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The New Wolf Ch. 01


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Now Clara shook her head.

"That doesn't make any sense."

"You're safer here. Trust me."

"Safer? Surrounded by a bunch of strangers who are trained fighters?"

"They won't be strangers for long. You have my word; nobody here will even think of trying to harm you."

Clara still was thinking of ways to escape, but could tell this was a dead end.

"I have your word, nobody here will try and harm me?"

"I swear it."

"And if they do?"

"Then I will take you back to Laramie myself and pick you up every weekend."

"Alright..." Clara stood up again. She was getting hungry.

"To the kitchen." James started climbing, this time stopping at the first floor.

Clara thought about his recent promise to her and let out a sigh. She wasn't sure if it was from the Alpha voice he was using on her or a gut instinct, but James was right. She couldn't imagine anyone here harming her.


As predicted the kitchen was gigantic. A group of women about her age sat on stools under a counter. James nodded his head at them and they smiled back. One by one their smiles dropped when they looked at Clara. She glanced at James who wasn't paying any attention to the women and walked past them towards the cabinets. They started whispering to each other and Clara felt her cheeks grow red.

"What are your favorite foods?" James asked. "I hope you're not a vegetarian?"

Clara shook her head. James pulled open a door and walked into a largest pantry. Boxes and cans lined the shelves. Clara wasn't sure eighty-three people would eat this much food in eighty-three years. James must have sensed her amazement and chuckled.

"Another perk of the transformation. Your metabolism is exponentially higher now. You will have to increase your calorie intake significantly." He threw a protein bar. Clara caught it and wasted no time taking a bite.

"You have free reign on this floor," James said. "Including the kitchen. Twice a week we have dinner as a pack. Otherwise, food is what you feel like having. Tell me, are you a good cook?"

Clara shook her head no, she was raised on takeout and continued the trend into adulthood.

"I'm having a hard time coming up with a job for you."

"I have a job; I'm starting at a museum with the University. Maybe that could be my contribution?"

James rolled his eyes.

"Overall you are doing quite well with all the information I've been throwing at you. But I thought we covered this. Your old life is gone; your new life is gone. This is where you belong. It will take some time, but you will adjust and find your place."

A feeling of shame came over Clara. She dropped her eyes to the ground upset she disappointed James. Then the ludicrousness of her thought popped up and she locked eyes with him again.

"Stop using that voice on me."

"For being so young and so new, you really are quite strong. I think you're going to make a fine addition around here. Lesser wolves can't speak to me that way."

"That's a horrible way to talk about your pack."

"It's not horrible if it's the truth." James shrugged. "All wolves are not created equal."

"Then what makes me so special?"

"If there were a rhyme or reason I would tell you. Strong genes?"

James grabbed a banana and some other random items, ushering Clara out of the pantry and over to a table. The whispering women were on the opposite side of the room, but Clara had a feeling she knew what they were discussing.

"When were you turned?" Clara wanted to distract herself from the annoyance she felt.

A growl drove all the other concerns out of her mind as she locked eyes with a different side of James. The soft eyes and smile were replaced with harden straight lines that fumed with anger.

"I am a natural born wolf."

There was no sense of comfort in James' voice. It felt as if a cold front spread through the kitchen. Even the women on the other side stopped chatting. All the emotions and confusion Clara was feeling burst forward. She didn't choose this life; she didn't know what was happening to her. She was lost and confused, feeling like a prisoner and now turned on by the only guard who would tell her what was happening. The dam keeping in her tears burst open and she found herself sobbing.

In a flash hands were on her shoulders and her head was being pressed to James' chest. He whispered comforting words into her ears.

"It will be alright."

"You will get accustomed."

"It will take some time."

"You have a new family."

Clara tried to fight against the warm feeling his voice spread through her heart, but she couldn't. He was too reassuring and soon the tears dried up. He stopped rubbing her back and returned to his seat. Clara wiped the last of her tears and he continued on with the conversation.

"Most of us were born into this life. In fact, it's been about twenty years since we've had a turned member."

He made no apology for his earlier comment and Clara didn't plan on holding her breath for one. She was glad she had no intention of staying, because he was making it pretty obvious she would always be a lesser wolf for this fact alone.

