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The Log Cabin

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Her fantasy got multiplied unexpectedly. I play the husband.
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This is part of a sort of series. To recap the situation, I was having an affair with a crazy married woman named Connie, who almost as a joke thought it would be fun to rent me out to other ladies in the neighborhood. Connie lined up the meetings, collected the fee, and paid me. My role was to drop by at an arranged time when a husband was gone, provide some services that a wife was not getting in her marriage, then leave again. Sometimes the situations involved fantasies outside the home. "Movie Date" is the immediate predecessor to this one, though this should stand on its own.

Connie seemed to be in awe of Beth after I told her about the movie-theater adventure. She had the biggest smile on her face as I went through the details of that wild afternoon and told her about Beth's joy with the whole experience.

"Chick's got more balls than me," Connie said. "I wouldn't have even thought of that one." We went to bed and she was wilder than usual, I wasn't sure if the story had made her horny or if she felt like she had to beat the competition. Either way, it worked out for me.

The next night I ran into Connie and Jerry at the Conquistador, and she cornered me at the jukebox. She said, "Beth says her husband is out of town Thursday night, and she would like to have a regular nighttime date with you. That's what she called it, 'regular nighttime date.' She asked if you could meet her at the Log Cabin restaurant Thursday around seven."

The Log Cabin is a well-known older hotel in our town. It started as an actual log cabin tavern back in pioneer days but has been rebuilt into a nine-story hotel with a nice restaurant and bar, swimming pool, a terrace on top with a view of the city. They have big conventions and events there -- it's luxurious but not swanky, if you know what I mean., intended for business travelers ringing things up on the company's bill. Connie did not know what Beth was up to, and neither did I, but I was pretty sure it would not be a regular nighttime date by anybody's standards.

I dug my old sport coat out of the closet and dusted it off. Decided not to wear a tie, because, you know, fuck it. I parked in the parking garage, instead of letting the valet take my car. I have heard some stories and I don't trust those guys.

Waiting in the lobby, Beth looked stunning. She was wearing a tight dress, dark blue, short, with lots of what, in a classy joint like this, we call 'décolletage.' She had pretty makeup enlarging her eyes and brightening her lips, her hair was not "done" or anything but she looked relaxed and sophisticated and lovely. She smiled at me when I arrived, and we let the girl seat us at a little table for two in the middle of the room. No opportunity for groping in this place.

"I got us a room," she said with a conspiratorial smile on her face.



"Must have cost you an arm and a leg," I said.

"My husband is paying for it. Well he doesn't know that, but he never looks at the credit card statement anyway. I'll show you the room after dinner."

I had a little steak and we made proper small-talk as we ate. I had usually seen Beth as a sort of homebody but she knew what to do when she dressed up. I did my best to be a gentleman, winging it, and I think I managed to fit in okay. The Log Cabin is nice and at the same time they try to make it comfortable for out-of-town guests to loosen up and spend a little money downtown. A few locals come to the bar to watch a game or something but it is really a building full of out-of-towners; Log Cabin tries to make them feel at home.

When we finished our meal, Beth said, "Come on, let me show you our room for later."

"For later?"

She did not reply. We took the elevator to the fifth floor. The carpeted hallway was quiet, a few businessman-types coming and going. There was a scent of, I don't know what that is, hotel cleaning stuff. Our room was nicer than any place I have ever stayed in. It had two big beds, desk in the corner, and a huge window that looked out over the Riverstroll and the fairgrounds. A stream of headlights far below reminded you that people were living their normal lives, doing the same boring shit they do every day. There was a little bar in the corner, fully stocked, nice shower.

We sat on the corner of the bed. Beth looked a little nervous for the first time. "Okay," she said. "You're going to think I'm crazy."

"I already think that," I said, and she laughed.

"Here's the deal, Doc. Tonight you're going to be my husband."

"Okay," I said. "Sounds exciting." (Ironic tone of voice.)

She smiled at me. "It might be," she said. "You're going to be my husband and we're from out of town, say Lincoln Nebraska, and as a little marital adventure you want to watch."


She was grinning now, letting this fantasy out in dribs and drabs. "Yes, our boring marriage needs a little spice, so you are going to watch me with somebody else."

"Oh, I see. And who is this 'somebody else?' Anybody I know?"

"Oh, no," she said. "I'll just pick somebody up in the bar."

