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The Mint - Day 06 - Poker Party

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Katie wins at poker.
12.1k words

Part 6 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/17/2018
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When Paul arrived in the morning to pick Katie up, he was thrilled with the result.

"Wow," he exclaimed. "You guys did a very good job on this girl. Ted told me he got a nice moisture bridge when he dropped her off, but look at her now. There's a puddle of wetness underneath her." He smiled at Katie. "How do you feel?"

"So horny I'm practically crawling out of my skin," she replied truthfully.

"Well, hold that thought. You'll get fucked soon enough," said Paul with a wink.

"How about right now?" She knew she was pushing her luck, but it never hurt to ask.

Rick and Paul looked at each other. With a lustful grin on his face, Rick said, "This one is good. I would really appreciate her next time I get a free night."

"It certainly seems like there's some chemistry here," Paul observed. "What do you think, 3Y? Would you like to come back and have Rick fuck you all night?"

Her response is instantaneous. "Yes! When?"


"Now? Tonight?" Katie knew she was practically begging at this point, but she didn't care.

"I don't make the schedules, but I do influence them," said Paul. "I'll see what I can do about getting the two of you hooked up pretty soon." Katie practically squealed with delight. She rolled toward Rick and rubbed her body seductively against his. Rick responded in kind, grabbing her backside and pulling her tighter against him. They kissed passionately until a throat clearing made them look up. Paul was chuckling, watching them. "Go ahead, you two. You can play for a few more moments. I don't mind watching. 3Y, stroke his cock."

Katie started touching Rick's cock, the entire delicious, throbbing length of it. She felt the hardness of it, wanted it between her legs so badly. She smiled and looked to Paul.

"Paul," Katie said seductively, "get some of my pussy juice on your fingers and bring them up to mine. I obviously can't reach down there right now."

Paul eagerly knelt and stuck two fingers between Katie's legs, then brought them up and presented them to her. Katie moistened her pointer finger with her own juice from Paul's fingers and then dabbed it around the head of Rick's hard, throbbing cock. Rick was soon moaning. Pre-cum glistened all over the head of his penis. Katie gathered some and rubbed it on the sensitive underside of his cock and slowly stroked it.

"Mmm... God," Rick moaned. "That feels so good."

Katie couldn't help but moan in response, loving the pulsing of Rick's swollen member in her hand.

"Damn" said Paul as he looked at his watch. "I really hate to stop the show, but it's time to get going. B, I'm sorry, but you need to get your penis away from her." Reluctantly, Rick withdrew and Katie released a sigh of disappointment. Paul smiled understandingly and gave the two time to move apart. "Okay, let's get the walking chains on her. It's time for a tour."

"Tour? What sort of tour?" asked Katie.

"Just a general tour. You'll get to meet some people in accounting, but mostly security."

Katie could smell sex clinging to her skin. "Can't I shower first?"

"Afraid not," Paul explained. "That's not how this works. People want to meet you the way you are. I'm sure you'll get the chance to get cleaned up, but right now, we have to do something a bit out of sequence."

Paul guided Katie into another office. Behind the desk sat a man with dark, shortly-cropped hair the color of burnished iron. There was a faint hint of a scar peeking out from underneath a fuzzy mustache. The scariest and most intimidating facet of this man, however, was the way his ice-blue eyes seemed to stare straight into Katie's soul, making her shiver. She was directed to sit. Paul quickly shackled her wrists to the side of the chair.

"3Y," he said with no sign of his earlier kindness in his voice, "this is Jones. Just Jones. He's the head of security here." He nodded to the man. "Good morning, sir."

There was an awkward pause, then Paul nudged her shoulder and she realized they were waiting for her. "Oh, good morning, sir," murmured Katie.

"There's nothing good about this morning," said Jones coldly. Then, after clearing his throat, he continued, "3Y, from the reports I've read, it seems you're doing well and cooperating. I wanted to meet with you to remind you why it would be wise to continue your cooperation. We at The Mint want you to move through the curriculum and then get out of here as quickly as possible. That's how we make our money. The faster we turn you over, the better."

Jones tapped his fingers menacingly on the desk, drawing Katie's gaze. They were blocky, meaty fingers. The hands of a brute. He leaned forward. "There is absolutely no escape from this place. You cannot connect to any staff here in the hope they could help you. If we saw Paul getting too close to you, he wouldn't be allowed near you ever again. Other than simple direction, you should not have any open communication with my guards. We will be watching. There will be zero opportunity for you to find allies amongst our staff. The only way you will get out of here is through an auction. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir, I understand," Katie gulped.

