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The Mom-Daughter Lovers Club Ch. 02

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Ellie wakes up next to her Mom and Julie and Dawn visit.
8.2k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/10/2021
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Normally it was her Mom, Amber Carter, who was awake first, banging on Ellie's door to get her up if it was a school day and letting her lie in until near midday if it was a weekend. But this time it was Ellie who woke as the early morning sun lit her bedroom. The teen yawned and then stretched, careful not to wake her Mom who was lying naked in the bed next to her, evidently exhausted after their long night of sex. Not that Ellie could blame her, she wasn't sure what time they'd got home, but she was sure it wasn't much after ten. After they'd finished, Ellie had slipped out of bed as her Mom dropped off, to remove the strap-on and switch off the lights. It had been two then. Which meant from their first kiss on the couch to the final fucking they'd been at it for four hours, four wonderful hours, Ellie thought to herself.

It had been as Dawn, the school counsellor, had said, Ellie's Mom was into her and all it would take was a small push -- for her to see lesbian incest as acceptable, or at least not totally wrong - and dinner with Dawn and her Mom/lover, Julie, had provided that push. All it had then required was Ellie to make the final move when they got home. However her Mom had mentioned that they'd need to talk in the morning, Ellie was pretty confident that the way her Mom had almost immediately drifted to sleep after that she wasn't being wracked by guilt. Still it would do no harm reminding her Mom of the fun they'd had together as she woke up.

The teen rolled close to her Mom, so when the older woman opened her eyes Ellie's face would be all she'd see. Reaching down she began to stroke her Mom's cunt, her fingers sliding over the lips and gently dipping between and then up to the clit to gently touch that and run through the short landing strip of hair above. Her Mom gave a moan in her sleep and a small smile came to her face as she was touched. The teen continued to play with the pussy, stroking and rubbing it harder, her Mom letting out little groans and grunts in her sleep as the pleasure invaded her dreams. There was a gasp and her eyes opened as she awoke, her face changing to shock as she saw it was Ellie opposite her. It was only for a second before she remembered what had gone before and a smile creased it.

"Morning honey," her Mom smiled, "Did you sleep well?"

"The best," replied Ellie, rolling on top of her Mom and kissing her. The Milf responded eagerly, her mouth opening as her daughter's melded to it. Nor did Ellie see any reason she should stop playing with her Mom's pussy, continuing to brush and massage it with her fingers, until her Mom giggled and broke the kiss. Ellie quickly took control of the conversation before her Mom could speak, "Last night was great."

"It was special," her Mom agreed, before blushing, "I'm not sure I've ever had such great sex."

"It should be the start of something," Ellie pushed hoping the door was open, "Dawn and Julie have shown us it can work."

"What if it doesn't work? If we continue we can't go back to being normal Mom and daughter," her Mom sounded nervous.

"We're lying naked in my bed, I don't think we can go back anyway," said Ellie logically.

Her Mom paused as if she was weighing up the options. If she was she didn't give it long consideration. "I want this," she said with a smile, "for us to be lovers. I'm guessing you...?"

"...want it too, I do," Ellie finished off the question and leaned down to kiss her Mom passionately again.

After a few minutes of heavy making out they broke again, both smiling with happiness at the way things had turned out. Amber looked up at her daughter, "So did you know about Dawn and Julie?"

Ellie explained about how Dawn wasn't a fellow senior but the school guidance counsellor who had spotted the unspoken attraction between the two Carters and, as a Mom-lover herself, lent a hand by inviting Ellie and her Mom over so they could see a mother daughter incestuous relationship in a natural setting.

"I thought she looked older than eighteen," her Mom said at the end of the story.

"Are you okay with it? I wasn't trying to trick you or anything," Ellie said.

"Given how much I had the hots for you anyway, I'm sure we'd have ended up in bed anyway, all last night did was speed it up -- which I'm glad for, it means less time wasted fantasising about you and more time in bed together," her Mom replied.

"I'm glad you said that, because..." Ellie didn't finish the rest of the sentence as her mouth had closed onto her Mom's, kissing her passionately. The Milf's response was equally intense, her hands wrapping round her teenage daughter's bottom so the younger Carter couldn't escape. Their pussies and tits gently rubbed together, in a way that was both extremely exciting and totally taboo. It was the start of a weekend they'd both knew they were going to enjoy...


