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The Only Fan Pt. 01


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I was sat in the kitchen enjoying my coffee when the mousey-like figure of Olivia tip-toed her way in. I took another sip of my drink, and was about to say something about my investigations from the previous night, when my eyes were drawn downwards. As usual, Olivia's feet were hidden away beneath her slippers and this sparked a hint of hesitation within me. Maybe I'd misheard the mumblings through the wall? I mean, did I actually have any evidence that Olivia was this Goddess Sunshine? As I looked at her old, battered slippers, I once again accepted I'd never actually seen Olivia's feet. On top of that, I hadn't seen Goddess Sunshine's feet either since they were hidden behind a paywall. I had zero evidence for what I was about to accuse her of.

Suddenly, my confidence with laying out the law dissipated. How could I accuse her without admitting that I had been listening through her door? It was the one thing she'd been explicit about prior to moving in: she valued her privacy. I had violated her one request and if I confronted her I'd be admitting so.

While my eyes lingered on her slipper, Olivia's heel lifted and her foot arched as if her toes were about to inch free from their hiding spot. I craned my neck to gain a better look, just to catch a glimpse and confirm whether they were actually pretty or not. How I was planning to confirm that I didn't know, as I was clueless when it came to what constituted a pretty foot, but still, I looked all the same, in search of ammunition for a confrontation.

Olivia's standing foot began to twist on the spot, while she dropped the heel of the other and deposited it back into the slipper. I sighed with frustration as her feet remained hidden, however, seconds later she lifted the same foot into the air and dangled the slipper from her toes. I watched intently as the slipper balanced, swaying back and forth on the end of her foot while perilously nearing the point where it would fall off.

Come on, I thought to myself while urging the slipper to fall with my eyes. Just show me those toes. I wanted, no, I needed to see just how pretty Olivia's feet were. After all, if people actually paid to see them, then surely, they must be model worthy? Perhaps that's what Olivia did, she worked as a foot model as a day job and this was just a side-hustle that allowed her to bank extra. Could her feet really be so beautiful that she actually made her living from just letting people see them? I mean, I wasn't overcharging, but the rent was quite a lot. Most people who came to view the room tried to talk me down in price, some by almost half. Yet, to Olivia, the amount was a breeze and all because her feet were beautiful? I didn't know whether to be horrified or jealous.

The slipper was on the brink of falling, and I licked my lips in anticipation, but then, Olivia wiggled it back onto her foot and returned it to the floor. I slumped back into my seat and grit my teeth at having my suspicions denied again. But then, as I looked up, I saw that Olivia was looking at me with a curious expression. My cheeks turned rosy as she kept her eyes on me. Had she been watching the whole time? I must have been looking at her feet for a couple of minutes, and I'd just assumed that Olivia was busy making her breakfast and the foot play had been of the absent-minded variety.

I met her eyes sheepishly, then distracted myself with another sip of my coffee. I was overcome by an ashamed feeling, and felt no better than the guy I had heard her talking to the night before. I was even on par with the people who subscribed to her page. I mean, I hadn't paid to see them, of course, but I'd been lost in the action of outwardly gawping. With these thoughts rolling around my head, I peeked back and shrunk under Olivia's persistent, watchful gaze. Her eyebrows were raised with curiosity, and then I was startled as I heard something hit the floor.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Olivia had raised a foot and allowed her slipper to drop free from her toes. Every inch of me was throbbing under the struggle of fighting the urge to look. My curiosity was beyond control, and for some reason the thought of Olivia's feet was an itch I needed to scratch. Her foot being freed from that slipper was like a gift being unwrapped and I wanted to gaze upon my surprise. I wanted to see just how beautiful those feet were. Maybe they were actually ugly and this had all been a big misunderstanding, or maybe, they were indeed the most beautiful feet in the world.

Yet, Olivia's eyes remained firmly on me, and there was no way I could look at her foot without her knowing. Was that why she had removed her slipper? As a sort of test for me? My confident and resolute demeanour had been crushed by my younger, shy, tenant's feet. This was my apartment after all, and she was paying me to live here, so why did I feel so uncomfortable in my own home all of a sudden? I almost felt like I was an imposter, a voyeuristic pervert who had no right to look downwards at the very floor I had tiled myself!

