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The Marine Ch. 04

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Commando course. Nate and Hannah continue their relationship.
8.1k words

Part 19 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/16/2021
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A/N -- My god, there are far too many acronyms and too much lingo used by the Royal Marines. I'm just going to stick to standard language most of time! Other than that, while I can find overviews of what the training procedure is (such as the name of each exercise a recruit and young officer will complete), trying to find in-depth analysis is difficult, and I'll be honest, I don't want to write complete bullshit, nor do I want to write just a drab, dry re-telling of said training, so some of it is rather vague.

It's after this chapter where it will delve into the world of fiction for story purposes.

To answer one comment from the last chapter about their relationship, I've purposely left Hannah as a FWB, the pair agreeing to keep it casual due to distance and time apart. Whether that changes or not depends on circumstances and how the story develops from here. I don't want to say too much and spoiler anything.


I had returned to CTCRM after Easter ready to get back into the groove. The first couple of months had basically been an introduction. An eye-opening introduction, but that's all it really was. Why it was called 'Foundation'. I was now part of the way to being a Royal Marine. Some of the rough edges had already been smoothed out. Things like drill / marching was already second nature, as was housekeeping, neatness, timekeeping. Stuff that seems so simple but, to a Royal Marine, just like everything else, had to be perfect in its detail.

I'd learned handling a weapon. Map reading. Day and night navigational skills. Kit husbandry and learning something so simple as packing my Bergan. Camouflage and concealment. Range firing. First Aid training. There had been more than one exercise, these taking place at least once a fortnight, putting to the test everything we'd learned so far.

The rest of the sixteen-week Phase One passed by in a blur after that. The training was continuous. To be honest, we were already all so fit, though it was physically demanding, our bodies adapted to it. Yes, we were still surviving on 4 to 6 hours sleep if we were lucky, but the body is a marvel and slowly adapts. That didn't mean we didn't nod off at the most inopportune moments, generally if we were in class. It was expected. An elbow in the ribs, a few smirks. "Asleep, Officer Cadet Smith?"

"Sir, no, sir. Resting my eyes, sir. Heard every word."

"Care to repeat what I was explaining, Officer Cadet?"

I had no response. If I said yes, he'd know I was a full of shit. If I said no, I'd cop shit. Thankfully, he stared for a few seconds, made sure he had my complete attention, before he continued on.

It was serious business, but humour was expected. Jokes were flying constantly when we were enjoying those few moments of peace between the next exercise. In addition, the four other officer candidates who I'd become friendly with, there were now 54 of us remaining from the 60 who had arrived. From what I'd been told, 1 in 3 recruits simply wouldn't make it to the pass out parade, 1 in 6 would resign. That's why leadership was important. It was expected that the five of us would motivate and lead the rest each and every day. That's how we proved to be worthy of that patch on our shoulders when we graduated.

One eye opened was the Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear training. That's when many of us realised shit could get serious. There was no joking about when we were shown pictures of what a chemical attack would do to us if we were not adequately trained and prepared. We knew enemies out there had access to all manner of weapons that could give us and the civilian population a real problem. Learning how to put on a CBRN rig led a little laughter... until the CS gas was used. The effects of that was not funny at all. Another lecture followed as we now had just an inkling of what we might have to endure if the worst happened.

'Exercise Lost Tribe' was serious business but, in a way, almost relaxing, even dare I say it, fun. It was a day and night navigation exercise across Dartmoor. I would have loved to look around, take in the scenery, but there just wasn't time. Being an officer training, I was in charge of a squad, leading us across unfamiliar terrain, using all the skills I'd learned so far to ensure we made it to the end safely and end in time. That was followed by 'Exercise Eye Opener', and the name lived up to it. It was a longer time out in the field, same idea as 'Lost Tribe', spending two days and nights out in the field. That's where our training in simple things like wet/dry rotation came to the forefront.

We quickly became experts at handling a weapon and marksmanship was obviously an important feature of becoming a Royal Marines Commando. Accuracy was all important. There was live firing exercises at least once every couple of days as there was a minimum standard expected, but we were obviously expected to be far superior to the minimum. Not to too my own horn, but while my standard was the same as everyone else, I was soon amongst the highest scorers when it came to target practice and living firing drills. Before the end of Phase One, we took part in the Annual Combat Marksmanship Test (ACMT).

