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The Magical Labyrinth


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With her tongue deeply penetrating his scrotum and separating his testes, Rebecca opened her mouth wide and engulfed one of the testes, holding it between her tongue and the roof of her mouth. Then she closed her lips and began to suckle it, rolling it with her tongue and sucking it to the back of her throat. She ran her tongue along the tubular epididymis from his testis to the roof of his scrotal sac. She expected Robert to begin to stress, but his reaction was completely different. His entire body began to quiver, but was still totally relaxed, his penis wilting to complete softness. Rebecca was shocked both by his body reaction, and how much she enjoyed holding his totally flaccid penis.

"It's a display of complete trust," she thought. "No need to fear a limp penis with his girl. No fear of scrotal damage... Would I be capable of this? Maybe not. He has completely accepted me as his wife... as his wife... as his wife!" Tears started to flow from her eyes. She unlocked the testis from her mouth, lovingly kissing his sac for a moment, and then decided to continue her exploration. After spreading his buttocks with her fingers just behind the scrotum, she placed her tongue deep into the parted fold and began to lap his anus.

Robert sighed at the pleasure. Rebecca lapped with a dry tongue for a while, but then added moisture as the minutes passed. She could feel the anus dilate with her tongue under the intense stimulation, and after a moment's thought began to penetrate tiny opening with her tongue, finding it deeply arousing how the anus would grip her tongue at first, but then relax and allow penetration when she suckled the anus into her mouth with her lips. Robert's penis swelled within her hand, but stayed below a full erection. His breathing was so deep and slow she started to wonder if she had put him to sleep. "I have such wondrous control," she thought. "He is so sweet to let me control him like this! I love him so much!"

Rebecca lightly lifted her tongue from his anus. "Asleep?" she whispered.

Robert opened his eyes. "No. Just drifting. You put my body into states I didn't know it had. I feel... so sexy! So relaxed! I love you so much Rebecca! And I think you are playing my body like a violin... You wonderfully sexy musician... I'm so relaxed I can barely talk..."

Rebecca turned and hugged Robert, kissed his throat and then his nipple. A small lick turned into a gentle suckle, and she thought he would drift off. But the suckle produced an unexpected effect for her, she felt his penis in her hand stiffen to full erection as she suckled his nipple. "This is so interesting!" she thought. "In some ways we are alike, in some ways so different. I can put him to sleep by suckling his scrotum! He could never do that to me... But wait! What's the female equivalent of a scrotum? Perhaps I don't have the right model... Ah, I should let him rest..."

"Robert, do you want to sleep?"

"Almost... Can I explore you a bit first?"

"Oh sure! I'd love it!"

Robert turned and lay by Rebecca's side, kissing her while petting the small of her back. Rebecca was just beginning to relax and enjoy the affection when he smiled mischievously and bent down and lightly bit her nipple. Rebecca gasped as her body was hit with something that felt like a small electric jolt. Then Robert reached over and licked and briefly suckled the nipple on her other breast, releasing it just as the nipple started to expand into his mouth. Switching back and forth, he soon had both her nipples fully erect and begging. Rebecca was aching for a prolonged suckle. He then turned and ignored her breasts completely, running his nose against and gently kissing the instep of her left foot.

"Oh you cruel beast! Someday you'll pay for abandoning me like that..."

"Aha! I know! I can hardly wait..."

Robert continued fondling Rebecca's feet and lower legs, slowly working his way past the sensitive backs of her knees and up her thighs. Rebecca was startled how aroused she was getting over his kisses and the caresses of his hands. She closed her eyes and drifted. A short time later, she blinked in surprise as she felt his tongue begin to lick her anus. He was so gentle and loving she hadn't noticed him separating her buttocks before. But as the licking continued and turned into anal suckling , Rebecca felt a fierce heat rising in her loins.

"All's fair," she thought. "He accepted me to orally couple to his anus. I will do the same. But I find this incredibly arousing! He was relaxed. I am definitely not relaxed! I feel slick and dilated. I want anal penetration... What!? Do I really? Yes! Maybe it's because I'm female... My mind is more in gear with being receptive for sex. Perhaps Robert is more in gear with penetration for sex... Having an anus slick and dilated is hitting my female need to be receptive for sex, desiring him to enter me anally. Perhaps it's just not the same for males... Or perhaps it is! Something to explore at a future date..."

