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The Mistake

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I gave up drinking for a good reason.
9.3k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 03/13/2024
Created 10/06/2023
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Part 4 of My Roommate and I

(Disclaimer: I have edited The Request so now it ends with the son's birth going forward. I'm not Shakespear so I do make mistakes.)

This story is based on real events that have occurred to me in real life, but the overall plot is fictional.

The room was dark when I opened my eyes and my hand drifted over to my phone to check the time. I slowly sat up and stretched before getting up and pulling on a shirt and gym shorts before stepping out to get breakfast.

I rounded the corner into the kitchen and found my fiancée standing in front of the stove cooking up something delicious smelling. She was wearing a black shirt and pink panties that just about covered her beautiful plump ass, I smiled and quietly stepped up behind her and wrapped her up in my arms.

"Morning," I whispered, kissing her cheek, "Cooking something good?"

"Uh... Red?" Agatha asked from behind me, I looked over my shoulder and saw her standing in the doorway holding a sleepy EJ, "You... uh... you sure you got the right girl?"

I turned back to the girl I was holding and noticed she was wearing black rimmed glasses and blushing beet red.

"Shit," I exclaimed, releasing her, "Sorry, Christy."

"It's okay," she chuckled, "No harm done."

I was starting to think the girls were doing this on purpose because they found it funny. I guess I should be thankful that Agatha wore contacts most of the time.

Now while you're probably shaking your head and groaning about the mistaken identity trope, I would like to remind you that Agatha and Christy are identical twins. Now when I say identical I mean God took Agatha and hit control copy paste to make Christy. From what I've seen physically the two sisters are almost perfect mirror images, the only differences being that Christy was maybe half an inch shorter and had slightly narrower shoulders.

Personality wise the sisters are very different though. While Agatha is more bold and much more outgoing, Christy is more reserved and inward. Not to say that she's shy, she just doesn't enjoy being the center of attention. Which is rather funny since she works for Google.

Anyone who has worked alongside Googlers or just the tech industry in the last decade will understand what I mean. Not saying that they're bad... it's just some of them really are a breed apart... of course that's just from my limited experiences with them.

I hugged Agatha and EJ and whispered, "Sorry about that, can you forgive me?"

"I don't know, Mr Layafette," she mused coyly, "That's the third time this month."

Suddenly EJ started whimpering and squirming around her arms, Agatha flashed me a big toothy grin and handed him to me, "You can start with him."

I took EJ into his room and undressed him out of his purple onesie, I cleaned him up and changed him into a fresh diaper. He had grown quickly over the past few weeks and was almost thirty pounds already. Ann joked about our family having such big appetites that when we were babies our mom had to supplement her breast milk with baby formula. My sister suggested a brand to Agatha that she had used for her kids. It was really comforting seeing my sister welcoming Agatha with open arms after Mom's stubbornness.

"There you go, little buddy," I smiled down at him as I dressed him up in a fresh onesie, "Fresh and clean."

He babbled a little and wiggled around in my arms before yawning and resting his head on my chest. I smiled and kissed his forehead before putting him in his crib and tucking him under his blanket. Agatha came up behind and hugged me lovingly.

"He's gonna be a lot of work," she said softly, resting her head on my shoulder, "But he'll be worth it."

"They're all gonna be worth it," I replied, wrapping my arm around her and placing my hand on her's.

We stood there watching our son for a while before Agatha's hand slowly slid down into my gym shorts. I looked down at her, cocking my eyebrow as she looked up into my eyes with a warm coy smile.

"Christy's in the shower," she purred, her hand lovingly caressing my cock, "Wanna have a little fun?"

I quickly led us into our room and laid back on the bed as she knelt down and fished out my hardening cock. I caressed her cheek as she started kissing and licking her way up and down along my length, flashing me those beautiful honey brown eyes the whole time.

"God, I wanna be inside you," I groaned as she stroked my cock and sucked on my balls.

"I want you too," she purred, "But remember what the doctor said."

"I know, I know," I scowled as she took my cock into her wet hot mouth.

Unfortunately all we could do was foreplay because the skin tear inside Agatha's vagina had opened and developed an infection that required antibiotics, thankfully we found it before more serious complications could arise. Agatha's doctor advised us against having penetrative sex for a few more weeks, preferably eight to be safe.

