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The OF Girl Ch. 181-190


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"Is that a yes?" Gemma asked you.

"God, yes," you gasped and took her by the shoulder so you could kiss her again. She hummed happily and you slowly fell backwards, pulling her with you until she was laying on your body as the two of you made out.

"Do you want to take the buttplug out of her?" Sabrina asked you, kissing your ear from the side. "Or should I?"

"Yes?" you mumbled through the kissing.

Sabrina snorted and took your hand from Gemma's hip and slid it back to her ass, getting your fingers around the plug. You tugged on it, and Gemma sucked in a breath, and then you tugged on it again and she whined a little bit in her throat.

"Don't tease me like that, love," she whispered. "Not today. Another time."

"OK," you said, and slowly pulled the plug out of her as she groaned softly.

Sabrina took the plug and set it aside, then reached back and spread Gemma's cheeks and smeared lube between them, and Gemma jumped a little on you when Sabrina slid two of her slim fingers into her to spread the lube around.

"Fuuu-huuuck," Gemma moaned.

"That's nothing compared to what he's got," Sabrina reminded her.

"I know," Gemma nodded. Then, after one last kiss, she slithered down your body until she had free access to your boxers, which she pulled down and off of you. She took you in her mouth and sucked hard, tonguing your head for a moment, but pulled off. "I want you to last as long as possible in my ass, so no blowjob. Is that OK?"

"Of course it is," you said, giving her a little look like she was crazy to ask and making her chuckle.

"OK," she said. "And I want to be on top for the first time?"

"Anything you want, love," you said.

She beamed at that. Then Sabrina squirted some lube into her hand, and Gemma started stroking your cock and getting it slimy and slick. It felt different, getting jacked off by a girl with lube. Spit was slick but it wasn't like this.

"OK, you're ready," Sabrina declared.

Gemma looked to you. "Are you?"

"I don't know how I could be," you said. "I don't think I could ever be fully ready for this. But God I want you."

She grinned and climbed back up your body, getting herself straddled and in position. Then she reached back and stroked your cock a couple of times, and pivoted her hips, and you felt your cock rubbing against the soft folds of her pussy. She closed her eyes and pressed down briefly, but didn't pop you in. Your cock was directed higher up. Her hips tilted a little more. And then you were nuzzled into place.

Gemma opened her eyes and looked into yours.

"I love you," you said.

She smiled, as wide and as beautiful as you'd ever seen her smile, and she sat down.

Chapter 185

"Oooooh, my fuckin' Gaaawd," Gemma moaned, her one eye twitching low as she made what you could only describe as the dumbest, lewdest, sexiest face you'd ever seen her make.

"Jesus fuck," Sabrina said. "You were supposed to go slow, you greedy slut. You've got almost all of him in you."

Gemma's ass was tight as hell and only got tighter as her body reacted to the wanted invasion by rippling and squeezing. It was also hot in a way that you hadn't expected for some reason like you were closer to her core temperature or something.

You took her face in your hands and kissed her lips lightly, then he cheeks, as she twitched on top of you and slowly sucked in a long breath.

"How much more?" she asked Sabrina.

"Like, an inch and a- OK, yeah, that's it," Sabrina said as Gemma pressed her ass the rest of the way down onto you, enveloping your cock.

"That's it, love," she whispered hoarsely. "That's all of me."

You kissed her again, softly, and sucked her lip between yours and tugged on it a little before letting it go. "Thank you," you said. "For sharing this with me."

"No one else," she smiled softly. Then she stuck out her tongue a little as she closed her eyes and raised he ass off of your cock, then slowly went back down. Her face twitched as she did it, and her leg shuddered.

"Do you like it?" you asked her.

"Do I- Do I like it?" she parroted back to me. "Do I like your big fucking rod stretching my ass so it feels like you're trying to put a full fucking log inside me? Do I like your cock head hitting the walls of my fucking anus?" She slammed her lips to yours, kissing you savagely, and then pulled away. "Yes. God, yes. I want more. I want you to fuck me. Fuck my ass. Holy fuck, I think I might be an anal whore for real. My whole fucking body is tingling, I feel like such a fucking hoe with your cock in my aaaass." She lifted up and slid back down again, faster and more insistent that time. "I'm your anal whore, John. I'm going to want this so much more often. God, I can't believe I didn't know this before, but I'm so happy I waited to find out with you. Fuck! I want to fucking- wait- ungh! Uuunnggh!"