Rebecca started to shiver and gasp as Robert's tongue began to slip past her anus. She felt so slippery, so sexy, the desire for anal mounting became a physical need and her body began to shake...

"Robert, I want you to anal mount me. Try to be gentle if you can, but please anal mount me."

The tongue withdrew from her anus. "Becky? Dearest Becky, I think that would hurt you. I don't think I can do it."

"It won't hurt. Do me!"


"You heard me! Do me. Do me up my ass! I want to hold your penis with my rectum. I want to feel its head sliding all the way up into my colon. Do me Robert! Do me now! Do me up my ass!"

"Becky, I can't hurt you. I'm not capable of it... Err, how about a compromise?"


"Trust me. I think you'll like this. Take some deep breaths. Try to relax your sphincter. I'll be inside you soon..."

Rebecca closed her eyes and spread her legs far apart, smiling in anticipation and wondering what was about to happen.

She soon felt Robert's finger softly nudging its way past her anus, as gentle as a soft caress. She also felt his lips begin searching the folds of her labia, exploring high up into the top of her labia until she felt her clitoris pulled out of its protective hood with a strong suckle. Robert's finger then began a quick up and down stroke, fully penetrating into her rectum and his hand slapping her buttocks with the strength of the down-strokes.

Rebecca's whole body began to shake. She dimly realized a tremendous orgasm was building but the sexuality was so intense her thoughts would not form. She just gasped in her breaths and started to moan. Robert felt her clitoris disappear from his lips, retracting in her deep arousal. Maintaining the fast thrusting into her rump, he dropped his lips, smelling her vagina, searching for it with his lips, but found instead a small bump just above the vaginal opening. He suckled the bump fiercely into his mouth. He felt the small bump open on top, and he pressed his tongue down into the opening.

Rebecca screamed loudly as her orgasm exploded within her. Her loins were on fire, and the sexual release was overwhelming, her legs spasming into thick ropes of muscle, and Robert felt her anus lock his finger with a death grip. He rotated his finger around her rectum, intensely stimulating the sensitive walls, and Rebecca screamed again.

Rebecca slowly felt she was regaining her sanity. She opened her eyes, and realized Robert had moved both of them into the sleeping bag for the night. He was lying by her side with one hand resting on her pubic fur.

"Robert! Do you know what you did to me?"

"Sort of. It was a spur of the moment thing. I'm glad you liked it."

"Liked it?! It was awesome! You suckled my urethra slit! Popped it open and pushed your tongue into the super-sensitive tissue just as I started to orgasm. I never guessed anything... ANYTHING could be so intense... I'll return the favor soon. Your urethra slit is a lot easier to find at the end of your penis. Here, feel how I can pop it open just by squeezing your penis like this? Someday soon, I'll oral suckle you to orgasm, and try your technique on you..."

"Sounds great! I love you so much Rebecca. You are the most wonderful and sexy person in the world!"

Rebecca gave Robert a playful smile. "Perhaps you were right, perhaps we should have waited to marry. I didn't realize what an absolute timid chicken I married when it comes to sex. Am I never to have the pleasure of your cock buried up my rump?"

"Ha! And I never realized what a kinky side you have to your sexuality. Yes, we should have waited. Ha! This is going to be so much fun to explore. But seriously, I can't hurt you... To dominate you with anal intercourse would be an incredible thrill to my male ego. But we'll have to approach the issue with gentleness. Perhaps... Becky, can we wait until we're back on Earth before we explore this?"

"You're right. I've also given up all hope that we're on Earth now... Yes, I can wait. And I can't imagine ever wanting to cause you pain, any pain at all, even in the kinkiest sex. I should honor your desire not to hurt me. But if you ever change your mind... Well, if you were biting my nipple and got carried away a bit, I wouldn't mind... Just make sure I'm fully aroused first..."

Rebecca snuggled her head against Robert's chest. "I do love you Robert. And it feels so nice, being held like this. I can tell you like my pubic fur, I love how you're stroking it. I'm so glad you like it. My fur down there is a lot thicker than most girls. If you'd like a change sometime, I can shave it for you. Give my pubic a little-girl look for you. I know it's popular for a girl to excite her guy by presenting him a little-girl look and feel to her pubic..."

"It'll be fun to explore sometime. But I think more often I'll like you just like this. So bushy! It's very sexy! Much more sexy than... well..."