There was suspense in the air, and not a word was spoken between us as Olivia's foot remained hanging. Out of focus, I could see her toes were wiggling, and it was so tempting to look and answer the question of how beautiful they were. But under her watchful eye, I knew that my position in this house would be compromised. If I looked at her foot, she'd know why I was doing so, wouldn't she? Why would I be looking at her feet unless I knew about her OnlyFans page? She'd know I was eaves dropping on her private space.

Somehow, I managed to resist, and Olivia dismissively shook her head as if she'd been mistaken. A second later, she returned her foot to her slipper. "Have a nice day," she said, while turning with her cereal and heading back to her room.

I derided myself for not having the courage to look. Now that the opportunity had gone, I wondered if it would really have been that big of a deal? A slight glance downwards at her foot, that wouldn't have been abnormal, would it? That was the normal reaction to hearing something drop and hit the floor: you instinctively look. That reality brought a squirming to my tummy, because I had dedicated such effort to keeping eye contact with Olivia, instead of looking at the slipper. She must have known that I was struggling against the dire need to look at her foot. If they really were that pretty, she was probably used to people looking at them, and therefore she knew without doubt that I wanted to look too. If I had just looked, I'd already have my answer and I could confidently tell her I didn't approve of what she was doing in my house. Yet, I had been too much of a coward, and the secret activities going on within Olivia's room remained that way between us.

All through work that day my thoughts were occupied by Olivia's feet, which was a strange concept since I had no idea how they actually looked. It was baffling to me, that such a shy, seemingly introverted girl that looked like a virgin could apparently have a whole other personality and side to her. On my lunch break, I spent the hour Googling pretty feet and what made them so. Pedicures, shoes, socks, jewellery; there seemed to be a variety of different categories when it came to what defined a foot as pretty. Though some of the pictures weren't ugly, I certainly wouldn't define them as being beautiful. They were just feet after all.

In the evening, tired after work, I sat in the kitchen alone again while Olivia was down the hall in her room. No doubt she was up to the same shenanigans, chatting to guys that were completely obsessed with her feet and willing to pay to see them. I opened up her OnlyFans on my phone and thought about actually subscribing. Maybe that was the easiest way to see her feet after all? But then, was Olivia really this Goddess Sunshine? Even if I subscribed and saw her feet, and they were indeed the most beautiful feet in the world; could I be completely sure this girl was Olivia until I saw those feet in person?

My finger hovered over the subscribe button. £50 wasn't a lot of money, in the grand scheme of things, but it was absolutely a lot when it came to seeing a picture of feet. Still, the urge remained within me, and I needed to see just how beautiful Olivia's feet were. It was strangely exciting, knowing that this plain-looking girl had a pair of feet beneath her slippers that people were willing to pay to see. It was like Olivia had this whole dirty secret going on, and I was unable to help but poke my nose into it.

I clicked the button and entered my payment details, though, I was immediately concerned that she would be made aware of my name. Therefore, I signed up with some made-up guy's name, Mike Smith, and paid with my Skrill account I'd set up for some failed Etsy shop a year earlier. After taking a deep breath, I clicked subscribe. The page unlocked, all of the content was now accessible and my jaw-dropped at what I saw. There were so many photos of her posing with her feet shown off in various positions and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Her feet were gorgeous, like, ridiculously pretty, and that was something I never thought I'd be saying in my life. I didn't even think it was possible for feet to be pretty, but simply looking at Olivia's it suddenly became clear why all of those meme's existed about selling feet pictures. I'd even shared one in the past myself, joking that perhaps I should do such a thing to retire someday. But it was a joke, nothing more, because feet weren't pretty. Only weirdo men liked feet, right?

But as I moved between each of Olivia's photos, I was truly mesmerised by how pretty she was able to make her feet. Her toes in particular, appeared almost as if a work of art. She used all kinds of different colours, and in every photo, there was a completely different pattern on the big toe, the kind of which looked as if it had taken at least an hour to paint. In one photo there was a little painting of a flower on her toenail, and it was extremely detailed.

