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The Marine Ch. 02

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Application. Nate and his British cousin grow closer.
10k words

Part 17 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/16/2021
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A/N -- Hello. The more I think about where I might take this story, the more difficult it will be to remain with the genre of the first chapter. This will probably end up swinging between Incest/Taboo and Erotic Couplings... maybe, I don't know yet. If I can think of a good idea, I might even dabble with things like Mature and Anal, but that's just an idea for the moment. But for anyone who reads these first two chapters expecting only incest, you might be disappointed as this story is going to follow the MC through a good couple of decades of his life, and it's not just going to be about his sex life or relationships. It will always swing back to incest, and the idea is to end on that note.

One other thing. I've never served so a lot of what is to come is simply what I've researched online. I've simplified, adapted and changed things where necessary or if it just makes sense to me. If anyone reading is or was a Royal Marine, you have my fucking respect. Just reading about the training regime was exhausting.

Most of what is written regarding training is sourced from the Royal Navy website itself and other sources that seem to give a flavour of what daily life is like as a recruit.

(Wrote the above long before uploading the first chapter. Left it so you could understand how my mind was working at the time!)


The flight to Hong Kong was comfortable enough, spending most of the time reading. I was seated on the aisle, requested when booking due to how tall I was, and the couple I was sat with left me to read though engaged me in conversation when we were enjoying meal time. They were also on their way to the United Kingdom, though they were doing the whole trip after just a couple of hours layover in Hong Kong.

Thankfully, we were not arriving at the old Kai Tak Airport, which had one of the most dangerous approaches in the world. The new airport, simply called Hong Kong International, was a much smoother approach and landing, joining the throng of holidaymakers. Most headed towards the transfer section while I walked to immigration.

I'd booked three nights in Hong Kong, planning to depart Friday morning, where I'd catch a connecting flight to Manchester, and meet my grandparents and extended family there. Though the city had recently been handed back to the Chinese, there was still plenty of British influence on display, though I had no doubt that would slowly but surely erode with every passing year. I wandered around, looking like the usual tourist. Thankfully, English was still an official language, and nearly everyone at least spoke a little bit, so I could get around fairly easily.

I spent the three nights alone as I thought about Amy constantly. I'm sure I turned down at least three women who were interested in my company, but I wasn't in the right frame of mind, and having just left my sister, it wouldn't feel right leaping into bed with another woman so quickly. I'd give it a month or so before I'd accept the opportunity if it presented itself again.

The flight from Hong Kong to London Heathrow felt like it took forever. I spent most of the time reading or trying to sleep, but I could never get comfortable, so got off the plane rather grumpy. Thankfully, traveling on my British passport made passing through customs a breeze. My bags were taken care of, so all I needed to do was transfer to the required terminal and wait for the connecting flight.

That was a literal hop, skip and jump of an hour or so, landing in a rather dreary looking Manchester, though considering it was late September and the north of England, I shouldn't have expected anything less. After collecting my bag, I wandered out to the arrivals hall to be greeted by my grandparents. My grandfather looked as fit and strong as I remembered, my grandmother covering my face in kisses, which made nearly everyone chuckle.

"Look at you, Nathan," she said, grasping my arms, "How tall you are now!"

"And broad," my Aunt Kathy added, "Lots of gym work, Nate?"

"Yeah. Considering what I want to do, I've spent a long time preparing the body, at least."

Her husband, Uncle Tony, was there, as was Aunt Michelle with Uncle Tom. Then my cousins. Emma was only a child of a few years, then John, Matthew and Rebecca. And then, finally, there was Hannah. She was hiding behind everyone else, but when I saw her for the first time in over five years, I felt my jaw drop. Long gone was the gangly looking thirteen-year-old I remember with braces. She was utterly fucking gorgeous. Long brunette hair. Ocean blue eyes. Her smile lit up her face. She had a... large chest, and curves like a mountain road. Everyone noticed me looking at her.

"Hannah, you remember Nathan, yeah?" her mother, Kathy, asked.

"Of course I do, Mum!" she replied, stepping towards me, "Holy shit, I don't remember you being this tall."

"I had my first real growth spurt not long after our last visit. It's good to see you, Hannah."

