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The Method Pt. 01


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"God yes!!"

"Well, then you gotta make me a few promises. First, this stays between us okay?"

"Oh god yeah of course. I wouldn't eve-"

"And no touching yourself unless I'm around."

"Wait w-what? Like not at all?"

"Yes not at all. If you don't want it to happen again, just say so, and then you're welcome to get back to it."

"No! I-I promise!"

"Good." She figured that while she had the advantage that she might as well press. "And sweetheart... you've gotta change your lifestyle. Being on the computer all day is killing your potential. You have a rare opportunity to become a better student and an athlete."


"Okay what?"

"Okay, I promise I'll study more. And work out more too."


"So umm.. can we please do some more now?"

"You're horny again?!" Kathleen asked genuinely shocked that his erection was again throbbing hungrily.

Before he could answer, they heard a car pull into the driveway. It was Simon.


"Harder!!! Push baby!!!"

"Ugghhhh I can'tttt!!"

"Just one last one!" Kathleen yelled at her son's arms quaked from the effort from his last pushup. At the top of the rep, he collapsed onto the floor, panting and sweaty.

"Good job, sweetie! I'm so proud of you!" Kathleen smiled at him as he turned onto his back, sitting Indian-style next to his face. The boy was still no athlete, but the weeks of training and diet already showed results. His double chins had receded to show off the nascent muscles of his neck, and as his love handles shrank, his shoulders grew.

Meanwhile, Greg was checking out her flushed cleavage through her sports bra. Once the door to the basement locked and they began their morning workouts, her motherly robe would drop to reveal the outfit she'd bought for their combined resolution. As he breathed in the mixture of her fragrant deodorant and funky odor, he almost felt like he could lick the sweat off just under her collar bone. His mother's next words drew his attention to her pretty face, topped by a pony tail, and currently gleefully staring at his crotch. Given the pulsing ache in between his legs, he could wager a guess as to what she was so enthralled with.

"Eyes up here, nasty." Kathleen whispered as she enjoyed the view of a thick rod straining and then disappearing rhythmically against the tight workout shorts she'd bought him. She grinned naughtily at her boy as she spread her legs wide in a stretch, highlighting her puffy, moist lips taut against her yoga pants.

"S-so umm... d-do you think we c-could um..." the boy muttered later as he picked at his muesli at the breakfast table, still trying to remember the faint, but heady smell of his mother's flower.

"Do what?" Kathleen smiled flirtatiously at him as she placed the spoon in her mouth.

She knew exactly what he wanted, but she hadn't dare give the horny boy an inch since their original rendez-vous a month ago. She'd read the Method several times the first week, but it was now collecting dust. Both the book and Stacey urged her to progress the relationship, but the boy was already making progress and her propriety had restrained her ambition.

"Well... um... like that one time?" he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his erection begging him for release.

"Can you be more specific?" she said, grinning just as she lay her bare feet against the unbelievable tent in his pants.

While Kathleen had failed to heed the advice of its later chapters, she'd committed the Method's section on "The Tease" to memory. She'd been relentless with its prescribed techniques and she didn't know just how much she'd enjoy it.

She'd leave doors ajar whenever she would change, purposefully slowing down to give him a show.

She'd fall onto his lap, sometimes even in the Simon's sight, giving his perpetually hard bulge a few minutes of love with her fat ass before moving on.

After one of their protracted no-longer-filial embraces a week ago, she'd pushed him off only when both their gym shorts were soaked with foreplay effluent. She denied his subsequent desperate advances, but sent him off to bed with a cruel whisper: "I guess I'll have to fuck you in my dreams."

A few days prior, she'd even blushingly blown a quick kiss to the wide eyes in the darkness that watched her ride Simon on their rare night of coitus. After Simon had fallen asleep, she'd snuck up to her teenager's bedroom door and made eye contact as they mutually masturbated. Cruelly, she allowed herself the first orgasm of the night, but kissed him goodnight and wagged no with her finger as she walked back to her bed. The way he shifted uncomfortably at the breakfast table the next morning assured her that that he'd been good.

Back in the present, Greg found the courage to speak, trying to ignore his mother's penetrating eyes and teasing feet. "Um well like that one day... umm... in my bedroom... after you caught me umm..."

"Oh I see. That. Well, that's going to be tough with your dad around."

"U-um... well he's got that thing with his friends tonight..."

