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The Olive Grove Starlet


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Tony shifted uncomfortably for he knew that she wouldn't like the reason. She'd always been jealous of anything involving Maria, his wife. "Maria's cousin, she's just given birth and the christening is on Sunday. She wants us to show some family solidarity." He tried to look apologetic, not an expression he had to practice very often and he wasn't very convincing.

Rose stood, hands on hips, eyes narrowed as Tony explained. "Oh, for crying out loud, Tony," she spat, "you're throwing over a weekend with me to watch some mewling brat get his head wet? Jeez, Tony, if you didn't want to go, at least have a better excuse than that. Am I not enough for you any more?" She asked, pouting. She waved her hand over her body. "Does this just not do it for you baby?"

Tony shook his head. "No, no sugar of course not," he protested. "It's not like that. It's just..."

Her eyes blazed. "It's just you'd rather spent the weekend fucking that dried up old hag than me." She could see that she'd pressed a button now and made him angry. He was sensitive about Maria and would not brook any criticism of her. Rose had always been careful in the past not to let Tony see how much his mistress resented his wife.

"Don't you ever speak about her like that again Rose, I'm warning you," Tony said through gritted teeth. "Look, you should still go. You'll have a nice time, relax, have some fun," he said, trying to be emollient.

"Maybe I can fuck the pool boy," Rose retorted cruelly, aiming to wound. "Then we'll both get some action."

"Don't you lay a finger on another man, Rose, you're mine and don't you damn well forget," he said with a cool menace. What she had previously found exciting, she now found stifling but before she could come back he continued. "It's easy for you, you get to swan in and swan out, sing your little ditties and flaunt your titties and everyone's happy. It's not so simple for me, sugar. I've a business to run, a business that is coming under a little heat for the first time in years and I've gotta sort it out. I don't need no crap from you Rose, so cut it out and go and have fun. We'll talk when you get back."

His belittlement of her struck deep and real anger flared in her. Reaching for a vase filled with flowers, she hurled them at Tony's head and screamed at him as he ducked out of the way. "Don't pull that one on me," she spat. "My voice and my tits have always been enough for you Tony, more than enough," she shouted. "I could make it big if you'd only let me, instead of keeping me trapped in this small town backwater."

"Oh for Christ's sake, Rose," Tony shouted back, "not this again," and he smashed his fist down hard on the glass top of a side table, his signet ring cracking the surface. "I've had it up to here with your damn whining. I do everything for you, I bring you up from nothing and this is he thanks I get?" He advanced on her menacingly. For the first time Rose was genuinely afraid and she threw one of her shoes at his head, screaming. Tony grabbed her wrist and pushed her back against the wall.

"Don't push me, Rose baby, just don't," he said through gritted teeth. "Especially not at the moment. I really don't want to hurt you." Rose's eyes widened in fear but before she could say anything, there was a rap on the door and it opened. There, in the doorway, was Danny.

"Everything ok in here? I heard screaming and smashing stuff. Mr Colonna?" He asked, eyebrow raised and Tony slowly released his grip and brushed himself down.

"Nothing for you to worry about detective," he said. "Rose and I were just having a friendly disagreement that's all. I'd have thought that, big shot detective that you are, you'd have more important things to concern you."

Danny smiled. "Nothing's too much for Kanesboro's finest Mr Colonna. I'm just glad everything's ok." Before he could continue, however, Tony simply brushed past him, out the door and into his waiting Rolls Royce, which he'd had shipped over from England a few months back.

Rose swallowed hard and started to sweep up the shattered glass after Tony shut the door behind him. She used the time to gather her poise. Danny helped her and placed his hand over hers.

"Are you alright Rose?" He asked softly. "You two raised merry hell. I heard the smashing glass and thought I'd better check things out." She raised her eyes to his and a smile played on her full lips. She wasn't half as calm as she made out but she didn't want to show Danny how frightened she'd been when Tony had laid angry hands on her for the first time.

