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The Log Cabin


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Ted stepped out of the bed and returned to his chair as Samuel crossed the room. Beth looked him over and said, "Bingo, we'll have to see how that thing looks when it gets hard." In fact Samuel's dick was hanging down his leg like a plump sausage. I guess you figure there's always going to be someone like that, right? It's all a matter of probability.

Samuel climbed into the bed and Beth immediately had her hands on his cock and her lips on his mouth. She was rubbing her body against his, stroking him to hardness. I was sitting in the chair, inches away, watching that sausage grow into a mature kielbasa under her touch. Samuel's hand came down to her pussy and he got to work fingering her, rubbing her, it looked like he got a finger inside her.

"Okay," she said, rolling back. "Let's try this."

"Try what?"

"Try fucking me," she said. "Let's see how this works."

"Oh okay."

She spread her legs and Samuel got on top of her. Beth raised her head and looked at me. "Sweetie, do you see the size of this thing?" Yes, I did, and I was curious to see if it would be too much. If not, it should be quite fascinating to watch that monster slip into her.

I was on one side of the bed in my hard chair, and the other guys were on the other side in their comfortable chairs. Every eye was on the action, and every dick was stiff. Samuel lined himself up with her and gave a little push. At first nothing happened. Beth gave out a kind of groan and put her arms around his back. She shifted her hips a little and Samuel pushed again, and made some progress. Beth threw her legs up over his back and pushed, and Samuel pushed, and pretty soon he had the whole salami inside her, and she was saying things like "Oh my god oh my god oh my god." The rest of us could've shot all over the furniture and carpeting, the scene was very hot.

Samuel got going up to speed and then Beth said, "Okay, baby, stop, that is amazing but it's not time for that yet." Samuel pulled out of her, which reminded me of rolling up a firehose; as I leaned forward watching, more and more of it kept coming out. "Guys, come here," she said. "Couple of things." Barley and Ted stepped up to the bed.

"First of all, I don't know if I will, but I can cum a lot of times, over and over again. Can any of y'all do that?" Silence. "That's what I thought. So do us all a favor, if you feel like you're getting close then stop doing what you're doing. I promise everybody'll get their rocks off before the evening is ended, (looking at me) except you, sweetie, (back to them) but if you finish too soon you're going to miss out, and so will I. And so will hubby here. He wants to see a good show."

"Second thing, this is a little more complicated. There's going to be four people in this bed, and three of them are men. I know a lot of guys are creeped out by touching another man's body. That's fine, we're not here for therapy or to turn you gay or anything. If that's how you guys feel, then we will work with that, like probably taking turns, one at a time. Otherwise we can all jump into a pile together. How do you want to do it?"

They were quiet for a moment, then Barley said, "Well actually I've been with guys before. I actually thought I might be gay at one point, because I actually liked that a lot, but I definitely like girls. Being around guys is fine with me."

Samuel said, "I have never been with a guy before but I don't have anything against it. It just never happened."

Ted said, "I'm kind of like Barley. I had a boyfriend for a while in college. I guess I figure I'm bisexual, though I only go out with girls these days. I don't mind touching another guy."

"That's excellent," Beth said happily. "I think it will be more fun this way. I have no idea how to organize this, so we'll just play it by ear, that okay with you guys?" All nods and smiles. "Well, what are you waiting for?" She held out her arms, her beautiful naked body an open invitation to all. Except me. "Group hug!" she called.

I was as nervous as a real husband would have been, watching the convergence of bodies from my perch on the wooden chair beside the bed. The three men fell into the bed, Ted on one side, Barley on the other, and somehow Samuel managed to end up on top of her. She scooped them up in her arms and kissed each one in turn as their hands swarmed over her body. Somebody was sucking a tit, somebody was kissing her, and within a few seconds Samuel had managed to get his big dick back into her and was fucking her nice and easy with a move that reminded me of an Olympic swimmer in slow motion. As the guys stroked her smooth body, I saw one guy's arm around another guy's back, pulling the group tighter, and from my perspective the four bodies seemed to merge together. Beth was making out with Barley and playing with Ted's cock with her other hand, and it seemed that Ted was squeezing Barleys butt, and then he stroked his balls for a few seconds, while Barley was pinching Beth's nipples.