I did well. Better than most. Not the best, but far above average. It just pushed me on to do even better next time.

Before the end of Phase One, the five young officers, including myself, faced a map reading exam, which thankfully I aced. There were also visits to Dartmouth Naval College for a week of military studies. That was perhaps our first real taste of what being an officer was about. Learned about the history of naval warfare, Britain's role as a sea-power in the past and the modern day, and the navies role looking into the future. Phase One then ended with 'Exercise Baptist Run'. This has to be passed to be moved on to Phase Two. Any recruit who failed to pass would be back-trooped to try again though with a different Troop.

The 'Baptist Run' was preceded by the 'Baptist Walk', which was an introduction to what we'd face. We were now used to heading out in full kit with weapon, and the Walk consisted of all we'd learned. Map stances, stalks, fire control orders, target indication, observation and navigation.

The day after we arrived back, we got to throw live grenades for the first time.

Our Troops 'Baptist Run' went better than the 'Baptist Walk'. That was the whole point, as week 14 had been preparation for week 15. It felt like a full week out in the field as there was the preparation, time out in the field, and then the inspection at the end, using all the skills we'd used so far. We were put to the test. Failure was not an option. No-one wanted to be back-trooped to go through it all again, though we'd been told that usually a third of recruits would not pass Phase One the first time. And being a Young Officer in training, the expectations on my shoulders were even higher than the regular recruits.

I like to think I thrived under the pressure. Slowly but surely, I'd found confidence in taking the lead. Monday, we loaded up the vehicles that would take us to Woodbury Common, before we were given time to purchase things we would need for our kit. Tuesday morning, we lay a kit muster in the drill shed before we were on a 4-mile speed march carrying 21 pounds plus our weapon. This was just one test of many that made up the 'Baptist Run'. Tuesday and Wednesday was the same as the 'Baptist Walk', but this time, we were being scored and assessed. There was a minimum score required to pass.

Wednesday morning, very early morning, we were put through the wet/dry route, before a field kit muster at first light. That's where a few scores would have been docked. The end of the 'Baptist Run' was an 8-mile load carry of 50 pounds back to CTCRM, but there was no rest upon the return, as we immediately sat down for a couple of tests, taxing our mental strength in addition to our physical endurance. Phase One ended on Thursday morning with the final full kit inspection.

Of the 54 of us that made it to the 'Baptist Run', 38 of us passed to start Phase Two.

And that is when officer training began in earnest. The first 16 weeks was about turning me from a civilian into a soldier. Officer training took place in five phases. Phase Two was tactics and doctrine training, basically using what I'd learned to prepare, deliver and receive orders, with a mixture of regular and officer specific exercises over the course of twelve weeks.

Firing drills changed from the range to live field firing, two 'Quickdraw' exercises that put my leadership skills to the test as I was lead a squad of soldiers through manoeuvres and close quarter battle. It wasn't just about firing a rifle. Marines used artillery and we were instructed into how we would work in conjunction with other field units.

I'll admit it was during Phase Two that we truly started to feel like potential Royal Marines Young Officers. 'Exercise Early Bird' at Okehampton was all about issuing orders, directing troop movements and attacks, and conducting vehicle anti-ambush drills. A visit to a Commando Unit was a real opener, receiving lectures and observing fully-fledged Royal Marines go about their business. Every single man was impressive. Our troops returned to CTC determined to join their ranks. There were helicopter and underwater escape drills, a visit to a Royal Marines facilities in Poole, where we were introduced to the amphibious nature of being a Royal Marine, taking part in boat drills over a number of days in both day and night-time scenarios.

