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I was always of the opinion that when you got people to work for you, and you were confident in their abilities you left them alone to get on with the job. Tina was constantly nagging me to go up and inspect the work. Her constant refrain was that Aleksy needed my approval for many things. I replied that Aleksy was competent and did not need my overseeing of his work. "Tina, it would seem as if I didn't trust him. You are up there every weekend. If there were problems you would let me know very quickly."
"I think you should come up one weekend, Boss. Aleksy would be happy and of course you can then take Annabel out for dinner as you promised."
"You're not going to let that go. Are you?"
"Nope! You are going to have a lovely home and you will need a lovely hostess for that home. Someone who knows the area and who knows the right people with whom to mix."
"Are you seeing yourself and Aleksy as part of the mixture?"
"Of course. If you are going to re-locate the office there then you need me around. I am hoping that the business will buy a nice house for Aleksy and me to rent."
"Oh? You have it all worked out."
"Well someone has to organize you."
Eventually I gave in and agreed to go up to Great Yeldham for the weekend. Tina booked me a room at the pub against her desperate pleading that I needed a good hotel, 'to complete your seduction of Annabel' as she put it. I needed a little more encouragement from Bella before I would attempt that. I phoned Bella and asked if she was free that Saturday. "I will be stopping over this weekend and hoped that you would join me for dinner."
"Why, Daniel. How good of you to ask." She chuckled. "I am free that evening and would be happy to accept your invitation."
"Is there a good restaurant you would recommend?"
"There is one in Tilbury. It's called the Bon Vivant." Annabel replied. "I am told it is very good."
"In that case we shall hopefully enjoy some of the good life." I returned.
"Oh! Touché." We laughed. She went on. "Shall I book a table for us?"
"That would be helpful, yes please."
"I'll do that and let you know when to pick me up. As you are here for the weekend, can I persuade you to call in at Meadowlea and spend a little time with my father? He is most anxious to meet you."
"Of course. When would be best?"
"Come on Sunday morning for coffee."
"Fine. I would like to meet your father."
Aleksy was quite happy to see me. He insisted on taking me around the house and pointing out various items. I was right to let him have some leeway. The work he and his crew put in was excellent. The doors were in place, the windows were being fixed and in the hall the half-landing was finished. Boxes of tiles were awaiting the tile layer. Out front one of his men had started paving. I watched for a while as Aleksy explained. "Base of gritty sand, levelled, tampered and slight slope away from house. Setts are tapped in position. When many down the gaps are filled with a dry sand and cement mixture. Spray lightly with water and let the mixture harden then point before it's set completely." The work must be back-breaking yet the man who was doing it seemed very happy.
I decided to broach a subject with Aleksy. "I am certain that Tina has told you that I intend to expand my business into this area. My interests in East London will carry on but I shall need someone with your expertise to carry out the day to day maintenance of my property in this area. I was hoping that you can cover both areas."
"Is good, Boss. Tina has told me what you are doing and she says that I should form a Company doing maintenance. I know men in East London who would work for me, good men. I am sure I can find good men in Colchester and Ipswich area."
"All Polish I imagine?"
"Probably. I have visited the Polish clubs here and have talk with many men who want to work and do good job."
"O.k., Aleksy. That has put my mind at rest. I am sure there will be quite a lot of work for you, when this is finished."
Later that evening at the pub, Tina tackled me. "Have you talked with Aleksy?"
"Tina you know full well I have talked with him. He has ideas of forming a Company, but you know that as it was you who put the idea into his head. It makes sense though. The turnover could be considerable. We should talk to Chad about it; why else do I pay an accountant if I cannot get advice from him?"
I could see from her expression that she had more to say. "If you move your business address to the Dower House, it would make sense for Aleksy to register his business there as well, and then I can look after your admin and his. After all his business will depend upon you."
"Now why didn't I think of that?" I enquired sarcastically. "Of course as I will not get your attention full time then, I can reduce your salary."
"Daniel Chandler you are little more than a Scrooge. You get full value from my efforts and you will keep that full value. If needed I shall work on Aleksy's admin in my own time."
I had suspected this turn for quite some time. This didn't trouble me, if I bought property and had to wait for months for it to be brought up to standard then I lost money. With Aleksy and his Company doing this work I would always be a priority, Tina would see to that.
Saturday evening found me driving to pick up Bella. She had given me directions to Meadowlea and they were quite simple. Drive past the Dower House and continue down the lane for three miles. Turn right at the crossroads and I would find Meadowlea on the right after two hundred yards. A Drive of some fifty yard ended in a turning circle before the house. It was one of those houses that defied dating. It seemed to have its roots in Tudor architecture but it had grown various other styles as the years went by. Bella was waiting for me as I drove around the circle to the door. I had always seen her when she was wearing jodhpurs and a jacket. Dressed as she was now in a pretty dress and high heels she was a picture.
"You found us." She smiled.
"Yes. Being a City boy I packed the boot with survival gear, just in case. May I say you look lovely" She beamed with pleasure. I walked round to open the passenger door. I assumed that I wouldn't be introduced to her father just now.
