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The Mandy Comet Story

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The story of a Web Camera Star.
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Chapter 01 Introduction

As the computer monitor comes to life the screen shows a beautiful naked woman groaning as she fucks herself on a couch with a vibrator while the words "Welcome to the Mandy Comet Show" moves across the top of the screen. The woman continues to groan as she moves the throbbing tool in and out of her now dripping cunt as she stares off into space.

Suddenly the woman's voice becomes short panting grunts as the camera zooms in just as her body begins to shake. Liquid spurts out around the dildo onto the couch in a flood as the woman's ragged gasps of breath echo throughout the room.

After a few seconds, she brings her legs slowly together and moves her knees up to her chest, looks into the camera and says breathlessly" I hope you enjoyed that because I sure in the hell did. Oh by the way, if you had not guessed, my name is Mandy Comet and this is my very first broadcast of my show. I do hope you guys and gals will enjoy what I have planned."

Mandy smiles into the camera, gets up, walks over to a computer, sits down and begins to read the messages that are beginning to stream across the screen.

John writes, "Welcome to the world of adult web cams Mandy. That was a great entrance by the way."

"Thank you John," Mandy writes back.

Stan writes, "Yeah Mandy welcome, say who is that woman in back of you. She appears to be chained between two posts."

The camera now zooms in on the individual in question as Mandy writes, "Meet Emma Peabody from England. She wants to be a submissive, anyway that is was she told me; she desires to be humiliated and abused.

The screen zooms in closer to Emma everyone can see her large firm tits as they rise and fall with each breath the chained woman takes.

Mandy continued, "I thought we could take this on as a long term project. You know you guys and gals come up with ideas and I get the pleasure of implementing them."

Mandy's screen explodes in a stream of approval from numerous writers.

After the approvals finally die off, Tim writes, "Say Mandy is it true what they wrote about you in the story on "Mountain View Herald?"

Mandy leaned over her keyboard and types the answer, "Which part?"

"Tim writes, "All of it."

John writes, "What about "Mountain View Herald?" "What was in it? I never read it."

"What was in the story was true," she typed.

Suddenly the screen lit up as requests for her story inundated the screen.

Mandy took a deep breath, she really did not want to relive that part of her life, but she knew that if she wanted to make this show a success she would have to please her audience.

"Where do you want me to start," she typed.

It was unanimous, "From the beginning," they all typed.

"Ok," she replied, "I will try and include some parts that were not in the original story. Maybe that way those of you who have read it will not be too bored."

She down opened a drawer, pulled out a small flash-drive and plugged it into a USB port opened up a word file and thought, "I am glad I kept this."

Once the file was opened she posted it on her blog. Once posted, she sent a post to everyone saying, "Here it is guys and gals enjoy, I will be back later to see how you liked it;" then she signed off.

A. The Beginning

I guess you can say my problem started when I just turned 18. My step-father, Harry S. Brown who was the Chief of Detectives in Lands-end, had married my mother when I was twelve. I never liked the man but was forced to put up with him. My mother, Angelica, said that we needed his support or we would be out on the street. So I kept my mouth shut and tried to stay out of his way.

At night it would be hard to ignore them. I could hear Mom crying out in pain as Harry grunted, "You like it rough don't you Bitch."

One night my curiosity got the best me and I got out of bed, quietly went up to their bedroom door and opened it just a little. There to my surprise I saw Mom with her arms painfully bent backwards. Harry was using them for leverage as he rammed his cock in and out of her rectum. All I could do was stand there in shock. Finally I just walked back to my bedroom. There was nothing I could do. When I got back to my bedroom and tried to sleep I could not get the picture of the two of them out of my mind. I don't know why but, I began to feel hot and wet between my legs. I had a hard time getting to sleep that night.

Everything was going as good as could be expected when, just after I turned 18, Harry bought a new red Mercedes convertible. At the same time I finally got my learner's permit and I was excited that I was going to be able to drive that new car. The day he brought the car home he informed me that he and my Mother were going to be away for the weekend and I was not to touch the car.