"Good," Jones said, then abruptly, "Now take her away, Paul."

Paul walked Katie down the hall, when they were out of earshot of anyone, she said, "Well, that was scary."

Paul nodded. "He scares me, too. Listen to what he has to say, though. There is no way I can risk learning much about you while he's around. You're right to be scared of him because he has the power to add 'escape risk' to your dossier. If that happens, your value will dramatically decrease at auction, and you'll end up being sold to someone who views it as a challenge. And if they view you as a challenge, they'll rise to the occasion by keeping you on a chain and under constant observation. He'll probably be interviewing you again. His eyes are on all of us. Don't get on the wrong side of Jones."

Paul accompanied Katie down the hall and through a familiar door.

"Hello 3Y," greeted Justine. Nurse Betty was also there. "We've decided you are the perfect one," Justine continued. "Here at The Mint we have a rigorous CQI program."

"CQI?" queried Katie. "Hmm, continuous quality improvement?"

"You got it." Justine smiled. "You've been doing those Kegel exercises. Now we've decided to step that up. You will be this year's model."

"Model?" Katie arched her eyebrows.

"It's a form of speech," said Justine with a wave of her hand. "You're still a human but you're our model, yes. We've decided that we want this year's model to have strengthened vaginal muscles. We've developed a whole regimen that we're going to put you through. Now, the junior and senior girls will get a taste of it as well, but most of the girls still on chains will have some new requirements put on them for passing out of the school. We just don't think we have enough time to tone all the upper class girls to our standards."

"Tone to your standards?" asked Katie.

"Yes. Here's what we're going to do. You're the first one. We're going to get a baseline going. We've got an instrument— a dildo here— in which we've embedded strain gauges. We're going to insert it in you now and have you clench on it with your pussy, do you understand?"

"I think so."

"We will get a baseline reading now and eventually, by the time you finish the program, we hope you will have doubled or tripled your clenching ability. Now, spread your legs. Oh, you are so nice and moist dear," Justine touched between Katie's thighs. "No need for lube," she said to Betty.

"I would say not," replied Betty as she eyed the wetness evident on Justine's fingers.

Justine held up a dildo with a wire cable coming out the end of it. "This is what we're going to put in you, 3Y. There are two sensors to read out the force you exert. So you can concentrate on your general vaginal area and also on the opening of your vagina. You should be able to specifically clench both areas."

Katie gasped as the dildo was intruded into her pussy. "Okay 3Y," Justine instructed, "now go ahead and clench down. What do you get, Betty?"

"I'm getting a .036."

"Good. That's our baseline for the lower vaginal muscles. Write that down. Now, 3, clench higher up in your vagina. That's a good girl. Come on, come on, harder. Squeeze that little cock."

Katie bit her lower lip and clenched as hard as she could, while feeling a sense of shame at what she had been reduced to.

"Very good!"

"Yes, I'm getting a reading now of .052," reported Betty.

"Excellent. Write that down. Now, let me hold it in you, 3Y, and we'll get you to lie down and repeat the experiment." Paul and Justine helped her lie down on an exam table. Katie squirmed uncomfortably, trying to move her arms over to one side so her hands were in the small of her back. Justine saw her grimace. "Oh you won't be like that long, dear. Just bear with us. Now, clench. Come on, girl, hard!"

Nurse Betty exclaimed, "Oh, we're getting a better reading when she's down!"

"Mark it down. Alright, 3Y, ease up now, clench further up in your vagina and see what you can do. Come on girl, come on!"

"Oh yes, yes. That's an improvement over standing, too. Should we try her in a doggie position?" asked Betty.

"Certainly won't hurt," Justine decided. Within moments, they had Katie turned over on her knees with her ass in the air "Okay, 3Y, clench at the entrance to your pussy."

They took the same readings as in the standing and lying positions and Betty marked them down. "Very good," said Justine, finally. "We'll be doing this with all the girls, but especially new girls. You will have more than just the Kegel exercises you're doing. We have these." Justine pulled out a stainless steel dildo like instrument with balls in the middle and on both ends.

"What's that?" said Katie.

"This is your trainer. It weighs about a pound. We're going to insert it in you now. You will have to hold it inside anytime you walk somewhere. Over time this will build up your inner muscles."

