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The Nurse's Uniform Pt. 13

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More extreme stuff from Roni; Mel and Gordon do it.
4.3k words

Part 13 of the 18 part series

Updated 10/06/2022
Created 09/13/2007
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Most of you know by now what this is all about. Those that don't might like to read some previous parts to acquaint themselves with the story and characters.

Chapter 1

It wasn't a fuck. It wasn't a shag or a screw either. They were not having it off, fucking about or, even having sex. What they were doing was much different to that. It was more intense, more tender and intimate, more erotic and certainly more fulfilling. It was also more dangerous, more guilt ridden and harder to comprehend or understand. For what Mel and Gordon were doing was making love and, for a brother and a sister, that was taboo by society's standards.

Mel had been with a few guys since losing her virginity six months ago, but none had properly satisfied her. She hadn't had a full orgasm with any of them and after most shags she either, masturbated herself when she got home or they left or, she went into the loo to finish off what the guy had started.

That worried her. It was natural that it should. After all, teenage girls are brought up to assume that when they start having sex, the orgasms will flow as easily, naturally and as regularly as the tides in the English Channel. But not having orgasms with her lovers did not worry her as much as what was in her mind later, when she made herself cum. For when she lay on her bed or, when she sat on the seat in a loo, her hands on her breasts and between her legs it was her brother Gordon that was in her mind. It was his mouth sucking her nipples, his tongue licking her clit and it was his cock that fucked her to orgasms of such magnificent proportions.

After Gordon had led her to the bedroom naked, sat her on the bed and then had undressed before her, she had cuddled him. Cuddled his hips, pulled him against her, and pressed herself against him. Pulled his erection against her face and pressed her cheek against his flat belly. They had remained like that for some time, Gordon's fingers running through Mel's hair and massaging her scalp. They both felt good, they both felt more comfortable with each other and they both felt hugely excited as the realisation that, at last, they were about to give vent to their deepest and most intimate feelings struck home.

Mel had had oral sex twice, both times with the same boy. She had given him her first blow job. He had cum in her mouth and not, as he had promised, taken his dick out before ejaculating. He had asked her to swallow, but she refused and spat his cum out onto a tissue. It hadn't been pleasant, enjoyable, exciting or sexually satisfying. It had been a mess. She hadn't liked it.

But with her brother's warm, smooth, throbbing and so hard penis rubbing against her face, she wanted to make oral love to him. She wanted to lick him and suck him, to taste him and to take him deep into her mouth. Yes, with Gordon she wanted him to cum in her mouth and she wanted to swallow his sperm.

Mel eased her face away from her brother's body, She held him in both hands. She looked up at him and smiled.

"I want to make love to you Gordy," she whispered.

"Yes, Mel, yes my darling," he answered, not realising she meant oral love.

Mel's tongue snaked out and, although very limited in experience, she did what her womanly instincts suggested. She licked the length of her brother's cock then wrapped her lips around it and slid it deep into her mouth. Before he hardly knew what was happening Mel was sliding him in and out of her mouth, she was having oral sex with him, giving him a blow job; yes his sister was fucking him with her mouth and by Christ did that feel good.

But that was not what he wanted. That sort of thing was for later, not for their first time.

"No Mel, no, stop," he groaned extricating his penis from her mouth.

"What?" She asked genuinely surprised, but also worried. "Was it no good, was I terrible?"

Smiling, Gordon ran his fingertips across her cheek and lips.

"No silly, you were marvellous."

He sat beside her. He slid one arm round her shoulders and cupped her small breast with his hand on the other.

"I want us to make full and proper love Mel. This first time, I want to be deep inside you, I want us to be together, to be one and, in any case, if I hadn't stopped you I would have cum too soon."

He pushed her backwards as he muttered. "And darling there will be plenty of time for that and for me to do that to you."

"Oh good," was all that Mel could think of saying or, indeed had time to say before her brother's mouth closed over hers.

