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The Nica Maid

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Latin-American maid caught stealing gets interrogated.
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The 18-year-old Nicaraguan maid slipped into the shadows of the laundry room, lifted her white cotton skirt to her waist, and slipped the shiny gold ladies watch under the waistband of her panties. The cool metal scraped her belly then caught in her thick pubic hair. Just as she was pushing her hand into her panties the bikini-clad woman of the house stepped into the kitchen, snapped on the lights and walked into the laundry room with an armload of dirty towels from the pool.

Marilee Gonzales froze, her eyes wide open, legs bare to her waist and one hand buried between her legs.

Nancy Reinard chuckled and shook her head as she tossed the towels into the laundry basket. She quickly scanned up the young girl's voluptuous body and smiled. "You really should wait to do that until after you've finished your chores, honey," Nancy rested one bare shoulder against the doorframe and folded her arms across her chest. Nancy was practically naked, covered only in a tiny lime-green string bikini; perfect for sunning and just enough protection to keep her sex and her nipples from a burn. As she admired the young girl's dark skin and firm round hips she felt a familiar twinge between her legs. It brought back college memories of playing in the showers and the dorm rooms that she tried to put out of her mind, but kept popping up at unexpected times. She felt her nipples stirring behind the thin cups of her top and pressed her forearms against her chest as if that would prevent them from stiffening.

"And if I catch you doing that again," Nancy nodded at Marilee's hand which was still inside her panties holding the stolen watch, "I'll ... well, I guess a spanking would be in order. That's what my mother always did whenever she caught me playing with myself." Nancy casually crossed one long leg in front of the other and squeezed her thighs tightly together at the image of the young nubile maid turned bare-assed over her lap. Nancy finally turned away and stepped back into the kitchen, pulled a beer from the refrigerator and headed back out to the pool.

Marilee watched her walk back out towards the pool, and smiled as Sra Reinard's nearly naked butt disappeared around the corner. Marilee closed her eyes and adjusted the stolen watch, pressed it carefully inside her sex and cringed as a sharp edge scraped her tender flesh. . She leaned against the washer and tugged at the thick hair around her clit, flinching at the discomfort. She rubbed her thumb across her clit just long enough to get it to poke its head out. Just as she began to lubricate she remembered where she was and quickly pushed her skirt down over her hips, picked up the load of damp towels and arranged them in the washing machine. Ten minutes later she walked out onto the pool deck to check on her employer's needs. They were nowhere in sight, and Marilee stood quietly beside the pool deciding whether to clean it now or later. She thought she could just strip off her uniform and jump into the pool - to clean it of course, as she'd done a few times when no one was home. The warm sun and cold water excited her, and she liked to lay naked on the lounge chairs and pleasure herself before going back to the hot hard work of cleaning inside or working in the kitchen.

Her fantasy was interrupted by loud voices talking behind the closed sliding doors to the owners' private master bedroom suite. Marilee still struggled with understanding English, and wasn't sure exactly what Mrs. Reinard had said to her when she was in the laundry, but she thought it was strange that she had just stood leaning against the door. She felt funny, not just from her hand on her pussy, but also from something else, something unspoken. She wondered if Mrs. Reinard wanted something more from her than her housecleaning chores. She seemed to spend a lot of time looking at her, especially when she walked around barefoot in the small hip-hugging shorts she wore to work outside.

On the other side of the glass, Mr. Martin Reinard and his wife were arguing.

"I don't care if you think she's cute or not!" he growled. "I think she's lazy and I think she's the reason we can't find things around here."

"You can't find things, dear, because the thoughtful young lady has put away your things." Nancy untied her top and dropped it on the bed then messaged her breasts. "Can't we talk about something else?" she asked as she stretched her nipples out and let them pop free. They stood erect and tempting.

"Like what?" Martin asked without turning around. He was looking out through the sheer drapes at the young maid. She was squatting down picking at something from the deck, her skirt barely covering her butt. "Look at her, just standing out there by the pool, doing nothing and getting paid. I don't trust her."

"What you pay her wouldn't make a dent in your expense schedule if you tripled it," Nancy reminded him. "So stop bitching, okay?"