"Oh... is that tonight?" she feigned not remembering, trying not to burst out laughing at the expectation on his face. "Well, what about your big test tomorrow? Remember that all this is for naught if you cant keep your grades up."

"I already studied! I knew tonight..." Greg stopped himself before he revealed too much. The naughty smile on his mother's face suggested that she'd divined the rest.

"That your dad would be gone, right? Wow... and you planned to make use of his wife tonight while he's gone?"

"N-no! W-well I mean... y-you know... like..." The boy suddenly froze as he heard bounding steps on the stairs. When Simon came into view, Greg nervously yelled "Hey dad!" before stuffing muesli into his mouth, his cheeks turning red.

"Oh look, it's the jocks... ugh I don't know how you guys can stand this Scandanavian shit." The portly balding man scowled at their breakfast. He then sat down in front of his pancakes and poured a cupful of syrup. "You sure I can't tempt you with one of these?"

"No, honey we'r-" Kathleen proudly began to announce.

"Hell yeah, give me one!" Greg said, eyes wide as his father put one on his plate. He began to scarf it down, but his enthusiasm cooled as he saw the look of cold disappointment in his mother's eyes.

"By the way, my character's way outleveling you, Greg - you've got a lot of catching up to do. Better put my absence tonight to good use!"

"You betcha! I've got a raid tonight with the boys - I'll outlevel and outgear you the next time we're both on."

Simon chuckled, "Go for it, kid."

"A raid?" Kathleen asked with an upturned eyebrow.

"It's when we meet in our game to go into a dungeon and..."

"Oh. You're back at it on that stupid game, huh?"

"It's just one night! It really helps me with the stress, mom."

"I thought... we had... plans tonight."

Greg did a spit take of the orange juice into his glass and turned beet red. He began coughing, trying to cover up his embarrassment.

"Chew your food, you animal," Simon grinned at him.

His father's jab was lost on Greg, whose eyes were fixated on the disenchantment on his mother's face. He tried to cajole her without giving up the game to his dad.

"W-well... um... we do! How about afterwards?"

"Oh wow, glad to see I'm such a priority. Imagine my enthusiasm taking second base to a bunch of cartoons."

"Cartoons?!! You don't know what the fuck you're going about!" the teen yelled, his face turning pink.

"Whatever the hell you want to call them. I can't believe you're wasting your life on this, when so many other... opportunities are presenting themselves!"

Simon piped in, "Oh, come on Kath - chill out. He's an adult, he can do want he wants now."

Greg couldn't help but beam at his dad, "Yeah! That's right! You just don't know how to have any fun!"

"Okay." Kathleen concluded coldly.

Greg's smile faded as his mother grabbed her bowl and dumped the remaining of the breakfast in the trash. She threw the dishes into the sink and walked upstairs.

"Mom wai-"

"Women, huh?" Simon grinned. "All this for movie night."

"Fuck." Greg shook his head before dropping it into his hands.


Five minutes later, Kathleen slammed her bedroom door shut and yelled into the phone. "I had him, Stacey! And then my stupid fucking husband. Ugh... and these goddamn video games!"

There was silence on the line. Kathleen spoke again, "Stace? You there?"

"I'm here. I'm trying not to say that I told you so."


"You can't be half-in with the Method! Either you do it all or it doesn't work."


"Don't bullshit me! You've been keeping the poor boy pent up for weeks. That's not fair! Discipline is important but without progression, this won't work."

"Well maybe I'm still not on board with your little religion!" Kathleen yelled hotly, before remembering there were others in the house. She walked into the bathroom, closed the door, and turned on the shower.

"It's not a religion. It's just part of being... a mother. If you haven't seen results or aren't willing to step outside the bounds of normal motherhood, you're welcome to stop anytime. I really won't judge you as long as you keep your mouth shut." Stacey retorted.

Kathleen winced at her friend's understandable rage. She sighed and then grumbled. "No. I've seen results... and I already gave him a handjob for Christ's sake - that's well outside the bounds of motherhood, right?!"

"Honey, given what mothers in a million different cultures have done through hundreds of thousands of years of history for their baby boys, there's nothing too crazy for motherhood."

Kathleen sighed, "I believe you. I just... look... why can't he... relieve himself?! Why do I have to do it?! Maybe the Method's wrong here!"

