapped herself upside the head for not considering he might actually look at the bulb. "Oh, okay," she smiled, hiding her disappointment.

Dave hugged her again and kissed her on the cheek. Before their hug broke, she felt him rub himself against her, his cock thick in his shorts. "If I can help with anything else, let me know."

He left, and Joy stood there dumbfounded. He knew she was interested in him, and he had been interested right back. He was toying with her, flirting and playing it cool while she sweated it out. Joy laughed and put the bulb in the box. She replayed the hug and kiss over and over in her head the rest of that day and night, debating whether or not to just go over there and attack him. She decided to wait, and make him come to her. She was not going to fold so easily, and the game was becoming too much fun for her.

The next day, Joy decided to start tanning herself, and bought a yellow bikini. She lounged by the pool all day, her sunglasses hiding her eyes as she watched the responses of people walking past. Men would turn and stare at her tits as she sunned herself, their wives and girlfriends shooting daggers. Joy smiled and quietly waited for Dave to come by the office. It was the first of August, and people were dropping off their rent all day. Dave was punctual with his payments like clockwork, so it was only a matter of time.

It was 2 in the afternoon when he showed up, wearing only shorts, a white t-shirt and sandals. The office was right in front of the pool, so when he arrived, he saw her lying there. Joy made no movement as his jaw dropped a little. She adjusted herself, uncrossing her legs so he might get a better view of her. The gate squeaked open and he walked over to her.

"Joy," he said as strolled up to her.

"Hey there, stud," she smiled and turned her head towards him. His eyes were squinted in the afternoon sun, but she could see he was blatantly checking her out.

"Got my rent money for you," he said and handed her an envelope stuffed with twenties and tens, "The full five-hundred. I thought I'd pay up."

"Damn straight," she joked as she sat up, her arms surreptitiously pushing her breasts together and forming an irresistible canyon of cleavage. Her skin was oiled and shiny as she took the envelope and stood up, her bikini bottom almost wedged into her ass. Dave watched her cheeks moved hypnotically as she walked into the office.

"Come on, I'll give you receipt," she smiled, letting him get a full view of her ass.

Dave tried to fight back his erection as he followed her. His heart was thudding in his ears as he lusted after her. They came into the office and had to let their eyes readjust to the shaded, dim light of the room. Joy's sunglasses clattered on the hard wood top of her desk as she grabbed the receipt book. The shades were drawn, only a few long slivers of sunlight penetrating the room. The AC was on, and it was relatively cool as Dave wiped his forehead off. She sat down in her chair and scooted up to the desk, her breasts looking soft and inviting. Dave imagined fondling them and as he sat down, lost in his own erotic thoughts for a moment.

"Here you go, Dave," she said and noticed him gawking at her tits. She felt an excited flurry of butterflies in her stomach and decided impulsively she would make her move now. "Dave?"

"Shit," he sputtered, "Sorry."

Joy smiled broadly as she handed him the receipt across the desk. They sat there for a moment and then she said, "You know, you never told me how I could repay you for helping me with that light bulb."

"No, I didn't, did I?"

"No, you didn't," she smiled as she slid her bare foot up his calf and to his thigh.

"I could think of a few things," his eyes meeting hers and held her there. She wondered who was in control here, just who had been playing who as his hand caressed the arch of her foot.

"What would you suggest?" she asked as she stood up and rounded the desk, locking the office door and sitting on the corner. Dave stood up, his erection undeniable as he took his shirt off and put it on the desk. He slid his hands up her neck and held her jaw line, pulling her to him and kissing her. Electricity arched through them, their skin a perfect conductor for the intense erotic energy that they both had been storing up since they met. His tongue slipped effortlessly into her mouth and she met it with her own. Their kisses were loud and passionate as they grinded against each other. Dave hands remained at her jaw, his sole concentration on her mouth for the moment as she ran her hands up and down his back, over his ass and hips. She was vaguely aware that her breasts had come out of the small patches of fabric that held them in place. Her hard nipples were jolted as they slid across his slick skin for the first time, grazing his own erect nipples.

"I want you so bad," she whispered huskily as she pulled his shorts down. Joy wanted to see his cock, and as she pushed him away slightly she got her first view of his fully erect nine-inch dick. It was thick and beautiful, the veins in the shaft large and strong. His head was a swollen purple-red, pre-cum beginning to ooze from the tip. His balls hung low, hairless as the rest of his pubic area. He was clean-shaven, and like herself, took great care in removing every hair from the genitalia.

"Yes," she said breathlessly as she grasped him, his shaft throbbing and hot in her hand. Dave undid her bikini top and tossed it aside, releasing her tits and letting them hang free. Her nipples were so hard it almost hurt as she licked the tip of Dave's cock, teasing him with her lips and tongue.

"I've been dreaming of this Joy," he moaned as she began sucking on him, the sounds of her handiwork arousing him even more, "You are so beautiful."

She felt his hand go to the back of her head and through her hair as he began to fuck her mouth. Several times she felt the tip of his cock graze the back of her throat, and she worried she might gag on him. There was no way she could deep throat him, he was too long and thick. So she worked his head as best she could, tantalizing him and building him to his climax. Dave's eyes rolled back into his head as Joy sucked him off, lost in the pleasure of her expert tongue and lips. It didn't take long, and Dave began to feel it rising.

"Joy, I'm going to cum," he whispered, his muscles going tight as he fought the orgasm back.

Joy sucked harder and gave it her all as he blew his load inside her mouth. The hot, sticky cum shot back to her throat, and she was ready for it as she quickly swallowed the salty sweet fluid. She disengaged him and let him finish pumping his cum out on her face and tits. His cock bounced up and down as it convulsed, finally shooting the last drop of semen out. Dave stood there for a moment, his head tilted back and holding the base of his cock, muscles tight and poised from the orgasm.

Joy slid off her bottoms and sat on the desk, spreading her legs wide. She grabbed his cock gently and pulled him to her. They looked into each other's eyes as cum trickled down her tits, mixing with her sweat. There a divine musky smell in the room as she kissed him, stroking his cock as it went soft, rubbing his balls with her hands. Dave kissed her neck and then dropped to his knees. Joy knew what was coming and lay back on her desk as Dave began flicking her clit with his tongue. Joy could hardly breathe as he knew exactly how and where to flick and rub his tongue on her. As he worked her over, she realized not once did his tongue or fingers enter the interior of her pussy. He was doing it all by clit, and god he knew how to do it.


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