I hugged her and willed my body not to react to her. Her scent was divine. A mixture of perfume, deodorant, shampoo and just that natural scent a woman has. When she lifted her head to look at me, there was no-one else around at all. She smiled, and I felt my own grin form. A cleared throat broke the spell, both of us blushing as we stepped back, glancing at Tony. "Guess you have some catching up to do, right?"

"Yeah, looks like we do."

"At least you're old enough to drink now," Tom added, "Can take you to a proper pub."

"Long as it's not warm beer. I'm Australian. Technically, as I'm here on my British passport."

Carrying my stuff outside, I would be staying with my grandparents until I was accepted into Royal Marines. I was going to apply immediately as I knew enough that there'd be a short wait, at least. The grandparents lived outside Manchester itself in a market town called Altrincham. Kathy and Tony lived with one of their two children, Matthew, in a town called Warrington, to the west, while Michelle and Tom lived with Emma, John and Rebecca in nearby Sale, just to the north. As for Hannah, she lived in a sharehouse in Manchester city centre, close to the university.

At least it was only a short drive to my new home, lugging my stuff into their bungalow, no surprise my grandmother was more than prepared for my arrival and immediately fussing over me, enough that my grandfather told her to leave me alone to at least unwind. What I needed desperately was a shower, so had a baking hot one before throwing on some jeans, shirt and jumper, as it was noticeably cooler.

Aware of why I was there, Tony asked, "When do you intend on applying?"

"Monday morning. No point waiting around, and the sooner I apply, the sooner I can prepare myself."

"How was your father about leaving?" my grandmother asked.

"Said he was proud of me for leaving everything I know to give this a shot. I don't intend on returning home with my tail between my legs either."

"Mother and sisters?"

"Naturally upset that I was leaving. Mum came around to the idea, but the day I left, that was the reality. Katie was in bits. Amy..." I trailed off and shook my head. I obviously couldn't share why she would have been so upset. I finally sighed. "I'm sad to have left them behind, but I'm excited about the future."

The family didn't spend too long, aware I'd be a little jet-lagged, though I noticed Hannah was the last one to leave so she could hug me in semi-private. She was the same age as me, younger by only a couple of months, and what I could sense immediately was the attraction. "Hopefully it won't be too soon," I whispered.

"I'll visit whenever I can, or you can come up and see me in Manchester. I'd love to show you around a little bit."

"Guess we need a good catch up. Don't even know what you're doing nowadays."

"Student up at Manchester University, so if you can get your butt up there, we can hang around the city centre. Show off my fit as fuck Australian cousin." I raised eyebrows at the description, which made her giggle. "Oh please, like you don't see yourself in a mirror."

"Well, then I have a fucking hot English cousin."

She rested a hand on my chest. "Play your cards right, Nate, and there's going to be some fucking," she whispered, "See you here and now, I'd love nothing more than to fuck you senseless until you go."

There was a toot of the horn. "Will you hurry the fuck up, Hannah!" her mother called.

She kissed my cheek. "See you soon, Nate."

I followed her to the door, standing slack-jawed as she practically skipped to the car. There was a politer toot as I waved them off, closing the door and chuckling to myself. Looks like the opportunity presented itself far quicker than I imagined. My grandfather popped out to get some fish and chips for dinner, settling down afterwards to watch a Saturday night Super League game. I learned English rugby league was of a different standard to that back in Australia.

Sunday was a relaxing day, waking late, bacon butties for breakfast, heading into town with the grandparents to walk around and gain my bearings. It was different to Sydney. Completely and utterly different, but there was a charm to the place you just couldn't miss. I found the different accents confusing at first, while mine certainly attracted attention.

Monday morning, Tony picked me up to drive me into the centre of Manchester and the Army Careers office. Sitting down with one of the recruiters, they checked my passport but obviously heard my thick Australian accent, so asked a few more questions about my eligibility. I was already prepared for that, having a copy of my father's birth certificate, then explained my grandfather's service, and generations before who had served in the British Armed Forces.

"And you've travelled all the way here to serve?" the recruiter asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Why not join the Australian Army?"