"I disagree. I think it's more right than ever before. It's about retraining these dopamine-addicted brains. They have to learn that you can't always have release, and that it's better when it's a reward. I promise, if you make him feel good in a structured way, you'll build his desire for discipline."

"Well, maybe some of us don't want to go... as far as you've gone... Maybe some of us want to keep some things the same." Kathleen teared up. "I miss my baby boy."

"Your baby boy's gone, and he has been for years. Mine had been too. They become lost in this world. Hasn't your relationship with him been stronger than in years this month?"


"Exactly. Stick to The Method. And that means all of it. When a boy works on his sexual discipline, it spreads to other aspects of his life. Besides, don't you want him to be a better lover just in general?"

"Well, of course!"

"Good, so then let's start with that. Now, what do you want from your lover?"

Kathleen was taken aback by the sudden question, "What? I don't kno-"

"Liar. Yes, you do. Give me one thing you want in bed, quick. Right now!"

"I want my pussy licked!" Kathleen blurted out.

Stacey tsked with pity. "I figured Simon wasn't the type, but to actually hear it? You poor thing."

"Shut it, Stace!"

"Well, now here's your chance! Ask Greg!"


"What?! It'll be good for him, and it'll be very very good for you."

"No way! He'll think... it's gross..."

"Oh you sweet summer child. These are not our husbands. They're young, wild things, driven by instinct and hungry to prove. Once you show him the power he can wield over his own mother's body, the world becomes easier to conquer."

"It's just... moving too fast! It has only a few weeks since this whole thing started! I donno - shouldn't it start with a date or something? I'm sure you guys started with an innocent kiss or something!"

"Wrong." Stacey chuckled before going silent for a moment. "Okay, I sent you an email. It'll have an archive with some passwords that I'll text you right now. YOU HAVE TO DELETE EVERYTHING AFTERWARDS OR I WILL ACTUALLY KILL YOU. I AM NOT KIDDING I AM ARMED."

Despite having watched him fuck for the better part of an hour already, Kathleen still couldn't help but gasp at the lurid video on her media player. Clearly younger versions of Brian and Stacey, as evidenced by Stacey's short hair and Brian's crewcut, were completely naked on a couch, both of their skins shining in the dimly lit room. Brian lay back onto the backrest with a towel underneath, his stomach a chubbier model of the washboard abs Kathleen had seen in the hotel room, and his cock, while still impressive, not yet the monster it would grow into.

In a half-opened robe, Stacey sat on his right side, her erect nipples pushing into his pectoralis, as her the red fingernails of her left hand lovingly scratched the boy's face. She also seemed to be in much worse shape in the video, her future toned six-pack still a flabby midsection. In the center of the frame, Stacey's right hand, complete with her large diamond ring, slowly stroked the teen's manhood with tender love.

"Aw... baby... that feels really good, huh?" she cooed into his right ear before planting a big, wet kiss on his cheek.

"Yessss... ohhhh mommmmm..." the teen groaned, clearly overwhelmed from the intense new sensations. "U-um... are you s-sure it's okay... fuckkkk... to film this? What if awfuckkk...."

"Shhhh... you let mommy worry about that..." Stacy cooed, grinning as she played her son like a puppet with expert pressure on the raw underside of his cockhead. "I want a little memento of our first time."

Brian's hips thrust erratically and his face was twisted into a rictus of pleasure. "I'm gonna come..."

Stacey stopped stroking the boy and rapped him gently on his penis. "No. It's too soon."

"Sorry... I just..." the teen groaned, wrapping his hand around his mother's, entreating her to continue. "Pleaseee momm... moreee..."

Stacey grasped the boy by the hair and turned him to look at her. "Now, stop it! Listen to me. Get down there and make me feel good." The housewife spread her legs wide and pushed her son's head towards her labia. "Once you make me come, we'll try again. If you can hold on for another 15 minutes, I'll let you have sex with me. How about that?"

"God yes I can'- mmmphhhh!" The boy's excitement was muffled once his mother pushed his face into her labia.

To Kathleen's great disappointment, the video ended abruptly there. She found herself rubbing her chest as she put the phone back to her ear.

"Wow Stacey... that was really hot. Are you sure I can't keep this video?"


"Kidding, kidding. Okay it's all gone. So that was your FIRST TIME?"

