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The Making of a Man Ch. 01


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"Wow, that does sort of complicate my little plan, doesn't it? You shouldn't feel bad though. How could you know? Any idea how Rachel will proceed? It would be easy for her to snatch him away if she wanted."

"She won't do that. Not her style. I think she tends to see men like we do. Disposable play things. Even if she doesn't see Nick as disposable, she does see him as a play thing. Sweet and adorable but still a play thing. Besides, when we spoke, I told her of your plans and she assured me she wouldn't get in your way. In fact, she even agreed to keep him all frustrated so you can have more fun with him when you're ready."

"Well I have to admit, I'm impressed. Not easy for a nineteen year old girl to not give in to their crush. You think very highly of her, don't you?"

"I really do, Elyse. She's a remarkable young lady. Kind and decent, mature, intelligent and confident for her age. She reminds me so much of myself at that age but she also has something I didn't have then; the wisdom to think things through and make good decisions. You know my story; every bad decision I made at that age involved a man at some level. I think she will never suffer the issues I did at that age and I really want her to be successful and happy."

"She's an amazing writer by the way and I'm trying to convince her to make something of that skill. I told her I have contacts in publishing who would be willing to work with her if she put in the effort, which I think she would once she made up her mind to write as a career. I plan to remain friends with her and mentor her along if she will have it."

"Well I trust your judgment implicitly. I'm sure she's a wonderful person, Jen. And she would be crazy not to accept your career advice."

"So that brings me back to Nick. Not that I care about him being that he's only a man. He's a decent young man sure, but it's you and Rachel I'm thinking about now. I tossed out an idea to Rachel and she seemed intrigued but only if you were okay with it. The idea was establishing some sort of arrangement where you and her could share Nick. Obviously, you and Rachel would need to get to know each other better. I'm certain Rachel would be fine with sharing. She really is a lot like us in that regard. And if you weren't comfortable in that, I know she will honor her word and steer clear of Nick for your benefit."

"I can see you've been worried about all this. You can stop worrying Jen! I'm more than twice Nick's age. Whatever he and I enjoy together will be short lived and as you've pointed out before, I get bored quickly. He will eventually settle down with some nice girl his own age and who am I to stop that from ever happening? To me, he's just a potential and temporary play thing and I've never had an issue sharing my toys with friends. You know that! I'd like to meet Rachel. If you call her friend, then I'm sure I'll like her immediately. This little development could actually be great fun. Imagine the poor boy trying to keep two insatiable women completely satisfied!"

Feigning hurt feelings, Jen injected, "Two? What about me?"

Elyse laughed, "okay, three insatiable women! With a bit of planning on our part, we could keep him in the dark about knowing one another and force him to maintain separate relationships. It would be hilarious to see him run ragged! To find out just how much endurance the young man has. You don't suppose he'd try to be monogamous?"

"Think about it Elyse...an eighteen year old boy who just learned how great sex feels with a woman. Being pursued by several beautiful women he has fantasied about, all who want nothing more than sex, do you really think he'd cling to monogamy? Sweet as he is, he's only a guy for god's sake!"

"What was I thinking? You're right of course! Okay, I'll still plan on seducing Nick after he graduates but I won't completely ensnare him. I'll just keep him begging for more. In the meantime, introduce me to Rachel and if we all become friends, I'll propose the sharing idea and we can iron out details of how we plan to interact with him, what we will permit him to know, and so on."

"So, I've saved this last little update for last, knowing you will get a real kick out of it."

Jen went on to surprise Elyse with details of the last time she intentionally teased Nick alone after school to test his confidence around women after he had been with Rachel. Elyse was nearly falling over with laughter as Jen detailed the story of her sitting on her desk deliberately displaying her dripping pussy to Nick.

"After the poor boy left, I texted Rachel that he was in a desperate state. I'm hoping she had a bit of fun with that!"

"Damn, Jen! I would have loved to witness that incident. Too bad you don't have video surveillance in your class!"