'Exercise Dragon Storm'... It was 'only'... ha, only... but it was only a test exercise, taking place in the sodden hills of the Welsh countryside. Apparently it was in summer, could have fooled us, considering the drizzle and fog that surrounded us. It was damp, overcast, miserable, though we were so used to being outside in shit weather, we barely noticed. All that mattered was keeping our kit dry and each other motivated. It was the hardest test I'd faced so far. I was now determined to see it through the entire way. I wasn't going to hand in my chit. The only reason I would fail is if they thought I wasn't good enough. If that was the case, I'd take it on the chin.

Through all the above, through Phases One and Two, I kept in touch with Hannah and the family, Hannah and family in the UK by text, the family back in Australia by email. After Easter, I simply hadn't had the time to head north again. Training after Easter was literally a twenty-four-seven operation. Yes, we did have spare time occasionally, a half-day from time to time, but even that was time for us to study for exams, read over what we'd learned...

The first time I really had a chance to call Hannah was after end the of Phase Two, with at least a day of rest before starting Phase Three. I called her up on Sunday evening.

"Hello, Nate."

I heard the tone immediately. She was happy to hear from me but... but... "Hey, Hannah. Things alright?"

"I'm good, Nate. I'm good. On the verge of graduating university. Already have a job lined up in Manchester, so I won't have to move too far away from the family. How are things there?"

"Just received notice I'm onto Phase Three starting tomorrow."

"How long does that last? Feels like forever since we saw you."

"Six weeks, then we do the Commando Course. That's when the regular recruits will pass out. I've got a few months more until I get to do that." I sighed. "Hannah, I can hear it in your voice. It's okay." She started to cry.

"I miss you so much. I'm so lonely without you here."

I sighed as I knew how she was feeling. Although I was incredibly busy, I missed her just as much during those moments I had to myself. "You going out? Meeting anyone?"

"My girlfriends are keeping me busy when I'm not at class or studying. They know we're casual but I just can't bring myself to even think of being with someone else, Nate. Not while you're down there training. Even a couple of my girlfriends have offered to keep me company for a night."

"Anyone I know or met?"

"Remember Cheryl?"

"One of your friends with the giant knockers, right?"

She laughed out loud. Sighing, she heard me, of course. "She's bisexual and offered to make me orgasm so I'd sleep properly, at least. I said I couldn't do that. Maybe I'd masturbate with her next to me, then we could just cuddle afterwards. But even that would be too much, and I might give into temptation."

"Hmmm. No chance of that here."

That earned another giggle. "I miss you so much, Nate. But this is why... You're only training at the moment. I just can't handle the thought of you... going somewhere dangerous and maybe..." She trailed off, hearing the soft sob. "I love you."

"I love you, gorgeous, and I miss you like crazy."

"I can't wait to see you again, Nate. I just know we're going to have such a great time. And by great time, I mean a bedroom, a bed, you and me."

"Hannah, by the time I'm done with you when I do finally get back, you'll need a hospital bed."

"I can't wait," she whispered, "I bought myself a dildo that reminded me of your cock. Fuck myself silly with it nearly every night. The only thing missing is, well, the rest of you and the fact it doesn't leave good load of cum inside me at the end."

"Hannah, if you do meet someone, a fella that you like..."

"No, not until you're a full time Royal Marine. I'm going to remain single so you have someone to come home to here. I was going to ask if you minded a woman, but I won't. I can't. Not while I'm still with you, even if what we have is apparently casual."

"Hannah, I've said I don't mind at all. If you were to meet someone that you thought that it would get serious..."

"I know, once you pass out, your life will be elsewhere, and you'll meet someone. Even as cousins, it'll raise too many questions. But no reason why we can't keep having fun now... right?"

"Gives me something to look forward to whenever I'm out on exercise, soaked to the bone, those few seconds of thought wondering what the fuck I'm doing."

"Grandad is still proud as punch. I'm fairly sure everyone in Altrincham now knows his grandson will be a Royal Marines officer. Most of Greater Manchester will know soon enough."

"I miss you," I whispered, "And love you."

"I love you too, Nate. Let me know if you can just get a weekend off. I'll come meet you in Exeter."

"Maybe when the regulars pass out, I might have a couple of days free then, though I'll be expected to be present for the pass out parade. I'm sure you'll want to come down for my proper one."

"Nate, the whole bloody family will be down for that one."