"I'm fine," she said. "I knew what I was doing." She explained what had happened and why she'd reacted the way she had. Danny was impressed by her nerve. "The benefit detective," she said with a lascivious smile, "is that I'm booked into an apartment complex for the weekend all alone and away from Tony's people." Danny stood up but Rose remained on her knees and deliberately placed her hand over his pants. "Now doesn't that sound nice Danny?" She asked rhetorically.

Danny looked down at the half-dressed woman, her face a little flushed and her eyes bright with anger and lust and couldn't resist. He knew he should have said it was too dangerous but a chance to spend some alone time with Rose was too much for any red-blooded male to turn down.

"Sounds heavenly," he said as she pulled his zipper down and reached inside for his cock. Pulling it free, she deliberately licked from root to tip in a slow motion of her pink tongue. She slurped at his cock, like licking an ice cream, while her own fingers slipped down to her pussy, rubbing herself through her dress. She was horny, her lust stoked by the slanging match as well as her performance on stage which always got her going. Tony's brief fuck had only heightened her arousal without offering any satisfaction.

They both knew that they did not have much time before they would arouse suspicions about his being in her dressing room for so long, so they indulged their sensations to the upmost. She reached around with one hand, the other still buried in her groin, to grip his bottom and pull him into her, while he gripped her blonde bob between his fingers and threw back his head. Her full scarlet lips slid up and down his shaft and over his sensitive head, her tongue flickering along the underside of his cock until he gasped, warned her of his impending orgasm and, when she did not pull back, held her in place as with a low groan, he spilled his seed into her hot, waiting mouth. Rose braced herself and allowed the warm, viscous liquid to pour into her mouth, swallowing it down happily, her eyes fixed on his as she did so.

She licked her lips clean, ran her tongue over his cock to clean him and then gently tucked him back inside his pants. Rising to her feet, she kissed him, allowing him to taste himself in her and then grinned at his surprise. "If I'm tasting you, we're both tasting you detective. Now run along." She reached over and scribbled an address on the notepad he knew so well. "Here's the address, join me when you can." Danny folded it and slipped it into his pants before retreating from the room, head still reeling from what had just occurred.


Kane County Country Club had been founded around the turn of the century but had been on its last legs during the Prohibition era when Tony Colonna had purchased it at a knock down price. He had renovated it and turned it into a profitable concern frequented by many of the State's richest and best-known residents. Tony had been there a few times with Rose and so she knew her way around. The apartment that she and Tony had been allocated was, naturally, the best they had to offer and Rose arrived late on Friday night/early Saturday morning, having been driven by Franny who was assigned to stay in a less well-appointed apartment to keep her safe. Despite that irritant, Rose resolved to enjoy herself, especially now that spring had arrived. She sat out in the private garden of her apartment on a sun lounger, cocktail in hand, tanning herself by the pool, and going for a dip to cool off every so often.

All through Saturday she wondered whether she'd see Danny and she could feel her heat rising from his absence. It was strange the effect that he was having on her, like no man before him. Rose had learned early in life that men desired her and she had always used that fact to her advantage to get what she wanted. There had been one or two close shaves with guys who wanted to take what they desired without offering what Rose desired in return but for the most part sex had always been successfully transactional for Rose. The quality of the sex was less important than the quality of what she gained from allowing it to occur. Tony, for instance, had become less desirable to Rose and his premature finishes more irritating when he no longer appeared willing to give Rose what she wanted - the ticket to the Big Time that her talent obviously deserved. Maybe it was just the same with Danny, he was desirable because he was he path to what she desired, escaping Tony and getting her chance in LA or New York. Then again, maybe not. He had lit a fire inside her in a way she couldn't remember. Rose got horny from performing not usually for individual men in her audience but recently she had been singing to and for him, it was him that fuelled her erotic dreams and self-induced climaxes.

The sun had already set and Rose had retreated, disappointed, indoors when she heard a gentle rap at her French window. Dressed in just her swimsuit and a robe thrown over the top, she cautiously approached the window, peering out into the murky darkness. She had to stifle a scream when she saw the figure of a man just outside the window. Through her hand she stage-whispered, "Danny?"