"I wanted to join the Royal Marines and continue the family tradition. Added to that, the marines are the best of the best. I don't intend on returning home one day in the future without that green beret, sir."

He smirked, probably hearing the same self-confidence from many a potential recruit, no doubt all of us unaware of what we were really going to face. All the reading and researching probably didn't give an inkling as to what we would be enduring later. But he accepted my application, so explained the process further.

"First, you'll undergo a Naval Service Recruiting Test. It's a test of your general intelligence, but looking at your scores from school, I think you'll be just fine. As your HSC is equivalent to A-levels, and your marks are... great, to be honest, you may be selected for officer training." I tried not to grin as that was what I wanted to hear. "After that will be a formal interview. I'm sure you've sat in at least one before, so it won't be a new experience. If we believe you are suitable, you'll have a medical then an eye test. These will be performed by an MoD approved doctor. We arrange that on your behalf. Then there is the fitness test. Have you read about that?"

"Yes, sir."

"Two 2.4 kilometre runs at a 2% incline. First run in less than 12 minutes, 30 seconds, second run in less than 10 minutes, 30 seconds. The last 'test' before you start officially training is the Potential Royal Marines Course, or PRMC. Four days of physically challenging tests where you'll learn what it takes to be a Royal Marine. If you pass that, then after a security check, you'll be given a date to commence basic training at Commando Training Centre Royal Marines at Lympstone, Devon."

"How long between now and then?" I asked.

He checked his calendar. "Applying now, with everyone you need to do, you're looking at five months. It sounds like a long time, but with everything required, and with the number of potential recruits, we cannot rush certain matters."

"No worries. I arrived expecting to wait for a little while. Not like joining the regular infantry or something, I guess."

"Correct. They'll just take anyone. We have standards." I have a feeling he was throwing shade at the army, tongue in cheek and good natured. "Nathan, honestly, I see no reason why, just looking at you now, why you don't at least stand a chance. All I can suggest is that you keep up your level of fitness. In fact, get fitter. As fit as you can. If it's a rainy day, go out and run. If it's snowing, run. Find a muddy field and run through that, backwards and forwards. Just get used to constantly being on your feet. Find someone to urge you on while doing it. Yes, it's yelling but it's to motivate you. We don't like seeing recruits fail, but I'll be honest with as with any possible recruit. This isn't for everyone and plenty of people do wash out in the end."

"I'll do my best."

"That's all we ask."

I stood up, we shook hands, stating someone would be in touch shortly, and that the test and interview would at least be on the same day at the same office. He assured me it would be within a month.

I'd left Australia with a cheap mobile phone but needed a new sim-card and number. Tony helped me sort one out and gave me Hannah's number. Sent her a text asking if she was free during the week. She replied so fast, it made me laugh, replying she was free every afternoon, and I could get a train from Altrincham into Manchester Piccadilly.

We agreed to meet on Friday afternoon, since it was the end of the week and we could let our hair down. I joined a nearby gym so I could get back in the swing of things, waking up each morning to be greeted by low cloud, grey skies, and drizzle. I pounded tarmac through quite a few miles, ensuring I kept my head and hands warm as I jogged. Amazed myself at how far I could run. As for gym work, that was mostly weight training, though I did enjoy using the rower, as that was a proper core workout.

My grandparents doted on me completely, I think enjoying having one of their Australian grandchildren in the house. My grandmother was asking every half an hour if I was hungry, thirsty or bored. I assured her the peace was just what I needed, as I knew training was going to be absolutely crazy. My grandfather took me out on Thursday to his local pub, introducing me around, and I barely had to buy a pint all night.

I would have definitely looked like a tourist the next day if Hannah hadn't met me at the station. As soon as I passed through the ticket barriers, she hugged me tightly, and when I leaned down to kiss her cheek, she turned so I kissed her properly. I would have done a lot more but I wasn't one for massive public displays of affection, my farewell kiss with Amy being the exception, not the rule.

"Ready for a day out?"

"Sure. What did you have in mind?"

"Just show you the sights this afternoon then we'll find a place or two to drink tonight. You can stay at mine tonight." I couldn't help grin at her suggestive tone. "Does that bother you?"