She came, seizing up and freezing, her eyes closed as she gasped for air and her ass squeezed the ever-loving life out of your cock. She exhaled everything in her lungs in a rush when she released, and collapsed loosely onto your chest.

"I think she likes it," Sabrina said, sitting next to us on the bed and watching with her mouth slightly agape.

"I think so," you nodded. Then you shifted your hips to thrust up at Gemma a bit, and her head came up as she moaned throatily and with her tongue hanging at the edge of her lip.

"Do that again. God, John, please do that again," she begged. So you did, and she moaned again, and then she was shifting back at your cock, and within moments you were finding a rhythm.

"You filthy buttslut," Sabrina said, biting her lip as she watched us fucking. "God, I can't wait to feel him crack open my ass, too. I can't reasonably expect to react like this, but if I like it even half as much I'll be set for life."

Gemma thrust down hard onto you and settled for a moment, screwing her hips in a small circle, then she pulled the cups of her bra aside and her boobs popped out. She then leaned forward and you buried your face in the tit flesh, finding a nipple and sucking on it.

"Sabrina," Gemma moaned. "I'm so- I'm close to another. And John is getting bigger inside me, I think he's close too. Could you just-?"

"Just what?" Sabrina asked. "I don't know what you want."

"Just choke me a little," Gemma gasped.

Sabrina barked a laugh. "I knew I fucking loved you," she said, and then she wrapped a slim hand around Gemma's throat and put on just a bit of pressure.

Gemma shuddered, a precursor to another orgasm. With your mouth and vision full of tit, you blindly groped down between the two of you, wiggling your fingers down until you found her pussy and you could thrum her lips and clit with two fingers.

She hiccuped, and then Gemma's whole body started to sag like you'd hit an off switch on her or something and you were worried that Sabrina might have accidentally choked her out. Then Gemma's body rocked back to life and she slammed her hips down, burying you in her ass again as she silently moaned and her body released an orgasm from deep inside her.

Gemma didn't squirt. She flooded. It dribbled out of her in a stream, covering your hips and crotch area and soaking down into the sheets almost immediately.

And you came, right in the middle of her massive orgasm. Watching her face twitch and her breasts heave, feeling her juices just unleash from her, all of that would have likely put you over the top.

But that ass was the thing that did it.

You felt like you were cumming against the current, releasing through the squeezing of her asshole on your cock. But you weren't just in the middle of an amazing sexual experience that you would remember and hold dear to yourself for the rest of your life. You'd also spent the entire day so far getting teased and tempted and not finding release.

So you came, hard and long, releasing your own jets deep into her ass until you felt like your balls had shrivelled up from emptying themselves so much.

You fell back against the bed, or at least your head did, as Gemma rode her orgasm down from its peak and she started to fall sideways. You think Sabrina may have actually saved you from a broken cock when she caught Gemma and tilted her forward to land on you instead because you were still hard inside her like her anus was a cock ring.

"Well," Sabrina said quietly, laying down next to you and slowly fingering herself as she gazed at your delirious, trying-to-be-people-again expressions. "That looked like fun."

Chapter 186

"I still feel like I wasted the big reveal," Sabrina said with a laugh. "I mean, really."

The three of you were out to dinner at a sports bar, packed into the back corner and enjoying some easy finger food. Nachos, mozza sticks and garlic bread did not make a healthy meal, but damn they were delicious.

Gemma rolled her eyes at Sabrina as she popped another mozza stick in her mouth. "I'm sorry, OK?" she said. "It's not like I thought it would be like that. I figured it would be like we usually are and jump back and forth a bit."

"You both seem to be forgetting that today isn't over," you said.

"Is that a promise?" Sabrina looked at you with a beaming smile.

"Yes, it is," you said, leaning over and kissing her lightly.

"What about me?" Gemma asked.

"Bitch, you had the orgasm of all orgasms, don't be greedy," Sabrina snickered.

"I promise that once we've turned Sabrina into a puddle, I'll give you the rest of whatever I've got," you told Gemma.

"Good enough," she grinned.

The three of you split the bill after a couple of rounds of drinks and picking all the plates clean. More than that, with the promise made, Sabrina got touchy at the table. She was playing footsy with your frequently, but also running her hands up and down your thigh or arm and just generally eye-fucking you.

By the time you were leaving, the plan to head back to her place was thrown out the window since yours was closer to the bar.