As he and my Mother got into the cab that was to take them to the airport, he again said I was not to touch the car. It was not the fact I was not to drive the car that made me mad, it was the way he said it, as if I was some lowly servant being given orders. As I watched them leave all I could think was his fucking tone of voice. They were no sooner out of sight when I went back into the house grabbed the car keys. I was going to show him what I thought of his fucking orders.

I had all my driving lessons and only needed to take my test so I knew how to drive. I turned the engine on, put it in gear and started to back out of the driveway when I heard a screech of brakes. I quickly looked to my left and saw a car coming out of nowhere. I slammed on my brakes and brought Harry's car to a dead stop.

I got out of the car and was immediately confronted by our neighbor, Ron Baskerville. "You are the dumbest little Bitch I have ever seen. Don't you look before you back out on the road?"

"Mr. Baskerville," I replied shaking, "I am so sorry I didn't see you. Look nothing was damaged. I will just put my step-father's car back in the driveway and you can go on your way."

"That is not going to happen young lady," he snapped, "I am a police officer and I would be remiss if I did not give you a ticket. Let me see your driver's license."

Without thinking I gave me him learner's permit.

He stared at the permit and asked, "Where are your parents?"

"They just left for the weekend," I replied.

"Driving without a valid license can be punished by jail time and or a large fine," he snapped. "A learner's permit is not a valid driver's license so I am going to have to take you down to the station, book you and let you cool your heels there until you parents get home."

"Please," I beg him, "you can't do that. He will kill me. Please I will do whatever you want, but don't put me in jail."

"What did you just say," he replied astonished.

I took a deep breath and said softly, "I will do whatever you want if you don't book me."

He said, "Little Lady, you have no idea what you just offered."

I was not virgin. I had let Bobby Billings stick his cock in me just when I turned 18. I did it because I thought I wanted him to be my boyfriend and sure he no sooner got it in when he shot his load, so I knew what sex was. When I told my Mother she just shook her head, took me to the Doctors to make sure I did not have a STD and put me on birth control. With this knowledge, I snapped back at Ron Baskerville, "Yes I do, I know exactly what I am offering. I have seen you look at me. I know that you would like to fuck me. So what do you say?"

He looked down at me and asked, "You said that your parents are going to be gone the entire weekend?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Put your car in the driveway, lockup you house, you are going to spend the weekend with me and you will do everything I say or I will book you."

I nodded my head, turned, got back into the Mercedes, started it up, put it in gear and drove it back in the driveway. Once parked, I turned off the engine, got out and lock it up. I turned to Ron Baskerville and said, "I will go in the house and get a few things."

"No," he said, "you will not need them."

I stood there frozen, then turned shacking trying not to think what I just got myself into and climbed beside him in his car.

Chapter 02 Ron Baskerville

Mandy reads, "Pete > Mandy you should have told the guy to go fuck himself, no good cop would have made that kind of deal."

Mandy replied, "Well after what happened next I would agree with you, but I was young and dumb as the saying goes."

When we arrived at Ron's house, I followed him inside and my mouth dropped open when I saw how the place was furnished.

When I looked around the room the feelings of deep apprehension gripped my being. I wanted to run, but I knew I had no place to go. The room was covered with pictures of naked women being used and abused and ways I never knew existed.

He pointed to a couch that was facing a mirrored wall and said, "Stand in front of that couch with you back to the mirror," as he sat down on the couch.

As he sat there I could feel his eyes moving up and down my body taking in everything. I just stared over his head at the wall opposite and I could see pictures of the two naked women chained against a wall. All I could think of was, is that what he is going to do to me?"

His voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "Take off your top."

I did as I was told and removed my top dropping to the floor beside me.

"The bra too," he said impatiently.

I reached behind me and unsnapped the bra strap and let the bra slide down my arms to the floor beside my top.

His eyes zeroed in on my chest as he said, "My, my you are nicely endowed." Then is voice changed, "Strip, I want to see it all."

I quickly removed the rest, my skirt, thong, stocking and heels. All I laid in a heap on the floor He looked at me, smiled, got up from the couch picked up my discarded clothes and put them in a cabinet. He reached in on a lower shelf pulled out a tube of something and locked the door saying "You won't need those for a while." Before he sat back down he handed me the tube and ordered, "I want you to rub this stuff inside your cunt and make sure that you cover the lips and your clit. Do you understand me?"

