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The Park

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Riley finds his prey may be his undoing.
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Gina glanced back over her shoulder as she rounded the curve in the path. She was alone on the path. It was getting dark already, but she was only halfway through her evening jog. She shook her head. All due to that stupid meeting at work, she grumbled, picking up the pace a little.

As she rounded the next curve in the path, she saw someone ahead, standing beside on of the sporadic benches. She slowed a little, nerves flaring up. As she got closer, she could see it was a man, but not a jogger. He wore old blue jeans and a leather jacket on his tall, lean frame. She hesitated, feeling the urge to turn back, but continued forward, lifting her chin a little defiantly.

"Good evening," he said as she reached the far end of the bench. Up close, his face was shadowed by the evening dim, unshaven, his eyes hidden behind dark glasses. Like his body, it was lean, hard, but still very attractive...in a dangerous way.

She paused, jogging in place a moment. "Evening," she answered with a nod. Maybe he just needed directions.

"Run, sweetheart," he whispered, his voice quiet but carrying clearly to her. Panic overtook her and she froze, her feet going still. All she could do was stare. "You'd better run."

As if his words lit a spark inside her, she suddenly turned back the way she'd come and started to run. All she could think was that she needed to get to her car, that she'd be safe if she could reach her car.

Riley stood a moment, savoring her fear, the anticipation of the pursuit and the capture. She was attractive – a well built brunette in tight shorts and a short tight tee. Long bare legs flashed in the evening light as she ran down the path. With a half smile, he started after her.

Gina ran as fast as she could, but she was already winded as she passed the next bench. Her panicked mind said she had at least 6 more benches before she reached the parking lot. She glanced over her shoulder, seeing a shape moving quickly behind her in the growing dark. He was so close. She didn't think she could get away if she stayed on the path, but she had hoped for someone to be coming along...anyone...something to help. She didn't run this late often, but it seemed very empty for the hour.

Riley didn't feel bad about the hunger or using his skill to track and catch his prey. They were a natural part of him. He did feel a little regret for the prey – they often fought so hard when they had no chance of succeeding. But the fighting made their bodies hotter, more aroused, sweeter...

Gina risked another glance and saw the man was even closer. He was definitely going to catch her. She saw an opening in the brush beside the path and, her breath catching in her throat, dodged between the bushes. She fumbled in the growing darkness, stumbling over roots and small plants, her hands scraped by the rough bark on the trees she brushed by.

Riley had to give her credit. Leaving the path was unexpected and bold. His past prey had always stuck to the routes they knew and made it easier to catch. This woman may have slowed herself down, but she was harder to track among the trees and shrubs. His body heated, hardened even more. Fitting prey, he thought, picking up speed, dodging left of her fumbling way to get in front of her. He knew the perfect spot...

Gina couldn't help but keep looking back, even though it was slowing her down. She couldn't see him any longer. She couldn't hear him either, but that was more because of the pounding of her heartbeat in her head than any belief that she had lost him. She was totally lost, unsure of how far she'd come or how far she was from the path or the lot. It looked a little clearer up to the left and she stumbled in that direction, hoping she was reaching the open area beside the parking lot.

Riley stepped out of the trees as she entered the small clearing. The full moon was rising, adding to the fading sunlight and illuminating the grassy area. Gina tripped over a tree root and fell to her knees before him, her wide green eyes staring up at him. When he smiled, she managed to get to her feet. "Who are you? What do you want?" she stammered, her voice trembling as hard as her body. She was breathless, her muscles weak, and she knew there was no getting away.

"I think you know what I want," he chuckled, "and they call me Riley." He took a step closer. "It doesn't really matter though, does it, sweetheart?"

Gina lifted her chin and locked her knees. "Don't call me that," she managed, proud that her voice was stronger, "Just be done with it." When he stepped closer, she felt the shudder. Fear bubbled inside her, but she wasn't going to let him see it. Anger surged, drowning some of the fear. "You bastard."

Riley nodded, impressed. "I've got to call you something, sweetie." His body hummed now, the hunger pumping through his veins. He opened and closed his fingers, feeling the need to touch. His mouth watered at the site of her, the scent of her. He pulled off the sunglasses, the jacket, and dropped them to the ground. He seemed so tall, even though he wasn't but a couple inches taller than she was...she trembled as she looked up at him.

"Gina," she whispered, "My name is Gina." Her eyes met his and she saw the dark blue sparkle in the growing moonlight. There was something there, something that fascinated her. He stepped closer and her hands came up in defense, but she didn't struggle when he took her wrists.

"I want you, Gina," he murmured, lifting her hands and pressing his lips to the inside of each wrist. "I hunger for you." His tongue stroked her skin and he felt her shudder, saw her lips part as she stared at him. His cock swelled at her response. This one wasn't fighting...but she made him even hotter.

"Why?" she whispered, "Why do you want this?" She tore her eyes from his, pulled her hands away and wrapped her arms around herself. She turned slowly, looking at the moonlit woods. This was wrong...but something inside her wanted him.

"I need this," he answered simply. She turned back to look at him again. He felt the hunger surge and knew if he didn't convince her to give herself to him now; he'd take her like he'd taken the others...with violence and lust. Something told him that this could be more, that she could be more.

"This?" She waved a hand at the woods. "Or this?" She put the hand to her throat.

Riley stood a moment, staring. What was she offering? His body throbbed, ached for release. "I..."