By this point in the story you can probably tell that Agatha and I usually express our love physically, I often feel that just saying that I loved her wasn't enough... no, I felt that I had to prove how much I loved and wanted her. So I became frustrated that I couldn't return my affections in full, but my love assured me she'd be fine until her doctor gave the go ahead... then we were gonna make up for lost time.

I moaned loudly as Agatha continued suckling and stroking me as my cum spurted down her throat before pulling me out of her mouth and smiling up at me as she swallowed it, we cuddled together until I had to get ready for work. She kissed my lips and waved goodbye before I drove off for a tiring shift.

The next morning I came home and found Christy cuddling with EJ on the couch as she played mario kart on her switch.

"Thia had to go in early," she explained as I sat down beside her.

EJ babbled something as he reached his chubby hands up to me.

"Thanks for looking after him," I said, picking up my son and kissing his forehead, making him giggle.

"No problem," she said, sitting up and smiling, "Hey, when do you get moved over to a day shift?"

"Should be next week," I answered.

EJ cooed adorably as he squirmed into a more comfortable position in my arms before giving a contented little sigh and falling asleep, my heart physically hurt from how cute he was. I took care of him and hung out with Christy until I had to go to bed. She agreed to take EJ over to visit with my parents for the afternoon.

I woke up later that evening, about eight actually. Opening my eyes and checking my phone... I found a note in Agatha's handwriting, "Come out to the tv room when you wake up, I have a little surprise for you."

I smiled at the idea of my love being coy as I got dressed and stepped into the tv room, but I froze when a woman's voice said, "Oh, evening, you must be Red."

Turning around I saw a young woman with curly red hair and blue eyes, she was wearing casual clothes and was sipping from a beer. She flashed me a foxy smile and mused, "Thia was right about you."

"What?" I asked, confused.

Agatha came out from the kitchen and smiled as she hugged and kissed me, "Sleep well?"

"Honey..." I started, eyeing her suspiciously, "What's going on?"

"Well, Felicia here is a coworker and her boyfriend recently left her," she answered, leaning in close she added, "So I invited her over for dinner and maybe some... cheering up."

It took me a few seconds to understand what she just said, I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed heavily, "Thia, can we talk in private for a second?"

Agatha gave her coworker a thumbs up as we stepped into our bedroom, the second the door closed I swung around and pushed Agatha back against it with my hand making her eyes go wide in surprise.

"What. Are. You. Doing?" I asked, trying to keep my emotions in check.

"Red, what's wrong?" she asked, confusion growing on her face, " I thought you would-"

"You actually thought I'd like a threesome?" I asked in disbelief.

"Not a threesome, I had my fill with Skye," she clarified, "but I noticed that you've been... frustrated lately and my I could watch-"

"Agatha, sweetie," I interrupted, my frustration growing with each word, "I thought I made myself crystal clear.... I DON'T WANT ANOTHER GIRL!"

"Don't shout, Red," Agatha said, trying to calm me down, "Why're you so mad?"

"Why am I-?" my voice was barely contained, "How would you feel if I came home with a coworker first thing in the morning to fuck you?"

"Oh, so you're saying I'm stupid?" she snapped.

"Something's obviously wrong with you if you actually thought this was a good idea," I answered, voice getting louder.

The argument quickly devolved into a harsh shouting match where things that shouldn't be said were and it was the better part of an hour before the doorbell rang. We walked out, I noticed Felicia had left, and Agatha opened the door... to find a police officer standing outside.

"Evening," he said, eyes staring down at us, "We got a call about a "domestic dispute." Is everything okay?"

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose again. It was the better part of a half hour before the policeman left and Christy came home with a very sleepy EJ. Agatha and I were still steaming from the argument and now the one hundred dollar fine. Agatha took EJ and got him fed and ready for bed. I scowled as she put him in his crib and tucked him under his blanket.

"Agatha, sweetie, I'm gonna say this as clearly as possible," I started, looking her in the eye, "If you pull that again, our engagement will be called off, I will take EJ and leave forever... Am I clear?"

We didn't talk to each other for the better part of two weeks after that night, Agatha even moved into her sister's room so we wouldn't see each other. I moved over to day shift which meant Agatha and I saw each other even less, but it meant I could care for EJ during the afternoon and not rely on my parents as heavily.