"What is this stuff," I asked.

He said sharply, "Mandy, just do what you're told to do."

I just nodded my head and began to rub the cream deep inside my pussy and around the lips.

"Use more," he instructed, "I don't want to have my cock torn because you cunt is too tight."

I did as I was told and took a large glob of the cream and shoved it deep inside of me.

As I was rubbing the stuff up into my canal I began to feel heat, followed by a tickling sensation. Suddenly the walls of my canal came alive and as I moved my fingers in and out I flashes of pure pleasure shot up my spine and detonated in my brain. My eyes closed and I just started finger fucking myself.

"Mandy come over here and mount my cock you dumb Bitch. I didn't say you could fuck yourself," Ron snarled.

I quickly opened my eyes and saw him sitting naked on the couch. I had no idea when he had removed his clothes. When I looked between his legs I could see the biggest hard-on I had ever seen.

"I said get over here you dumb Bitch," he growled again.

I rushed over to the couch, placed my right knee by his left hip and them placed my left knee by his right hip. I lifted my body so that my pussy lips were just over his cock head and slowly lower myself down trying to ease his huge member into my tight hole.

It took pure concentration on my part, because he was so big I did not think I could take him into me. I could actually feel the walls of my cunt slowly stretch as his cock move up into me. The cream did help ease the entrance of his cock; however, as I slid down, the sensations started by my fingers returned and then became more intense. Once I was completely down and he was all the way inside, he ordered, "Squeeze your thighs, you are really dumb."

I did as I was told and squeezing my thighs together around his cock. As I did he began to groan and his cock seemed to grow. My body went into automatic mode and I began riding up and down on the thick rod faster and faster. I became lost in the wonders that his cock was creating in my cunt. The faster and faster I rode up and down the more intense the feelings. I lost complete control I was being driven by unseen forces. I could feel the dam of emotions building and building until I thought I would go mad.

When I could hold back no longer and the dam was about to break, Ron reached up, grabbed a nipple in each hand twisted and pinched them sending white hot searing pain slamming into my brain. The immediate reaction was to cut off my release causing all my emotions to slam into a brick wall. Trying to find the release that was cut off, I began to ride his cock harder and faster. Only to be cut off again before I could get the relief I so desperately needed. The only thing I did accomplish was to drive myself even higher up the emotion ladder.

Nothing in my life had prepared me for this. My mind was a jumble of intense pleasure and agonizing pain. My nipples were now raw from his twisting and pinching, the walls of my pussy became super sensitive to every movement of his cock. Just when I thought I would go mad, he finally let the dam erupted and my cunt began to squirt fluid out with such force that it splashed on his legs sounding like a wide open hose. All I could do was just sit there trembling letting it all flow out of me until. When I could no longer sit up, I closed my eyes and collapsed on to his chest.

I had never thought making love could be like this. My whole body was singing I was so happy I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. When I finally had the strength to open my eyes, I looked into his and my blood ran cold. I never knew that anyone could have such cold forbidding eyes and I began to feel fear.

He looked at me and said, "We are not done yet."

I began to shake at those words. All I could do was think, "What is he going to do to me next?"

Chapter 03 Ron Baskerville phase two

Before I knew what was happening, Ron shoved me off of his lap and as I slid off his lap, his cock slipped out of me leaving a trail of his fluid down my legs. He walked back over to the cabinet unlocked it reached in and took out something. Before I realized that what he was doing he pulled out a pair of handcuffs; pulled me to him, grabbed my wrists, twisted them behind my back and snapped the cuffs on my wrists pinning my arms behind me.

In a state of shock I groaned, "Why are you doing this? Haven't I kept my word and let you do what wanted to do to me? I said that I would do whatever you wanted and I have."

"I know you will," he said with a sardonic laugh, grabbed one of my arms and pulled me over to the middle of the room.

There he pointed to a bench saying, "See this little toy, it looks like a weight bench. It is, but it is so much more."

"What does it do," I asked fearfully." "

"Mount it facing the TV you dumb Bitch," he ordered, "and you will see."