"Yeah, it's me," came the reply. "Open the damned door, it's freezing out here." Being spring, the moment the sun went in all the warmth of the day dissipated. She drew back the door and pulled him inside and into a clinch. She thought about having him right then and there but decided against it for the time being. Instead, as she broke away from the kiss she held onto his tie and smiled up at him seductively.

"Well hello detective. I was wondering when you might show up. I was beginning to think you'd lost interest," she teased, knowing full well from the bulge already visible in his pants that he hadn't. He grinned and ran his hands under the hem of her gown and up her smooth, bare thighs until he reached her ass. Cupping it firmly, he pulled her into him and they both felt his hardness against her.

"I think that gives you an answer to that question," he commented and she grinned her assent. "I had to sneak over your wall to get in. I came down here under the pretence of checking the guestbook as part of building a case against Bobby. It gave me a legitimate excuse if I were caught in the grounds, though not," he smiled and slipped a finger below her swimsuit to stroke her bare behind, "if I was caught doing this." Rose gasped, then giggled and bit his lip between her teeth.

"It really wouldn't do would it?" Her hand slipped down between his legs and started to stroke his cock through his pants. "I'm not sure what they'd say if they knew I'd been doing this...or this?" She said and pulled his head down to her breasts to allow him to nuzzle at the juicy flesh there. Very quickly they were heading towards sex, even though both had resolved not to, they simply couldn't resist each other.

Danny gave a low moan as he pushed her robe to the floor and pressed his face into her cleavage. It was a heavenly experience, like two soft pillows pushed up and out by the support in the swimsuit and he kissed them excitedly and with evident desire. He pulled one tit free and closed his lips around the long erect pink nipple. Rose's hand went to the back of his pulling him towards her as if trying to push him inside her breast. With her free hand, she hurriedly flicked the straps of the swimsuit off her lovely shoulders and, in a moment's break, wriggled out of the garment, leaving it in a pool between her perfectly-painted toes.

Danny drank her in for a moment and had to work hard to stop his jaw from slackening at the sight. She was pin-up gorgeous, from the sculpted blonde bob to the bewitching face, magnificent chest and sexy long legs on top of a spankable ass. Rose grinned at him, enjoying the admiration. "Well? Are you just gonna gawp at me Danny, or are you going to do something about it?"

Spurred into action, Danny moved like lightening, stripping off as fast as his eager hands could manage. Danny's cock sprang free and pointed straight at the ceiling. Rose purred as she reached out to take it in her manicured hand. It was big and strong and hot and screamed man to her, far more than Tony's ever did. She felt like a woman escaping from the deprivations of Lent to the wonderful feast of Easter as she began to jerk him firmly, feeling the pre-cum seeping from his head and down onto her hand.

She led him by the cock to the huge double bed where she and Tony had been intimate in the past. At the moment she couldn't give a fuck about Tony or what they had done here in the past, she just wanted Danny. Danny likewise could only think about Rose and how good it would feel when he slid his cock inside her tight, slick pussy.

She pulled him down onto the bed and opened her legs wide for him. He ran his hands up her thighs, the smoothness of them contrasting with his palms roughed by 18 years of police work. She looked up at him, taking in his nakedness for the first time - the broad chest dusted in hair, the strong neck, the rugged face and unruly brown hair and his splendid cock between those powerful thighs. This was a man's man, she reflected, and she couldn't wait to have him inside her again. He placed himself at her entrance and pushed in. Her pussy muscles resisted for a few seconds and then yielded, swallowing him into her and they both gave a simultaneous groan of delight as he sank into her welcoming pussy.

She raked her nails down his back and he gave another groan of delight at this encouragement, starting to piston in and out of her in a smooth motion. "Mmm, that's it Danny," she chuckled, "fuck me good and proper, no going easy on me ok? I've had enough of that. I need a real man to fuck me, do you think you can do that?"

Danny growled a response which delighted Rose and he quickened his pace. Rose loved it and felt like any second she might be smashed through the mattress to the floor. So lost were they in the moment, they almost didn't hear the soft knock at the door. The knock went again and then "Room Service."