Occasionally I'd catch her giving me quick little side glances and she'd often look pained. It really hurt me to see her crying, but I was serious about what I said. This was more or less the daily routine until one morning when I woke up and found Agatha laying beside me.

She watched me with bloodshot eyes and softly said, "I'm sorry about what I did."

"It'll be fine," I whispered as I wrapped an arm around her to pull her close, "I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"I was just trying to help," She said, looking me in the eye, "Why were you so against it?"

"Because I don't want some random girl," I said, kissing her forehead. There was a long silence before I spoke again, "Honey, can you please put aside this... interest of yours? If not for me, then for EJ's safety?"

"Okay," she mumbled after a while, "I promise no random girls."

We laid there in each other's embrace for a long time before I had to get dressed and leave if I was gonna make it in time for my shift. We kissed before I drove away. Christy found me later during breakfast and sat down across the booth.

"Have you two made up yet?" she asked, stirring some milk into her coffee, "Thia seemed a lot happier before I left. She was even singing to EJ."

"Yeah, we just gotta work out some stuff," I answered, but stopped and thought about it, "Why're you asking?"

"What would I be if I didn't help out my little sister?" she asked, then bluntly added, "Plus I wanted my room back to myself, Red."

"Sorry about all that," I sighed, a tiny bit embarrassed, "We don't usually fight... not like that at least."

"What happened anyway?" she asked, taking a drink, "Thia wouldn't say a word."

I explained that night's event to her and after a while Christy had a bewildered look on her face, "No... no nonono," she interjected, waving her hands dismissively, "Clearly you just misunderstood."

"Not a lot to misunderstand about 'I wanna watch,'."

"Red, there's no way in hell Thia's a cuck," Christy snapped a little louder than she probably should've.

The rest of my shift was a little awkward, but I felt much better after clocking out at two and picking up EJ from my parents before going home. We relaxed for the afternoon and I spoke to him in Japanese to get him used to hearing it till Agatha came home around seven. Christy left for a Tinder date and told us not to wait up.

I made us salmon stir fry for dinner as Thia showered and got into more comfortable clothes. We ate and spent the rest of the night together as a family. Around eight EJ was falling asleep, so we tucked him under his blanket in his crib and went back to the tv room. We cuddled on the couch watching Frasier reruns till Christy came home around nine looking really frustrated. She told us goodnight and locked herself in her room.

Agatha also got up to hit the hay, she pulled me into our bathroom and we showered together, kissing and caressing before drying off and cuddling naked in bed till we drifted off to sleep. The following morning was my day off and Christy had left for work early so Agatha and I spent the day together with EJ until she had to go to work. After finishing the chores I took EJ to a local park to experience a bit of the world and he was really interested in the dogs we met along our walk. I took us home when he was getting sleepy and played video games until Agatha came home.

It was good to return to normality.

In the last week of August Christy flew back to San Diego to attend a work friend's wedding, which gave Agatha and I plenty of time to enjoy each other and we discussed our upcoming vacation. My family owns a small cabin up on the Minnesota North Shore of Lake Superior that we go to each summer. It was the highlight of my childhood growing up and I was hoping to make it a part of my childrens' lives too. Agatha and I had reserved Labor Day weekend to enjoy a little time away from life.

Agatha asked if we could invite Christy and I agreed. We suggested the plan to her and while she was slightly hesitant, saying she didn't want to intrude, after we assured her it would be fun she agreed to it and exchanged her tickets for one to the Minneapolis-St Paul airport.

The drive up to the cabin is about nine and a half to ten hours long and that's if you're doing eighty most of the way. We had packed our bags the night before and were hitting the interstate by 8:30. EJ quickly fell asleep and didn't wake up until we reached West Des Moines where we stopped to get gas and Agatha changed and nursed EJ before heading north on I-35.

We stopped at a local burger joint in a small town just past the Iowa/Minnesota state border and got lunch. Agatha handed me EJ and offered to pay, but when the cashier was taking the money he accidentally dropped some coins that rolled onto the floor. Agatha bent over to pick them up... giving the poor unsuspecting teenager an excellent view of her thong covered snatch and ass. His eyes widened comically before he glanced up at me. I gave him a big shit eating grin that said, 'Oh, you better believe I'm hitting that.' The cashier handed us our food and slipped me Agatha's money back.

