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The Paper Route Ch. 04

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Julie takes Buddy's cherry.
4.1k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 01/20/2009
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Friday morning Janice called. She announced she was coming home for the rest of the summer and was really looking forward to hanging out with me. There seemed to be an interesting implication in her words. This was a complication I hadn't foreseen, as some writers put it in the detective novels my dad is always reading. Tell me about it!

At least she wasn't going to be here this weekend. This weekend I had plans. Then Larry called and I had everything I could do to come up with reasons why I was not available Friday night and maybe not Saturday night, either. Larry knew my folks were gone so he naturally assumed I'd wanta party or hang out or something. Stall I told myself , stall stall stall.

Noon came. I debated whether to call Julie. Sure, I had her number. She was a customer, right? I had a phone number for every customer on my route. But I couldn't decide if calling was a good idea or not. I got antsier and antsier. Finally at around two-thirty I got my bike out of the garage and started pedaling aimlessly around the neighborhood. I kept looking over my shoulder to see who might be following me. Nobody was, of course, but I must have looked like all kinds of fool. In fact, I almost wiped out a mail box on one corner because I wasn't watching my path.

I got a little uncomfortable. I'd been sporting half a woody most of the day and the stimulation of the bicycle seat made me even hornier. After about twenty minutes of nutty wandering, I headed up the block behind Julie's house and turned down the alley behind her garage. I'd already cased the front. No lights. Shit. Hadn't she said she'd be home Friday morning?

Well, just as I got to the side of her garage, the big overhead door slid up and whoops! There she was. "Hey, Buddy, how are you?" Just nice as you please, hailing a kid from the neighborhood. I skidded to a stop and said hi back. I guess I was grinning. Julie smiled and started to turn toward her car. She pulled open the door and then looked back at me.

"Got any plans for tonight?"

"Hope so," I said. Quick, that's me.

Her voice sort of floated out of the dark garage at me. "You see that gate beside the garage? The latch is kind of broken. Maybe you could take a look at it after supper?"

My breath stopped and my heart soared. Could I. "You bet, ma'am. I'll come by then."

I waved a fidgety hand and shoved off down the alley. It's a long block and by the time I got to the cross street, I could hear Julie's car right behind me. I pulled to one side and we waved at each other. Then I biked home and took a cold shower. It didn't help much but I smelled better.

I made a hamburger and stole one of my dad's cans of beer. I changed clothes into slacks and a green short-sleeved shirt. Finally, what seemed like years later, the sun started to go down and it was after supper time. I left a light on in the living room and carefully locked up the house. Then I pedaled my bike around a few blocks and up the hill way behind where Julie lived. Then I just coasted slowly down a couple of blocks, swung into her empty alley and hardly paused at all to nudge her back gate open. I was through onto Julie's back lawn with hardly a whisper of noise. Hopped off the bike and closed the gate. Her fence was high enough nobody could see over, except maybe people in the house across the alley and that place was dark.

Julie came out onto her tiny back porch carrying pliers and a screwdriver. I laid my bike down and took a look at the latch. I could see right away it was an easy fix. The gate had sagged a little so the pin wouldn't mesh with the gizmo on the post. Julie came over and stood real close behind me.

"Can you fix it?"

"Sure can. But you have a choice. See here?" I pointed at the latch piece. There's a quick fix and a good fix. The good fix will take longer." While I was talking, Julie leaned even closer to peer at where I was pointing. I felt her breasts against my back. Zing! She shifted from side to side, rubbing her chest on my back.

"Hmm. I bet we don't have the tools here for a good fix, do we? How about you do a quick fix for now."

I half turned and smiled at her. It seemed to me she was asking for a kiss so I gave her one. First on the cheek, right by her ear, then she turned into me and we had a nice lip lock. When we parted, I knew she'd felt my rod against her belly.

"Nice," she said. "Very nice. But you have to be sure of your relationship with the girl or you might frighten her off with that pole you have there." She winked in the gloom and handed me the tools. "Work before play, right?" And she sauntered back to the house. Naturally, it took me a good ten minutes to lower the gizmo where the latch was trapped to the pole. Then I carried the tools back to the house and walked into the kitchen. Julie took the tools and put them in a drawer. Then she took my hand and said, "Let's go into the playroom, shall we?"

