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The Neutralizer Pt. 01

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Joberi needs an extraction of negative matter.
1.3k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/28/2021
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Negative matter

"Behaving strangely, Zhertum Vrenkil is," pondered lead scientist Dr. Daru, watching from the secluded upper level of InterGalactica Headquarters as the man himself peered furtively over hunched shoulders, one way then the next, before rounding the corner and disappearing from view.

"Yes, very strange indeed," agreed Zhertum Ina, one of the few females to receive the designation. "His actions of late have been extremely peculiar. Very withdrawn, refusing to make eye contact. You don't suppose..."

Dr. Daru wiped his glasses on his bright white lab coat. "Suppose what?"

" don't suppose that someone from...from the Grifus is trying to proselytize him? Just last week, we lost Sukima to that evil organization, and"—Ina gave a mournful sigh—"poor Zhertiko Joberi a month prior to that."

"That may be an unfortunate possibility. Only one way to tell." Dr. Daru placed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and stroked his stark white beard thoughtfully. "It was formerly thought to be simply a guilty and suspicious conscience manifesting itself, but after comprehensive behavioral analysis, my colleagues have determined those particular actions were most likely for one reason and one reason alone."

"And that reason would be..." Ina's voice trailed off.

"The proof is in the eyes."

"The eyes? Doctor, what—?"

He swiftly turned and stared down intensely into Ina's own confused blue orbs. "You mustn't repeat a word of this, Ina. Do you swear by the Goddess?"

"With my sword and my life," came her bewildered reply.

There was a pregnant pause before Dr. Daru spoke in a hushed voice. "Undercover operations retrieved Joberi two days ago and are now in the process—"

"What?!" Ina hissed.

"Sshhhhhhh! Quiet! This is classified information and you are not meant to know anything about it! I tell you only because I know Joberi is—was—your commanding officer. At any rate, the process the Grifus puts their initiates through causes their eye color to change. Joberi's medical records indicate he had green eyes."

Ina's petite frame staggered as she fell back onto a nearby bench, futilely brushing escaped black wisps back into her utilitarian bun. "Yes...a-a mossy green. He's shown me holopics, and his entire family—may the Goddess rest their souls—had that exact shade."

"Well," he informed her, "they are no longer green, but pure black. Apparently, black streaks appear within ten days, and continued indoctrination turns the entire eye, sclera and all, completely black within thirty days, hence their action of avoiding eye contact. Tests and experiments have been run in the hopes of reversing the effects, but none have been one hundred percent successful. Joberi has become increasingly combative and mindlessly aggressive—most likely withdrawal symptoms—but efforts with him have been in vain."

"Is there nothing to be done?" she cried.

Dr. Daru sighed. "I've told you this much—may as well tell you the rest. Joberi isn't our first recovery, but our fifteenth. There... There is a revolutionary experiment my science department has been working on. Its official name is The Negative Matter Extraction & Neutralization. We want to test it with Joberi, but it requires a healthy volunteer who, in essence, will become a Neutralizer. Trial runs on other subjects have proven to work best when the volunteer is a family member or close friend. An established trust factor is key, but it's difficult finding that particular someone since, as you know well know from being one yourself, the life of a Zhertum is a lonely one."

"Since Joberi's family is dead, who could help him?"

I wonder...he mused. No family, and no friends other than Ina. Just acquaintances. Hmm. How close were they?

"Ina, would you say that you and Joberi were...close friends?"

"Well...we're fairly close. I know his story, he knows mine, and we always shared last meal together."

"Would you consider volunteering as his Neutralizer? This may be his last chance. If this doesn't work, Joberi may have to be terminated. That is, of course, only to be the last resort if all other options have failed. It would be a shame, because we don't believe he went to the Grifus willingly."

"Of course! Whatever I can do!" Ina blurted out. "He's...he's my only friend, too. What do I have to do?"

"Are you sure? It's very intensive and, to be completely honest, maybe even a lifelong commitment."

"I am absolutely sure, Doctor. Joberi can't die. He just can't! Especially if he was forced!"

"I know you haven't had any spiritual medical training, but, simply put, there is a negative presence from the Grifus taking residence within Joberi's soul. This must somehow be extracted. However, an extraction of a negative means that there is nothing left...just empty space, and a soul can't be left in that condition. It must be replaced with a positive presence. My dear, you must extract the negative and insert a positive. The process for doing so is rather...erm, physical...but you did say whatever you could do, you would. We've tried several methods in the trial runs, as I mentioned before, but...well...please forgive the language, my dear, but you have heard of the phrase, er...sucking a man's soul out through his cock?"

Ina gasped. "Doctor! Everyone knows every Zhertum has sworn an oath refusing all phy—"

"Forget the oath. I could not be any more serious, Ina. The science can't be explained, but this is the only way. All of the negative matter in his soul must be extracted through his cock."

"How am I supposed to replace it with positive matter?"

"My dear, how does a woman nourish a child? Although, it is worth mentioning that you have two options which have proven somewhat successful in the clinical trials. You will likely have to utilize both in Joberi's case. You must nourish him as you would a child, and also as a man. Sometimes both methods in a single session. It will vary."

"" she spluttered.

"You must allow him to nurse from your breasts or from your cunt. An injection of positive matter will be given to you so that you can pass it on to Joberi. And, before you inquire, direct injections have failed on the test subjects. Only when the positive matter has been transferred intimately by a trusted person has it shown any signs of success," Dr. Daru explained.

"How often will I have to do this? And you say I may have to do this for the rest of my life?"

"Just as an addict is always a recovering addict, so will Joberi be. He will need constant positive treatment to keep the negative matter from regenerating. As for how often... Any time he exhibits signs of aggression or black tendrils show in his eyes, you will need to provide immediate treatment. In fact, should you choose to do this, you will be awarded an honorary retired Zhertum status and receive annual compensation three times as much as your current amount, not only because we recognize the inconvenience, but also because we sincerely hope to restore Joberi to his official position of Zhertiko."

"I have never heard of such before!" Ina exclaimed. "But...if you say this is the only way, I owe it to Joberi to at least try. Can...can I see him now?"

"Of course. In fact, now would be a good time to begin. We have him restrained in a special contraption in order to limit all movement, but if his...noises...bother you, we can certainly gag him. If all goes well during the extraction portion, he should revert to a childlike behavior, in which case you could monitor him closely in the comfort of your own domicile since he would not pose a significant threat to you. Shall we?"

Dr. Daru led a worried Ina through the facility in a maze of winding corridors and turns before finally stopping at a nondescript door.

"Please know that despite what you may see, he is not truly uncomfortable, though it may appear so."

When Dr. Daru opened the door, Ina visibly gathered her courage and followed him into a room buzzing with activity. Medical machines and beeping monitors recording wireless vital statistics filled the room along with four people in lab coats. Gazing about the sterile environment, her eyes caught on—

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