"I see." I pondered this. "And yes, Beth, you are crazy. So you are going to pick up some guy in the bar, bring him up here, and fuck him while I watch."

"Basically, yes," she said. "I think I'll introduce you to him in the bar, to make sure it's all right with everybody."

"I guess it doesn't matter if it's all right with me," I said.

"Well if any alarms go off or you don't think something's right, you are my protector, you know." She studied my face. "This is okay, isn't it?"

"Sure, Beth," I said. "It's weird, and I don't know if this is really what Connie had in mind with this whole 'appointment' thing, but it kind of sounds like fun, now that I'm thinking about it, and I did get a nice dinner out of the deal. So I'll just sit here and watch. Will I jerk off or anything? Do you want it to turn into a threesome, how do you picture it?"

"Shit, I don't know, Doc. Just imagine like I said, we're a married couple from the Midwest trying to spice up our marriage. Does the husband participate? Probably not. Does he masturbate? I don't know. Does he talk, or just sit there? I think he just sits there and lets her run the show. I am counting on you to be an actor here."

"Yeah, I see," I said. "I guess I can do that. I'm just the dumb husband, letting the little lady blow off some steam while I get off watching, which could be my own fantasy."

"There ya go," Beth said. "Are you ready?"

The bar at the Log Cabin was old school. Cherrywood backbar, full top shelf, two bartenders, one younger than the other. The bartenders enjoyed telling a joke and listening to one, they knew how to make any drink anybody could come up with. There was a game on the TV and a few guys watching that, and the place was pretty full of people socializing and drinking. Beth and I went in separately. She found a seat at the bar and a minute later I wandered in and found a seat at the other end. I could see her perfectly well but nobody suspected we were together.

It did not take a minute for the raptors to start circling her. I thought the first guy was a slimeball. I know guys like him, chasing every pussy they see. I have always thought that if a guy stood on the street corner and every time a woman walked by he said, "Wanna fuck?" he would get laid every day. Maybe one in a hundred would go for it, but if you hit on a hundred women, there you go. Some guys take that approach, and I guess it works for them, they are indiscriminate and they end up in bed with indiscriminate partners. I hoped Beth would do better than that, and in fact after a couple of minutes the guy found an excuse to move on.

She was charming to watch. She really was looking good, and she'd give these guys a big sexy smile and talk with them as if they were the most interesting person in the world. Typically there would be two or three men standing around her barstool, trying to get her attention, laughing and smiling and aspiring to be cool.

There was a younger guy sitting in the stool next to hers, and occasionally the two of them would exchange some chitchat when she wasn't being bombarded by the hopefuls. He might have been thirty but I doubted it, younger than Beth I'd say, and he was mostly minding his own business, sipping on a cocktail and watching the game with one eye. Over the next ten or fifteen minutes he and Beth talked more and more, and pretty soon they had their heads together and were laughing and smiling at one another.

This wasn't who I would have pictured for this kind of sordid scene, a cleancut kid, looking her in the eye, sincere and cheerful. But after a while I saw her nod toward me at the other end of the bar, and the kid looked over at me, too. He gave me a friendly smile and they talked a little more, and then Beth waved me over.

"Doc, this is Samuel," she said. "He's here from Cincinnati for a conference on, what was it?"

"Additive manufacturing," he said.

"Yeah, what he said. Anyway, I was telling him about our little fantasy, and he thought it sounded kind of fun."

"Oh, okay," I said, playing the dumb husband. "Good ta meet ya Samuel, I'm Doc. So Beth told ya what she had in mind, huh?" I don't really know how people in Nebraska talk, but it didn't seem important to get it down perfect.

"Yeah," he said. "I've never done anything like this before."

"Are you married or anything?" I asked him, not really wanting to destroy somebody's life over a crazy idea of Beth's.

"No," Samuel said. "I had a girlfriend until a few months ago. Nothing now."

Beth was smiling at us. I said, "Well Beth here is a little more than I can handle, and she's been talking about something like this for a long time."

Samuel was smiling, too. "It sounds like fun to me."

"Shall we go upstairs?" Beth said.

Samuel drained his drink. "Sounds great. Let me tell my friends I'll be busy."

"Okay," I said.

Beth held out her arm to stop him. "Your friends?"

"Yeah, I came her with a couple of guys. Let me go tell them."

"Wait a minute," she said. "Where are these friends?"