I was not going to resist.

She took my shoulders and turned me to face her. "Okay, I think I want you to show me the way you'd go about getting your girl into bed. I assume that hasn't happened yet, right?"

I nodded. She'd already got it out of me that I'd never gone all the way, that I was still technically a virgin. Julie didn't laugh when I told her that. She thought it was nice. Anyway, I started to reach for her head. She stopped me.

"We're using the bed here as a general place, okay? Might be the car seat, although you'd be sitting. Here's the thing. Women want their guys to be smooth about this. Undressing can be awkward and if you're all fumbles and don't know what to do, you can ruin the mood. So I want you to undress me."

I suddenly realized she was testing me in her sweet gentle way. I took her in my arms and kissed her neck. Then I nibbled on her earlobe. She wasn't exactly responsive, but she wasn't just being a stick either. While I kissed her nose and stared into her eyes, I fumbled open the buttons on her blouse. Tonight she was wearing a bra. I started to pull the blouse out of her waistband but she stopped me, She didn't say anything, she just put her arms around my neck and squeezed.

So I slid my hands around her waist and brought them up to where I could touch the strap of her bra. No clasp. Shit. I slid one hand around her upper back to the front so I could touch her satin-covered breast. I think it was satin. It felt nice, anyway. Warm. I was getting more excited and so was she, because now I could feel her nipple. I squeezed it gently and then I bent my head so I could kiss the other one. I could tell she liked it, even through the fabric. My fingers found what I suspected, a front clasp on her bra. I tried to manage it with one hand but that didn't work, so after a few seconds of trying I brought my other hand around and unclipped the thing. Julie leaned back just enough so I could work it. As I slid my hands to either side, I cleverly wormed my fingers under the straps and eased the cups off her. Now both warm perky breasts were right there in front of my eyes and my mouth. Begging to be kissed, isn't that the phrase?

Well, I took advantage. I also shifted a little so my hips and her hips were closer together. After some more titty teasing, she sighed heavily and whispered. "Oh that's very good, Buddy. Most women wish their lovers spent more time on their chests. Diving abruptly for a woman's crotch may be a big turn on in the porn field, and some women like it, but most of us want a little more attention up here."

She grinned and fed one breast into my willing mouth again. It was clear she was having a good time teaching me things. She also explained that yanking the tails of a blouse out of a skirt can be awkward, sometimes hard to accomplish, and even damage clothing, any of which wipes out the mood.

I managed her skirt really easily. One button, a zipper and poof, it fell to the floor. Wow, my lovely lady was naked except for a pair of white satin panties. I helped her onto the bed and she explained that I was going to have to disrobe myself, although lots of women like to help. But the main thing was that most women felt vulnerable with no clothes on and they wanted the guy to be naked or mostly so too.

I wasn't complaining, right? Instead I whipped off my duds with a minimum of fuss and climbed on the bed beside her. I stretched out next to the wall. That was good, Julie said because it gave her access to the door if necessary without climbing over me. Psychologically a good thing. I laid down on my side so I had my upper hand free to roam. My other arm held up my head so I could eyeball her. Eyeballing Julie was something I could spend hours doing. She was on her back, legs together and knees straight. My dong lay on her upper thigh right next to her hip. She patted it once, causing another twitch.

I looked at her. She just lay there for a minute, staring at the ceiling. "Are you okay?" I asked.

Julie raised her head and said "Oh, you bet, but that brings up something else." Then she giggled. "It's not okay after sex to ask her if it was all right. Did you come? And variations on that theme. She'll tell you whatever she wants you to know. You can compliment her, tell her nice things, but don't ask her anything that suggests you want to know how well you performed. Maybe she's had very little or no experience and doesn't want you to know. Just tell her she how great she was unless you get specific questions. Then don't lie. You want to have real communication, especially if you want to screw her again or you think you're falling in love."

I nodded and sighed. Jeeze. A lecture. And this business of sex was getting way more complicated than I'd ever thought. No wonder so many couples were messed up. Then I also realized she was talking because she was a little nervous and she was waiting for me to make a move. Ho! Dunno how I realized that, but it made sense. We were getting close to her taking my virginity. Awesome! A once in a lifetime. She'd embarked on this path with me and now she was just a little nervous. Not as nervous as me but...