"I'm sure that at least one or two of you can come down to see the recruits pass out. I'll be in my full dress uniform for that."

"I might just come down by myself then."

"Plans, Hannah?"

"Hotel. You. Me. And no clothes the entire time, Nate."

"That'll get me through the next few weeks."

If anyone thinks I was pissed about her messing around, I wasn't, because I knew how difficult it was for her while I was away. We'd agreed our relationship wasn't serious and she had my permission to search for something more permanent than I could offer. I hadn't expected her to fool around with a woman, but part of me actually preferred that. Hannah just needed a little affection and found it with a friend. I'd met Cheryl before. She'd been present on many of our nights out. To be honest, if Hannah wanted to have a longer fling with her, I wouldn't mind whatsoever. If she ended up with her permanently, I'd wish her well, but more importantly, be happy for her.

Found the idea of threesome with the pair of them rather appealing to.

Phase Three was all about defensive operations and FIBUA (Fighting In Built Up Areas). The recruits would complete the Commando Course in Week 31. Officers had to wait a further ten weeks as we had additional training during the third phase. We were introduced to the Endurance and Tarzan Assault Course with the others, and we observed while the recruits were put through their paces. I'd been in command of sections of eight men for most of Phase Two. Entering Phase Three, I would be commanding troops of 28 me during exercises, in addition to further exams and lessons through Phases Four and Five.

Before 'Exercise Crash Action', a three-week exercise that was considered one of the thoughest a Young Officer would undertake, the two officers I'd entered service with that remained were in attendance as we watched colleagues we'd entered with receive their green berets and enter the service of the Royal Marines, becoming a general duties marine, most of them serving as a Rifleman as part of a commando unit.

Of the 55 that had entered, as officers had since moved on to command our own Troops, there were 19 remaining at the end of the training regime. One or two had resigned due to injury. It was a fact of life that the bodies of some men could simply not handle the physicality. Others were injured just to sheer bad luck. Some would return to try again. But it was mostly the psychology required to be a Royal Marine that meant most handed in their chit. Officers were there to lead, inspire, motivate, but while we would try all we could do keep a recruit in training, if they didn't have the heart to continue on, it was perhaps best they did resign.

Watching them celebrate their graduation, knowing they would be heading off to becoming Royal Marines Commandos, while we were left with over six months more of training might have been galling to some, but I'd enjoyed the training, pushing myself to, and so far, beyond my limit, I didn't know what else I could be possibly capable of.

Then I saw Hannah in the crowd as the ranks broke up, as they would have a break before moving to their assigned barracks. I had a weekend free, as I knew Hannah was coming down to visit me. Her face lit up when I walked towards her. I knew I probably looked different to when she'd last seen me. I'd celebrated my birthday, for one thing, now 20 years old. Christmas was still a couple of months away, already aware that I'd do 'Crash Action' over the space of three weeks before spending a week completing the Commando Course itself.

And, like everything else, a Royal Marines Youth Office was expected to do it all quicker than a regular recruit.

Cuddling Hannah to my chest, the first thing she did was place her palm against me and push. "Are you soft anywhere nowadays?" she joked.

"Hmmm..." I looked at my hands. "Well, these certainly aren't anymore. Nor are my feet." She poked around my body, including grabbing my butt. "No, that's firm too, gorgeous. Hours and hours, miles upon miles of marching."

"You have a free weekend?"

"I have leave from right this minute to Monday morning. I don't have to be back until noon."

She looked around before pulling my head down. "Want to head back to the hotel and fuck me absolutely senseless?"

I cleared my throat, took her hand back to my room to grab my personal backpack, then headed to where she'd parked her car. It was a little two door thing, top of my head almost touching the roof, and I'm sure it struggled with my weight. But she floored it all the way to Exeter. We practically raced through reception, up the two flights of stairs to her room...

Placing my backpack down, she suddenly had a shot of nerves, as she stood in front of me, hands wringing, chewing her bottom lip. It was rather adorable, to be honest. Lifting her chin with a finger, I wiped away the couple of the tears that fell. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just so fucking happy to see you, Nate."

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