Stacey giggled, "Yup. After my friend told me about The Method, I was hesitant just like you. But when the opportunity presented itself, I decided to jump in headfirst."


"Well, okay, there had always been some sexual tension. I had caught him peeking in on me more than once, and once I caught him masturbating without him catching me. I watched him from beginning to end and then spent the rest of the night wondering why I had done so, even as I frigged my soaking pussy into oblivion imagining his thing inside me. Even though I felt terrible, and I knew that it was wrong, I'd get so wet everytime I thought about him like that. I felt like a terrible mother."

"Aw, sweetheart. For what it's worth, it sounds like you were just being honest. I'd be lying if I never thought about..." Kathleen blushed deeply, unable to finish.

"It's okay, I know love. Well, anyways once I heard about the Method, everything just clicked. He needed some direction that he wasn't getting, and, turns out, I needed him too. And we're both way better and way happier than ever before. And we're careful, so hubby has no idea. I just don't see the harm."

"So you just asked Brian to have sex?"

"Basically. One night, while Ned was out of town, we got into the wine and decided to give each other massages. My robe got pulled up a little and I caught him staring at my pussy. He was so sorry that poor kid almost cried. I couldn't help but comfort him and let him... study me."

Kathleen shivered at the thought of showing her own body to her son. "Wow... I donno if I could do that..."

"I didn't think I could either. But, oh Kathleen, he was just soo curious about everything - I just had to show my little baby boy. The wine helped too."

"What happened next?"

"What happens whenever two horny, sexually frustrated people start exploring. Simon had ignored me for so long that even Brian's virgin touch made me come on his fingers. I felt so good and his thing was throbbing like crazy through the towel he had on. That led to the part you just saw."


"Do I sense a little jealousy?"

"N- well..." Kathleen sighed deeply. "Okay a little."

Stacey laughed, "Well, like I told you honey - it's cause you want that dick too."

"I-I... I do not! Shut up!" Kathleen said, blushing a beet red.

"Yeah sure..."

Kathleen reasserted herself, "I DO, however, want my baby to be better. And he already is. So... I gotta give The Method it's due." She sighed, "Although after what I just said to the boy, I may have already lost the key battle in the war."

"You haven't lost shit. Another key insight of the Method into teenage boys is that if you get them hard, you can play them like a violin."

"Umm... well, it seems like Greg's always hard."

"Well then it should be easy."

"So what? Should I just walk in naked or something?"


Downstairs, Greg tucked into the pancakes as he intently browsed his laptop for tips on how to survive the dungeon this evening, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in his heart that he had ruined a good thing. The sound of his father's shower came on as usual, and for the past month, the 20 minutes that followed were some of the best moments in his day. Often still clad in her sexy workout outfit, his now uninhibited mother showered him with her affections: her soft lips against his face and lips, her ample tits pressed into his chest, or her bulging ass rubbing against his rampant crotch. Now, due to his stupid mouth, she wouldn't show up again.

To his surprise, he heard her walk into the kitchen, on schedule, as if nothing had happened. He cleared his throat, preparing to make amends.

"Hey mom, I'm sorry abou- oh wow..."

The teen's mouth gaped and a piece of syrupy pancake fell from his lips onto his plate. His mother was bent over in front of the fridge, wearing nothing but a translucent baby doll. Her pale, dumptruck ass was completely uncovered but for a scandalously thin, baby-blue thong, around which the dark, wrinkly flesh of her labia was readily visible. She'd dressed sexily for him before, but this was on a new level.

Kathleen kept rummaging through the fridge, looking for nothing in particular. Mostly, she waited until cool air of the fridge dissipated the heat in her face left before she faced him. She arched her back, giving the teen a good look at her pale buttocks and thick milky thighs. When she felt that she had stopped blushing, she took another deep breath, closed the fridge and turned around. She smiled as she saw her teenager with wide eyes, a gaping mouth, and a throbbing bulge in his pants. He hungrily eyed the large, pink areolae of her sagging breasts through the translucent babydoll.

"Hi, Greg."

"H-hi mom...You're uh... nude..."

"Very observant, darling. You're not."

"Should I?"

"I would..." Kathleen muttered sensuously as she checked for the sound of the shower.

The boy closed the laptop screen, quickly stood up and shucked his pants and boxers. Erection bounding up and down with excitement, the boy awkwardly stood in the kitchen looking at his mother. "What now?"

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