So I put my head back on the pillow and took three deep breaths. Then I slowly turned my head and tongued the side of her breast. Almost tickling. I suppose I should say something about how she looked naked. She was tanned, this being summer, with smooth skin. No freckles. Her breasts were on the small firm size. They hardly sagged to the side at all when she lay on her back. I couldn't get a whole breast in my mouth, although I tried. A handful and a half, I'd say. Her nipples were pink and got real firm when she was excited. Her tummy was flat and her belly button was an innie. Her hips were smooth and the bones were right there but they didn't stick out.

I left off sucking on her and kissing her neck and sat up, sliding one hand across her belly.

"What are you doing?"

Registering your bod in my brain. I never want to forget what you look like right now." Julie smiled wistfully and ran her hand over my back and down to where the bed sheet met my butt crack.

I looked at her feet, her narrow ankles and right up to her knees. She had great legs. Her thighs looked strong and smooth and they met and connected to her hips at exactly the right place. I leaned over a little and stared at her crotch. Her pussy was right there for me to see. Mostly. Her bush was brown like the hair on her head. I stopped staring at her pussy and sat up a little. I got up on my knees and took her face in both hands so I could turn her toward me. Then I put my face closer and stared at her ears, her throat, her neck and her nose and eyes. That summer her hair was just a little more than shoulder length and pretty straight. It smelled good. She smelled good when I stuck my nose in her armpit. Her eyes were dark brown. Julie was not a stunner, just a very goodlooking woman who I was falling in love with.

"You have no idea how good you make me feel," she whispered.

"You mean like now?" I kissed her nipple.

"Yes that, but also when you look at me like this. I get tingles inside."

Ah, Buddy, I said to myself, remember that. Tingles are good. I smiled and licked her nose lightly and went back down her body, this time, kissing each breast, her tummy and then tried kissing her neatly trimmed bush. Zing!

She jumped. Cool! I kissed it again, a little harder this time. She flinched again and her hand came up to rub the back of my head. I shifted my aim and went a little lower. Another flinch. I thought I might have heard a moan. I blew on her pussy. Her thighs shifted just a little, parted. Interesting!

I blew some more. A definite moan and just a little gap there. Julie had what I later learned was a prominent mons veneris. That's the technical name, I guess. She said that when she stood around in her bikini or tight pants she had to be a little careful or she looked like she was calling attention to it. Man, call attention to it all the time, I thought.

Her cunt, her pussy, was neat looking. Not that I had seen many this close-up. None, live and in color, actually. I don't like those labels, I guess because some guys use them to insult people. But the anatomical labels are sort of stupid. Anyway, I blew on her sex. She flinched again and moved her legs apart a little more. Now I could really see the fleshy outer lips and the slit that ran down from the hair and disappeared. Julie's fingers appeared, blocking my view.

"I'm very sensitive, especially right before intercourse. You need to go slow and be gentle. But it can be tricky, because if you are too gentle, you'll tickle me insane."

Sounded good to me. So I nodded and slowly inserted my hand under hers. I felt the fleshy outer lips of her sex, and I could see just the pink edges of her inner lips. I knew she had a clitoris at the top where the folds came together, but I couldn't see it. I leaned closer and gently poked a finger between those lips. My finger instantly got wet and Julie moaned. She slid her thighs apart and I leaned closer. My face was so close I was having trouble focusing. My mouth was open and I drooled a little. The spit dropped right on the entrance to her vagina and she giggled. It also triggered a neat reaction from her clit which showed up just then.

Whoo! My dong was so hard. I think I could have driven a nail with it! I stuck out my tongue and touched the pink area between her lips and inhaled a musky smell that seemed to be getting stronger.

"Can you smell me?" Her voice was soft and trembled a little. I guess I was turning her on. I was starting to feel like I could explode at any moment. I took two deep breaths and tried to calm down. It helped a little.

Julie sat up then and took my face in her hands. She kissed me a couple of times and stuck her tongue in my mouth. "Are we having any fun?" she whispered.

"Are you kidding me? I died and went to heaven. This is way more than fun!"