"OK, hold on," you said as you reached your apartment door after a long walk home instead of splurging on yet another Uber ride. With the girls watching you knocked out a firm 'Rap-tappa-tap-tap' and waited a long ten seconds before keying open the door and poking your head in. "All clear," you said, opening the door and gesturing them in.

"I dunno, I wouldn't have minded walking in on Tasha," Sabrina said. Then she spun around and held up a finger dramatically. "Wait!"

You and Gemma both looked at her questioningly. "Um, wait for what?" you asked.

"I need your phone," she said, holding out her hand.

You fished out your phone from your pocket and handed it to her, and she opened it using the code. The fact that she knew it surprised you, but also you didn't really feel any need to care.

"There it is," she smirked. Then she took you by the hand and pulled you over to the couch, sitting you down in the middle and taking a seat next to you, gesturing for Gemma to take the other side.

"What's going on?" you asked.

"Take your dick out," Sabrina ordered you.

"Um..." you looked around the common space of the apartment.

"Oh, you've walked in on him plenty," Sabrina scoffed. "Just take it out."

You followed her directions and did so. She leaned down and sucked you a couple of times, getting you firmer and slick, and then started stroking you with a handjob.

"Sabrina, hon," Gemma said. "This isn't making any sense."

"OK, so I said I wouldn't mind walking in on Tasha naked, right?" Sabrina said. You and Gemma both nodded. "Well, we all forgot about something that happened last night." She turned your phone around to show you the screen, along with the picture of Tasha flashing, her breasts on full display even with the overexposure on the top part of the screen.

Gemma snorted loudly and shook her head, but Sabrina just grinned and started stroking you more firmly. "What do you think, baby? Want to come all over her tits?"

"I'd rather come all over you two," you said.

Sabrina gave you a look, pouting, as if to say, 'Just play the game please.'

You sighed and leaned back, letting her work your cock as you stared at the tits on your phone.

And then the door to the washroom opened and Tasha walked out and into the kitchen, reaching for a cup out of the cupboard. Naked. No towel, nothing. Just a bare ass and titties.

"Um," you said with wide eyes.

Tasha turned slowly, her own eyes wide, and took the three of you in. Gemma, and you with your dick out, and Sabrina who hadn't stopped stroking you for some reason.

You shoved Sabrina's hand away and covered your dick at almost the same time that Tasha grabbed a towel from the stove and had to quickly decide what she was going to cover. She ended up going for the towel over her crotch and an arm across her tits.

"Um, hey guys," she said. "Didn't, uh, didn't realize you were here."

"Neither did we," you stammered. "I, ah, knocked but I guess..."

"We were in the tub," Tasha clarified.

"Well, this is awkward," Gemma snickered.

"Can I just say you have great tits, Tasha?" Sabrina said.

"Thanks," Tasha said.

There was a long, awkward silence.

"Hey, T-Honey," Mosche said, sauntering out of the bathroom without a stitch of clothing on himself, his dick swinging between his legs. "What's up?"

"OH God," Gemma said, covering her eyes.

Sabrina just started nervously laughing.

You turned red and tried to just stuff your cock back in your pants as quickly as possible.

Tasha gave up covering herself and threw the towel at Mosche to try and cover him.

"Oh, hey guys,' Mosche said, pushing up his glasses on his nose.

Chapter 187

"So... I feel like we need to come up with some sort of a system," you said.

Everyone was at least partially dressed at that point. Your cock was away, and Tasha had Mosche's shirt on while he was wearing his boxers. You were all sitting at the kitchen table.

"We didn't hear you guys from the washroom," Mosche said, only now getting hit with the embarrassment. The dude's emotional reaction time was stunningly slow sometimes. Or maybe it was a defence mechanism.

"And we didn't think you were here," you countered.

"Are we talking sock on the doorknob or what?" Tasha asked.

"I feel like that would be too obvious for our neighbours," you said. "But then, I'm only here for another couple of months. Mosche, what do you and your regular roommates do?"

"Well, usually with Paul and Sammy are here we just hang out and if they bring a girl home they go to their rooms," Mosche said.

"OK, but I've walked in on you alone," you pointed out.

"That was one time!" Mosche protested.

"OK, here's an idea," Gemma said. "Get something to put on your door that you can flip one way or another. So if one of us girls is over and we're doing something not in a bedroom, you flip it over and let the other roommate know to knock and to head right to their room when they do come in."

Sabrina started giggling at the absurdity of the situation.

"I mean, I can make that work if you can," you said to Mosche. "But I feel like this is getting more complicated than necessary. What if we just keep our nakedness behind closed doors?"

