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The OF Girl Ch. 441-450

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You've discovered a fellow intern has started a new hobby...
12k words

Part 45 of the 60 part series

Updated 11/27/2024
Created 09/13/2022
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All Characters are 18 years or older.

When a law office intern discovers that a fellow intern is one of his favourite new OnlyFans performers, a ball begins rolling that will bring a boring summer of paperwork and coffee-fetching into an avalanche of sexual adventure. Fair warning to readers, this story will jump categories. This collection of chapters includes sexy video messages, MF, anal, a bet, mock trial prep, lap dancing, light roleplay, and important conversations.

OFG is a variation story based on the setup by Aurelian14, and is an ongoing patronized work sponsored by him. Originally written in small chapter releases, they will be collected here on Literotica in 10 chapter chunks for smoother reading.


Chapter 441

Sabrina's phone chirped with an incoming text notification and she groaned lightly as she rolled over to check it. The three of you had shifted on the bed to watch an episode or two of Castle, but you'd only made it halfway through the first episode. You were still sitting in between your two girlfriends but you were now propped up against the headboard, an arm around each of their waists as they snuggled against your shoulders.

"It's Tasha," Sabrina mumbled as she opened her text.

You reached forward and paused the episode, which got you a questioning look from Gemma but you just winked at her. That got you an even bigger eyebrow raise from the blonde, but she went along with it.

"Hey Sabrina," Tasha said. She'd sent a video to her. "A little birdy- well, a big birdy with a fat dick, told me you had a bit of a rough day. I'm so sorry, hon. But I think I know how to cheer you up a little."

"What did you do?" Sabrina asked, looking at you with a little smirk.

"Keep watching," you said, and she turned back to her phone.

"Just FYI, Sabrina, you make every time I'm with you guys feel special. I love how giving you are, and now whenever I see you I get a little turned on because I know what a hot, horny woman you are. So I want you to know what thinking of you does to me." Tasha's face had been dominant on the screen, with a dark room behind her, but now she slowly moved the phone lower, revealing that she was topless and sitting on her bed. She used her free hand to grope her own tit and started to tweak her nipples. "My nipples are getting hard just thinking about you playing with my tits, Sabrina," Tasha murmured quietly, adding in little moans here and there. "Seriously, it's like I can feel that pretty little tongue of yours teasing around them, flicking them lightly because you're such a sexy little tease. And I fucking love your little titties too - the way you groan when any of us get a nipple between our lips, and the way you like them to get a little roughed up. You're so fucking hot."

"Fuck," Sabrina breathed out, biting her lip and doing just what Tasha was, using her free hand to grope herself through her shirt. Her nipples were already getting hard as well, poking out against the thin tank top. You grinned and leaned in, kissing her shoulder softly and then moving a little higher and kissing again.

"But that's not the only thing I think about," Tasha said in the video, and she started lowering the phone even more over her bare torso and belly button, and then down to her mound where a sparse little bit of pubic hair was starting to grow in. Then she went all the way, her legs spread, showing off her pussy. All three of you were intimately familiar with it, but just seeing it on the screen was hot. Especially since it looked like she was already slick and turned on. "Look at my slutty little pussy, Sabrina," Tasha moaned. "It wants your tongue in it so bad. Seriously, girl, you do magic with that tongue. And your fingers. John's pretty good, and Gemma is fun, but you eat pussy like it's- I don't even know. Fuck, I'm so horny just thinking about it."

She used her free hand to spread her pussy lewdly, giving a clear look at her inner workings and the dark little hole of her entrance. It was deliciously pink and looked ready for fucking.

"Fuck, I want you on top of me," Tasha moaned. "Eating me out. We could 69, and I could get my lips on your pretty little pussy too. And John and Gemma could do their own thing for a bit as I get you all to myself, and then they could come over and fuck us with John's big dick and Gemma wearing a strap-on, and we'd keep sucking on our little clits until we both came so hard."

Sabrina squirmed, lifting her butt and pushing down her cotton shorts so she could get her fingers on her pussy, starting to rub herself as she moaned and didn't take her eyes off of the video. Tasha had started teasing her clit as well, still spreading herself.