"All right. We're just going to get a little clinical for a minute. So give me your hand." We sat up on the bed side by side. She took my arm and put it around her waist. Then she spread her thighs and pulled my other hand into her crotch, where she made me feel all over her pussy until I knew by feel the parts of her sex, and I could see from her reactions what really turned her on. The she took my finger and slid it right inside her. Slowly. We did everything slowly. She was hot and very wet down there. I watched as a faint redness like a blush started in her throat and spread out over her breasts which were really standing at attention.

Without any warning she grunted and her hips twitched and I felt the muscles of her vagina clutch around my finger. "Do you know what just happened?" she said, looking up at me.

"Yeah, I think you just came."

She nodded. "I had an orgasm. A little one."

"So does that mean we're done?"

"Oh, no, women can have more than one orgasm in a short period of time. That's a big advantage we have over you guys." She grinned and placed her free hand over my woody. "When you ejaculate, many times that's it for the night. Which is why you need to know about these things. You don't want to leave your lover unsatisfied. Even if you have a big orgasm before she does, you can't stop loving her. But you don't have to come together, either." She grinned again and said, "Some women's sex gets tender and sensitive after an orgasm. Something else to remember." She grinned some more and rotated her fingers, slippery with my pre-come, over the head of my cock.

"So, tell me something. When your buddies talk about friends with benefits, what does that mean? Fucking?" She ran her hand gently up and down my cock. Jeezus!

"Umm, not always. For some people I know, it might mean only oral, you know, sucking the guy off." Right, like Julie didn't know what oral sex was. I coulda shot myself for a dope right then. I was distracted, okay? This naked hot babe was jacking me off and kissing my bare chest. I was having trouble thinking about anything except the fine sensations rolling through me.

"Um," she said then. "I was going to do this another way, but I don't want to wait any longer. She was panting a little and her eyes were gleaming. She rolled away from me, and pushed me down. "Lie down on your back she said."

I was gonna refuse, right? I did and my dong stood right up and pointed toward the ceiling. Julie got to her knees and placed one leg on either side of my hips, holding herself off my body. Her arms came forward and she kissed me. She lowered her chest until her breasts were tight against me and my dong bent upward between our bellies. Then she stopped and we kissed for a minute or twenty. I couldn't tell. Right then if somebody had walked into the room, I probably wouldn't have noticed.

We breathed into each others mouths, staring wide eyed. Julie slowly slid her body up until she could kiss my forehead and my pecker popped out between her thighs. My arms were around her back and I was caressing her sides and back in a kind of aimless fashion, I guess, but she said it felt really good. Her knees squeezed me and then she stuck one hand between us and guided me into her. Holy shit!

Julie was a furnace. A wet, pulsing furnace. As I went in I heard, "Ahhhhhhhh," softly. When our pubic bones touched and I was all the way in, she paused and raised herself enough so we could look at each other.

"Don't you move, and don't close your eyes. Just watch me." Then Julie began a slow, agonizing, rocking motion of her hips. She began to sweat. I was already sweating. The smell of sex was all around us. My groin was on fire. My brain was melting. I had never ever come close to what I was feeling before. Mr. five fingers? Not even in the same city. Then she did something that caused her vaginal muscles to ripple. I swear to God! Her rocking increased. I tried but I couldn't keep still. I began to thrust my hips at her. I felt juices running down the crack in my ass. More and faster we rocked.

"Ohhhh." I couldn't tell if that was me or Julie or both of us. "Put your hands on my tits," she panted. I did and she mashed herself against me. One twice and then I came. And Julie came. I watched and saw incredible signs of bliss, of high emotion, of caring and even love flowing across her face, mouth open, tongue flickering, head shaking. Our bodies trembled together.

And then it was over. Almost as fast as it had arrived, our mutual orgasms, the sensations left, and I felt somehow depleted. Anxious, even. Sure I had lost my cherry. Sure Julie said no asking if I was adequate. I still wanted to know. But I didn't ask, instead I bit my lip and smiled at her. Julie closed her eyes and lifted her face, so I kissed her again. She hummed into my mouth.

"So, Buster, how was it? Was it good for you? Was I all right?" Now she couldn't contain herself. First a big smile, then giggles, then laughing out loud. I joined her and we got semi-hysterical. Somewhere in there my limp dick slipped out of her vagina.


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