"It was priceless for sure. But he handled the sexual tension really well. He was dying for me to offer it to him! There was a moment when I made it clear he could have me if he took the initiative and you should have seen the look on his face when I snapped my legs closed, closing the open window. I think that was my favorite moment. Someday he will learn how hard it is for any man to fuck me and he will always look back at that moment and kick himself for his inaction. I hope to remind him of that missed opportunity when he is on his knees begging to be inside me."

"You are the cruelest woman I know Jen! Please don't ever change!"

Now it was time to surprise Jen with her own update. Elyse laid out the whole story to Jen of the pool incident along with her assessment of how Nick handled himself.

"I was so tempted to take him right then, Jen. The moment was right, but I had to keep telling myself to wait just a bit longer. That the extra build up would be worth it."

"So there's only the rest of this week and all of next till the end of school. I assume you're going to tease him again this weekend?"

"Absolutely. And the following weekend, I plan to rock his world!"

The next week went by uneventfully for Nick, much to his disappointment. He interacted with Rachel before and during class, but she wasn't able to meet up with him after school claiming her mom was working slightly different hours lately and got home much earlier. Rachel did flirt a bit with him though and even reminded him that she hadn't forgot her promise, asking him to keep holding out as long as he could.

A couple times during the week, Nick hung around after Ms. Blizen's class for a couple minutes pretending to be gathering his stuff but secretly hoping his teacher would flirt with him some more. Sadly, she was busy each time and didn't seem to notice his loitering.

By Saturday, Nick was horny as hell and feeling neglected. He greatly looked forward to seeing Elyse but he recalled her paying him early the previous week claiming she probably wouldn't be home.

Elyse greeted him as he arrived to cut the grass and she was wearing a sexy, short black skirt along with another tight, low cut tank top like the week before, this one in red.

"Hi Nick!"

Nick's heart raced and his spirits soared. She was home after all and dressed in a way that made him start getting hard at first sight.

"Hello Mrs. Johnson. I thought you weren't going to be home today."

"I wasn't sure, but my plans changed after all." With a mock pouty face, she added, "Aren't you glad to see me?"

"Of course Mrs. Johnson! I was just pleasantly surprised."

"Oh, there's no need for the formal 'Mrs. Johnson' title, Nick. I mean, you've seen me naked after all! Call me Elyse."

"I'd like that Elyse. Thank you."

"I need to take care of something but don't run off when you finish. You promised to have tea with me and share details of the first woman you've seen naked."

Nick stumbled a bit with his words. He never made such a promise, but he wasn't sure what to say. He hated the idea of 'kiss and tell' but what she proposed provided quality time with a woman he highly desired and best of all, they would be talking about something very exciting. Nick almost tried to back out but then he remembered Elyse telling him before that she rarely had sex anymore. For the briefest of moments, he thought of Ms. Blizen's remark that had haunted him ever since, Be sure to seize the moment when opportunity knocks.

"I'd love to have tea with you, Elyse. Thank you."

As Nick began with the yard, Elyse ran to her bedroom and made sure the curtain and window were open a few inches.

Elyse laid on her bed completely naked and got to work with her favorite vibrator. She positioned herself on her back with her pussy facing the window to provide a nice view for him if he took the bait. She could hear the mower in the front, so she knew she had a little time. She slowly worked herself into a frenzy and kept edging herself waiting for Nick to start the back yard. When she heard the mower shut off and the gate latch jiggle, she let herself go loudly.


Elyse continued her loud moans and passionate shouts throughout her very real and very intense orgasm. As she came down, she pumped the dildo in and out of herself vigorously. She realized the delay in mowing indicated that he must have heard her and decided to watch.

Elyse became even more excited at the thought of him watching her and this caused her to pump her dildo faster bringing her to yet another fantastic climax. Elyse imagined him using some of his new found skills licking her pussy. Soon he would be but for now, she screamed and moaned and let it all out knowing Nick was outside watching and enjoying the show, unable to do anything with his own desire. After a couple minutes, she slowed her pace and allowed herself to enjoy her post orgasmic bliss. As she shifted in her bed and removed her dildo, she saw the flash of movement outside the window, knowingly smiling at what she was doing to the poor young man.