Petrified and not knowing what else to do I walked up to the bench swung my right leg over the seat straddling the bench and proceeded to sit down, but before I was all the way down, that fucker shoved me down on me back and unattached one cuff. He then reattached the handcuffs to my wrist underneath the bench and on to a clamp. I was now forced to lay with my legs spread out with the strange looking pointy tube pointing toward me.

He picked up a remote control from the desk, pressed a button which started the tube vibrating and as it vibrated, the arm it was attached moved toward my vagina.

When the tubed touched my clit something oozed out of the tip coating my little nub. The tip then proceeded to gently massage my clitoris rubbing the liquid all over stimulating it until it began to throb. I closed my eyes as the tip continued with liquid slowly oozing out of the tip down between the lips of my vagina vibrating as it went. Exquisite sensations shot up between my legs through my spine. As I lay there being inundated these feelings, the dam machine moved back up and stopped at my clit again gently massage it once me before slowing entering my vagina excreting its juices all the way. I could no longer hold anything back my body went into convulsions and released a flood of cum. I had no chance to recover when the process started all over again driving me even higher to the next level and on to the next. On and on it went until my world became nothing but flashing white lights, my body being violently jerked from one orgasm to another.

Through my orgasmic haze I heard Ron on the phone, "Yeah she's almost ready. I tell you she was tight, but boy she is a horny little Bitch. Come over now and bring your cash."

As I started to cry after another mind blowing intense orgasm, I heard Rod's voice by me, "You will soon have some company who will enjoy all this hard work you are putting out."

All I could do was close my eyes as the dam machine was taking off again driving me even higher.

I had no clue how long I was on the machine, but through the fog I heard new voices, "You were right she sure is a fucking hot Bitch."

"Well," Ron asked, "who wants to be first, two hundred."

"That's steep for a fucking whore," a male voice said.

"Well if you want sloppy seconds," Ron answered, "that's fine with me."

"Here," another male voice said," watching this little Bitch fucking that dildo has made my cock hard."

The next thing I knew I was flat on my back with my legs bent over my head. A man with long black hair was on top of me. I could feel the tip of his cock as it parted my cunt lips. Then with a thrust of his hips, he shoved it deep inside of me. To me his cock was just an extension of the machine and when he shot his load into me everything broke loose as another orgasm shot through my body.

He was no sooner finished when another dick was thrust into me with the same results. How long this went on I have no clue. All I knew was that a switch had been somehow turned on in my brain and I all I wanted was to be fucked and fuck hard. One after another they climbed between my legs and I could feel their hard cocks enter me. I love it, I could not help myself, and I wanted more. Then I heard some yell, "See if she can take two at once."

The next thing I knew I was on my knees with a cock shoved down my throat and someone behind me shoving one in my ass. How long it lasted I don't know. Did I sleep I don't know that either, all I remember is cocks and more cocks.

Finally some naked guy threw me my clothes and said, "It is time for you to go home cunt. It was fun and I am sure we will do this again."

I dressed and as I did a small part of me was sorry to see this end; however, another part was glad it was over."

Chapter 04 Mandy discovers a change.

Mandy reads a line as it scrolls across the monitor, "Henry > Boy, you did seem to enjoy that didn't you? How many guys did you fuck?"

Then another line moved across "Harvey >Yeah how many did you fuck? According to the story it seemed like it went on for hours."

Mandy types, "Let's just say that I found out I liked to fuck and leave it at that. Anyway, back to the story."

I remember, after I got dressed, Ron drove me home. My body was sore and I felt as if every muscle in it was screaming. I remember walking inside and upstairs. When I got to the second floor, I heard noises coming from my Step-father's and Mother's room. Without thinking, I opened the door and saw my Step-father fucking my Mother in the ass. As he did so was growling in a nasty voice, "You are nothing but a dirty whore and you deserve to be treated like one." I just closed the door and headed to the bathroom I needed a bath.

Once there I filled the tub up with hot water and bubble bath. As I watched it fill, I still could feel this deep need inside of me a need to be fucked again. I hoped the bath would make the feeling go away. When it was filled, I climbed in slowly allowing my body to get use to the hot water.


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