"I've got an appointment with the school counsellor at eleven," Ellie said to her teacher, showing her the appointment card Dawn had placed in her bag on Friday together with a strap-on to fuck her Mom.

The teacher nodded her acknowledgement and Ellie settled in her seat.

Her best friend Shawna leaned towards her as the classroom filled and teens scrambled in their bags for books and pens, "How was your weekend?"

"Good," grinned Ellie, truthfully, "but quiet," which was less true, "just me and my Mom hanging out."

"You're so lucky," Shawna said, which might have been a reflection on her own Mom's strictness or because Ellie suspected her friend might have a little bit of a crush on Mrs Carter. However before she could think of a suitable friendly but neutral reply, the teacher called for quiet and the lesson began.

Just before eleven Ellie caught the eye of the teacher, who nodded her permission for the teen to pack up and leave to see the counsellor. It was regular enough that students saw Dawn Norman in class time that no-one was particularly curious about it -- assuming it was the normal things that afflicted teen girls - boys, grades or minor misbehaviour. Ellie was content to keep it that way, it would certainly make her the subject of frenzied gossip if they'd known that she and the counsellor were going to have a heart to heart over incestuous lesbian sex.

She knocked at Dawn's door and there was an immediate call to enter. The counsellor was sitting on one of the comfy chairs in the middle of room, waiting expectantly. She did manage to contain her inquisitiveness until Ellie sat down, "So how was Friday?"

"Oh my God," the excitement that Ellie had been holding in all morning let itself go, "I can't believe it; we did it, we fucked."

Dawn clapped eagerly, "Go on, tell me -- it was a good as you expected."

"More, so much better," Ellie replied. As she was speaking she was opening her rucksack to pull out the strap-on, which was at the bottom hidden under a spare sweater. "I fingered her first, then she ate me and then we used the toy you gave us -- and that was only the first night. I've spent most of the weekend in bed." She passed the toy, soaped and cleaned that morning, to her new friend.

Dawn shook her head, "You keep it, don't worry me and Mom have lots."

"Okay," Ellie wasn't complaining, she'd quickly grown a sentimental attachment to the strap-on, even if she bought others in the future this would always be the one she first fucked her Mom with. "Thanks for helping me, we wouldn't have taken the step without you and your Mom."

"It was our pleasure, Mom and I were both saying over breakfast how we hoped it had gone well and how we enjoyed having you for dinner -- we're hoping it could become a regular thing."

"Speaking of that Mom said I was to invite you both to dinner on Saturday evening, I'm not to take any excuses about your Mom wanting to cook, it's our turn."

"Sounds great," replied Dawn.


"What top?" Julie Norman stood in front of the dressing table mirror and held up a white blouse and a dark sweater.

"Sweater," said her Dawn, as she moved behind her Mom and slipped her hands round to squeeze at the older woman's bare tits.

The Milf giggled, "You're only saying that because you think it's too tight."

"I wouldn't say too tight," replied Julie with the emphasis placed on the 'too'. It certainly accentuated her Mom's bosoms, but she had no problem with that and she was sure that there new friends, the Carters, wouldn't have either. She moved her mouth round to gently kiss at her Mom's neck as one hand slid down, gently stroking over her Mom's stomach and down to the jeans. Her Mom gave a small moan as Dawn undid the top button and slid her hand underneath them and panties, to tease the cunt. "I am so going to fuck you later."

"Oh God, yes, I can't wait, you turn me on so much," Julie trembled in excitement as her Dawn's fingers rubbed at her slit. "I can't wait until we get back to tonight and you fuck me so hard."

"It'll be great to catch up with Amber and Ellie, now they're out with each other," Dawn grinned and pulled her hands back, whilst still remaining latched round her Mom.

"Have you spoken to Ellie?" Julie asked, her pussy disappointed that her daughter wasn't going further

"Not since Monday; it would get too suspicious if we were constantly talking -- people might start to suspect that Ellie's got some serious issues to see the counsellor so often."

"We must swap numbers tonight," her Mom said. "It'd be lovely to be able to just call and arrange to go for a coffee or something together."

"You make it sound like we're a club," her daughter joked, "The Mom Daughter Lovers Club, perhaps?"

"That wouldn't be so bad, it's fun spending time with women who are the same as us -- even the other lesbian couples we knew from your college, we had to be so guarded around them in case they suspected -- I think they all thought we were stand-offish."

