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The Nudist Resort Pt. 01

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Karl and Anne decide to try a high-class nudist resort.
10.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/26/2023
Created 06/08/2023
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Hello, based on some comments I've received on some of my stories I wanted to place this disclaimer. There is no disease in the World of Karl and Anne. They have an open marriage in which they Love to discover new erotica with each other and share erotica with others. Anne is not leaving Karl. Karl is not leaving Anne. They are happy with their lives.

If you don't like reading about a husband and wife having fun, exploring new experiences with other, partners, etc..., then PLEASE STOP HERE.

Finally, this is a multi-part story, which will start a bit slower than most so we can set the stage for the entire experience. I'm trying to focus as much on setting up the story as just the raw sexual scenes...Thanks for reading!


During one of their swing parties, Karl and Anne had a conversation with another couple's experience with nudist resorts, where clothing is optional but most people were nude all the time. The conversation got Karl and Anne thinking and Karl began to research the best places, easy to get to, discrete, low key, and uncrowded. His research led him to a resort in the Caribbean on an English Colony island, which was safe from current day events.

After dinner one night, Karl told Anne of his findings and they snuggled on the couch to watch some resort videos and read some reviews. They liked what they saw. Most people there were around their age, fit, and sexy. From what they didn't see or read (and were the most afraid of) was a full on orgy style place where people were drunkenly moving from person to person and fighting taking place. Karl had read of such places and wanted to avoid them. It was one thing swinging in an "orgy" style in ones own home or another home, or even in a controlled "club" atmosphere where you could leave whenever you like. But being at a place where it was non-stop anarchy was not their cup of tea. They wanted to swing with class so to speak.

Karl had bookmarked the rules of the resort and as they reviewed them, they realized that this place was for them. No sex in the pool for example...Who wants to dodge floating sperm they chuckled. Hot tubs were drained and cleaned every morning. No sex with other guests without full consent. No drunken sex outside of your room. Open sexual acts were allowed, but again, with restrictions such as no hitting, spanking, screaming, or joining in without being invited. These were just some of the rules that made Karl and Anne more comfortable with the resort and they booked a four day stay just to check it out.

=========== The Flight ============

The flight to Miami landed on time and they had a three hour layover before catching the smaller plane that took them directly to the resort's airstrip. It was during this time that Karl and Anne realized that everyone waiting for the flight was a guest at the resort, and people were "sizing" each other up.

A couple sat down in the same "pod" as Karl and Anne. They looked to be a few years younger and were fidgety. Anne made eye contact with the woman, Laura, and said hello. As women do, they quickly fell into a conversation about where they were from, family, kids, etc... Karl introduced himself to the man, Jim, and they went off on their own conversation around golf, sports, and vehicles.

"So what brings you to the resort?" Anne asked Laura.

"Well, we just wanted to try something new." Laura responded, with a flushed look.

"Yeah, us too." Anne replied. "We've never been to one of these resorts before."

"We wanted to make sure that it wasn't full of, you know, drunks and single horny guys. We wanted a little class." Karl added to the conversation.

"Us too." Replied Jim. "I mean, we've never done anything like this, so not sure what to really expect or if we're even gonna leave our room!"

"Well, you two will have no problem leaving your room or even finding some intimate friends if you want that being as cute of a couple as you are." Anne said, trying to set their new nervous friends at ease.

"Honestly, we're not sure what we're looking for here." Laura stated. "We've never done anything like this or 'swung' with anyone. I think we just thought that while we're younger and still physically in shape with no kids, why not?"

"Not to put a damper on your trip." Anne said, not wanting to be a downer, but still wanting to educate the new couple on possible challenges they might face. "But, if you don't mind. Let me caution you about some things that you might encounter here."

"Please do!" Laura said, honestly appreciating the coaching.

"This IS a nudist resort, which means that, well, you'll be seeing many people in all their glory. Some of them may not appeal to you, but others may really appeal to you individually or both." Anne continued.

"What do you mean Anne?" Laura asked innocently.

"Well." Anne continued. "Let's say you're out walking around or sitting at the pool and one of the hottest guys walks into view, and he is very well endowed." This brought a blush to Laura. "Are you OK with your wife looking at him Jim?"