"What!? I thought I was your first girlfriend! How many female pubes have you seen!?"

"Ha! The digital-age-old question. What were you doing for sex before I met you?"

"The digital-age-old question? What? Oh! The Internet! Of course. I would use it sometimes too when I wanted to masturbate. But we females aren't as visually oriented towards sex as you males. Of course you've seen lots of naked females... Robert... Being married to me shouldn't mean you can't masturbate, or fantasize about other females. Just make sure they stay fantasies! But I won't mind if you feel the urge to masturbate and look at sexy stuff on the Internet occasionally. Just don't let it compete with you having sex with me..."

"Rebecca, you are so sweet! I won't. I promise."

"I guess I'm glad we're here in one regard. I dimly remember screaming during my last orgasm. It was so intense. My entire uterus was spasming. I've never had that happen before. Never realized sex could be that intense. I'm glad we're here. It'd be embarrassing to scream like that if other people could hear me. I can't believe Millie slept through it."

"She didn't. I glanced over. She looked a little worried, but then calmed down when she realized you were okay."

"What? I've never heard of a dog like that. All dogs I know of would want to join in the action if something sexy was going on."

"I know. Millie is very unusual. She has a compassion, an understanding about her that goes way outside what you'd expect from a dog. She's a damn good dog. Smartest one I've ever met. Socially sensitive enough to give us privacy. I've never heard of such a thing."

"Robert, are you up for one more experiment tonight?"

"Of a sexual nature?"

"Perhaps... Yes, actually."

"Wow! Rebecca, you are one hot firecracker, a true delight. A vixen perhaps, something I wouldn't have guessed, but a true delight! What do you have in mind?"

"I was fascinated when I suckled you sac, how relaxed I could make you. I was wondering if you could do the same for me. I've been thinking of what would be the female equivalent of your testes and epididymis tubes. I want to try something. Give me your hand. Thanks. Now, extend you index finger, just lock it into position. Let me control the pressure. I'll teach you how deeply to press..."

Rebecca began tracing her reproductive system with Robert's finger. "Feel the shape of my uterus?" I'm tracing the outline now. Feel how it's in the shape of an inverted pear? At the bottom, can you still feel it through my pubic fur? Good! This bottom part is my cervix, the narrow neck of my uterus. Hard to believe our children will someday have to pass through it. The tip of the uterus, right.... here... has a slit in it, opening to the deep back end of my vagina. You've nailed that slit twice so far with your orgasms. I could feel it getting smeared with your semen when you came. Your body is really hot to impregnate me... Anyway, back up top here, right... here, and... here... are my two ovaries. Note how much pressure I'm using. Any more might be uncomfortable. But this amount feels quite stimulating, quite nice actually... Pay attention now, I'm tracing my Fallopian tubes, where our children will be conceived, connecting my ovaries to the wide top of my uterus... along here, and... here. Have you gotten all this?"

"Yes... Dearest Becky, thank you for trusting me. I love understanding your body like this!"

"Now, I want you to caress my ovaries and Fallopian tubes. I'm going to close my eyes and enjoy this. I'm fascinated as to whether I'll find this stimulating, relaxing, or both."

Rebecca closed her eyes and sighed as Robert began to caress the intimate core of her reproductive system. She soon began to shudder in delight as his finger pressed into her ovaries and ran side to side along her tubes. Her breathing became very deep and slow. Robert quietly continued the caresses, in love with the feeling of how completely his lovely wife was trusting him. "Asleep?" he whispered after a long while. Rebecca did not respond. She was fast asleep, though her body was still quivering in delight from the caresses. Robert kept it up for over an hour, hoping to give his darling mate the most delightful of dreams.

Chapter 8.

The next week flowed very slowly. The utter barren nature of the new maze and the total lack of color were difficult for both Robert and Rebecca to overcome. Millie was a great comfort, a sponge for affection, always in delight whenever they took the time to pet her. Driven by the pressing need to change their environment, they worked 18-hour stretches of mapping work, with just brief pauses to kiss and caress each other. Their sleep periods together were affectionate but just slightly removed from platonic.

The maze was looking more and more like another 19 x 19 x 19 grid, which kept their spirits up somewhat. They had a well-defined timescale for searching all the rooms and finding an exit, assuming that the labyrinth in a stroke of absolute cruelty had not doomed them to a dead-end maze. It was at the end of their tenth day in the second maze that they discovered another exit pipe, identical in appearance to the first exit that failed.

