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The Nixon Girls Ch. 04

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Moira: a third penny nervously offered & tenderly taken.
7.5k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/30/2022
Created 02/03/2006
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Chapter 4: Moira

Moira Nixon is now my mother-in-law. We first met in February of 1988 when I began dating her eldest daughter Jane and were great friends from the very beginning. Her husband Jack had died only a few months earlier and in some ways I became the man of the Nixon household; not as a surrogate husband I hasten to add, but in the role of a dutiful elder son. Jack Nixon had held very traditional views; with a woman's place being in the kitchen and his girls had been brought up very strictly; all decisions had been his alone and as I later realised, had been aggressively, perhaps brutally enforced. I undertook the DIY-jobs, helped Moira to deal with the household accounts and paperwork, provided a willing taxi service for her and the girls, as none of them drove at that time. I even helped her with the application forms and resumes as she looked for her first job in eighteen years.

In 1988 Moira's hair was bobbed and the palest auburn you'll ever see; like ripe wheat at sunset. Today it's flecked silver and looks like that same wheat-field, but in the moonlight. Moira's eyes are large, pale grey and sad; she's elfin in stature; the agreed simile being 'a well fed Calista Flockhart' Moira is always conservatively dressed and immaculately turned out. My brother once remarked 'You just want to walk up to Moira and muss her hair' Personality wise, she's selfless, benevolent, vulnerable and incapable of saying a bad word against anyone.

It was in October of 1988 that our relationship changed. Jane and I had been out for the evening and having returned were making-out in the lounge. On the nights when I stayed over at the Nixon's place, I slept in Jane's bedroom, which was right next door to her mother's – there was a even a connecting door, whilst Jane bunked-up down the hallway with her sister; hence our being downstairs in the lounge. Jane and I were reaching the conclusion of an extremely passionate, albeit silent bout of love-making; lots of throaty gasps, muted groans and squeals, suppressed with gritted teeth: all in an effort to ensure that we weren't overheard; Haven't we all suffered it at some point?

When I raised my head from Jane's ample breasts, I noticed that the lounge door was now wide open and that Moira was standing in the doorway; she looked very pale and tears were streaming down her face. Our eyes locked for a moment and we exchanged weak, embarrassed smiles; before Moira turned and disappeared from view as silently as she'd arrived...

I lowered my face back into Jane's warm, soft breasts and let out a low protracted groan, as the words 'Oh Fuck!' repeated incessantly through my mind. Fortunately, Jane interpreted this sound to be a sign of my satisfaction and I decided that for tonight at least, there was no point in disabusing her of the notion. Soon after, we replaced our discarded clothing; in case we met mum or Eve en-route and headed upstairs; with Jane as always loudly bidding me goodnight outside of my door, thus ensuring that if her mother was still awake, she'd know that we were in our respective rooms. As she turned away down the landing, I looked across at Moira's closed door, smiled wryly to myself and slowly shook my head, whilst once more thinking 'Oh Fuck!'

I took a quick shower and crawled into bed where not surprisingly, I was unable to sleep. Memories of the tears on Moira's face when she saw me despoiling her recently virgin daughter and thoughts of the anticipated fall-out from the incident crowded my mind, banishing any prospect of sleep. 'Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck...' Things weren't helped by the knowledge that Moira too was clearly still wide awake next door; I could hear her moving around and there was a faint sliver of light visible beneath the connecting door. I decided that a sleepless night was not the best preparation for tomorrow's inevitable row and as I'm not a 'morning' person at the best of times, thought it might be better if I just took the bull by the horns right now. At the very least it would protect Jane from the first and probably strongest, wave of her mother's wrath. I crawled quietly from the bed, slipped on my shorts and a tee-shirt, tip-toed across the room and taking a deep breath; tapped gently on the connecting door.

"Just a moment: OK it's not locked, you can come in" was the muted response.

Another deep breath, a final 'Oh Fuck' as I twisted the handle, opened the door, stepped through and closed it behind me, all achieved without ever raising my eyes to meet Moira's. Another deep breath, as I slowly raised my head to meet the icy gaze and the words just poured out "Look, I'm very sorry... Please don't blame Jane... Don't worry, we're taking precautions... It'll not happen again..." As my eyes finally rose high enough to meet Moira's, I fell silent, probably with my mouth agape; she was sat up in her bed, giving me the warmest smile you can imagine with a sparkle of laughter dancing behind her grey eyes.