The lovers suddenly stopped, panic on their faces. "Holy shit," Rose exclaimed. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." Danny leapt off her as if he'd been suddenly electrocuted. "Quick in the bathroom and put the shower on," she ordered as he grabbed his clothes and headed for the bathroom. He turned on the shower and sat on the toilet his heart hammering in his chest in fear of their being caught together. He grabbed his holster and withdrew his gun ready to fire. He tried to listen for conversation but couldn't hear anything over the sound of the shower.

The door opened after a couple of minutes and Danny cocked the pistol when he saw the door lever depress. "Put that thing away damn it," Rose said and giggled. "Jumpy, aren't you?" She said, trying to be cool though her own heartbeat had only just returned to normal. "It was the bell boy bringing a make-up gift from my beloved," she said sarcastically. "Fortunately, the sound of the shower and the sight of me in just my bathrobe was enough to distract him and convince him I was all alone pining for Tony. Anyway, we've got champers, strawberries and cream, my favourite treat, ready and waiting for us. Fancy drinking champagne and eating strawberries from off of this body?" She asked seductively, shucking the gown back to the floor.

Danny grinned and pulled her into the shower. "Sure Rose," he said, but I fancy taking a shower with you first. Just to make sure you're clean enough to eat my diner off." She giggled as the water began to cascade over her.

Rose gave a giggle and a half scream as she was pulled under the hot jet of the shower and then pouted at Danny. "You'll ruin my hair you wicked man," she teased and he laughed back.

"Don't worry Rose," he returned jocularly, "by the time I've finished with what I have planned, your hair will be the least of your worries." She liked her lips and reached for his hard cock with her hand.

"Is that a promise detective?" She asked huskily. Danny just smiled in return and lifted her easily into his arms. She wrapped her thighs around his waist and hooked her ankles together just above his ass. She gave a gasp as he pressed her back against the cold tiles and, with her arms around his neck, smiled as she nibbled at his lips, his cock pressed against her stomach, trapped between their bodies. The nearness of their escape from the bell boy heightened the sense of urgency between them and Danny couldn't wait to be back inside her. He bent slightly at the knees to position himself correctly at her entrance and then pushed forward into her, driving her ass back against the wall as he did. She tightened the grip around his neck, around his waist and around his cock as she concentrated on exerting the maximum pressure and pleasure on her lover.

Danny was big and powerful and Rose felt wonderfully powerless in his arms. He drove in and out of her at a steady and firm pace and Rose closed her eyes to concentrate on the sensations coursing around her body. The water flowing over her, its steady drum beat on her head, her breasts, shoulders and arms, her erect nipples grazing against the coarse, springy hairy of his chest, the softer, downier hair around his stomach that rubbed against her naked belly, the ripples of her pussy muscles each time he withdrew and then drove home again, and the cold enamel of the tiles against her back and ass. Rose bit her lips as she focused on the darts of pleasure that shot through her but every so often, cocooned as they were by the noise of the shower, she could let loose a cry of delight without fear of being overheard.

She bit down into her shoulder and Danny grunted in pain and pleasure and slammed into her harder. This was urgent, almost animal, coupling, there would be time for something gentler later if they wished but this was raw, hard fucking of the kind they both craved and had never experienced enough of in their past encounters with other partners. Their sexual compatibility was plain to them both and each delighted in it.

Rose came first, digging her nails deep into his back and screaming his name again and again as her body shook and her pussy convulsed around his cock. This action sent Danny over the edge too, overwhelmed by lust he emptied his balls into her with a short, sharp, "Oh Fuck, yes!" She went limp in his arms and Danny, himself weak at the knees, was grateful that he still had the strength to hold her up and that they didn't come crashing down to the floor. As she came back into focus she smiled that sexy smile that went straight through him.

"Not a bad start detective, not bad at all." She said and kissed him before turning off the shower. Danny slowly, gently lowered her to her feet and she staggered a little as she regained her balance. he held on to her to keep her from falling and she smiled again. "Am I still going to be able to walk by the time you leave detective?"

Danny reached for a towel and began to dry her with it. "Not if I have anything to do with it," he said with a grin, holding her close as he dried her back and rubbed the towel over her delightful ass cheeks which jiggled happily. "I'll be gone by morning so you'll have all of Sunday to recover before Franny drives you home."


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