"Ted, put that thing in my mouth," Beth said, and Ted scooted up beside her head and she sucked his cock while Samuel fucked her and Barley played with her tits. In a few more seconds, Barley was kissing Beth while she stroked Ted's cock, and then Barley took Ted's penis in his mouth and seemed to know what he was doing. Beth took it back and they took turns, one sucking, then the other, while Ted knelt with closed eyes and Samuel was pumping Beth's pussy in granny gear, slow and deep.

I had never seen anything like this in my life. Barley was good at giving head, he took Ted's hard-on down his throat, and then Beth, not to be outdone, took the whole thing and then worked on it with her tongue until Barley took it away from her again. Watching Barley giving head right in front of her face, Beth started moaning. "Samuel," she said, "What the fuck are you doing to me down there?"

"Nothing special," Samuel said. "It feels good."

"No shit it feels good," Beth said, and then she gave out a yelp and began convulsing with an orgasm. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit..." Samuel had been plowing her slowly but now he picked up the pace and pounded her with that big thing while she was coming. She was panting when he slowed down again and then pulled out.

"I better be a little careful," Samuel said, somewhat sheepishly.

"Let me see that thing," Beth said, beckoning with her finger. By now Ted was leaning up against the headboard with Barley between his legs giving him a world-class blow job. Samuel came up on the other side and Beth took his oversized cock in her hand and pumped it a few times. "I never thought bigger was actually better," she said, "But bigger is pretty fucking nice." She tried to suck it but couldn't get her lips around it, so she licked its length instead. I was surprised to notice that she had his butt in her hand and seemed to have slipped a finger into his asshole. Samuel moaned with all that attention, fore and aft.

"You like that, don't you," Beth said softly to him.

"I think so," Samuel said. "It's weird."

"You've got a cute butt," she said. "It ought to get some attention." She slipped a second finger into him and seemed to be working pretty vigorously. "Is that okay?"

Samuel's eyes were closed. "Yes, actually," he said.

"Hey boys," Beth said suddenly. "It doesn't really seem right that nobody's licking my pussy right now."

All three men stopped what they were doing and started to dive toward her crotch -- everybody was laughing. Ted got there first, tipping over from his seated position at the top of the bed. He stuck his head between Beth's legs and started going to town, while Beth fondled Barley and Samuel's penises with her eyes closed. She smiled, "That is very nice," and began kissing first one cock and then the other, going from Samuel to Barley. Occasionally she would wipe streaks of precum onto her cheeks, reminiscent of some previous adventures.

The way Ted had tipped over, his cock was dangling in front of Beth's face, and she leaned her head forward to take it into her mouth while jacking off the other two men. She fucked his cock with her lips and then released it as she grunted and gasped and surrendered to the stimulation he was delivering between her legs with his mouth. "Oh shit," she began again. As the power of the orgasm increased she had the presence to joke, "I need to learn something else to say -- oh shit oh shit oh shit."

"Let me get in a better position for this," Ted said as she came back to her senses, and he went to the foot of the bed to get his face between her legs.

Beth moaned appreciatively and turned her head to Samuel's big cock, which was hanging over her face. "Let me have a look at this thing," she said, and she ran her tongue along the length of it, gazing admiringly at it.

I had not even noticed that my own hand had come down to my hard penis and was stroking it gently. It would have been easy to shoot my load right now, but I wanted to save it, to see what else was going to happen -- not in a fog, but paying attention. As Beth had stopped playing with Barley's cock, he looked around and saw Ted kneeling between her legs, working on her with his tongue. Beth was beginning to squeal, and Barley went to the foot of the bed, lay on his back, and wiggled under Ted.

Ted didn't even look down as Barley began slurping on his penis. Barley brought his hands up and cupped Ted's butt-cheeks, and Ted began thrusting his hips slowly, fucking Barley's mouth. Beth stopped licking Samuel's monster for half a minute while she orgasmed under Ted's tongue-lashing, and then returned to it. She took Samuel's scrotum between her lips and was nibbling on it while she pumped his cock with her hand. She came again, and then Ted said, "Barley, you gotta stop for a minute, I can't last like this." Beth looked down and smiled when she realized that Barley was under Ted.

She looked over at me, stroking myself in the wooden chair. "How do you like this, honey?" she said. "These are some talented young men, aren't they?" Obviously she was not looking for an answer.