He turned around to challenge his wife just as she was stepping out of her bikini bottom. Nancy sank to her knees on the carpet and reached out towards her husband. "Come here, honey," she tugged at the hem of his swimming trunks. "You seem all tense and I want to do something."

Martin's ability to resist his wife when she was naked on her knees was non-existent. He pushed down his trunks and his sudden erection popped up under Nancy's chin. For the next ten minutes he just leaned back against the thin lace privacy curtains drawn across the sliding door to the pool as Nancy worked her mouth up and down and stroked her fingers around his balls and anus until he was emptying his juices into her eager mouth.

Outside, Marilee listened for a few minutes after the talking stopped. When she realized what the Reinard's were doing, she returned to the kitchen and prepared to clean up. She slipped off her sneakers at the back door, preferring to walk barefooted and not track shoeprints on the freshly mopped floors. She preferred to be barefoot anyway. There was no need for shoes when she was inside and she especially liked the feeling of the soft grass when she was outside. She turned on the small portable radio to a Spanish station and gathered up the dishes and plates and washed them. She didn't hear Mrs. Reinard slip into the kitchen, still naked, to retrieve her watch. Marilee looked up and saw Mrs. Reinard's reflection in the window glass and just smiled at her. Nancy hurried from the room, her buttocks bouncing as she disappeared down the hall.

"I think she took the bait," Nancy said disappointment evident in her voice. "I was so sure she was a nice kid. Forgetful about where she put things we couldn't find. Shit," she sat down on the end of the bed, braced her elbows on her knees and her chin in the palm of her hands. "I guess now we'll have to hire a new maid. And I was just getting used to having this one around."

"Maybe," Martin said as he dialed the phone. "Maybe not. Let's wait until the detective gets through with his interview and then we'll know how to proceed. And you're just getting used to her has nothing to do with her work skills, my love." He smiled knowingly at his wife who was casually stroking her smoothly shaved sex before he turned away to talk on the phone without the distraction of her actions.

Nancy waited eagerly for Martin to put down the phone, and then she reached out and stroked his flaccid penis until he began to respond.

"Hon," he protested half-heartedly. "If you wanted to fuck, why did you just suck me dry?" In spite of climaxing less than ten minutes ago, her expert touch had him responding. "Besides, the cop will be here in ten minutes."

"I only need five," Nancy said as she fell back and pulled her knees up to her chin, exposing an engorged and dark red, swollen labia. "And I don't want to get pregnant," she guided his member to the entrance of her cave. "So shut up and get busy," she fell back and wrapped her legs around his hips.

Fifteen minutes later, Nancy was showering when the unmarked gray sedan from the private security service pulled up next to the gate. Martin was drying off with a towel outside by the pool and when he saw the car. He stepped back inside the bedroom and pressed the buttons on the security panel to open the gate. He pulled on a pair of nylon gym pants, stuffed his feet into leather sandals and headed out to greet his visitors. He was buttoning his flowered shirt when the two stocky detectives stepped out of the car.

Both wore light gray slacks and white shirts, open at the collar. Both had large black 9 mm pistols on their belts and both were wearing highly polished black shoes. One had short dark hair, a neatly trimmed mustache and dark, distrustful eyes. His partner's hair was pulled back into a ponytail and the high cheekbones and broad nose spoke of Indian heritage, but the most striking feature was the piercing jade green eyes, which accounted for her otherwise unusual nickname, Jade. When she turned to reach for something on the seat, the gaps in the front of the starched white shirt revealed a solid shapely bust line.

"Jose," Martin extended his hand as he approached the car. "You didn't tell me your partner was a woman." Martin smiled at her.

"I thought it was better if she came along," Jose replied nodding to his partner. "This is Maria Louise Ricardo." Martin shook her hand. "She's got black belts in four martial arts, Marty, so don't try to get fresh with her," Jose teased. "She let's some of her close friends call her Jade. I prefer Maria Louise," he said, a touch of bitterness in his voice.

"You speaking from experience, senor?" Martin teased him back.

Jose just smiled and shook his head. "So where's our little thief?"

"Last seen cleaning up in the kitchen. We did what you suggested, planted something tempting and she took the bait."

"What did the little tramp take?" Maria Louise asked with an eager smile that made Martin a bit nervous.