But it wasn't just the nail-art that I found attractive, it was her jewellery too. Now, I wore earrings and occasionally I'd wear a necklace or bracelet, and of course, if I'd ever become engaged to Alex I'd have surely wore a ring. However, it would never have even entered my head to wear any jewellery on my feet, and certainly not to the extent that Olivia did. There were toe-rings on two of the toes on one foot, and three of the toes on the other. Each appeared to be high quality, possibly made of silver, and not the cheap tat that some rings are made from. One resembled an anchor, whereas another was a leaf; they were just so cute. She also wore a kind of bracelet around her ankle, which had tiny dolphins looped onto its length. So, pretty!

But then my face screwed up. She never, ever wore that anklet around the apartment. Sometimes she'd have shorts on with her slippers, and I'd seen how smooth and pale her legs were, but they always lead down to those same slippers. I was positive there was never any ankle jewellery in sight. Why? She wore it to take photos for her stupid page, but it wasn't worth the effort around the apartment? Yet, that wasn't the end of it. In other photos, the jewellery became more extravagant, with intricate decorations that could be linked between the toe rings and anklets, covering the top of her foot in sparkly trinkets.

I scrolled through her page as if in a trance, going from photo to photo and continuing to be surprised by each one. Her toes seemed to descend in a proportional length, from the biggest right down to the pinkie. I kicked my own foot free from my work shoe and took a look. My second toe was longer than the biggest; the big toe was supposed to be the biggest, right? Wasn't that why it was named in such a way? Yet, on my own foot, it seemed dwarfed by the second toe and it made the overall aesthetic appearance to be unsightly. I couldn't even imagine opening a page such as Olivia's myself; the idea was simply preposterous. I'd likely be laughed out of the business.

It was at this moment that I realised these could just be the random feet of some other girl. I'd been so focused on how beautiful Goddess Sunshine's feet were, that I'd completely forgotten that I'd only signed up to gain some evidence. I began looking for extra details in the photos, and things became a lot clearer. She was careful, for sure, and most of the photos were taken at extremely close proximity. However, in a few, it was obvious that the bed and wallpaper were from Olivia's room. I clicked through and nodded each time I recognised some corner of the bedroom I'd worked so had to make presentable. Was that what my effort had been for? So that Olivia could make money selling photos of her feet?

I kept clicking through, until another photo made me sit upright. That was my bloody kitchen in the shot! I looked away from the phone and around the room as I sat at the table. There was no denying it. Olivia had snapped a photograph of her feet while enjoying her morning breakfast, obviously after I had already left for work. The bloody cheek! So, she kept those beautiful feet hidden around me, but as soon as I had left, she felt comfortable kicking those slippers off. I didn't know what annoyed me worse, the gall of using my home without my approval, or the fact she didn't do so while I was around. I'd spent so much time and energy in my apartment, and now it was apparently nothing more than a prop for Olivia's feet.

I also noticed a trend with each passing photo. Most only included her feet, though a few gave further glimpses, right up until her lips. Again, these weren't immediately recognisable, as on a day to day basis, Olivia's lips always appeared pink and thin. However, in these photos they were full and covered in a bright, red lipstick, the same way they had been when she'd come down to collect her take away. With the photos that included her mouth, Olivia would often be forcibly pointing at her feet, with the caption beneath in some way demanding that her foot be looked at, kissed, licked and even sucked!

I dropped my phone onto the table and wiped my brow. This was a whole other level of seediness that I couldn't believe was going on in my own home. Modelling her feet was one thing, but insinuating that people actually touched them with their mouths was crazy. I mean, I wasn't unfamiliar with bondage and the like, and had even experimented in the past with Alex. This was completely different though. Having beautiful feet was one thing, but thinking they were so beautiful that people would actually want to kiss them? Ludicrous!

Yet, as I scrolled down the comments under the photo, there were so many from subscribers begging to do exactly that. Guys that appeared completely obsessed with my tenant's feet and willing to kiss, lick, suck and do all manner of things to them. On top of that, there was a couple of hundred pounds attached to the photo as tips. My mind was boggling at the world I was prying into. Guys paid to see this photo, and then they paid extra on top for...what? Just because they felt like her feet were so beautiful that she deserved more?