"Well, here we go again! Feeling lucky today Rob?"

"Yep! Be still, my beating heart! Escape is here at least. Okay if I go first again?"

"It's my turn, don't you think?"

"Well... I remember you once called me your knight in shining armor. I really enjoy trying to protect you as best I can. My male ego really eats this stuff up. I'd like to go first, but I'll step aside if you want to take the point."

"Oh, go ahead! Millie follows you a lot better than me anyway, and it'll be best if she's between us. At least we can give her that little protection."

"You're thinking of her as your child, aren't you?"

"A little I guess. Yeah."

"Me too. I've gotten quite attached to her. She has such a sweet personality. Anyway, flashlights out, gear buckled down, let's hit the pipe!"

Robert started crawling, and soon noticed the beginning of gravity. After crawling about 40 feet he seemed to have past the point of full gravity, and the extra weight was starting to be uncomfortable. He crawled along for a while, his weight increasing, and then he called out, "Becky, it's decision time! The pipe is not dead-ending but is bending down. The walls are pretty slippery too, like glass. If I go any further, I think I'll start to slide. Gravity is ramping way up. I'm at the point of no return. What do you think?"

"Oh I hate this place! I'm inclined to gamble and go on. How about you?"

"I feel the same way. Give me at least a 10-second head start before you follow with Millie. If you hear me scream, go back and try to find another exit, okay?"

Robert heard Rebecca gasp and struggle to hold back her emotions. "Okay. God keep you safe Robert."

Rebecca watched as Robert inched forward and then was suddenly sucked down the tube. He was gone in a flash, and as the seconds stretched there was only silence. "Oh, I hate this place!" Rebecca thought again. She let go of Millie who followed Robert's path and soon disappeared. Rebecca prepared herself mentally and then took the plunge herself.

Rebecca was amazed by what happened next. The pipe had a 270-degree bend in it, bending straight down but then continuing to curl and heading straight up. Within the loop, the gravitational vector aligned itself with the pipe, so she began to be accelerated up the pipe head first, in about a two Earth gravity field. "Holy Shit!" she thought. "I'm being turned into a human bullet." Gravity then disappeared and reversed, slowing her down. The pipe bent to a horizontal track and she slid rapidly along the glasslike surface. There was a light at the end of the tunnel, and she was at last ejected from the pipe, falling into something soft and supportive. She blinked and realized that she was being held in Robert's arms.

"Hi sweetie. Hell of a ride, isn't it?"

"Yeah," said Rebecca, standing up. "And who caught you?"

"Well, no one. I took a bit of a tumble. Fortunately I thought about catching you two just soon enough to catch Millie." Millie was standing nearby, her tail wagging madly. She was so happy to be able to walk with gravity again.

Rebecca looked about the large empty room. It was about 40 feet by 40 feet, with a 12- foot high ceiling, but the wall opposite the pipe opening was missing, leaving that side of the room open to a huge cavernous space. Robert and Rebecca walked to the edge of the opening and stared down. "Sure looks familiar, doesn't it?" murmured Rebecca.

Below them was the enormous cylindrical tank. About 200 feet below them stood their entrance room, sitting on the top of pinnacle extending over 1500 feet down. The tank appeared entirely drained of water, and the tops of the outer spirals were still visible along the tank wall, along with the 9-foot circular ledge about 130 feet below them. The original lighted ceiling location appeared to have moved up several hundred feet. There was a 2-foot path from their room that cut straight across the center of the tank to a room on the opposite side. The path appeared 2 feet wide and about 1 foot thick, and was without handrails. The first half of the path was green, and the second half was colored orange.

"Becky... Do you think you can walk that path? It's over a 200-meter walk on a 2-foot path..."

"When I was growing up my town had a community pool with 3-meter and 5-meter diving boards. I'm very familiar with walking the plank with a little height, but nothing like this. On the plus side, 2 feet is a little wider than a diving board, and it looks rigid, no bounce. I also did balance beam in high school gym, and 4 inches is much more difficult than 2 feet! I think I can do this..."

Robert sat down and began to shake. "I've never done anything like this. I never did any diving, never had to challenge a fear of heights. My mind is rebelling against doing this..."


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