"Well." Jim stammered. "I, I guess so. I mean, not to get too personal, but we do have fantasies that we've discussed. Not that they'd ever come true or that we would even actually go through with them, but we don't seem to get all uptight when we talk through them."

"I get it." Karl interjected. "But Jim, what about the real thing. What will you do if that hot guy walks in, sees your very attractive wife...And sorry if I embarrass you by saying that Laura, but you are...And even comes over to talk to you guys with his hot as hell wife? Are you both gonna be OK with your partner checking out the other couple? Again, as you said Jim, nothing may happen, but are your going to even be OK with just sitting naked with another couple? Say us? The next time you see us, we won't have clothes on...Will you still be OK talking to us?"

"That's a great point." Laura replied after thinking for a minute and looking at Jim. "If Jim wants to look another woman up and down, I'm OK with that. Are you OK if I look at the other men Jim?"

"I think that Anne and Karl have lifted a great weight off of us baby." Jim acknowledged. "I'm glad we're talking about this now and not when we're both naked in front of other people. I think as long as you and I know that we Love each other and that we're not going to do anything without the involvement and consent of the other, we should have a great time here! Let's make a pact right now that if you see a hot guy and want to comment on him, do it! If I see a hot woman and I comment on her, you'll be OK with that too."

"Deal honey!" Laura confirmed, leaning in for a kiss. They all laughed for a minute at the talk that had just taken place.

"Wait a minute." Laura said, after letting a thought sink in. "You said that you've never been to one of these places Anne. So how did you know about the feelings that we might run into here?"

"Well. I said we haven't been to one of THESE places. That doesn't mean we haven't been in similar situations." Anne replied with a sly smile.

"Oh!" Laura replied, not sure whether she wanted to dig deeper into that statement and deciding to let it lay.

The plane was on time and they boarded with the rest of the passengers. Thirty two in all, or sixteen couples. Karl and Anne continued their conversation with Jim and Laura, and half-way through the two hour flight to the resort, Laura switched places with Karl so she and Anne could speak without talking over the men. After a couple more drinks on the plane, Laura began to open up to Anne.

Anne began to take in Laura and found her to be not only smoking hot on the outside, but a genuinely nice person on the inside. Laura was about four inches shorter than Anne, so about five-three, with shoulder length dark hair, 34C breasts by what Anne could make out, and legs that were gorgeous and tan.

"What about you and Karl? You mentioned this was your first time to a place like this, but you've been in 'similar' situations?" Laura asked innocently, causing Anne to unintentionally smile.

"Well, Karl and I have done other things that have spiced up our sex life, but never a nudist resort." Anne said, carefully choosing her words and not wanting to scare off a potentially hot couple. "Looks like we're getting ready to land." Anne noticed, changing the subject and buckling up for their arrival, with Laura following suit.

"Anne?" Laura asked as they touched down. "Do you mind if we swap phone numbers? I mean, it looks like you and I get along and I think the men are getting along. I don't know who else we'll meet here, but it would be nice to have a couple to hang out with..." That last statement caused Anne to break into laughter. "Oh! You know what I mean!" Laura chuckled.

"I know what you mean." Anne jibed, swapping phone numbers with Laura.

========== The Arrival ==========

The passengers were split up into four couples and four limo's took them to the resort. Laura and Jim of course, rode with Anne and Karl, along with two other couples who had also paired up on the flight. Champaign and hors d'oeuvres were waiting in the car for the thirty minute ride to the resort.

Upon arrival, the guests were greeted by four resort concierge's, who would be assigned to each eight person group for the duration of the stay. The concierge assigned to Karl and Annes group was Michael, a tall, black, muscular man, wearing shorts and a linen shirt. He was a magnificent specimen of a man.

"Hello everyone!" Michael stated in a stately manner. "I'd like to welcome you to the resort. Let's come into one of the welcome rooms so we can chat about the next four days and the wonderful experience we hope you will have with us."

Michael led the eight guests into a plush room, with more champaign waiting and some light snacks. Love seats were arranged in a semi-circle with a single chair at one end where Michael took a seat. The four couples took a love seat each with a glass of champaign. Karl and Anne gave each other a look of "wow", taking in the splendor and professionalism of the resort.