"Thank you." She slipped into the car easily. She had learned the lesson of how ladies got into a car without displaying their undergarments. When I got in the car she was leaning over presenting her lips for me to kiss. I did. "Good! We have established that we have got to the kissing stage."
"What other stages are there?" I asked mischievously.
"If you don't know, Mr. Chandler, then I shall have to work very hard for us to get there. But it's going to be a lot of fun finding out."
"Do you know, I think it will be."
"Turn right at the bottom of the Drive." She turned slightly in her seat and looked at me quizzically. "Daniel, I have a feeling that you are not quite the innocent you portray."
"I didn't think that it was innocence."
"What was it then?"
I thought for a moment. "Diffidence is the word I would use."
"Interesting. Why do you think that?"
I took my time gathering thoughts. Bella gave me directions which I followed. Finally I had found the words to answer. "I suppose it is a question of geography. I am a city boy. Raised in the city, I learned the lessons of the city and found my place in the city. I could wheel and deal with the best and survived whilst I learned my business. It would be untrue to say it was a man's world, but women were few and far between in that environment. Those women I would meet were professional. Professional businesswomen and professional arm candy who seem to have a nose for a healthy bank balance. I had no need to flirt or woo. There was an understanding, it was an exchange of assets. So those talents are not part of my armoury. I am now in a completely different situation, so whilst it may come across as innocence it is really diffidence. I am learning."
"I think I shall have to question you more about your professional women, but for the moment I will accept diffidence."
Bella gave me directions as I drove and I was surprised as the restaurant, when we arrived, appeared not to be a restaurant but someone's home. Bella was unconcerned as she took my hand and led me to the door. It was not locked and we simply walked in to be greeted by a woman in her thirties wearing chef's whites and blue and white checked trousers. "Hello Bella, it's good to see you again. I imagine this must be Mr. Chandler." She and Bella kissed cheeks and she offered her hand to me to shake.
"Yes, Emma. This is the elusive Daniel Chandler." Bella turned to me. "Emma is the Chef of Bon Vivant.
"Yes, I peel vegetables, wash up and put the rubbish out as well. Welcome to Bon Vivant. Let me show you to your table and I'll give you the run-down of what is available."
I was surprised as she led us through into a dining room. It was larger than normal but contained only four tables. However the tables were laid exactly as you would expect for a high class restaurant. One table was occupied by a party of four and we were led to a smaller table in the corner. We sat down and Emma went through the menu. "You have a choice of starter, a consommé of crab, or carrot and coriander soup. Then I can offer you Beef en croute or Somerset Pork. Whilst you think about that I'll get you an aperitif. Sherry, or mother's ruin?" I looked to Bella who mouthed 'sherry'
"Sherry please, Emma. May I ask for something towards the dry end of the scale."
"Of course. Medium for you, Bella?"
"Yes Please."
When Emma had left us, Bella leaned forward. "I know it's unusual, but Emma and Gerry only open when they are not booked to cater. They can't run to a huge menu, however what they do offer is superb flavour and food cooked to perfection. This is their home as well as the base for their catering business. I thought that what they do may interest you."
I started laughing. "I should have known." I managed the words between laughter. "I'll remember when, not me but you organize this dinner party I am supposed to have."
"Good. We are on the same wave-length then."
"Yeah. You keep giving me hints, and I'll figure them out."
"Exactly. That's how it has been between men and women since Adam and Eve."
We settled with our drinks and had ordered. Bella eyed me with a rather impish glint and asked. "Now what about these professional women?"
"What about them?" I parried.
"You talked as if you had met some."
"Yes I did. Most of them were hard as nails. In many ways it was like meeting a man in drag. They looked like women, they dressed like women but behaved like men. It was as if they had lost all their feminity."
"And the others" Bella was still probing.
"What others? Oh I get it. The ones I described as professional arm candy."
"Exactly. Did you know many of them?"
"I am surprised."
"Let's say I didn't fit their parameters. They surveyed and selected their target, then homed in like a guided missile. In me they saw someone who was too young to have pocketed a large wedge of money. I didn't have posh offices to impress, nor did I drive a big limousine. I think they saw me as a wannabe and wannabe's are not going to give them the life they want."
"You disappoint me, Daniel. I was hoping for lurid tales."
"I'm sorry that I can't regale you of nights of excessive passion." I paused. "However there is always the chance that someday I will have some experience to relate."
"Oh, I think that could happen." Bella smiled with a seductive inflection.