"And this is supposed to make my pussy tighter?" asked Katie. "It's already tight. What's the point?"

"Oh 3Y," said Justine knowingly, "you won't believe the pleasure you can give a man when you can really clench those muscles. In fact, we're working on something else. We're going to try a test that you girls will have to pass."

"Another test?" said Katie with a sigh. "Is that all you do around here is come up with bizarre new tests?"

Justine chuckled. "Yes, my girl. One of the more enjoyable parts of my job. What we'll do is bring you one of the boy-toys in a heightened state, three days without orgasm, just totally ready to go. We'll have him insert himself in you, and then we'll strap you together so there's virtually no movement possible. Your job will be to make him come inside you just by clenching your muscles."

"Seriously?" Katie shook her head. "I don't think that's possible."

"But we think it is and you and your class will be the first ones to be attempting it. Now, that's all we have for today. Let's get her up." The three helped her to her feet, then Justine hands the stainless steel exercise dildo to Paul. "Have it inserted after she finishes the tour for her final walk back to the dorm." Looking at Katie, Justine added, "Aren't you going to thank us for your new toy, 3Y?"

Katie paused, ground her teeth and managed a tight smile. "Thank you, ma'am."

Paul guided Katie down the hallway into a new room. It was an office. Several clothed females and males were sitting at their workstations.

Being in an office type environment with fully clothed people was a bit of a shock for Katie. There she was, chained, naked, dripping with her with her juices while everything else around her seemed like a normal setting from the world she used to inhabit.

A woman with her dark hair pulled into an efficient bun, looked up from her computer. "Oh goody, new female unit on deck." The rest of the office workers looked up as well and Katie felt the blood rush to her face.

"Let me introduce 3Y," Paul announced. "3Y, this is our office staff. They keep the things running; keep bills paid, keep the good food being shipped in to feed you ladies, keep lights on, all that good stuff. Over there, on that side, are the marketing people; they do the catalog preparation, accumulate a dossier on you and show off your best parts." He waved a hand down Katie's naked body. "Which, as you can see, everybody, she's got some really good parts. Turn around 3Y, let them see your back side." Katie set her jaw in irritation, but complied. "Okay, bend over and spread 'em. Remember 3Y, display, display, display!"

Katie spread her feet 18 inches apart, then bent forward at the waist, exposing her anus and pussy slit to the office workers.

Jenny got up and walked over. "Nice ass, young lady!" She patted Katie's ass. "Man, are you a wet one! What happened?"

"She spent last night with the boys."

"Oh, goodie. Well, they certainly did a good job on you!" Jenny rubbed her fingers between Katie's legs. Katie shuddered, half in shame, half in pleasure. "You can stand up straight now and turn around."

Katie turned around to face Jenny. The woman had fairly short, dark hair and a curvy figure. Her turned up nose and sharply cut facial features gave her a permanently haughty look. "My, my, girl." Her deep red tinted lips tilted in a smirk. "You have the cutest lips." Katie looked down. "Not talking about those lips, silly, I'm talking about these," Jenny arched an eyebrow and then rubbed her fingers under Katie nose and over her lips allowing Katie to smell her own odor on Jenny's fingers. "Those are the lips I'm looking forward to having between my legs!" Katie felt her face heat up and she swallowed the lump in her throat.

"I've got something for you," Jenny continued. She went back to her desk, opened a drawer and pulled out something in a plastic bag. As she walked back, she took a flesh-colored item out of the bag and held it out. "It's a silicone rubber model of a pussy. See the folds and things? And you can open it and there's a hole in it. This is for you to practice on, so when you finally get an opportunity—and, sweetie, it's an opportunity of a lifetime to service me—you'll know what to do." She gave Katie a wink and then an air-kiss.

Paul chuckled and looked around. "Does anybody else want to touch the new merchandise?" Immediately, the men in the office lined up, waiting in anticipation. Soon, Katie was forcing herself to stand still and compliant as the fully clothed males touched her, 'oohing' and squeezing her bottom. She could feel their hands all over her body, exploring every inch of her. Hands palming her breasts, fingers delving into her pussy, even her asshole. Predictably, her sex-amped body responded. Moisture flooded her pussy and the ache in her loins fired up again.

"Okay," Paul finally announced, "that's enough fun. You guys better get back to work. Just stopped to give 3Y a tour. We need to get her back to the dorm."

Katie had just gotten back to her place in the dorm and started to get comfortable when the announcement was called.