"How about you meet some of the other members?" James glanced at his wristwatch.

Clara wondered why he didn't check his phone for the time and grimaced. They probably didn't have cellphones or landlines even.

"Trust me, they're going to love you. We can start over there." James nodded to the women on the other side of the kitchen. "I would love to spend all day with you, but I have other things to take care of."

Clara wanted to object and ask to head back to her room, but realized that meant an escort from James. The girls seemed like they might be easier to ditch in the event Clara did figure out where they were at and planned her escape. She nodded her head. James stood up first and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Are you sure you don't have any more questions?"

"I'm a wolf now. I have to live here with you and your pack. You will find me a job that I have no say in and I am a lesser member? You say I'm not a prisoner, but I'm not allowed to leave pack grounds or be alone outside yet?"

Clara was glad the dam had rebuilt itself. James did not look amused at her recap.

"This is a transition for you, but remember what I told you. Nobody here will harm you. You have my word on that."

Clara didn't need clarification to know that only extended to physical harm. She wondered how welcoming the other ladies were going to be.

"One last questions," Clara said. "Is there anything else that I have to know right now? I don't want any more big surprises."

"I mentioned the high metabolism right?" James smiled. "I'm sure there are a few minor details I forgot to run over, but nothing major. I will stop by your room this evening and check in on you before bed."

James put his hand on the small of Clara's back and ushered her over to the women. The three of them gave forced smiles.

"I'm sure you've heard the news by now, but this is Clara, our newest member." James pulled out a chair and tapped the seat. Clara felt like a child, but sat down anyway.

"Hi Clara," the black haired beauty said. The three other women echoed her response.

"This is Roxy, Courtney, and Nicole." James pointed at each lady, Clara was sure she would forget their names. "Ladies could you please take Clara under your wing for a little while, maybe spend the rest of the day with her? I'll find you in a couple hours."

Without waiting for a response, James turned and left. Clara wanted to reach out for him and tell him to stay, not to leave her alone, but couldn't find the words. She turned her attention back to the women at the table. They all looked ageless and flawlessly beautiful. Clara knew she wasn't unattractive, but these women were all tens. She stood out like a sore thumb.

"So, you were attacked in the woods by an outcast? Lucky you." Roxy flipped her hair behind her shoulder. It seemed like she was the leader of this group.

"Lucky?" Clara was confused.

"Being a wolf is an honor." Roxy showed no hint of sarcasm. "The moon goddess must have shined down on you. Welcome to the pack."

The other three girls repeated the sentiment. Clara found herself relaxing a little. They wore the look of mean girls, but didn't seem to fit that persona. Roxy stared at Clara, making her feel the need to speak.

"So what are your jobs?" Clara knew it was a dumb question, but all she could think about was getting back to the museum.

"Jobs?" Roxy let out a laugh. "We are all with important men. We don't need to work."

"I thought everyone contributed?" Clara thought about James' self-sufficient comment.

"We do contribute. Our men are essential to the pack. Nicole and Courtney are with two of the top soldiers. They helped saved you. I'm with Lucas."

Clara shrugged, she didn't know the name. Roxy let out a sigh.

"The Beta? James did explain some things to you right?"

"Oh, his number two," Clara said. "I'm still new to all of this."

"There is a hierarchy around here. The first priority is always the Alpha, then the Beta, then based on skill and how you contribute."

"So your contribution is being with important men?" Clara didn't mean for her question to come out so offensive, but the three women nodded their heads. They didn't realize the subtext. Clara felt like she stepped into a time warp.

"Since you're a...new wolf you will be at the bottom," Roxy said. "Sorry about that, but maybe someday a solider will take interest in you, then you could move up."

"Or you could get pregnant," Nicole added.

"Yeah!" Roxy didn't hide her excitement. "When you're pregnant and have a young kid the Alpha takes pity on you, but unless the father is someone important once your kid is a teenager you lose the respect again."

Clara's mouth hung open. She had a Master's degree in art preservation. These women seemed to think getting pregnant was a respectable way to get ahead.