Moira patted the edge of the bed beside her "sit down and catch your breath, whilst I answer you one point one at a time"

I slumped rather than sat, this was not the reaction I'd expected at all, the adrenaline was pumping; that instinctive "fight or flight" response: When it'd become apparent that neither was suitable, it'd left me disorientated and utterly lost for words. As I tried to collect myself, Moira wrapped her arms around me and gave me a reassuring squeeze; "calm down you silly fool" she laughed.

"Now, where did you get to? Ah yes... You've nothing to apologise for, far from it; I'm not blaming Jane for anything; I'd never considered the possibility that the two of you weren't sensible enough not to be taking precautions and perhaps most importantly, if it doesn't happen again, then I would be very, very disappointed."

I muttered incoherently, looked around the room; anywhere but directly at Moira. Whereupon she laughed and hugged me once again, turned my face to hers, looked me straight in the eyes and said "God; Jane's a lucky girl" then kissed me chastely on the tip of my nose.

I was desperately trying to regain some composure whilst trying to make sense of Moira's words, they just didn't connect with the tears and expression I'd seen downstairs; "B-b-but you were crying when you found us?"

"No; the tears came later. I'd only gone down for a drink" Moira waved at a glass on the night-stand "I didn't even know you were back. I just saw that a light was still on in the lounge and opened the door to switch it off" she shook her head and smiled once more, "the two of you were entwined on the floor and so engrossed in each other that you didn't even notice me standing there"

"Maybe Jane didn't: I haven't told her yet either; but I saw you; I saw the tears"

"That's what I meant when I told you that the crying came later; I'd been watching for about ten minutes before you even noticed me" Moira gave me another, this time wry smile "It's probably me who should be apologising to you and Jane, I ought to have left immediately, but it was just too beautiful to turn away from: hypnotic."

I shook my head in disbelief "but you were crying!"

Moira laughed again, "you're a lovely young man Rob, but not as worldly-wise as you like to think; I wasn't annoyed or upset: what you saw were tears of happiness! Life's not been easy for Jane; in fact it's often been very unfair to her, but if that moment of rapture which I witnessed was the only one she ever knew; then I think she would still consider that her life had been worthwhile."

This was all getting far too profound for me "OK, I hear what you're saying about the tears, but there was more than pleasure at Jane's happiness to be seen in your face, when I looked up"

"My apologies once again, you're more perceptive than I gave you credit for; I do hope my daughter has enough sense to appreciate how fortunate she is" Moira broke eye contact and looked down at her hands "Whilst you just see me as Jane's mother, I'm also a living, breathing, woman; what you spotted was probably a twinge of jealousy. I was envious of Jane; experiencing something that I barely remember; to be honest something I now wonder if I've ever fully known?"

With the immediacy of youth, I nodded sagely "Mmm, I think I can understand; it's been quite a while since your husband died and I suppose he was too ill to... you know... for a few months before that, so it'll be more than a year since you've made love"

Moira returned the mature, serious expression with which I'd accompanied my statement and then burst out laughing!

I was now completely perplexed and looked away, towards the door; in part to hide my confusion but also with concern that her peals of laughter might awaken Jane or Eve. Moira must've had the same thought and been equally unwilling to share our conversation with her daughters; she lifted my hand, which I hadn't even realised she'd been holding, brought it to her lips and bit down on it in an effort to repress her laughter.

Moira's eyes sparkled, whilst mine watered; she'd bitten bloody hard! And it was perhaps a full minute before she regained her self control, released my hand from her mouth and spoke "Sorry I had to bite you" Moira looked at the teeth marks in my hand, raised it back to her face and gently kissed it "All better now". We grinned at each other, then Moira shook her head once again and said "good looking, solvent, sensitive, a generous lover AND a comedian too! Jane should chain you to her bed before you get away"

By way of reply, I quite obviously gave my "I'm perplexed/out of my depth/you've lost me" look once again.

Moira granted me another smile, then a peck on the cheek. "Sorry Rob, that wasn't very fair. At your age a year's still a long time; besides which you never had the pleasure of meeting Jane's father"

"Jack; No, Jane hardly even mentions him."

"I can't say as I blame her"

I responded with another quizzical look.