"I want to feel you dribble that sexy squirt on my face, Sabrina," Tasha moaned. "And then watch John fill up your pussy from up close, and when he pulls out I'd dive in and suck it out of you. Fuuuck." She raised the phone back up her body, bringing it right to her face. "I want you so bad, Sabrina. I can't wait for Wednesday and having more fun with you. I love your face, sexy. I hope this picks you up." She blew a kiss at the camera and then the video stopped.

"God, that's not faaaair," Sabrina laughed as she frigged her pussy slowly. She turned to you and punched your arm with her free hand. "We could have just video called and she wouldn't have had to stop. Now I'm all kinds of horny, you asshole, amazing, loving doofus."

"Doofus?" you chuckled, catching her hand as she went to smack your arm again and pulling her into a kiss.

"Yes, doofus," she said when she pulled away after a good, long smooch. "Get your cock out. Gemma, baby, I'm gonna need-"

Her phone chirped again. Sabrina gave you a look, and then Gemma, and she slowly picked it up.

"Hey babe," Becks said. "John texted and said you were stressed over the whole Joy thing. She's a piece of shit and you deserve all good things, not that crap. And I think I know by now what will help pick up your mood."

"Fuck," Sabrina laughed, pausing the video. She looked at you. "Thank you, baby. Seriously."

"I love you, Sabrina," you said.

"I do too," Gemma said, grinning as she climbed over your legs to squeeze in on Sabrina's other side. "Now scooch over, I didn't even get to watch the Tasha one."

Becks gave a similar show, but instead of in bed, she was sitting on the couch in her living room and had a vibrator with her. By the time it was over, and Gemma got to watch the Tasha one over again, Sabrina was moaning and had her tank top off and you had taken over teasing her pussy and nipples.

"Fuck me," Sabrina begged. "I want to feel you both all over me."

"That's the plan, I think," Gemma said with a grin and she pulled off her shirt, freeing her tits and pulling Sabrina's face down to them. "Tonight is 'Fuck Sabrina Unconscious' night, I think."

"That definitely sounds like a plan to me," you chuckled.

Sabrina just lifted her hand and gave a thumbs up since her mouth was occupied with Gemma's tit.

Chapter 442

"OK," Gemma said as she gave you an exhausted high five. "Plan successful."

You snorted softly and chuckled, looking down at Sabrina as she lay peacefully, her mouth open as she breathed in a sweaty, exhausted mess. She was asleep, her last orgasm having knocked her out. Her cheeks were still red from the light slapping, and her tits were covered in red marks from the hard squeezing and pinching. Her ass was reddened as well. She had a couple of new hickeys on her inner thighs. Her pussy was a slick mess, a little beat up from the rough sex and fingering. The only reason it wasn't dripping cum was because Gemma had slurped your load out of her while also fingering her butt.

Brushing Sabrina's hair from her face, you gently kissed her forehead and she smacked her lip in response.

"Yep," you said. "She's out. Help me get her tucked in?"

Gemma nodded and the two of you got Sabrina onto her side, curled up as she hugged a pillow, and then tucked her in under the sheets. Then Gemma turned to you. "That was a lot, but do you have anything left for me, love?"

You had to chuckle again. "Four nights in a row, two of those nights a friend joined us, plus the Becca thing that one morning. Any mere mortal man would fail you, Gemma, but I am no mere mortal man."

Gemma rolled her eyes and pushed you lightly by your chest until you were laying down on the bed, and she dropped her head low, licking her way up your cock. It more than likely still tasted of Sabrina, and partially of herself since you'd dipped into her a few times during the fuckfest to feed the taste to Sabrina. You were half-hard but groaned softly as she looked up at you as she licked the underside ridge of your cock head. Her thick blonde hair was all pulled over to one side in wavy, sweaty curls and her eyes were pure love.

There wasn't any need for words as Gemma wrapped her lips around your cock and started to suck you hard again. It didn't take long at all for you to respond, and soon she had your cock standing proud as she teased you with kisses and licks and nibbles. Then she kissed lower, pressing your legs a little further apart as she laid down on her stomach fully and gave your balls a bit of attention as well, rolling them between her lips and tongue before popping off with a little suction.

"Ready?" she asked you quietly as she smiled with a serene aura, looking at you around your cock.

"Whenever you are, love," you said.

Her smile didn't move as she climbed up your body and got herself into position, straddling your waist and reaching between you to move your cock in place. Instead of sitting down on it though she groaned, her lips pursing and her eyebrows knotting together as the spongy head of your cock brushed back and forth through her labia, grinding against her clit and then teasing against her entrance and back.