Barley squirmed out from under Ted and stood beside the bed. Beth said, "Okay, let's switch around. Barley, you lay in the middle. I'm going to get on top of you." They looked at her for a second and she said, "Did I forget to tell you I'm a bossy bitch?" They laughed. "Come on, let's go," she said, with a clap of the hands.

Barley lay on his back with that tree-stump of a penis pointing toward the ceiling. I could see why Beth wanted him there. His cock was not nearly as long as Samuel's, but it was thicker, with a golf-ball-sized head on it. It was throbbing -- Barley was definitely into this.

"Jeez, that's a fat one," Beth said as she straddled him. "This might take a minute." She eased herself down on him, arching her back as she got that golf-ball into the opening of her vagina. "Holy shit," she said. "That is wild." She slid her pussy almost imperceptibly down Barley's shaft and stopped when she got to the base. "Don't move," she said. "Let me get used to this."

In the meantime, Ted and Samuel were standing beside the bed watching. Beth suddenly became aware of them and swept them toward her with her arms. She sucked Ted's cock and then ran her tongue along Samuel's. While she was pivoting between them her hips began moving slightly, adjusting to the thickness of Barley's bat. When she pulled her hips back from him, a dick the diameter of your forearm slowly revealed itself, veins bulging. She twitched a little and then sank down on him again. She sort of choke-giggled and said, "That takes a little getting used to."

I think she was taken by surprise when Barley started flexing his hips, driving that thick thing into her. She lay her head on his chest, ignoring the other two for the moment, and began thrusting to meet him. She started the "oh shits" a minute or two before the orgasm hit her, and made a gurgling sound when the seizure really took hold. Her poor body was flipping like a flag on a pole as they went at it, and then she went limp on Barley's body.

"Wow," she mumbled. "Samuel, I'm glad your friends could make it." She lifted her head to see that Ted was kneeling on the bed with Samuel's huge cock all the way down his throat. "God, Ted, I don't know how you do that," she said.

She looked at me and for once had nothing to say. It was spellbinding. You could see the motion in Ted's Adam's apple as he worked on Samuel, eventually pulling his head back and gasping for air. "Yay!" Beth said. "That was amazing." Then in the same breath, "Barley honey you're gonna have to pull out of there, I can't take any more of that right now." Bailey's dick slid slowly out of her and she smiled at him. "That's not a bad thing," she said. "But a girl can only take so much."

Beth rolled off Barley, and he let her have the center of the bed again. She looked at their faces thoughtfully. "Something I might want to try, maybe." She paused. "Ted, do you think you can try fucking me in the ass gently?"

Everybody looked at Ted. "Sounds lovely," he said. "Is there some lube?"

"Shit, I don't know," Beth said. She looked at me in a regal way. "Sweetie, could you be a dear and see if there is anything like lube in this place? There's got to be some lotion at least."

My dick was like a pipe sticking out in front of me as I stood up from my chair. I checked the bathroom and found a little basket with shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and -- yes -- lube. Nice place, I thought. It was a generous sized tube. I brought it in to the bed. Beth was on her stomach and Ted was standing at the foot of the bed, ready to go. "Found some actual lube," I said.

"Thank you," Beth said. "You can sit down now and watch quietly. All right Ted, let's try this." We all watched with interest as Ted lubed up his pole. His dick was the most normal of the three, but I could not imagine having something like that up my butt. On the other hand, Beth was about as turned-on and warmed-up as a girl can get, and she was clearly ready for anything. Ted got on his knees behind her and pointed his pecker at her anal opening. "Okay," Beth said. "Go slow."

Ted didn't go very slow. The tip of his cock slipped into her easily, and Beth flipped her hips back to take more. Within a minute he was fully embedded in her back end. "Holy shit," he said, "That is tight."

"Fuck me," Beth said.

The rest of us just watched as Ted thrust in and out of her. After half a minute she reached down to touch her clit, and she began pumping her hips against his fucking. This definitely goes on the highlights reel: Ted slamming her ass while she started squealing and groaning, jerking her ass back at him, playing with herself, the temperature of the interaction getting higher and higher until Beth exploded with a muffled scream. Poor Ted was gritting his teeth and squinting, and as soon as Beth's orgasm subsided he said, "That was pretty close, I should probably take a break."