"I'd like to go around the room and let you introduce yourselves. You can use your real name, first only please, or you can use the names that you and your partner might have come up with before the trip." Michael gave a smile at is last statement because no one knew anyone's real names except the back office personnel of the resort. You could call yourself anything and everyone interacting with you would only know that name. "You can tell us as much or as little as you like."

The introductions went well, with most people sticking with first names and vague occupational information like "I'm in technology", etc...

"Well, now I'd like to go over some of the resort's policies so we have a great understanding around how we operate here." Michael stated in a friendly but professional voice. "First, there are only couples at this resort, no single people. We do have a singles resort a short twenty minute ride from here, but unfortunately, they can't come here and we can't go there...It just makes things a bit nicer for everyone. Second, most people are here to just relax, and that is what we want you to do...Relax. We ask that guests do not interject themselves where they may not be invited...If someone politely asks someone else to respect their privacy, we hope that is that, and the person will withdraw from the other couple or group. With that in mind, we move to our third policy regarding, self-gratification and sexual conduct. We encourage openness here at the resort and understand that some guests may want to indulge in self-gratification and/or the gratification of a partner, or even other guests. We simply ask that per the second policy, our guests join others only if invited and if not, maintain a respectful distance while reaching their own gratification levels. Four, this is not an orgy palace and as such, we don't condone open orgy activity. We consider an orgy to be a group of eight or more indulging in sexual activities and ask that this type of activity be limited to your bungalow or in one of the many rooms available within our club, which is open from 9PM to 5AM. And the fifth policy is around our dining facilities. We do ask that you wear clothes while dining for obvious safety and sanitary reasons. Bikini's are fine for the women and bathing suits or shorts are fine for the men. You may order food poolside at your chaise lounge and in this case, you may eat sans clothing. I'm sure you already saw the swimming pool and hot tub policies online, but I will review again with you as our sixth policy. For sanitation reasons we ask that no sexual activities take place in the pool or hot tub. Can I clarify anything for you all?"

No one had any questions, so Michael continued to the most important part of the introduction to the resort, making sure the couples understood exactly what they were getting into.

"Now." Michael continued. "I am your concierge for the duration of your visit. If you need anything, day or night, please call me. We will be taking your phones for the duration of your trip and locking them in a safe that only you will have the combination to." This statement brought serious looks from the guests. "I know this is extreme, but we can have no pictures or videos taken while you are with us for YOUR benefit, and have found that this is the only way. We are providing you all with a locked down phone that will allow you to enter the name and number of any guests you would like to keep in contact with while here, and of course, my number."

The phone exchange went well, and Karl, Anne, Jim and Laura made sure they entered each other's numbers in their new phones.

"Finally." Michael stated. "We here at the resort want to guarantee that you will enjoy the free lifestyle for which you've signed up. Clothing is optional here, but I can assure you that roughly only five percent of guests wear clothes. So whether you keep YOUR clothes on or not, you will be amongst unclad people your entire stay. Many couples come here to relax, have fun, maybe even spark a new sexual experience, and they handle this environment well. But, I can assure you, that unless you have BOTH eagerly agreed to this experience, one of you may not enjoy yourself and it may even end up impacting your visit here and even endangering your relationship."

Laura gave Anne a 'You were right' glance, appreciating the conversation they all had earlier at the airport even more.

"To that end." Michael continued. "We like to take our guests for a tour of the grounds at this time...Fully clothed. As I said, most guests take in the resort with excitement on this tour, but if you are uncomfortable as we walk around, I strongly encourage you to speak to your partner in an honest conversation. Twenty minutes from here is our 'normal' all clothed Sister resort which you will be more than welcome to continue your stay at, with the same resort food and activity benefits you paid for here."

With some trepidation on some of the couple's parts, they set out for the tour. Karl, leaned over to Anne and whispered about one of the other couples, stating that he didn't think they'd make it through the tour. Karl could sense that the husband had coerced the wife into coming to the resort.