"A woman's watch," Martin replied. "And she hasn't been away from the house so she must have it on her."

"You were watching her?" Jose asked.

"Sort of," Martin replied. "We could hear her moving around the kitchen so I know she hasn't had a chance to hide it anywhere away from the house."

"Where's the girl now?" Maria Louise asked as she headed into the front hallway of the house. "Never mind, I can hear her in the kitchen. You guys give me about ten minutes, then come on back."

Martin glanced at Jose who just smiled and shrugged and settled his heavy body against the front fender of his patrol car.

Maria Louise rolled her shoulders and tugged at her heavy, two-inch wide belt as she walked down the corridor towards the kitchen. She had done this interview a dozen times in the last two months. Foreigners hire some cute young woman to clean their house and get cleaned out a little at a time. Then the girls purposely screw up some task and get themselves fired, so they can go claim unemployment and rest for a couple of months before they have to start the game over again. She'd figured out the fastest way to get them to confess and smiled at the prospect as she stepped into the kitchen.

"Put the dishes down, put your hands on the counter, and don't move," Maria Louise said in a powerful strong voice in Spanish.

"What?" the young maid spun around and stared at the husky dark haired woman who blocked her escape route. "Who are you?" Marilee replied in Spanish.

"Your worst dream date," Maria Louise said stepping closer. "Now turn around, spread those feet shoulder width apart and grab that counter top!"

Marilee slowly turned, her heart racing. She trembled as the female security agent ran her hands up over her hips and ribcage, then down both arms to her wrists. Marilee was helpless to resist when her hands were pulled behind her back and the handcuffs snapped to her wrists. The detective gripped her shoulders firmly and easily pushed her down to the floor.

"Cross your ankles and don't move," Maria Louise instructed her suspect. The strong detective stared down into the frightened face of the young girl, measuring her fear, deciding on which strategy would get her the best result. She made her decision and simply reached down and ripped open the front of the girl's white cotton uniform. The buttons popped off and flew across the room and the cloth parted and hung loosely at her sides. In one quick grab, Maria Louise slipped her hand under the front edge of the girl's bra and pulled it up to her chin. Her young firm breasts barely shifted, the dark nipples puckered and slowly grew harder under the glare of the detective's knowing eyes.

"So where is it, slut?" Maria Louise demanded as she leaned down and twisted both of Marilee's nipples roughly. "Gonna make me go digging for it?" she challenged the terrified girl. The detective gave one more, quick tug on her young nipples and chuckled. Her nipples had swollen hard from the twisting and pulling. "Good thing you like it rough, young lady," she leaned close to the girl's tear stained face. "Cause where you're gonna spend the next three months, your roommates and the guards are gonna teach you things. You'd better enjoy being used." Maria Louise reached down between Marilee's legs and grabbed the cloth of her panties. The detective's fingers slipped under the fabric and she pushed two strong thick fingers inside her cave. "Ah ha!!" Maria Louise exclaimed when her fingertip hit the metal of the watch. "You broad's are so stupid. Did you think I wouldn't look in here?" she laughed and pushed another finger inside the trembling young girl and tugged the watch free and ripped the girl's panties off her body in one quick move.

The detective glanced at the watch, shook her head and set it down on the kitchen table. She balled up the young girl's panties and stuffed them into her mouth. Then she pulled her roughly to her feet and pushed onto a straight-backed wooden chair. "Put your feet outside the chair legs, hook your ankles on the legs and don't move them." Maria Louise pushed back on Marilee's shoulders as she kicked her feet apart.

"You're gonna tell me who you sell this stuff to and where they live," Maria Louise grabbed a handful of Marilee's hair at the back of her neck and yanked her head backwards. "But first you're gonna get a little taste of what's in store for you." The detective reached behind Marilee, unhooked her bra and tossed it aside. She pushed the tattered remnants of her uniform down her arms until it hung from her wrists, leaving the girl naked and exposed her arms pinned behind her back, her wrists shackled. Then Maria Louise stepped back and began to slap at young Marilee's face, then her shoulders and finally at her exposed breasts. The terrified young girl was shaking and crying and mumbling into the gag when Martin and Jose stepped into the kitchen.