Despite what I had inferred to Bella, I did have a more than an inkling of passion. One of my early tenants was a 'Lady of the Night'. It was in the days when I would go and collect the rent personally, and Dawn was not able to pay her rent that month. She had been in this situation before and having promised to pay she always kept her promise. On this occasion she promised that she would have the rent within two weeks. I accepted that. Dawn invited me in for coffee. It was out of character for me to accept, yet I did. We had coffee and then Dawn treated me to her repertoire. My other tenants got a day's grace as I staggered out of Dawns place late that afternoon. I did offer to forgive the rent but she said a promise was a promise. "Anyway, Mr. Chandler. That was for me rather than you. Sex for me is my business. Today sex was for the sheer joy. Any time you are passing ring my door, and then ring my bell. You certainly did that today." I did call from time to time and Dawn treated me to the most pleasant exercise I have ever had. She was very professional at her work; being regularly checked and she always showed me her latest certificate showing she was free of infection. There are not many men who had sex with a prostitute and she paid him! It was her rent of course.
The meal was extremely good. After such a culinary delight we sat with coffee and Bella asked Emma if she and Gerry would join us. I was surprised when they sat with us as Gerry was obviously Geraldine. I could see Bella watching me from the corner of her eye, but I believe I passed muster as I didn't show my surprise.
"Emma, Gerry. Daniel is the new owner of the Chetford estate. He is restoring the Dower House there and shortly he will have a special dinner to celebrate the completion. I brought him here this evening without telling him of your expertise. He seems to have enjoyed the food this evening so I thought he should meet you and possibly talk about your catering this special dinner."
I had suspected something from Bella so I wasn't too surprised. "Emma. Gerry. The meal was absolutely delicious. The special dinner was not my idea, but someone who is sitting nearby. However I think the idea does have some merit, so I will be going ahead. I understand that you could cater for me. However I would be obliged if you first could give me some advice. At the moment the kitchen area is a shell. I need expert advice to equip the kitchen. Would you do that for me. Then we can discuss dates etc." I hesitated a little and then said. "A little imp has been manipulating me so I think that at some time she should be punished with a smacked bottom."
That caught their interest. Gerry said eagerly. "Can we help in that? That would be fun." She confirmed my thoughts about their sexuality.
Bella blushed but smiled anyway. "No you can't. You may decide to explore further. If I'm going to get my bottom smacked I will leave that to Daniel."
"Spoilsport!" Emma retorted.
"Lucky Daniel." Gerry commented.
Gerry got down to business. "It's quite simple really. You need a good electric oven, a catering oven if you could. A gas hob, a large fridge, the bigger the better and a big sturdy table for preparing vegetables and other dishes, oh! And a dishwasher. Get those and we can cope easily. We bring all the pots and pans needed and also all the crockery and cutlery. Depending on the menu we will also bring any specialized equipment we will need. If you have a dinner set and cutlery already we will use those if you wish, but we like to use our own as we know they are dishwasher safe. If you have a microwave that's good but not essential. Chefs will swear that they would not have a microwave in their kitchen, but believe me they do."
"Right, I have got that." I memorized the list. "So you don't need to see the place?"
"Well it would be nice to take a look." Emma remarked. "It's more curiosity than anything else."
"Come up anytime. If I am not around there will be the crew of Polish builders, who are very, very polite."
The engine ran smoothly, the lights pointed the way home, I was in a reflective mood, and Bella wanted to ask more questions. "In many ways, Daniel you are an enigma. Having built a successful business, how in the world can you portray yourself as an innocent...Sorry diffident? I like you, well actually it is more than like. I need to know more about you, but you will not talk about yourself. When are you going to open up with me?"
"What do you want to know?"
"Who you are? Your background, your likes, dislikes, habits. Do you snore? Do you scratch your bum? All sorts of things."
"For the record I do not scratch my bum, well not in company. I don't know if I snore, because I am always asleep at that time; so if I do it doesn't worry me. Background? Now that could take a long time, so what I suggest is that I come up one weekend and we can sit down and I'll answer all the questions you want to ask. Well most of the questions anyway."
"What will you not answer to?"
"I don't know as I don't know what questions you will ask."
"See! There you go again. Diverting the subject away from the subject."
"Bella, I promise I will answer as truthfully as I can. If you want to know if I pick my nose I may not answer that, but anything else I will answer. Now have I manoeuvred myself out of a kiss goodnight?"
"No way. I like being kissed, especially by you."
The goodnight kiss was very arousing. Bella moulded herself to my frame moving her hips teasingly, possibly by accident yet the outcome was natural. The teasing smile on her face as we separated told me that her actions were deliberate.
To be continued...
Good story, apart from the sherry, utterly vile drink that I cannot believe we Brits continue to buy and drink, this from the country that gave the world whisky, gin and IPA. That aside great story, and fwiw I’d have had the crab consommé and the beef in pastry, for dessert I’ll have a a double chapter and a nice firm tongue in cheek to finish.
Though I have a hard time with the idea that he rang the hooker's bell without a lot of previous experience on his part.... But he is right in that he is in a different culture now and should move carefully, though she is definitely upper class, and from my experience they have more sexuality then most of the less privileged, since they are rarely scared of anything...
...but short. I'm certain you have a lot of this tale already written if not all of it. I'd like to enjoy more than a two or three minute read per segment. Why not consider joining two or more of your current sized chapters together? Please???? Other than the length, an excellent read. Fuddpucker