Elyse smiled at how easy it was to hold his attention. Weeks prior, he was simply a play toy but now she was genuinely looking forward to making love with him, feeling everything that Rachel recently felt with him. She donned her tight skirt and tank top, but this time decided to leave her panties and bra behind. With any luck, she could find fun ways to keep him squirming.

Nick's mind went blank when he looked in Elyse's bedroom window and saw her masturbating. She was magnificent: a work of art. Her beautiful body was all laid out in front of him. Her legs spread so he could watch the dildo piercing in and out as she moaned and writhed on her bed. Her nipples were visibly hard and he longed to taste them. After several minutes, she finished up and he knew he had to move away or risk being caught.

Nick struggled to adjust his swollen cock while he cut the grass. He wondered how he was going to hide his erection while they had tea but deep down, he knew that wasn't really possible. As he completed his task, he saw Elyse come outside and she motioned him to come into the house.

Nick was embarrassed as walked through the door, knowing that his hard on had to be visible to her. Elyse said nothing however and didn't even look down at his crotch so maybe, he thought, he could get through this without further embarrassment.

Elyse had the tea ready and invited him to sit in one of the living room reclining rocking chairs. She sat in another and started the conversation.

"So, Nick, I must say, you surprised me last week when you said I wasn't the first nude woman you've ever seen. Are you going to tell me about it or leave me in suspense?"

"Well Mrs. Johnson, I mean Elyse, I've been kind of thinking that it seems wrong to brag about something like that. I would never want to say things that could damage the reputation of another."

"Well I was wondering if you actually lost your virginity or just saw a naked woman under less exciting circumstances. I guess I have my answer! Wow, Nick. Don't take this the wrong way but I always assumed you were still a virgin, being so shy around girls and all. I'm very pleased for you that you've experienced that kind of joy. Losing your virginity is an amazing experience you will never forget."

Nick tried not to appear nervous but inside he was struggling. Elyse was turning him on and he really needed to adjust himself again. Her skirt was very short and it allowed him to see most of her legs. Her tank top was tight and she obviously hadn't put her bra back on so her nipples were sticking out. Nick hadn't recovered from watching her through the window and being with her in this closer setting was driving him insane.

Before Nick could respond, Elyse added, "I think it's really cute that you're trying not to brag to protect the reputation of this other person but don't forget, I would never know who she is unless you told me. And likely, she'd be younger than me and I'd never know her anyway. But if you like, I'll share my first experience before you share."

Nick relaxed a little and agreed. Elyse made up a nice story about her first sexual experience and tried to make it sound much better than it actually was. In reality, she didn't climax and didn't enjoy it very much at all. Elyse went on with her fake first-time story trying to make it as exciting as possible, all the while watching for clues to gauge Nick's arousal. When she mentioned blow jobs, Nick shifted uncomfortably, and she knew she had him.

"...after that, I knew I loved going down on a guy. There was something about having that kind of control over a man's pleasure. I think I enjoy giving them more than men enjoy receiving them!"

"Let me get us some more tea," she laughed, "you look like you need a moment to calm yourself! I can see your heart pounding in your chest, Nick!"

As Elyse grabbed his glass and walked off, she could see that he was ready to fall. It would take no effort at this point to have him, she knew. She had him exactly where she wanted him and it would take more effort now to control her own impulses and wait just a bit longer.

Nick felt like he wanted to cry in frustration as Elyse described giving her first blow job, the one sex act he cherished above all others. When she finished, he was breathing heavy and could only say that it sounded pretty amazing. Mercifully, she grabbed his glass and left to get more tea, allowing him to adjust his cock in his pants. It was only too obvious that he was hard and he knew he could do nothing to hide it.

Elyse returned a moment later with full tea glasses and asked if he now felt more comfortable telling his first-time story. He figured she had seen his erection by now and her story clearly showed that he could speak more openly with her.

Nick began to tell his story at the beginning by saying that she was right about him being shy around girls. He admitted that he lost his virginity only weeks ago and that it was a life changer for him.

Nick recounted all of the details of his seduction and included his own fears and feelings as the experience played out. He described in generality some of the things he learned and went into a bit extra detail about how much he enjoyed going down on a woman and making her happy.