"Baby, that's a little hypocritical," Gemma said. "You literally just did the same thing at my place with my roommates."

Sabrina's snickering turned into a full laugh. "Thank you! I was just thinking that."

"Well, this sounds like a story," Tasha smirked.

Now it was your turn to blush. "Well, think of what happened to you, but it's me in the buff and it's my ex-girlfriend walking in on me getting the glass of water."

"Shiiiiit," Tasha snickered.

"His ex who definitely wants to hate-fuck him," Sabrina pointed out.

"Shhhit!" Tasha laughed.

"OK, let's move on from that," you said, putting your hands on the table. "Until we figure something else out, let's just say that all nudity stays behind closed doors, OK?"

"That's fair," Mosche said. "What about non-nude stuff?"

"What does that even mean?" you asked.

"Well, like making out. Or heavy petting."

Gemma turned your face and kissed you hard, using tongue, and laughed a little at your stunned reaction as she pulled away. She turned to the group, "Did that make anyone uncomfortable?"

Everyone but you shook their heads no. You would have as well but you were still blinking to come back from the surprise tonguing your mouth just got.

"How about this?" Tasha asked, grabbing Mosche's hand and putting it on her boob.

"Nope," Sabrina said as the rest of you shook your heads, though it was a little ridiculous. "Though I wouldn't mind a grab myself."

Tasha snorted and grabbed Sabrina's hand and put it on her other boob. Sabrina turned to you and Gemma with a shit-eating grin while Mosche stared open-mouthed at her hand groping his... girlfriend?

"OK, I think we've found the line," you said. "So unless we're planning to turn this into a board game night or something, maybe we... split to separate rooms?"

"Someone's horny," Gemma stage whispered to Tasha.

"It's me, I'm the horny one," Sabrina grinned, clearly tweaking Tasha's nipple through her shirt before letting go of her.

"Agh, bitch," Tasha laughed and grabbed her boob. "Fine with me." She turned to Mosche. "Babes, can you go warm up the bath water?"

"Sure," he said with a little grin and got up to go do that.

When he was gone Tasha turned back to you three. "OK, fair is fair. I only got a glimpse and you guys have seen me in the full buff now," Tasha said. "Whip it out."

"Really?" you asked. "What about Mosche?"

"I'm not gonna suck it," Tasha said.

"Fairis fair, baby," Gemma said as she rolled her eyes a little and reached for your shorts.

"Hold on," Sabrina said. "If you want to see it in full effect, you should show these off." And she stood behind Tasha and started lifting her shirt.

Tasha's tits came back into view at about the same time as your cock, and as Gemma stroked you a couple of times to get you to your hardest Tasha tweaked her nipple and licked her bottom lip. Her breasts were perfectly proportioned and, to be frank, looked like they would be a blast to play with. It seemed like she was thinking something similar about your cock.

"OK," she said, moving Sabrina's hands and letting her shirt drop. "That's enough." Then she winked at Gemma. "Lucky girls."

"I'm the lucky one," you said.

"Yeah, that too," she smirked. "Now I'm gonna go fuck my boytoy, so unless you guys want to hear some girlish squealing you'd better get going."

"Are those noises coming from you or from him?" Sabrina asked.

"I'm not telling," Tasha smirked, then turned and walked away. You weren't sure if the fact that the shirt was up and revealing her entire bare ass was by accident or on purpose.

"So..." Sabrina said. "Can I please get fucked now? I promise all of our girlish squealing will come from me."

Chapter 188

"I think it worked," Gemma chuckled, laying next to Sabrina and slowly stroking her face, moving the sweaty strands of hair from her her forehead and cheek. She turned to look back at you where you were panting, sitting on the other side of the bed and trying to catch your breath and let your heart rate drop back down. "Nice work, Daddy."

At some point you had given up on not being 'Daddy' again tonight as you and Gemma worked over Sabrina. It looked like half her body was pink from the soft pinches, hard grabbing and the flushing of several new hickies on her small breasts and her stomach. Her pussy was also a bright pink and leaking your cum.

"Mmmm," Sabrina moaned happily as she blinked sleepily and stretched. Then she rolled over and curled up into the fetal position. "M'you guys finish without me," she mumbled softly. "Tired."

Gemma kissed her on the cheek, then rolled away and crawled over to you and sat next to you, throwing her legs over your lap and hugging her upper body to yours as she rested her head on your shoulder. You both just watched Sabrina as she fell asleep.

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