Beth seemed re-energized. She said, "That was amazing. Okay, Ted, cool, look, let's you and me go to the shower and clean up after that." Ted was scooting off the bed, and Beth stood up, too. "Give us a minute, guys," she said, and the two of them disappeared into the bathroom, where we could hear the shower running.

"That was intense," Samuel said.

"No kidding," Barley agreed. They were sitting on the side of the bed. "So you've never been with a guy before?"

"No," Samuel said. "It just never came up. Until today."

"I saw Ted blowing you, you didn't seem to mind that."

"Oh no," Samuel replied. "That was kind of amazing."

"You wanna try sucking my dick?"

Samuel looked at his friend and at his friend's thick cock.

"You don't have to if you don't want, but I thought maybe you'd want to try it."

Samuel said, "I can't really think of a reason not to."

Barley laid back against the headboard with his legs spread out. "There you go," he said.

I felt like the Invisible Man, sitting there stroking my erection and watching this initiation unfolding before my eyes. Samuel got on his stomach between Barley's legs and took his friend's cock in his hands and looked at it, then looked up at Barley's face with a grin. "Well, here goes nothin'," he said. "Tell me if I'm doing it wrong." He put his lips against the head of Barley's hard-on and touched it with his tongue.

"That feels nice," Barley said. Samuel opened his mouth and sucked the big head of it into his mouth. I could see his cheeks suck in. He worked his mouth down the length of that thick shaft, about halfway, and then moved back to the tip, then down again. "Holy shit," Barley said, "You are a natural." Samuel continued to suck him, fucking his face up and down on Barley's cock. Barley was panting, trying to keep his eyes open, not wanting to miss anything.

"Okay," Barley said, "You better quit or I'm going to cum."

"That would be okay," Samuel said. "I mean, I guess I'm a cocksucker now, it doesn't hurt anything to go a little further."

"Yeah, but we ought to save something for our hostess," Barley said. Samuel lifted his head off that rock-hard pillar and looked at it, pumping it gently, drawing a stream of precum.

The bathroom door opened and Beth danced out. "Did you miss me?" she joked. Ted was right behind her. "Oh, I see. Looks like you found a way to pass the time."

"Samuel turns out to be a natural," Barley said.

"Guess I'm going queer," Samuel joked. "Oh well, best of both worlds."

Barley smiled. "So now the only thing left is to get fucked in the ass, and you've got all three bases covered."

Samuel laughed nervously. "I don't know about that," he said.

"Well I'm glad you boys are having a good time," Beth said. "I hope this will be a night to remember for everybody. Are you enjoying the show, sweetie?" She looked at me, sitting there with my dick in my hand. I nodded, not sure if I was supposed to speak. She turned back to the three men. "We had planned on finding one guy, we had definitely not expected to have three of you here."

Beth got into the bed and looked at the guys, planning what to do next. "Tell you what," she said. "Let's have another group hug." She moved into the center of the bed and the three men piled in with her. This time there was no hesitation as the man cheerfully stroked her body and each other's. They played a game where the three men ran their tongues up and down her body. One was sucking her toes while another was kissing her with his tongue down her throat and playing with her pussy with his hand, while another one went back and forth from one breast to the other, sucking and nibbling. In passing, I several times saw a cock slip into a mouth, or a hand giving a penis a tug. Somebody ate Beth's pussy till she came, two guys worked on her tits till she came again, Ted fucked her vigorously and she orgasmed again and he pulled out rather urgently, laughing. Beth was squirming and squealing and moaning as they poured it on.

Ted crouched over her shoulders, facing the wall, and fed his cock into her mouth and she took it eagerly, sucking like a madwoman. He held the headboard and pumped his hips, fucking her mouth, going deep. Samuel got between her legs and pointed that big cock of his into her pussy, and I watched in amazement as one inch after another disappeared inside her. She was moaning frantically around Ted's cock, kicking her legs in a frenzy.

Barley stood at the foot of the bed watching, and finally said, "Samuel, I think I'm going to fuck your ass."

Samuel looked back at his friend with a look of concern. "What if I can't take it?"

"You can always say no," Barley said.

"Fuck it," Samuel said, "Let's see what happens."

Barley got the lube from the bed-table and began smearing it on Samuel's asshole, working one and then two fingers inside him while he was pumping in and out of Beth. Then he squirted a gob into the palm of his hand and coated his fat cock with it, especially getting the head. Then he got on his knees behind Samuel.

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