"I wouldn't get my hopes up," Roxy continued. "I'm sure whatever job James give you if you do really good he will promote you. Then maybe if you're high enough someone will take interest. I mean...It's not like you're ugly either. That will work in your favor."

"Thanks." Clara's desire to get out of here was increasing by the second. These women seemed dumb enough that it might be easier to escape than she thought.

"Lucas is coming back tonight. I can't wait. I've missed him so much!"

Clara looked around the kitchen, trying to guess what the rest of the floor looked like and where the front door might be. Roxy reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"He's been in Laramie for three days, getting the supplies that we can't make here. It's a real honor that James sent him."

"How did he get to Laramie? Did he walk?" Clara asked.

The girls giggled.

"How would he carry the stuff back with him? We have vehicles. I keep hoping one day Lucas will take me with him on one of these trips. Not because I want anything to do with humans, no, no, I mean because I miss him so much when he's gone."

"You've never met a human?" Clara asked.

"Human's aren't the special ones, of course we have."

"How often do you leave the lodge?"

"A few times a year. When it's mating season," Roxy said. "We go and visit another pack. The whole thing is stupid if you ask me. Lucas and I don't normally attend. Odds are, there's nobody out there for you anyway, being turned and all."

"There are other packs?" Clara wanted to keep them talking, and find more information out about this van. "How far away are they? Do you drive there too?"

"There are a bunch," Roxy said. "I'm not sure the exact amount."

"Maybe one of you wants to give me a tour?" Clara hoped the tour included the location of the cars.

Roxy narrowed her eyes and turned her head.

"We're a little busy at the moment."

A sour feeling made its way to Clara's stomach. Before she could ask another question someone new walked in the kitchen. It was a girl around their age. She was pretty, but plain. She pushed a giant laundry cart.

"Suzy," Roxy said. "This is Clara our new member."

The girl stopped pushing and looked at Clara, giving her a smirk.

"Welcome to the pack." The sarcasm was not hidden from her voice.

"Clara I think Suzy is more your speed. Why don't you spend some time with her? I think that she will be able to give you a better idea of what your life will be like here."

It was obvious Roxy viewed this girl as a lesser wolf. Clara nodded her head, happy to have an excuse to leave the kitchen and try to find an exit.

"Bye hunny, it was great meeting you." Roxy forced a smile. The other two women waved and Clara stood up from the table, happy to leave them.

"Come on," Suzy said. "I'll give you the tour to the laundry room."

She continued pushing the cart and Clara followed, trying to take in her surroundings. Once they left the kitchen Suzy broke her silence.

"Don't mind the trio of bimbos, most members aren't like that."

"Do you know what state we are in?"

"I thought you were bit in the leg, not hit in the head." Suzy raised an eyebrow. "The great state of Wyoming, fifty miles Northwest of Laramie in the Medicine Bow Mountains. Did ten minutes with those three convince you we are all morons?"

Clara let out a laugh and nodded, relieved that not everyone here was uneducated.

"I grew up with Roxy. Since she was a baby everyone has been telling them her she is special and the pretty one, that all she had to do was stay beautiful, learn how to fight, and please her man. Courtney and Nicole have been here for a long time now, I'm sure their upbringing was similar."

"That's an interesting goal for a woman." Clara rolled her eyes over the sexism.

"Me? I was told pay attention in classes, learn whatever you can because you're going to have to claw your way to getting some respect and a decent position."

"And what is your position?" Clara asked.

"I'm sure that you've heard how there's a caste system in place here?"

Clara nodded.

"Well you will soon find out that it's not as bad as the flock of bimbos make it out to be. There are about sixty adults living here, I'd say about fifty of us are contributing hard working members who consider themselves equal. It's the top ten who think they're special. You might get a main job, but if you're a decent person you will put yourself in the rotation."

"Rotation?" Clara asked.

"The bad job rotation. This week I'm up for laundry."

They stopped walking and Clara cursed herself. She was listening to Suzy too much and didn't pay attention. She sighed and touched her forehead.

"Everybody knows you want to run away, but I wouldn't try, not for a while at least. The Alpha has extra people on security until you get settled. If you make a break for it and he catches you, then he'll throw you in a cell until you calm down."