"Or that I was fucking a sexy Milf, I didn't want to share," giggled Dawn. She kissed at her Mom's neck and stroked her slit again, as she squeezed a titty, all three combining to make Julie moan with pleasure. But if she'd been hoping for more she was going to be disappointed as her daughter unhanded and stepped back, albeit giving her Mom's ass a brief swat as she did. "Finish getting ready we don't want to be late."

Certainly Julie didn't want to be so late it was impolite, especially as she had been looking forward to the evening, however, she had to admit, another five minutes of fingering her hole wouldn't have led to them being terribly delayed. But Dawn was already pulling out her lipstick to apply, so Julie had to console herself with the thought that they'd be fucking later and for much longer than a five minute quickie.

She finished dressing and then applied her own lipstick, sharing the stool with her daughter, both of them crowding the mirror allowing Julie to admire her daughter's beautiful face even as she was glossing her lips and pursing them in a kiss towards the younger woman's reflection. "Done," she finally said.

"Me too," replied Dawn fishing for the car keys.

The drive didn't take long and soon they were outside the house, medium sized with a small yard and drive, in a suburban street filled with houses all of a similar design; though Julie strongly suspected it was only one where the Mom and daughter were fucking each other. The door opened almost as soon as the doorbell rung, Ellie obviously waiting. "Come in, come in," she ushered them in. Like them she was wearing smart, but casual clothing, not the more formal dresses they'd been wearing the first time they met -- this was a more relaxed evening between two couples, not a getting to know you where everyone wanted to impress the others. "Let me take your jackets... Mom, they're here."

"I'm here," Amber appeared -- she looked much more radiant than when they'd last met, as if all the cares she'd been carrying had been slipped away, having sex with her daughter evidently agreed with her. She was only with them for a second as Ellie passed her Mom the jackets the Normans had been wearing to put away, whilst in turn offering them some drinks.

Julie and Dawn followed the teen into the main room, sitting down whilst she opened a bottle of wine and four glasses -- her Mom had relaxed the drink code as long as they were in the house and not out, the teen explained. Amber joined them a few minutes later, taking the glass her daughter proffered and sitting next to her on one of the couches, their arms slipping around each other.

"So how's your new relationship going? Dawn told me it started pretty much when you got home last week," Julie smiled.

"The sex started then, the relationship talk was the next morning," Ellie grinned.

"Not that we're complaining about either, the sex is marvellous and it's made our relationship so much closer," Amber added.

"That was the same with us," said Julie.

"And the sex only gets better," Dawn said, squeezing her Mom's arm as she said it and making the older woman grin with pride that she still had it.

"In that case I can hardly wait," Amber replied, "As its pretty spectacular already." She grinned as Ellie went in for a quick kiss, her hand stroking her Mom's thigh as she did.

They held it for a few seconds, not that Julie was embarrassed by it, she thought it was great that the Carters could show their love and it was only a shame that it couldn't be more public. When they broke Julie said, "Dawn's so right, I can't believe how bad my sex life was before I got with her and how good it is now and so often."

"That's so right," said Ellie, "At the moment we seem to be doing it morning, noon and night."

"Hopefully not noon," Dawn said jokingly, "As you're supposed to be in school."

"Okay not noon," conceded Ellie with a smile showing she got the joke, "at least not on weekdays, but seriously it is first thing in the morning, then once we're home and then after dinner we're heading to bed early, but not getting to sleep until the early hours -- sometimes I think I need to go to school to get some shut eye." She smiled to show she too was joking and Dawn laughed.

"Another top-up," asked Amber, disengaging herself from her daughter. The others nodded as Amber refilled with suitably generous measures, announcing as she did that dinner would be ready in thirty minutes.

They talked some more, Ellie and Amber giving more detail of how they'd got together, with Julie and Dawn telling them how much fun was still to come as they deepened and broadened their sexual relationship. Over the meal they carried on talking, the conversation flowing as easily as the wine. After it was finished Julie insisted that she help clear the table and kitchen, as Amber had done last week giving them a few moments alone.

"You're so lucky with Ellie," Julie said, "She's so sexy and into you as well."

"You're not doing too bad with Dawn either," said Amber in reply. "Guess we're both lucky."