"He always favoured Eve" She looked down and appeared very sad. "Eve was daddy's special girl and Jane was shut out" Her smile returned "I wish you had met Jack: he'd have hated you! I don't think he would've scared you either; which would've made him even angrier." She chuckled at what was obviously another private joke.

"But that doesn't answer you silent question does it"

I frantically re-ran the conversation through my mind; where had we got to now?

"Jack never gave pleasure to me in the way you gifted Jane this evening" she fell silent for a few moments; looked sad once again. "No; Jack never made love to me once. He just screwed me; and he wasn't even particularly interested in doing that for the last six years of his life." There were tears on her cheeks once again and they clearly weren't from the recollection of happy memories.

I brushed Moira's tears away, wrapped my arms around her as she buried her face into my neck "He never once gave you to an orgasm?" Moira shook her head in silent reply. "The selfish bastard"

Moira looked up, the smile tentatively returning "you'll never know how true those words are"

"So you've had only the memory of some long lost lover to sustain you?"

This comment helped restore Moira's good humour. "You couldn't understand; it was a very different era that I grew up in; the Swinging-Sixties never quite reached the Wyre Valley. There's the odd boyfriend to recollect, but certainly no 'lovers'. I was a good girl, so Jack's the only man I've ever gone all the way with; as we used to say."

"But you've had an orgasm" I frantically searched my memory for her words "barely remembered, you said".

"True" Moira smiled again "but that wasn't with Jack, or indeed any man"

I nodded and smiled knowingly; "got you, sorry I was so obtuse"

Moira raised her eyebrows "Are you sure? You surprise me more and more. We'll perhaps discuss it another day; when we know each other a lot better"

There was a period of silence, during which I became aware of how closely we were now snuggled together and the heat of Moira's body pressed against me. I think Moira came to the same realisation and made to move away. But I tightened my arms around her, whispering "No; stay there" and lightly kissed her hair. She relaxed again, pressed her face into my shoulder and returned the kiss.

"But why haven't you just treated yourself to the pleasure of further orgasms" I asked.

"I beg your pardon. I've already said; you're too young and don't know me well enough to raise that subject." She giggled, sounding much younger. "Actually, if we stayed just as we are now for a hundred years, I probably still wouldn't discuss it with you"

"That's stupid. Playing with yourself isn't anything to be ashamed of; it's natural, Jane does it often when she's on her own and even sometimes when we're together: it's really sexy to watch her.

Moira sat upright and burst out laughing again. "I told you; it was a different era and I was a nice girl; I was never comfortable with touching myself. You didn't understand at all and to be honest I'm glad; it's probably for the best"

As I started trying to unravel that comment, a concerned look crossed Moira's face, then disappeared as she threw her arms around me and kissed me firmly on the lips. That was the first touch between us that couldn't be construed as innocent; I was so surprised that my train of thought wasn't so much broken, as smashed entirely. It was to be several years before I discovered that this had been Moira's prime intention when she kissed me.

The kiss lingered; my hands slipped upwards from Moira's waist, though I only dared to "accidentally" brush against the outer edges of her breasts. I wasn't prepared to risk breaking the spell through being over eager. Our mouths parted, we looked into each others eyes then kissed again, this time at my instigation. When next we parted, Moira pulled back, shook her head and lowered her eyes "we can't do this" she whispered.

"I think we have to" I responded.

"You're dating my daughter for god's sake! I've just spent the last half-hour saying what a great bloke you are and now you're proposing to cheat on her!

I smiled and kissed Moira again; the response was less enthusiastic, but she didn't rebuff me. "Sorry, that was hardly fair. I'm at least equally to blame; what sort of mother am I, to even contemplate stealing my daughter's bloke?"

I kissed Moira again, before flashing her, my wickedest grin. I'd now moved into seduction mode and felt far more comfortable; I was back in familiar waters. "You're likely to be a very disappointed one"


"Disappointed; if you tried to steal me I mean. You're a very attractive woman Moira, but I wouldn't dream of giving up Jane for you: consequently if you tried to steal me from her you would be disappointed"

"I'm glad one of us has managed to be sensible" Moira's questioning look had been replaced by a smile.

"Oh, I'm never that; a total lack of rationality is a large part of my charm" I pressed forward, kissing Moira again. The response was still tentative, almost wary; but still there. I gave her another grin, "and with that concern quashed, we can move on to the far more realistic concept, of your borrowing me from Jane"

"Borrowing you: so how does that work exactly?"