"The things I could tell you, Hannah."

She leaned closer. "Sister?" I didn't say anything but she looked at my face. "That's so fucking hot, Nate. Can you tell me about it later?"

"We can talk later," I replied, remaining non-committal about admitting it. The fact she didn't care boded well.

But we had a fantastic day out, Hannah happily leading me across the city. I had a camera and snapped a couple of pictures, including a couple with Hannah in them, people stopping to take a picture of Hannah and I occasionally, but I wasn't bothered about taking lots of pictures. Hannah very quickly had my hand in hers as we strolled around. She could talk the hind leg off a donkey, but considering we hadn't seen each other in years, little wonder we had a lot to catch up on.

We eventually found a place we could enjoy some dinner before locating a decent pub that sold good beer, while she liked a nice gin and tonic. I think we had three drinks before we were making out, and my hand was on her thigh heading north, that was the signal that we should really just go back to her place.

It was only back at hers that we slowed it down. She must have sensed slight hesitancy on my part once we were in her room. I already had my shirt off as she just wanted to run her hands over my body, but lying back on her bed, my cousin straddling me, part of me wanted her naked and my cock inside her, the other part knew I'd barely just left Amy behind in Australia.

"So you and Amy were fucking?"


She smiled. "That's so fucking hot, Nate. What was it like?"

I couldn't help smile. "We were in love."

Her face fell slightly, though the smile remained. "Yet you're here?" She slid off my body, cuddling into my side, her hand still trailing up and down my chest. "Why? Just the Marines?"

"The whole thing with Amy was precisely because I was leaving. She asked not long after I turned 18 if I wanted to fool around a little before I left. We insisted we'd not catch feelings. Impossible when you're making love to someone nearly every day. The airport... sucked. I've never seen her cry like that before."

"So it was about 18 months or so?" I nodded. "Shit, that's a full blown relationship for most people."

"She couldn't come. She's studying in Australia; her life is back there. And even if she did come with us..." I sighed. "It's for the best. She can now meet someone and have a family, get on with her life."

"And you?"

"Give me a couple of weeks, Hannah. The body is willing. Trust me, it's very willing right now. But the mind needs to catch up. Kissing you was delightful, but part of me still thought I was almost cheating on my sister."

She giggled. "It's both weird and hot when you say it like that."

I met her eyes. "You're seriously not bothered?"

"You think you're the only brother and sister to fuck?" Raising my eyebrows, she giggled. "Not me. But I knew at least six kids at school who were fucking their sibling. Two other guys had single mothers and they were fucking."

"Shit, really?"

"I think it happens far more than people suspect but very few talk about it. As for me and you, Nate, we might be cousins but it's perfectly legal here. It's only the Americans that go fucking loopy about cousin fucking. Have you seen the family tree of the Royal family? They're all fucking cousins, or cousins fucking, whether close or distant."

"Cousins is one thing, siblings is another though."

"True, but it seems like you were simply enjoying each other for the brief time you had left together."

"That's exactly what it was. A very long goodbye to each other."

We made out a little later, perhaps a little under the shirt action from myself. She eventually got rid of the shirt to give me a fantastic view of her cleavage. She had bigger tits than Amy, that was for sure. But we calmed down enough so we could eventually go to sleep, waking up in the morning to head to a greasy spoon for breakfast. Ended up staying with her until Sunday, amazed at how the conversation flowed so easily. She reminded me of my sisters in regards to intelligence. Add to that she was gorgeous, and I saw more than one lingering gaze from my fellow men as she happily held my hand or held my arm.

She escorted me to the train station late Sunday afternoon, enjoying one last, lingering kiss. When she pulled back, I noticed the look in her eyes. I'd seen the same look in Amy's. "I waited for six years for you to come back, Nate."

"Glad I did now," I replied softly, "I remembered you quite fondly, Hannah."

"Next time, I'm going to show you off to all my friends."

"Make it two weeks from now and... I'll feel ready." She smiled and kissed me again. I don't think she wanted to let me go, but a glance at the screen said my train was due to arrive. "I'll call or text."

"You'd better!"

"And if I hear anything from the Marines, I'll let you know immediately."

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