Samuel looked around the room. "Oh yeah," he said, "Over there, at that little table."

Two men about his age were sitting at a highboy with drinks. They were laughing and, it appeared, gossiping about the other customers in the place.

Beth looked at me. She said to Samuel, "They look like nice guys."

"Yeah," he said, absently.

"Do you think they'd want to come up with us?"

My pulse stopped for a second.

Samuel looked at Beth, then at me. "I guess I could ask them," he said.

Beth had a big grin on her face. "This could be fun," she said.

"Wow," I said. "That's a little more than I had anticipated." I forgot to pretend I was from Nebraska but it didn't matter.

"Are you okay with that, honey?" Beth asked me. I nodded. Like, what am I going to say? Crazy just got a little crazier, is all. "Okay," she said, "Go see what they say. See if they want to have some fun with us."

Samuel went to his friends' table and the three sat talking and looking over at us. Then the three of them stood up and came to Beth's throne at the bar. She looked them over as they approached.

"They'll do it," Samuel said.

"Excellent," Beth said. They introduced themselves. Ted was tall, with a neatly-trimmed beard and sparkling blue eyes, and I thought the other man said his name was Charlie but he was saying "Barley," which he said people have called him since he was a kid. "You guys aren't married or anything," Beth inquired, and both indicated they were not. "Good," she said. "Well," she said, "We seem to have fixin's for drinks in our room, would you like to come on up?" The three guys looked at each other like, wow, we didn't see this coming. Beth did not have a bar tab, mine was paid, Samuel paid up for himself and we all headed for the elevator.

It can be a little awkward in an elevator under normal circumstances. Now five of us stood there as the door shut, riding in a box together to who-knows-what. Barley was the straightforward one. He turned to me and said, "So, you wanted to watch, huh?"

"Yeah," I said. "Beth is a hot one, and I would like to see her in action with somebody else."

"Do you do these kinds of things a lot?"

"No, never."

"I'm looking forward to it," Beth said. I noticed that nobody tried anything, no hands, no grabbing, they weren't even staring at her. And, again, I gotta say, she was looking beautiful in that tight little dress.

Another awkward moment when we got into the room. Beth hurried around and adjusted the lighting so it was dim but not dark, while the rest of us stood there waiting for something. Beth stood beside the bed and looked at us all with a happy face, just gorgeous. "Well," she said with a giggle in her voice, "This is a little more than we had planned on, but this will be even better, don't you think honey?" Looking at me. All I could do was nod. "First," she said, reverting to 'bossy bitch' mode, which came easy for her, "Doc, why don't you make us a round of drinks. I know I could use one." Everybody laughed.

All of us seemed happy with bourbon on the rocks so my job was easy, just pouring. Beth said, "We have to figure out how to do this. Three of you! Wow." She looked over the young men. "I want this to be fun," she said, "And I don't want it to be impersonal or dirty. You know what I mean?" Of course nobody did, but nobody said anything. "I want this to be nice," she said, as if that cleared it up.

From my post behind the bar in the corner I said, "Sweetie, maybe it would be a good idea for you to get out of that nice dress."

She said, "Yeah, good idea. And then I think I should get to know these gentlemen one at a time first." She reached for her zipper and turned to me and said, "And honey, from now on, you watch. We don't need to hear from you any more tonight."

It was actually a little embarrassing, in real life, to be spoken to in such a way. "Okay sweetheart," I said. The other guys sort of laughed nervously at this exchange.

Beth pulled the dress over her head and lay it on one of the beds, and stood there in her underwear. Let me say: she knew what she was doing. She was wearing a bra that barely covered her nipples, and little panties cut like shorts, not like a stripper would wear but like a Hollywood star. She let us look at her in her finery, then unsnapped the bra, stepped out of the panties, tossed them on the bed and said, "Ta-daaa," holding out her arms.

I heard one of the guys say, "Wow." She was stunning. Beth was built. She had beautiful C-cup breasts and a narrow waist, petite muscular ass. And she was loving the appreciation.

"Okay," she said. "So I want to get to know each of you. Oh, but first, I don't want dirty stinky men, so why don't you guys get a shower first. Start with Barley, I think, Barley you go get washed up and I'll be waiting for you. You don't need to get dressed after you shower. Get nice and sparkly-clean for me, okay?" She sounded like a wife from Lincoln.

Barley agreed and bounded off to the shower. Beth said, "Ted, you'll shower next, then Samuel."