Gina hesitated. He seemed conflicted. She should be running now, taking the advantage. But she couldn't. She knew what she wanted and it was him. The fear was completely gone now. It was replaced by something...well, hunger seemed the best word for it. The word he'd used.

Riley lost the battle, grabbing her shoulders as he pulled her close. His mouth found hers, feasting on her sweetness, as his hands struggled with her clothing. Gina melted against him, his sudden heat overwhelming her. Even as his mouth lifted so he could pull her tee over her head, she moaned in need. She shuddered as his hands cupped her breasts, his calloused skin rough against her nipples.

"More, I need more," he growled, taking her to the ground. She moaned again as he tugged at her shorts. In moments she was naked, spread before him like a feast in the moonlight. He knelt between her legs, peeling his own shirt off, revealing a strong, broad chest. His hands went to his jeans, unbuckling his belt, tugging open the denim to let his cock surge free.

"Please," Gina murmured, her eyes on his thick erection. She could feel the wetness on her thighs, the quiver in her belly, and the ache in her core.

Riley smelled her arousal, his own. He leaned down to lick at her belly, enjoying the quiver of muscles, the heat in her gaze. "Later, I want to taste you," he murmured, his blood pounding in his head, "But I need..." She reached for him and he caught her wrists again, pressing them into the ground. His body pressed to hers, feeling her softness against his tense muscles. His knees pressed her legs wider as he rocked his hips against hers, his cock stroking her folds.

"I can't believe how much I want you," she moaned, tilting her hips up against his.

"Really?" He chuckled, pinning both her wrists with one hand as he reached down to guide his shaft. "What a naughty girl you are, Gina." His head bumped her clit and she gasped. A slight shift and he was poised at her opening, feeling her legs tangle with his as she pressed to him eagerly.

"Please, Riley," she whimpered, knowing she was begging, but not caring. Her body ached for him. She hadn't felt this hot, this alive before. Every time he breathed, his skin caressed hers. The hand on her wrists was strong, capturing her, but it only served to excite her more. And the broad head pressed just close enough...her pussy wept with need.

"I'm going to fuck you, sweetheart," he growled, bending close to her ear, licking the side of her neck. "It's going to be hard and hot and I want to hear you scream." She shuddered, straining under him. "Are you ready, Gina?"

"Yes." Her voice was shaky, breathless.

No sooner did the word leave her lips then he thrust. She arched with a broken cry as he groaned with pleasure. Her cunt was tight and hot, gripping him greedily. He pulled away and thrust again, driving his entire length into her softness. Her body writhed under his, straining against his grip, her legs around his waist, her thighs tensing against his. She sobbed with each stroke he made.

His cock was like hot steel, a piston in and out of her aching pussy. The friction of each thrust sent heat up her spine and made her muscled clutch and burn. "Riley," she gasped.

"You like this, don't you, Gina," he groaned, driving his cock harder into her body, "You're enjoying this."

"Oh, yes," she shuddered, her knees tightening as she tilted her hips to take him deeper. He felt the quiver of her inner muscles and increased his pace. She was slicker, hotter now and he savored the sweetness of her body.

"Scream for me," he whispered, stroking his free hand over her breast and up to her throat. His thumb brushed her jaw line. "Scream for me, baby."

Both his hands went to her neck, cradling her head as he pressed his mouth to hers. Her hands grasped his wrists, as he continued his driving rhythm, filling her cunt with his hard flesh as he swallowed her breath. Gina arched, unable to breathe, to think, to do anything but feel as her body exploded.

Riley felt her go over, pulling his lips from hers and burying his face in her neck as he thrust once more, his cock pulsing, erupting. She arched again, screaming breathlessly as his cum exploded into her core. The sound was almost as erotic as the shuddering release of his body. He emptied into her, groaning at the sensation of their cum enveloping his shaft, at the feel of her inner muscles caressing and stroking him.

His hands went to the earth, his elbows locking to support his weight above her, and he just looked down at her. His eyes were dark as the night sky, his face grim. Gina lay limp, her eyes dazed, but locked on his. "I screamed for you," she murmured, her voice sounding as weak as she felt.

"So you did," he growled, dipping his head once more to nip her collarbones, "Will you again?" He slid back from her to his knees. She smiled up at him as he straightened his jeans, tugged on his shirt. The hunger sated, his sanity returned and he wondered what to do with this one. Usually, the women he took were out of it by this point, in shock or a dead faint. It was easy to slip away, but Gina...and strangely, he wasn't sure he wanted to.

"I'd like to," she whispered, sliding her hands under her head, surprised by her own reaction, but unable to stop the desire. Her naked body was slowly cooling, but she felt no need to cover herself. She felt powerful, something she'd never felt before. The look on his face, the remembered hunger, made her feel even more so.

He stood, stepped back to the edge of the woods. "I will hunt you again, then," he smiled. She sat up slowly, seeing the smile sharpen, and watched as he disappeared into the trees. She gathered her clothing slowly and dressed, feeling the soreness of well used muscles. She would return to the woods again, hoping to find him. But she now had desires of her own. The taste of a dangerous man could be addictive and only time would tell whose hunger would win.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

You can't rape the willing. Fuck that was hot. They'd make a nice couple. Maybe they'd enjoy hunting together.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
What A Hot Talent You Are

Excellent erotic story. Thank You.

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