"Why?" Clara grabbed some laundry, helping Suzy load the washers. "Why does he care if I stay?"

"Because you're his responsibility. We all are," Suzy said. "Say what you want about the Beta and his girl, but the Alpha is a caring man. He might be a little out of touch, but he does have our best interests at heart all the time."

"It's stupid, I will be fine at home, I won't shift, I won't let anyone know I'm a wolf or whatever."

"One of two things would happen if you left here. First, you would be too far away from the pack and go crazy, or second, a crazy outcast wolf would be drawn to you and kill you."

"None of this makes any sense."

"Not yet, but it will," Suzy said. "It's actually pretty fun here. We work hard and we play hard. James has a nice opinion of everyone and he is nice to everyone, but piece of advice?"

"I'll take any I can get."

"Stay away from the Beta and stay further away from Roxy."

"She seemed harmless." Clara grabbed more clothes. "And incredibly stupid."

"She's dumb like a fox. My guess is she was testing you out, more interested in observing your responses than listening to the words you were saying. She makes trouble for people, but the Alpha is blind to it. Stay off her radar and you will be fine.

"The Beta, Lucas, he's terrible. One of those people who is mean for the sake of being mean. He has no problem looking at you, spotting your weakness and preying on it. Don't even make eye contact with the man. I swear sometimes I think he's insane. Overall they're perfect for each other. I can't believe they're not real mates."

"How did he rise to the number two position if he's so crazy?"

"I'm sure physical combat is new to you, but believe it or not we all have had to fight at some point or time and you will too. It's a hostile world. Beta is an earned position. Lucas is the best fighter in the pack. I've only seen him in action once. It was almost majestic the way he attacked with speed and accuracy. It was like watching a dance."

Clara shuddered. She'd never been in a fight once in her entire life. She pushed Suzy's warning out of her head, but realized that even when she did escape going back to Laramie wasn't an option or else James would drag her back here. Clara didn't think things could get much worse.


Clara stuck with Suzy the rest of the day. Everything went smoothly, except for dinner. She preferred to be lost in a crowd, not the focus of one. The members seemed to sense this and none approached her directly. She met the other two who sat at their table, but forgot their names already. Clara felt like she had to pinch herself to keep from having a break with reality over how bizarre her situation had become.

After dinner was social time, which seemed to mean everyone went into the basement to play some form of sport or went outside to shift and take a run. Clara didn't feel like either.

"Do you play volleyball? I've got a game going tonight if you want to join."

"Thanks for the invite, I'm not very athletic."

"You are now," Suzy said. "I bet you have way more skills than you realize."

Clara let out a yawn.

"I think I want to lie down. It's been a long day."

"I bet," Suzy said. "Do you need me to walk you to your room?"

"Clara how did your day go?" James seemed to have appeared out of thin air. "I see you've met Suzy. Did she tell you she's our volleyball superstar? You should come and play or at least watch her. She really is amazing."

Suzy smiled and dropped her chin, trying to hide the pride she felt at James' compliment.

"It was fine. I'm exhausted though, I think I'm ready for bed."

"I will walk you to your room."

"That's not necessary."

Clara was hoping to spend some time looking for where the van might be parked, or any other vehicle in this place, but James already had his hand in the small of her back and started guiding her towards the stairs.

"I've heard lots of good thing about you. Roxy said you are very intelligent. It made me think of the perfect job for you. Teaching the pack's children. I know it's not museum curator, but the current instructor is ready for a new challenge and I think you will be perfect at the position."

Teaching meant people staring at her, paying attention to her. Clara felt a knot in her stomach. There was no way that was happening. Rather than point it out she nodded her head, telling herself the Beta was due back tonight with a van. She would steal the keys and get out of here as soon as possible.

"Wonderful," James said. "It really is a blessing you've joined us. I want you to feel at home, but I know this is an adjustment for you. To make your first few nights extra comfortable I've asked for everyone to keep a close eye on you."

They rounded the stairs onto the bedroom floor. At the end of the hall Clara spotted a man sitting in a chair. Her heart sank when she saw the door was to her room.

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