She scurried to the desk near the door, picked up the wooden chair, and set it beside the second bed. I could tell she thought it was fun being naked in front of a roomful of men. Turning to me: "Sweetie, here. You sit here. You can watch but please don't interfere, all right? Just like we talked about." She laughed once to herself. "Well, I mean, times three."

I came out from behind the bar and sat in the chair beside the bed. I set my drink on the bed-table where I could reach it.

There were two stuffed chairs near the window. Beth rolled them closer to the bed. "You might as well be comfortable," she said to Ted and Samuel. "Till we get everybody washed up."

Barley came out of the shower naked, and Beth ran her eyes up and down his body. "Wow, nice," she said. "How old are you, Barley?"

"Twenty six," he said.

"Well come lay down here with me. Ted, why don't you hop into the shower while I get to know Barley here a little bit. Then you, Samuel." Ted dashed for the bathroom. My impression was that he didn't want to miss anything. Samuel waited in one of the stuffed chairs.

Beth lay on her back in the middle of the bed and Barley lay on his side facing her. He was tall and lean with a tousle of hair, kind of shy looking. Beth rolled onto her side and began kissing him, wrapping her arms around him.

Beth was, as they say, committed to the bit. She was the insatiable housewife seizing on the opportunity of a lifetime. She pulled Barley's face into hers for a passionate makeout session, then ran her hands down his back and held his ass in her hand, pulling his hips into her. Even in the middle of a juicy kiss I could see her cheeks smiling as he sprang to attention against her skin.

She reached up and put her hands on his chest, touching him, exploring his body, and he returned the favor, putting his hands on her breasts, squeezing them, holding them. She let out a little moan and put her arms around him again. Her hands returned to his ass, and she massaged it deeply. She ran her fingers down the crack and played with his asshole and then broke the kiss to give a giggle. "You like that, huh?" she said.

"Yeah, I guess," he said sheepishly. Then he reached around and began stroking her ass, including running his fingers over her asshole. "Me, too," she whispered to him.

She lay back slightly and he reached down to put his fingers into her pubic hair. She shifted her hips to meet him and he began rubbing her pussy earnestly, but she backed away and got her hand on his cock, which was now erect and pretty impressive, I thought. He had an unusually fat one with a bulbous head on it. Beth half-sat up to get a look at it and seemed pleased. "I think I'm going to enjoy that," she said with a flutter of lashes. She pumped it a few times with her hand as Ted came out of the shower. "Barley, it's good to get to know you. Let me meet your friend here. Ted, why don't you come to mama?"

Barley did not seem unhappy. His fat dick boinged in front of him as he hopped out of the bed. He stood there looking at Beth, who was indeed worth looking at. Meanwhile Ted waited at bedside without a stitch on, and Beth turned her head to face him. "Hi, Ted," she said. "Come on over here, let's get to know each other. Samuel, the shower's yours."

Ted was medium height, maybe thirty, his hair was tied up in a pony tail, that hipster thing they do these days. He lay beside Beth and she was on him in a heartbeat, kissing him and running her hands over his body. She manipulated him onto his back and leaned over him, ramming her tongue down his throat and stroking his chest, his belly, his penis. He was hard instantly, a medium-length, medium-thickness cock, which is not to say that it was lacking in any way. Beth seemed to enjoy running her fingers up and down its length, and even dipped her head down for a suck or two.

Ted dipped his own head down and sucked Beth's breasts, one and then the other, and pinched and rolled her nipples in his hands. "You like my tits?" Beth asked him.

"I love them," he said, and he continued sucking on them. The bathroom door opened and Samuel stood there, buck naked, not sure what to do.

"You could make me cum that way," Beth said to Ted. "But not yet." She turned so her breast came out of his lips. "Very nice," she said. "We'll come back to that." She took a deep breath. "But first, I have to get to know Samuel in a less Platonic way. Samuel, come on over and say hi, will you?"

She looked over at me. "Honey, it doesn't really seem right for you to sit there with your clothes on. It feels like you're judging us or something, you know? How about you get naked like everybody else?" It was not my place to argue, so I stripped and threw my clothes on the bed where everyone's were. She turned to the other guys: "It looks like my husband is enjoying this, doesn't it." My hard-on was pointing straight ahead, parallel to the floor, with a strand of precum hanging from the tip. I sat back down in my wooden chair without commenting.

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