We got back in the car and I turned to my fiancée and asked, "You did that on purpose didn't you?"

She grinned coyly as she nursed EJ and asked, "What're you talking about, Love?"

We continued on to Minneapolis to meet Christy at the airport at about three in the afternoon. The sisters hugged and Christy gave EJ a little kiss on the cheek which made him giggle as we got her stuff in the back of my car before we continued on I-35 through the Twin Cities and up through the Minnesota countryside.

It was about 6:40 when we briefly stopped at the top of the large hills above Duluth, giving us an amazing view of the furthest in-land port in the whole world and the magnificent Lake Superior below. The girls were really impressed to say the least. We stopped for dinner at a Mexican restaurant on the harbor waterfront that served really nice burgers and took a few minutes to walk down to a small lighthouse and watch the harbor bridge rise and lower to let in a deep sea cargo ship before continuing up the coastal highway 61.

It was almost nine at night when we pulled down the gravel driveway and I parked my car by the cabin. The single floor ranch house sits about fifty yards up from a rocky cliff overlooking a small cove coming off of the lake. Lake Superior is the deepest of the Great Lakes and the deep blue waters are cold enough to quickly give you hypothermia even on the hottest days, so swimming without protective gear is not advised. But the water in the cove was only around ten or so feet deep meaning it was just warm enough to swim... well, for a short swim at least.

It's probably my favorite place in the whole world and I was looking forward to bringing my children. The cabin is laid out like an L with the two bedrooms on opposite ends with the kitchen and living room in the middle. The inside is decorated with antique furniture and trinkets from my grandfather's worldly travels during his twenty years of military service.

Agatha and I had the master bedroom overlooking the lake and Christy got the guest room overlooking the cove. As the girls set the rooms I checked over the utilities, the water heater seemed okay, but the guest room shower was broken so I told Christy to just use the main one. I was lying on the master bed when Agatha came in with EJ suckling from her breast, when he was finished she bundled him up and put him in the small old crib in the corner.

"So, what do you think so far?" I asked as she laid down beside me.

"It's... interesting," she answered, glancing at the bullet riddled defaced Imperial Japanese flag on the wall.

"Yeah, Dad told me his dad was..." I paused trying to find an appropriate word, "Yeah."

We cuddled for a while before Agatha's hand drifted under my boxers to caress my cock as she looked up into my eyes.

"I saw my doctor the other day," She purred, skilled fingers hitting my weak points, "And I should be fine... as long as we're careful. I also managed to get new birth control."

"You sure?" I asked, glancing over to the crib, even if EJ was a heavy sleeper like me he was in the room with us.

"He'll be fine, Love," Agatha purred, leaning down and nibbling at my neck she whispered, "Now... my pussy has felt so lonely, wanna fix that?"

I smiled as we stripped each other out of our clothes and caressed each other before Agatha lined up her dripping cunt with my now rigid cock and slowly slid down til our hips met in one long delicious stroke.

"Fuuuuck yes!" Agatha moaned loudly, leaning down on my chest as every ridge and bump in her pussy lovingly caressed my cock.

"God... I've missed you," I groaned, moving my hips a bit to get deeper.

"I've missed you too," my love whispered, kissing my lips as my hands gripped her thighs and we started a slow gentle pace to readjust ourselves, "Now there's nothing holding us back."

One of my hands reached up and groped her tit making a little bit of her milk leak out with each squeeze. The feeling of us together at last was incredible to me as our thrusting picked up speed making the bed loudly creak.

"Does my cunt still feel good?" Thia moaned into my ear.

"You're perfect," I moaned back as I hammered against her g spot.

I wanted this blissful moment to last forever, unfortunately we both came too quickly for my liking. My love released loud guttural moans as several thick streams of my pent up cum spurted into her womb with each thrust.

"Yes, just like that," Agatha moaned as her nails bit into my chest drawing blood, "Fuck, it's so good."

We cuddled and kissed for a while before a sudden loud knocking on the door made us both jump and EJ cry.

"Yeah?" Agatha asked as I checked on our son.

"Look, I know you two are super in love and all that, but can you please keep the volume down?" Christy's voice asked with more than a hint of irritation, "I can hear you back in my room."

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