More clicking on my part only brought up more questions. Though it was clearly Olivia in the photos, and she was careful to hide her face, I was still hesitant and doubting myself. For one reason, I didn't recognise any of the clothes. Olivia always wore the most frumpy, boring outfits around the house which often hung off her slim frame loosely and baggy. But the clothes in her photos were all designer and well-known brand names. Along with her lipstick-laden mouth, she came across on her page as a confident, stuck-up beauty queen. I'll admit, that the image gave her page a classy and high-end feel, but still, I knew this wasn't the reality.

She was also wearing so many different shoes in photos. Sandals, high heels, wedges, boots; shoes I had never seen in person! She must have had a whole cupboard filled in her forbidden room, with her seeming to use them for nothing but modelling. Where was the scruffy slippers and Converse that I was subjected to on a daily basis?

It was at this point I realised a simple fact: this was all a job. Goddess Sunshine was a role that Olivia was playing to milk money from these idiots. That's the only reason she was doing it. To her, it wasn't seedy, it was just a way to make money.

Suddenly, my impression of the whole thing shifted. I didn't disapprove as much, and in some ways, I kind of respected Olivia for having the innovative mind to make so much at such a young age. All she had to do was get a fresh pedicure once a week and snap a few photos, and that was it! I realised that she wasn't actually harming anyone. Her face wasn't visible, and I only recognised her because of the room. If anything, she'd actually been respectful, keeping it all going on in her private area and not bothering me with it. On top of that, she'd hidden her feet from me since the first day I'd met her.

While I gawped at my phone, I was startled moments later when Olivia came out of her room wearing her bathrobe, and of course, those slippers. She yawned as she entered the kitchen and offered me a polite smile. "So, tired," she said. "It's been a long day."

I clicked off my phone and nodded sympathetically, which was a far cry from the thoughts that were swirling around in my head. I mean, fair play to her for finding such an easy way to make money, but it could hardly be described as a long day, could it? She should try dealing with my clients on a daily basis and putting up with their shit, while stood around in high heels. Sure, Olivia wore high heels too, I'd seen the evidence in her photos, but they were probably only on her feet for a few minutes while she posed.

I wanted to strike up a friendly conversation, so that everything appeared normal, but there was a nervousness overtaking me. I suddenly felt uncomfortable in Olivia's presence, as if she was a celebrity or something. My fingers were trembling as I placed my phone down on the table, and I was convinced she'd realise everything. She'd take one look at me and know I had subscribed to her page just to see her feet. Yes, those feet, down there, hidden away from my eyes!

I glared at her slippers with resentment. Those ugly old things hiding the beautiful feet I knew were beneath. The famous feet that thousands around the world were completely obsessed with. I'd seen the evidence myself; Goddess Sunshine had a ridiculous number of subscribers, way more than I was expecting to see. Her feet had more of a following than my own social media accounts. Yet, I wasn't even allowed to see them in person, despite being a subscriber myself. Of course, Olivia wasn't aware of that second part and I'd be mortified if she ever found out. But it still irked me slightly that I had this apparent foot queen living in my apartment and I'd yet to witness the evidence for myself.

While Olivia was pouring herself a juice, my eyes remained fixated on her slippers, almost willing them to fly off her feet so I could see them in the flesh. I wondered whether her soles were as soft as they appeared in the photographs and if her toes constantly smelled like fresh nail polish. Did they have a taste? I mean, all of these guys were begging to kiss, lick and suck them; obviously they must have a nice taste since they had such a high demand. It was an absurd thought, but if I was ever going to suck a toe, I supposed slipping one such as Olivia's into my mouth wouldn't be so bad. There were far uglier feet around for sure. Not that I wanted to do it, but I mean, if I had to. If the world was ending and I had to suck a toe to save everyone; obviously I'd pick Olivia's since they were so beautiful.

"Are you okay?" I heard Olivia say, and I shook my head from the ridiculous thoughts that were swirling around. I don't know how long I'd been staring at her slippers, but Olivia had turned and leant against the kitchen counter. She was sipping her juice while eyeing me with curiosity all over again.

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