They rolled onto the bed. They kissed as they laid on one side then the other, they kissed as Gordy rolled her on top of him and then as he was on top of her. Their tongues delved deep into the others mouth, they licked and sucked and kissed. They ground their lips and writhed their mouths together as he squashed his erection into the softness of her tummy and pressed his length against the hardness of her pubic bone. Their kissing became deeper, more urgent and more demanding as he wiggled himself down a little, as his cock slid down her tummy, as it slithered between her thighs. Without thinking she opened them. They still kissed and loved the others mouth and lips as the tip of his cock nuzzled against her slightly open, and totally soaked lips.

"Yes," moaned from Mel's mouth as she felt her brother's cock against her most intimate place. It was as if he was asking permission to enter her, to penetrate her, to go inside her and to fuck her.

Gordon was so excited. The smoothness of his sister's slim, angular body, her small tits that were crushed against his chest, her slender wide open legs which she had drawn up and was wrapping round his hips and, of course, her warm wetness that he was pushing the tip of his achingly hard cock against. It was all so mesmerically wonderful for him.

"Oh darling," he moaned, "I have wanted to do this for so long."

"So have I, Gordy, so have I."

Gordon brushed one set of fingers across his sister's face as he slid his other hand down her body and wiggled it between her and the bed. He gripped the nicely rounded cheek of her bum, letting his forefinger slide just inside her crease.

"Are you ready Mel? Are you ready to make love with me?"

"Oh yes Gordy, oh yes, yes yes."

Gordon lifted his face up a little so he could look into his sister's eyes. They gazed at each other, adoringly.

"Are you certain, my love?"

"Yes darling, yes I am, more certain than I have ever been of anything," Mel said, not quite truthfully for, of course, she had some doubts. That's natural isn't it, when a girl's about to get fucked by her brother?

Holding her gaze Gordon whispered.

"Good, thank you my love," as slowly he eased his hips forward.

That feeling for both of them as the bulbous head eased the lips open and secured its entrance to the woman was, as usual, wonderful. Mel grunted and Gordon sighed. He held himself just inside her for a moment or two, considerately letting her get used to him. Slowly, he then slid himself further and further inside his sher, deeper and deeper until he was up her to the hilt of his penis. Gordy held himself there.

"Ok?" He whispered.

"Perfect," Mel replied feeling so marvellously full.

Her heart was beating, she was so excited, it was happening at last, she was being made love to by the one man she truly loved.

Gordy was very experienced. He was a good lover. He was patient, considerate and creative, yet very aware of his partner's needs. He knew that if he fulfilled them, then his would be more fully fulfilled as well. He was always thoughtful as well. Rarely did he shag a girl, or a boy come to that, without some sort of plan. Without perhaps being aggressive, adventurous, lengthy, quick or using a variety of positions. He would think that out during foreplay so when it came to fuck, he knew what he was going to do, he had a plan, he was in control: that was important to him.

So, when suddenly he started pumping himself in and out of his sister in a spontaneous and completely unplanned way, he was surprised. He was as equally surprised when, after perhaps no more than a dozen or so thrusts he could feel himself readying to cum.

But it didn't matter from Mel's perspective. For, from almost the moment her brother's cock had entered her, she had at last realised what real sex was all about.

"Oh God. Oh God," she moaned thrashing her head from side to side. "Oh yes Gordy, yes, yes," she groaned, her fingernails running harshly down his back and gripping the lustrous flesh on the cheeks of his bum.

That only made Gordon thrust harder, plunge deeper, pump faster and fuck his sister more energetically.

It wasn't technically a great fuck. But for both of them it was an amazingly thrilling one. They clung to each other, Mel gripping Gordy's arse, Gordy running his hands all over his sister's thin, almost scrawny, body, as he slammed himself up and down inside her.

Mel was on an enormous high. She was having her first real orgasm and, coincidentally, only her second shag without being high on dope. High on sex is so much better than high on dope, her mind, now befuddled by sex, was telling her as her climax exploded.

Feeling the tension in her body, hearing her deep moans and sighs and having her fingernails digging into his back as he made his sister cum so powerfully, sent Gordon completely over the top.

"Oh fuck, oh yes, oh fucking hell yes," he groaned as his cock seemed to explode. "I'm cumming, I'm cumming Mel."

"Yes, yes my darling, cum for me, cum in me."

And then they both felt the effects of his explosion. He felt his cock spewing his sperm and she felt it splattering inside her.