"I told you she'd have everything under control," Jose turned and smiled at Martin. He pointed to the watch on the table. "She's already found the watch. In a few minutes, the little bitch will tell us who she sells your stuff to. With some luck, by dinnertime, we'll have recovered some of it. What we don't get today, forget. You'll never see it."

Martin shook his head in amazement. The sight of the naked young girl being roughed up was troubling to him. He didn't know the laws of the Central American country where they were living, but he was sure there were some international rules being violated. He was pleased that it was quick and effective, but he was also troubled that he was actually enjoying the show. He pushed one hand into his pants pocket and adjusted his rapidly swelling cock.

"Oh my." Nancy, fresh from her shower, stepped up behind him, pressed her body tightly against his back and looked over his shoulder. She was wearing only a thin silk wrap-around robe over her damp body and pressed her firm breasts against her husband's back. "Is that legal here?" she asked excitedly.

"This is not a routine investigation, Mrs. Reinard," Jose replied. "Maria Louise and I are simply here as interested citizens helping out a new resident. Someone who is respected and should be respected by the locals who you so generously hire with respectable work."

Maria Louise chuckled to herself. They both knew it was bullshit. They would get a nice tip from this foreigner, they'd get a couple of hours to play and then turn this young girl over to the even harsher jailers who would continue to abuse the girl for at least the next few days. It was late on a Friday and no one would be in the court to hear her side of the story before Monday afternoon. By then, the girl would be willing to say or do anything.

Nancy pressed her stiffening nipples into her husband's back and rubbed them back and forth. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" she asked the detective who was rolling up her sleeves as if the heavy work was about to start.

"Why don't you and I step outside by the pool for a few minutes, Mr. Reinard?" Jose suggested. "And let your wife identify her property and assist my partner in completing the, uh, interview."

Martin let the strong Jose guide him past the terrified young naked girl, her belly heaving, her breasts bright red, the dark nipples swollen and hard. He hesitated as he heard the detective tell his wife to help her pull the girl to her feet so she could finish her search. Martin started to turn around, but Jose kept guiding him away from the house. As he and Jose reached the outside bar beside the pool, he heard the young girl protesting loudly in Spanish, and then she screamed in pain and began to really cry.

"The young one's just don't understand the consequences," Jose explained as he opened the poolside refrigerator and took out two bottles of beer. "Especially hard for them to anticipate what a full body search entails," he added as he twisted off the bottle tops and handed a cold beer to Martin. Jose chuckled as another protest reached them from the kitchen, followed quickly by the solid sounds of leather against flesh and moans and groans. "Maria Louise is especially skilled at this," Jose said as he settled on a barstool. "Your young maid will offer herself to all of us after another few minutes. What do you want to do with her?"

"Do?" Martin was only half listening. The sounds from the kitchen were very distracting. "I thought you were taking her to jail and she'd have a hearing or something on Monday."

"Not a very effective punishment, Senor Martin," Jose smiled. "I think the more direct approach is better. May I suggest a course of action?"


"Maria Louise can take her to the house where she delivers the merchandise. Your wife can accompany her to help identify any of other property she's taken there. Then depending on how much you recover, Maria Louise can suggest either an appropriate penance or some repayment program. I gather your wife would be interested in something like that?"

Jose's knowing smile worried Martin Reinard. "Will she be safe?" Martin paused as the sounds of leather against flesh paused. "My wife I mean. Will she be safe going with the detective to some fence's place of business?"

"Oh she'll be accompanied, of course, by one or two of my armed people," Jose reassured him. "I just thought she might enjoy watching Maria Louise work, that's all."

"I'll ask her," Martin said grimly, already knowing what the likely answer would be. He knew how excited his wife already was, and given carte blanch to dominate a young girl, well, that would be too tempting for his Nancy to pass up. If he could at least watch, he thought. "Perhaps I should be there to make sure she's okay?"

"Of course, sir," Jose nodded and smiled. "I'll loan you one of my security jackets and you can just stand in the room and behave like a supervisor. How's that?"

"Ah, sure, I guess."

"Fine, and when we have recovered whatever property they haven't already dumped, we'll all return here and figure out an appropriate, uh, reward, will that be satisfactory sir?"


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