Grumbling under her breath, Katie struggled to get into position.

"At ease!"

Three orderlies came in and walked over to the closely chained Pussy, Z and Z4. It was their turn for punishment. Katie looked on sympathetically as the peppers were applied to the stricken girls. Shuddering, she attempted to turn her focus to her Wall Street Journal and cock sucking practice, but couldn't shut out the girls' moaning. Soon, it grew so loud it was impossible to ignore.

Katie turned to Stacy. "Dammit, I hate what they're doing to us!" Stacy just shook her head.

As the noise grew even louder, Katie couldn't help wondering if they would do her next, if later today she'd be chained with two other girls for punishment for tomorrow.

Abby approached, looking over her shoulder at the three tormented girls. "Peppers again. They're horrible. It's time to get you to your shower." Abby quickly chained Katie to the slider. "Oh, don't forget this." She waved the metal dildo.

Katie rolled her eyes. "I hate trying to walk with that stupid thing in me."

"Those are the rules. You're our trial guinea pig," said Abby.


Katie stood, stretched, then took the silver dildo from Abby and inserted it. She clenched her inner muscles on it, holding in place. Then she made the humiliating walk—more of an awkward waddle, actually—over to the shower area.

She looked over at Abby. "Can I take it out while I'm showering?"

"I think you better. You need to get completely clean, and you better clean it up too."

"Thanks," Katie said, relieved.

After she was finished using the toilet and showering, Katie reinserted the dildo and waddled back to her pad. She winced as she heard a final scream from the three tormented girls as hot towels were applied to their pussies. They would soon be eagerly sucking cock, begging for the hot towels to be removed. Katie lay down and extracted the steel dildo.

Abby came over. "You're looking clean and fresh for a change."

"You should talk," Katie shot back. "Your pussy's glistening."

"Yeah? Well, you look pretty funny waddling along with that steel the dildo in you", returned Abby with a chuckle.

Katie made a face. "I know. Shit, it feels so ridiculous!"

"I saw a lot of the girls smiling at it. But of course, we all know they'll have us doing it soon." Abby sat down next to her. "I have good news for you, though. You and 4Y are scheduled for blow job tests tomorrow."

"Finally!" Katie said. She was as excited by the prospect of Robin getting off her short chain as she was at her own chance to win extra privileges.

"Do a good job at practicing," Abby reminded her. "Control that gag!"

"Yes ma'am!" Katie replied sarcastically.

"And you, 4Y," continued Abby, "are you ready for the big day?"

"I'm certainly ready to get a decent-sized chain," answered Robin.

"Well, practice up girls! Oh, by the way, there will be another joining you for the blowjob test."

"Another? Which girl?"

Abby laughed. "No girl. It will be a guy."

"A guy is joining us to do a blowjob too?" Katie asked.

"Yep. Guy-guy stuff. It's some of their more advanced training. They have them do their first blowjob with us girls. It's kind of up to you girls to encourage the guy so it's easier for him to get past the thought of having to suck another man's dick."

Katie shook her head. "Poor guy. It was tough for me to get used to licking pussy, but I imagine it's even harder for a straight guy to get past the mental aspect of same sex stuff."

Abby shrugged. "It's part of the deal here. They get used to it."

A delicious lunch was soon followed by the afternoon M session. Katie was allowed to participate, knowing full well Abby and the guard were watching her closely. The knowledge that she'd be allowed to have orgasmic release that evening helped Katie to steel herself. After the M session Pussy, Z and Z4 were released from their bonds. No additional girls were chained.

Strange, Katie thought. Why haven't they chained me and the Y line? We should've been next.

Later that day, Katie was finishing up her delicious dinner—Steak Wellington tenderloin, with a coating of pate in a pastry crust— as she sipped delicious Châteauneuf du Pape. Evening assignments were announced; four girls were given the okay to orgasm during masturbation session. Two girls were let off to go to the boy-toy room in the men's dorm. Three other girls were going to get boys to sleep with that evening. Katie was assigned a boy-toy for a short period of training session, during which time she would be allowed to have an orgasm. Finally!

The evening M session was tough, especially when the other girls who were given their okay start squealing and shouting during their climaxes. Katie clenched her legs together and barely touched her pussy, striving to save her aroused sex for her chance to come later. Afterward, an orderly escorted a well-hung boy-toy towards Katie. The orderly handed him off to Abby and gave her a crop. She then proceeded to shepherd the guy towards Katie.

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