It went on longer than any sexual climax Mel had experienced and Gordy didn't feel the need he usually did to extricate himself from his lover as soon as possible after orgasm. They lay, still joined together, in each others arms as his erection subsided, as he became soft and his flaccid cock slid out his sister's cunt.

Chapter 2

The flight to San Diego was odd: interesting, quite exciting in a number of ways, but definitely odd. It was the atmosphere between them that made it like that; well not really the atmosphere, more the tripartite sexual feelings of each of them.

Mike wanted both of them, but his vow about not mixing business and pleasure had, just about so far, stopped him. Sammi fancied both of them, but her reticence to give into her bi desires with her boss and her reluctance to get mixed up with a man with a long-term partner had stopped her, again though, just about. Emma, though, didn't really fancy either of them, well not in the ways they both fancied her. But then, she never really fancied anyone. She might want someone and when she did she usually had them, but that was for her own ends, not something as ridiculous, as she thought of it, as sexual desire; that could be satisfied quite well with your own hand or one of the myriad of toys she now had.

They flew BA business class. Sammi had been hoping for first, as she knew Emma always flew when going to the Middle East, but this was being paid for by Mike's new venture and that was still in the investment stage and not the profitability forecast for the second year. Business was fine though. They had the three seats in the middle of the cabin with Mike, at Emma's suggestion sitting between them.

"You be the filling in the sandwich of two women Mike," she had said rubbing her hand somewhat possessively, Sammi thought, along the consultant's upper arm.

It was quite warm and Mike was wearing a dark blue shirt and no jacket with, sand coloured chinos and tan loafers without socks. Both women thought he looked great and very sexy.

Sammi was wearing tight, classy, pale blue jeans, a simple white top with spaghetti straps and a beige, linen jacket. Emma was wearing white cotton trousers and a yellow, low cut, tee shirt type of top with a thin, cashmere, loose weave shawl over that. Both women's trousers were fashionably tight across their butts. Emma's were almost see through showing, a little too obviously Sammi thought, that she was wearing either, a thong or, as Sammi suspected, nothing under it. Emma would occasionally pull the shawl around her, thus covering up her breasts. Somehow, though, it kept falling away, so that most of the time her spectacular chest and cleavage was on view. Sammi was less overtly showing out, for her white top was not tight. However, when she stretched or bent it was strained and the front would be stretched across her chest, showing the outline of her lacy bra and the small tits inside them. The top ended at her waist leaving a fashionable band of bare flesh between that and the waistband of her jeans. If her front view was staggering, then that from the rear was awesome; it even had the, probably gay, male cabin staff staring. She was wearing trendy, low-rise jeans; jeans with a waist that encircled her slim, but womanly rounded middle, quite low down, in fact frighteningly near to her pubic line at the front and the start of the crack of her arse at the back. The jeans could not have been tighter for they clung like a second skin to the delicious twin orbs of her mid-twenty year old's bum. As she walked, the gorgeous, rhythmic wobbling of the two mounds were like magnets to men's and some women's eyes. And of course that included both Mike and Emma.

Neither had seen Sammi's tits or arse. Neither had seen her naked. Neither had touched or kissed her, stroked or caressed, or sucked or licked her. And, of course, neither had fucked her, yet. But, Emma had decided, that might well change on this trip.

They were going to San Diego for their, almost final, training in the revolutionary type of treatment, intereactionary neuroses therapy (INT), in which Mike's new clinic was going to specialise. It would be only the third clinic in the world to offer this highly specialised treatment for sexual disorder and sexually dysfunctional people.

Mike was a psychiatrist, one of Europe's leading in the field of helping people, mostly females, overcome sexual malfunctions. He was of the Freudian school and had always used the psychoanalysis approach of long and patient questioning, gradually taking the patient back to the trauma that had caused the neuroses. Once that had been identified, there was even more patience as he and the client discussed how their mind could be released from the problem. That could take ages, years sometimes and frequently they were never fully released. Thus, some women never came to terms with sex with their husbands, often because of an event earlier in their life: near rape, severe pain when having sex early on or abuse by a parent, usually, but not always, the father.