"Simple. Jane's sound asleep and so obviously has no further interest in me tonight. Whereas equally obviously; you're in need of some attention and affection; a situation for which Jane and I are primarily responsible. Therefore it's not unreasonable for me to offer to remedy the problem which Jane and I've created in the first place. As I said; simple!"

"And quite 'obviously', if we were to wake my lovely daughter and explain this 'simple' proposal, that you're suggesting; she'd happily agree to it?"

"Nope, she'd rip my balls off!" at this Moira collapsed into laughter once more; though thankfully quelled it by biting down on her own hand this time.

Once Moira had recovered, I kissed the bite mark and asked "All better?"

"Much." Which Moira delivered along with a smile and brief kiss to my cheek.

"I would probably suffer the same fate if Jane found out after the event too. However, I think that scenario is highly unlikely, as you're the one woman I'd trust not to mention it to her and I've far too much love for my testicles to tell her myself. More importantly; given the deep love that your daughter has for you; once she'd cooled down enough to allow us to explain; Jane would undoubtedly understand and forgive us both. So the only one who'd suffer any long-term ramifications would be me"

"Why's that?"

"Medical science is not yet far enough advanced as to be able to reattach my balls"

Another girlish laugh and a peck on the cheek "and I certainly wouldn't kiss those better for you"

I drew Moira back into my arms, kissing her right cheek and nibbling at her ear; but she pushed me gently away saying "Wait Rob, I need to think"

We sat in silence for several minutes before Moira looked up once more "Perhaps it would be better if I got Tommy to make love to me" she said.

I was stunned "Who's Tommy?"

"I thought you were?" she replied, tipping her head questioningly to one side.

It took me a couple of seconds to decipher that exchange "my first name's Thomas, but nobody's called me that for years?"

"Apart from you Grandmother, according to Jane"

"Yeah, OK. But nobody else does"

"Exactly; nobody else wants Tommy, not Jane, not even you, only your Granny and I'm sure she wouldn't mind me 'borrowing' him. It's called compartmentalisation"

"Sorry; you've lost me again"

"I don't think I have at all" she replied "Rob is Jane's boyfriend; to whom I must remain a mother figure; albeit a sexy one I hope. Whereas despite being equally gorgeous, funny and I hope sexually generous, Tommy's free and available. Simple"

She gave me a wicked grin, snuggled back up and gave me a kiss that could only be described as passionate, to which I responded with equal vigour, whilst exploring her left breast with slightly more verve. Moira trembled and her kiss hesitated, but she didn't reject the touch.

I continued this gentle exploration for several minutes, before slowly unfastening and removing the robe she was still wearing. However, when I moved my hand to raise her nightgown, she clasped it in her own and said "Please Tommy, turn the light off first"

I started to speak, but she quickly put a finger to my lips; "Please, I told you I was one of the nice girls" a nervous smile, then the finger withdrew and she gently kissed me once more.

I rose, stepped over to and switched off the light and when I turned back, Moira was buried beneath the covers. I removed my tee-shirt and shorts and slipped in beside her and was immediately disappointed to feel my skin brush against her long cotton nightdress; having assumed that she'd removed it along with her bathrobe whilst my back was turned. This frustration was tempered slightly as my eyes adjusted to the darkness; it wasn't as dark as I'd expected, the light outside managing to penetrate the curtains and bathe the room in a pale yellow glow.

I tentatively resumed my gentle caresses, Moira responding eagerly to each kiss, even timidly exploring my lips with her tongue, though her body remained rigid and I could sense, rather than feel that her hands clenching at the fabric of her nightgown. I slowly moved my hands to her throat, unfastening the two buttons which closed her gown at the top, but this only served to increase my frustration, as the opening still barely exposed her collarbones. I dusted those with kisses, before slipping lower to kiss the swell of her breasts through the thin fabric, whilst stroking her nipples with my thumbs; they rose gloriously and whilst Moira remained tensely immobile, I could hear her breath rasp and feel her heart rate and temperature increase. I next placed my mouth over the swell of her right nipple, aggressively sweeping over it with my tongue; my saliva soon soaking the cotton, displaying it even more prominently. As I moved across to repeat the process with her left nipple, Moira gasped, brought her arms up to my head and pressed my face more firmly into her yielding breast; I continued to suckle and a muted "ohhhh...yessss..." escaped from her lips.

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