Elyse enjoyed getting this kind of real insight into his feelings. Both she and Jen had been talking about him like he was an inanimate sex toy but hearing him recall the experience, she could see him as a real person. He was kind and considerate and she found herself thinking that if a real relationship developed between him and Rachel, she would encourage it. But that was some time away, if it ever happened at all so there was no reason not to enjoy him as originally planned.

Elyse was thrilled to hear in his own words how much he appreciated putting a lover's needs before his own. She planned to test him in that area often.

"Wow Nick, that's quite a story. It left me a little bothered. And you seem to be in some discomfort yourself."

Nick found himself blushing again as Elyse motioned at his bulge. He was aching for release at this point and he badly wanted Elyse but he still wasn't quite sure how to initiate such a move.

"So, Nick, what's next with this girl? Sounds like she enjoys being with you."

"I'm not sure what to do to be honest. I like her a lot, and I'd love to be with her more often but I can't say that it's love or anything like that. I have feelings for other women too and it's all very confusing for me. I am not sure how to act on them or if I should even try to limit it to just one person. That sounds messed up, doesn't it?"

"I don't think so Nick. Lots of people take multiple lovers. It's messed up when you start deceiving them, making them believe your feelings are stronger than they are or telling them they are the only one. What about this girl though?"

"Oddly enough, she doesn't seem to want any kind of commitment from me. She seems satisfied with just having sex. The last time we were together, I gave her a full body massage and went down on her just the way she likes it and I found it all amazing. I lose track of time when I'm doing it. We ran out of time though and she promised me an amazing climax if I would hold out for her. I've been doing that, but it gets more difficult each day."

"Well Nick, my advice would first be to hold your orgasm until you are with a woman, any woman. Masturbating is not nearly as good. Trust me. When you hold it for a week or two, the climax you will get when you are with someone will be that much more sensational."

Nick listened to Elyse carefully.

"Second, if you made no commitment to anyone, then you are free to 'play the field' as they say. You're young. Enjoy yourself. I'd say if you are able to have more than one open relationship without wearing yourself out, have at it."

Nick smiled. He liked her advice.

"If you enjoy going down on a woman more than anything and you have a willing partner like this girl, then you should go down on her every chance you get. You both get what you want. And if another woman comes along who also wants to play, no reason you should hold back, right?"

"You're right Elyse. I think I'll take that advice. All of it."

"Young man, if I were younger, I'd show you what an experienced woman could teach you. You'd be eating out of the palm of my hand before you knew it. Well, I hate to end such a stimulating moment between us, but I am going to need to go soon. Maybe we can do this again some time?"

Nick practically groaned out loud in frustration. He wanted to say that he liked older women as much as ones his own age. That he had liked her for some time now and found her very exciting. And mostly, that he cherished the idea of eating out of a woman's hand.

Part Four - Nick's Surrender

Nick made his way through the final week of school and to his disappointment, nothing further developed with Ms. Blizen. Rachel managed to get Nick alone in an empty classroom for a couple minutes and Nick desperately hoped she would give him at least a hand job.

Nick was thanking the stars when she got on her knees and starting giving him an amazing blowjob. But just before he could cum, they heard voices outside the classroom and she was forced to stop. As he zipped up, she gave him a playful kiss and told him his finish would be all the sweeter if he could just hold it a bit longer.

Unfortunately, the opportunity didn't come, and school ended a few days later. They had each other's phone numbers now, so he knew that he just needed to be patient.

Despite the week's frustrations, Nick held in his heart that the best day of the week could be Saturday when he saw Elyse again. He knew the likelihood of her ever being with him was small, but he liked to pretend he had a shot and if nothing else, she teased him in such delightful ways and that alone made him feel like a real man.

On Saturday, Nick saw Elyse's car but not her. He desperately hoped she might make an appearance before he left. As he started cutting her front lawn, it occurred to him that maybe he'd be lucky to witness her masturbating again or find her nude by the poolside. When he came around the side and closed the gate, he thought he heard a faint buzzing sound through her window.


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