Also many women were troubled by their feelings, they felt guilt and remorse. Guilt about wanting sex, about being aroused, having "dirty" thoughts or fantasies or wanting "too much" sex. Also far more, than is often acknowledged, women of all ages also suffer tremendous difficulties about their inquisitiveness about sex with other women. Mike had seen studies that indicated that almost half the female population had either, had some form of sexual involvement with another woman or, wanted to. Other studies were even more extreme. They claimed that as high as 75% would be interested in some form of intimacy with another woman. It was hardly surprising then, that treating women who could not handle this problem, was the bulk of Mike's case load.

In recent years, the number of cases had increased significantly and, for some reason that the medical profession was carefully researching, the psychoanalysis time and then the reversal period had increased by over 30%. This had given impetus to other research. Research that was trying to develop a new method of opening up the patient's mind, making them more receptive, making them identify the cause earlier and come to terms with the remedy of the problem more quickly.

The team in San Diego had found what looked to be the answer. That was using medical professionals to role-play with the patients. That, together with medically administered, quite light drugs, brought the cause of the neurosis to the forefront of their consciousnesses.

Sammi and Emma were on their way to learn how to do that. How to work with those people, how to bring them out, open up their minds, their consciousness and their receptiveness? Yes, the women were going to San Diego to finish their training in how to have sex with mostly other women, as Mike observed.

Chapter 3

Roni was in a bad way. Naked, her arse burning like hell from being beaten she had started to cum.

"Oh God," she moaned struggling against Preston who was holding her wrists, keeping her bent over a chair.

"Shut up," he snarled, pressing his bare, erect cock against her face.

"I can't, I can't" she groaned wiggling her substantial arse at Craig who was now, surprisingly, being gentle and stroking her.

He was also naked. Both men were naked: naked and hugely erect. Erect because they got their kicks from hurting women. Hurting them by, amongst other things, spanking them, as they had Roni.

She felt Craig press his cock against her bum. It hurt, but it excited her. She felt his fingers between her legs, on her pussy, in her wetness and around her slit.

"Fuck me Preston, the slut is soaked," the younger guy said, shoving the length of his erection along the crease in Roni's arse.

"She does get wet, but then slags do don't they?"

"Especially fat ones like her."

Roni half hated hearing such expressions about her, but then the abuse and demeaning also gave her some kicks. She'd been in some bizarre situations with her older, actor friend Preston: he had taken her to a party and had "given" her to a friend and had then watched as the friend fucked her, he had made her wear clothes that hardly covered her body and taken her into crowded places, he had fingered her to an orgasm in a restaurant and in a cab and he had taken her dogging, where several guys shot their loads over her as she masturbated on the front seat of a car.

This latest episode, though, was in some ways the most outrageous. She had arrived at his flat as ordered, to find him and another younger, quite good looking guy waiting for her. They were both wearing silk dressing gowns. They had abused her, hurt her, made her bend over, ripped the buttons off her blouse and had torn the net panties Preston had ordered her to wear. They had then spanked her with a paddle, their hands, a cane and a riding crop. Her bum was covered in red blotches and wheals. She had never been spanked before. It hurt, badly, it burned and it stung. But then amazingly it changed. Sure, the ache was still there, but along with that there was another, deeper, more fulfilling, almost a spiritual feeling. She couldn't understand it and didn't try; she simply gave into her bodily desires and let herself cum.

By now, both guys were naked with their hard cocks swinging around as they moved. Roni had assumed that one, or both, would shag her or, at least, make her suck them, but they hadn't; they hadn't even asked her to touch their cocks. She didn't understand it. Now, being totally demeaned and degraded, she had assumed that her role would be as their plaything, their slut, their slave, almost, to do with as they pleased. That they asked for nothing confused her, as they let her lie on the floor on her side, her bum being far too inflamed to sit on.

Suddenly it all became clear. The confusion was lifted, she saw the reason, she understood the situation, she got the plot when Craig stood alongside Preston, dangled his arm down and took the hard cock in his hand. Preston did the same with Craig.

Roni had never seen two guys together, well not doing anything to each other that is. She looked on in increasing amazement as they put their arms round each other, pressed their bodies together and then, to her utter astonishment, they kissed. As their mouths, met so they squirmed their cocks together and let their hands roam up and down the other's body until both pairs of hands were gripping the cheeks of their partner's bum.


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