"Fuck, Gemma," you moaned.

"I love that feeling, John," she sighed. "Just having you touching me like this."

You reached up and cupped her tits, sliding your thumbs beneath her cleavage along the crease between breast and torso. She groaned again and you pulled her tits to your lips, softly suckling on a nipple.

She sat down onto your cock in a long, slow movement and then started to grind you inside of her. You remained like that for a long time, slowly fucking at each other with rotations of your hips. No bouncing, ass-clapping, thrusts. Just loving and grinding as you touched each other all over and made out.

"I love you," she whispered into your ear. "You did a good job with Sabrina tonight."

"Thanks," you whispered back, running your hands up and down her bare, sweaty back as she pressed her chest to yours. "And I love you too."

She smiled, the feel of it against your ear a little tickle, and then she sighed softly and her breath washed over your neck. "I want you in my ass, love," she said.

"Me on top, or you?"

"Me, I think," she said. Then she sat up slowly and sighed as she pulled off of your cock. She wasn't going far though, she just turned around and sat back on it as you watched it spread her pussy lips in a lewd, beautiful display. Then she reached back and spread her butt cheeks. "Finger it a little, love. Get me ready."

You sucked on a couple of your fingers to get them spitty and then slowly started applying them to Gemma's asshole, teasing her at first with just a little light pressure before getting one and then two inside her. You were still kind of amazed at the feeling of Gemma's ass - you'd been in the butts of five women now, which was a little wild in and of itself, but Gemma's was the one that felt like it wasn't anasty act. Anal with Gemma felt as natural as regular sex. She didn't even hiss or flinch in discomfort really anymore before she got used to it.

It was a silent transition from fingers to cock. Gemma felt ready and shifted, pulling off your cock and fingers at the same time, and then pivoted her hips a little and used one hand to make sure your cock was in position and sat back down on it slowly. Three quick up-and-downs had you buried deep into her, your cock stretching her ass deliciously. And then she started rocking just like before, grinding you inside of her hot, tight hole as it squeezed and massaged you.

Gemma eventually leaned back towards you and you helped her down until you were wrapping your arms around her, holding her lovingly as she used her feet planted on the bed and her hips to bounce on your cock just a little.

"Will this get you there?" she asked you.

"For sure," you grunted.

"Do it, love," she murmured. "Fill my ass. God, I've had like a dozen little mini-orgasms. I'm good. I don't need a big one. Give me that cum, love. I want to feel your love so bad."

It didn't take much longer for you to groan, reaching down and fingering her pussy as you felt your balls ache before they unleashed in a warm wave of ecstasy. Gemma moaned in unison with you, not orgasming but just riding your pleasure with you. Your breath came heavy and hot and you buried your nose in her hair, letting the smell of her fill your senses.

When it was over Gemma rolled away from you, your cock having gone soft quickly after the long exertion with Sabrina and followed by the slow fuck with Gemma. She turned over and kissed your cheek, murmuring her love for you, before climbing over you and off the bed. You watched with half-closed eyes as she took out the wipes that the girls had stashed in the nightstand and cleaned herself up, then pulled on a pair of panties in case of any further leakage. Then she climbed back over you and slipped under the covers.

Soon you were spooning Gemma, one arm under the pillow and the other around her holding a breast, as she hugged Sabrina from behind in the little spoon position.

Life might be complicated. But it was also so, so good.

Chapter 443

Sabrina groaned a little and sat back, chewing her mouthful of pancake. "OK," she said. "You were right. Stopping was a good choice."

You smirked a little as you watched your brunette girlfriend enjoy the carby, sugary goodness of the diner pancakes. When the three of you had woken up that morning she'd been a little wound up because she wanted to get to work. The super-sex session had been like therapy for her and she was energised. The problem was that you and Gemma were more mellowed out than energised.

And none of you had necessarily wanted to stick around that morning to see if Iris had slept over with Mosche. The girls had filled you in on their brief washroom trip with her at the Comedy Club on Thursday and they had reconfirmed what you all thought already - she was kind of shy, but sweet, and wasn't as sure of things with Mosche as he seemed to think they were. She hadn't outrightsaid that, so they might have interpreted her wrong, but both Gemma and Sabrina were fairly sure of their reading.