If one wasn't ready for it, the sights before them could be overwhelming, from a mild, nude show to a roaring porn movie. As the couples approached the pool area, they took in a spectrum of sights. Lounging casually were couples in chaise lounges...All hot. To the right of the pool, a wife was giving her well endowed husband head, with another couple watching from a short distance, that wife, jerking her husbands cock while she massaged her own pussy. Another wife was riding her husband reverse cowboy style, while he had another woman's pussy firmly grinding his face and that woman's husbands cock in the first woman's mouth.

"As you can see and as I said earlier," Michael acknowledged. "Many different experiences are possible here at the resort."

"I'm sorry." Stated the wife of the couple that Karl mentioned to Anne earlier. "I can't do this. Please honey, let's leave." And with her husband in reluctant tow, the couple headed back to the main office to re-arrange their trip to the all clothing resort.

"And as I said earlier." Michael added. "This resort is not for everyone."

Anne glanced at Laura and received a conflicting look. On one hand, it looked like Laura was OK with the scenes before her. But on the other hand, she looked confused and even shy, or was it that she didn't want to acknowledge her excitement at what she was seeing? Anne looked over at Jim and saw the same confusing expression.

"Guys." Anne said, snapping the couple out of their confusion. "I see excitement and confusion in your eyes. Just go with it! You're gonna be fine. No one knows you. No one cares. It's all just fun. Enjoy it." Anne continued, giving them both a reassuring smile and seeing the hesitancy leaving the couple.

Laura took Jim's hand and they both began to understand what it meant to be free to do whatever they wanted in a controlled environment.

Michael showed the remaining couples other sights and amenities and they ended the tour back at the room where they began.

"So, how does everyone feel now?" Michael asked honestly.

Everyone indicated that they were fine and ready to get to their rooms. It was four in the afternoon and the two couples agreed to meet up for dinner at six. Anne felt this was a good plan and gave Jim and Laura another opportunity to ease into the nudity thing with a dinner where you had to at least wear something.

============= Karl and Anne's Room ==============

Karl and Anne settled into their room and began getting ready for dinner. Karl joined Anne in the shower and began kissing her deeply and fondling her nice, large, soapy breasts.

"Mmmmm." Anne moaned. "Someone is horny. Is it all that fresh pussy you saw out there today, me, or our new little hotness, Laura?"

"All of the above. And by the way, Jim is quite a hunk right?" Karl answered, now rubbing Anne's pussy.

"OK, ok, mister." Anne said, not wanting Karl to stop, but pulling his hand away, knowing that they may have adventures ahead of them that night either alone or with other people. "And yes, Jim is quite a hunk." Anne added, with visions of Karl and Jim pleasing her.

"Awe, you're no fun." Karl said like a little boy who'd just been told to go to bed.

They both chuckled and got ready for dinner.

============= Laura and Jim's Room ===============

"What do you think of Karl and Anne?" Laura asked Jim. It was the first time they'd been alone since they got to the airport earlier that day, and Laura wanted to get Jim's temperature on all that had happened and all they'd seen so far.

"They're a really nice couple." Jim said, matter-of-factly, not wanting to say what he really thought.

Laura was in her bikini panties and no bra now, and eased over to her husband who was in his boxers. She looked up at him and gave him a deep, sultry kiss.

"I asked what you thought of them...Really thought of them. It's OK honey, you can tell me." She said in a sexy voice as her hand found the outline of Jim's hardening cock through his boxers.

"You naughty girl you!" Jim responded, getting harder by the second.

"Answer me." Laura pushed.

"Awe fuck." Jim moaned, now with Laura on her knees and his cock in her mouth. "Well, she's hot as fuck, and I'll bet he has a nice cock. Happy? And if you keep that up, you're gonna have an appetizer before dinner!"

"I agree." Laura said, standing up now but still slowly stroking Jim's cock. "She is so fucking hot. I wonder if his cock is as big as yours?"

=========== Dinner ============

Anne decided to wear one of the many bikini's she brought. It was a more conservative number with a normal waistline and a top that showed off her ample breasts but didn't make them fall out of it. Karl, wore a tank shirt and a mid-length pair of shorts. Anne had received a message on her resort phone from Laura, asking that whoever got to the restaurant first get a table for the four of them.

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