"You don't know how much. It's so difficult being the only Mom-daughter couple around, whenever we were out together I was always terrified there'd be a slip and she'd call me Mom, not Julie," she shivered as she spoke, as she remembered the terrors she'd faced whenever they'd met other lesbian couples for a meal or a drink, the stories they'd had to tell and the lies they had to recall from week to week. "It's so much more relaxing when you can just be yourself."

"Oh God, yes it's been hard enough this week as I've dropped Ellie off for school, each time I've wanted to plant my mouth on hers and give her a proper goodbye kiss, instead of just accepting the timid peck on the cheek she gives me," Amber said.

"We left the small town Dawn was born in when she went to college and rented a place near the campus. We told everyone I was an old friend of her Mom's and when we became lovers her parents had disowned her as a lesbian -- it explained why she never went home to visit nor anyone came to visit her."

"Then you came here," Amber smiled.

"I'm so glad we did, even just letting you know our secret has been a big relief."

"Having you share ours is a load lifted for us as well," Amber said, "And if you and Dawn hadn't given us that push..."

They finished up in the kitchen and returned to the main room, where the girls had put on some music and refilled the wine glasses. Julie sat down next to her daughter, the twentysomething slipping her arm casually around her Mom's shoulder and twirling her hair, as she and Ellie continued their conversation about some band. Julie took a sip of her wine and relaxed into her lover, letting the conversation flow round her comfortably. She could see that Amber was feeling the same, food and alcohol making them both lethargic and happy to slip into the comfort of their daughters' arms.

Suddenly the relaxing was broken, though not necessarily in a bad way. Dawn jumped up, "I love this song," she grinned reaching down for her Mom, "Let's dance."

"I don't dance," Julie protested half-heartedly, knowing she was going to be talked into it by her daughter.

It was Ellie who was the one who moved to persuade her, "Come on Mom, up you get, if you're dancing Julie will join in."

Seeing it was three to one, Julie stood. The song was one with a bouncy rhythm which she'd heard sometimes in the background if her daughter was listening to music whilst reading or making dinner, but she couldn't have given the name or the singer. In front of her Dawn was starting to dance and sway, keeping time with the beat. Julie had never rated her own dancing skills, even when she had been Dawn's age, but she tried to replicate them. Dawn grinned, pleased her Mom was making the effort even if Julie felt her moves were that of an ungainly rhino compared with her daughter's swift and elegant gazelle.

Her only consolation was that, whilst Ellie was graceful, Amber was little better than Julie -- the Milf's eyes on her daughter, not to admire her sexy curves, but in a vain attempt to follow her moves. Neither daughter seemed to mind their Mom's clumsiness, instead they were grinning widely and happily as they bopped and bounced, first of all with their Moms and then turning to dance together, their bodies gyrating closely and sexily, as they swung and swayed in time with both the music and each other. Julie forgot how bad her own dancing was as she feasted her eyes on her daughter's hot butt, wiggling and swinging as the young woman swivelled her hips and circled her body round Ellie's like she was a stripper and Ellie was her pole. Opposite her she could see Amber was having the same lascivious thoughts about her daughter as Julie was, not that she could blame her -- whilst Dawn was the hottest thing ever, in her Mom's mind, she had to admit that Ellie was not that far behind.

Further thoughts on Ellie was interrupted as Dawn spun away from her to stand so close in front of her Mom that her view was blocked. The young woman's hands moved to Julie's waist, gripping it tightly, before swinging round again, so that this time she was behind her. The Milf moaned as her daughter's mouth went down on her neck, kissing and suckling the smooth flesh as her hands wrapped round her stomach holding her close. Even as she watched, in front of her, Ellie was dragging her Mom close to her and kissing her hard.

A hand slid up her chest to her bosom and Julie moaned in pleasure as Dawn began to knead her bosom, squeezing the large mammary tight through the woollen sweater. The song switched from an upbeat tempo to a more sonorous soloist which lacked the powerful beat of its predecessor [even if the singer was more talented]. But neither nor the Moms or the daughters were moving to the music anymore, they were moving to each other instead. Julie's back arched and she slid her head back to rest of her daughter's shoulder as Dawn's mouth continued to slurp at her neck like a hungry vampire. The younger woman's hand was moving down and stroking between Julie's legs making her hot but not bothered. "MMmnnn," she gave a satisfied groan, her eyes fluttering, "Ooohh, baby."

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