The decision not to eat breakfast in meant you either needed to head over to Sabrina's immediately or go out to eat. Sabrina had felt the faster you got to her place, the faster you could get to work. Your argument to eat out had been seconded by Gemma.

"How are you feeling now, baby?" Gemma asked. They were sitting next to each other in the booth while you sat opposite them, and Gemma looped an arm around Sabrina to pull her into a side hug.

"Better," Sabrina said. "Much better. You guys really outdid yourselves last night, and I need to send some thank yous to Tash and Becks. Who knew I could get rid of my anxiety but getting it fucked out of me?"

"Shhh," you chuckled, glancing around to see if anyone else was listening. Thankfully the place wasn't too busy at 9 AM on a Saturday morning - you had a feeling the rush came a little earlier for the Up And At 'Em crowd and a little later for the Lazy Saturday folks.

"Sorry," Sabrina said, giving a little chagrined smile. "One thing I'm disappointed about is missing Booty Time though."

Gemma rolled her eyes. "It wasn't some big thing. It was more of an intimate moment."

"And those make my heart go wild, seeing you two like that," Sabrina said. "Honestly, I love seeing you two in love."

"Well, I love seeing you two in love," you said.

"Same," Gemma grinned. "OK. So we're all in love, we love each other being in love, but we've got work to do today."

"Right," you said and looked at Sabrina. "You're the boss on this, baby. What do we need to get done?"

"For the Trial, we've got everything put together and just need to do some organisation so our flow is good. Make sure we have all the right documents available and labelled and such. Then we need to do our big 'If we were the other side' read to check we haven't missed anything. Other than that it's just deciding who does the opening statement and then practising it so it feels like it flows naturally."

"I vote John," Gemma said.

"I actually vote you, baby," Sabrina said, looking at Gemma.

You snorted a little. "I was going to vote you, Sabrina. You're the project lead, you deserve to either kick it off or close it out."

"I'll close it out," Sabrina said. "I think you should do it, Gemma. You have a great voice and can set the tone for us, and if the other side goes big and brash you're stubborn enough to keep to our plan and sink them on looking unprofessional."

"I was thinking the same thing," you said. "We also don't know who is going to be acting as the Judge, but I think it's an easy bet that your accent will keep them paying attention even with our slow and methodical approach."

"Are you trying to tell me that I'm the ear candy of the group?" Gemma asked with a smirk.

"You're the eye candy too," Sabrina grinned. "Unless the judge is a straight woman, then it's John."

That made you snort softly.

"OK," Gemma agreed. "I wrote more than half the damn thing, so I guess I'll say it. But I don't want you two laughing at me while I'm practising."

"We'll be too busy doing the reading," Sabrina said. "And we'd never laugh at you. Just with you."

"I'll laugh at you," you said with a grin. "But only because I love you."

Gemma rolled her eyes and turned to Sabrina. "Anything else we need to get done?"

"Yes," Sabrina sighed. "When we're taking our breaks, John and I need to film a couple of quick scenes. I came up with some simple ideas that shouldn't take too long - like ten minutes each on screen, so like twenty-to-thirty to film with setup and everything."

"Do I need to help?" Gemma asked.

"Nope," Sabrina shook her head. "They'll be PoVs, so John will record them on my phone. You can work quietly off-screen... unless you want to watch."

Gemma smirked and you chuckled. "Of course she'llwant to watch," you said. "The question is if she can resist or not."

"Alright, challenge accepted," Gemma laughed. "I'll work through them both and not look at you once."

"Ooh, what's the bet?" Sabrina asked. "What do we get if you do?"

Gemma quirked her lips to the side, thinking about it. "Um," she said. Then she blew out her breath. "DP?"

"I do love that look on your face," you grinned.

"Done," Sabrina agreed. "What do you want if you somehow manage to win, which won't possibly happen because we're too sexy and you love us too much not to look?"

Gemma snorted. "An hour-long, non-sexual massage from both of you," she said.

"Really?" you asked.

"Non-sexual?" Sabrina said, scrunching up her face.

"It can turn sexual after the hour," Gemma laughed. "But for one hour I want you both rubbing me down and massaging every inch of my body."

"Agreed," you said, holding out a hand to her. She shook it with a grin, then shook Sabrina's.

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