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Taken by the Viking Ch. 01

Story Info
Trish is captured by the Wolf's men & one of them wants her.
5.4k words

Part 1 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/14/2016
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Authors Note: Okay Taken by the Wolf fans... you've been asking for, and I have wanted for a long time to write, the story of Jordan and Trish. I decided to go with a parallel timeline from Taken by the Wolf, so if you haven't read that story first, you can go there now, or you can read this one first and then go read that one or read them side by side... whatever you'd like.



This wasn't happening.

This couldn't be happening.

It wasn't fair.

But when had her life ever been fair?

Kidnapped. She made herself think the word. She'd been kidnapped. But why had they taken her?

Kidnappings were almost common on Earth now. The wealthy had moved to the Moon, leaving most of Earth behind except for when they needed something or wanted to travel to an exotic locale. Criminal empires had sprung up, taking over control of the Earth, but most of them left the citizens of the Moon alone when they visited. Until the Wolf. The Wolf would occasionally select one or two of the young men and women visiting earth for schooling or leisure and they would... disappear. A few would return to society within a day or two, others could be gone for months. Those who were returned quickly boasted of sexual decadence, of orgies, of perverse pleasures... and suddenly the younger generations were flocking to visit Earth, eager for a taste of danger. Most of them felt safe in the knowledge that they were unlikely to be taken, but they liked the idea that they could be gone for a day or two and then returned with all sorts of experiences outside of the stale lives they usually led.

Mostly no one talked about the unlucky few who were gone for longer periods of time. Mostly because those few never talked to anyone about their experiences anyway.

There were very few photos of the Wolf, despite rabid interest. First hand accounts couldn't be trusted, because they were so wild. The most anyone knew for sure was that he had dark hair.

Which was why Trish was twice as terrified when she woke up in a room with another man - who'd told her his name was Alex - and woman - Alex said her name was Bella - who had just woken up as well, both also bound to a pole the same way she was, and the first person to walk in had very, very light hair. Just as light as hers, in fact, and she knew that she was an anomaly, with hair so pale it was nearly white. His hair was the same light, light blond, although his was only half an inch long or so. And unlike Trish, he was huge. She'd always been petite, with a slight figure, but in his presence she felt even smaller. The man had muscles on his muscles, and he was so tall she was getting a crick in her neck from staring up at him, but she was too terrified to look away. If she wasn't so scared, she might think he was handsome.

His cold, grey eyes slid over her, calculating, and Trish shivered, cringing back away from his gaze.

Trish didn't understand. She was from the Moon yes, but she wasn't from an influential family like all the other kidnapping victims had been. Her parents had worked for a wealthy family before they'd died, leaving her an orphan. Fortunately, because she was smart, she'd been allowed to stay and had been educated on scholarship. She'd grown up in a Moon orphanage, which was still better than an Earth orphanage, but it wasn't pleasant. And she had nothing that the Wolf would want.

Unless the Wolf wasn't behind these kidnappings. The huge, blond man in front of her, who reminded her of the historical drawings she'd seen of Vikings, might be in charge. He certainly looked like the kind of man who would be in charge. But the Alex and Bella were definitely the kid of people that the Wolf would be interested in. They were dressed in expensive clothing, and from the authoritative way Alex had spoken to Bella - whom he obviously knew - before the Viking came in, at least one of them was used to being in charge.

The Viking shifted his gaze to the two, taking in their darker hair and eyes, before his eyes flicked back to Trish.

"Good. You're all finally awake." The curve of his lips tilted cruelly as he smiled, anticipation gleaming in his silvery eyes. Trish shivered again.

All three of them were roped together, hobbled, and led down the hall. The Viking told them his name was Jordan and admonished them to behave. Trish didn't think he had to tell her or Bella twice, but she was a little worried Alex might do something. He was obviously furious and feeling protective of Bella. To Trish's surprise, some of that protective feeling appeared to include her as well. His lips thinned every time he looked around, as if looking for some way to escape, and then he'd look back at Trish and Bella.

Their destination was a tiled room with a drain in the center of it. Trish stared at the drain, her terror swamping her, reaching levels that she hadn't known were possible, and tears started to slide down her face. When Jordan hung Alex up by his wrists, it was all Trish could do not to start sobbing. What was going to happen to them?

The big Viking was surprisingly gentle when he took Trish's hands and lifted them above her head, making her feel a strange spurt of gratitude through her terror. Her fright and tears surged higher when, once her hands were secured above her head, he ran his hands down her arms and sides, looking down at her with appreciation in his eyes. The man was huge. Massive. She barely came up to his chest and his hands, sliding down her body, felt like they could break her in half, no matter how gently he was touching her.

When he moved away to string up Bella as well, Trish felt ashamed at her relief that he was now touching Bella and not her.

Then he pulled a knife out of one of his many pockets, flipping it open with practiced ease, and Trish couldn't contain herself anymore. She started bawling, just as Alex started shouting. She was too frightened to even feel grateful that he was demanding the Viking leave both Bella AND Trish alone.

"QUIET!" Jordan shouted, his deep voice intimidatingly harsh. "You're all perfectly safe. Understood?" For some reason she felt like his words were directed at her, but it didn't help. She couldn't stop crying. She tried to, so hard, as he approached her, scared that he would punish her because she couldn't remain quiet. She couldn't stop. Instead, his hand brushed against her cheek, wiping away some of her tears with a gentleness that made her catch her breath. "Quiet down, little one."

It was a useless request, because right after that he started cutting off her clothes with the knife. Trish's tears started up again. She knew what was coming - what must be coming - and she just wanted to die. This was not how she thought she'd lose her virginity.

Even more humiliating, the large hands caressing her skin made her feel... well, not bad. And when his fingers brushed over the tuft of hair between her legs and dipped very slightly into her folds - the first time she'd ever had a man touch her there - she was wet.


Trish felt numb by the time they were led in front of the man known only as The Wolf.

Her eyes felt swollen and her throat ached from all the sobs she'd tried to stifle. Not that anything really all that bad had happened yet. Just a washing down by Jordan and her shameful response to his hands on her body. Something that she still didn't understand. But then again, she didn't really have the experience to understand it.

It was just one more thing that had made her odd on the Moon. Everyone else up there was experimenting and having sex with everyone else. But Trish had always held herself apart. Maybe because she hadn't really trusted anyone else or fit in anywhere. The other orphans and children of workers had attended one school, Trish and the children of wealthy families had attended another. There had been other scholarship students there, but none of them had been orphans or particularly friendly. So Trish had focused on her studies and hadn't bothered with relationships. Her few friendships were very shallow. More like acquaintances really.

So she didn't really understand why her body was reacting the way it was. Why it felt good, even though she was scared to death, when he caressed her in certain ways.

What she did understand was that her physical reactions were completely out of synch with her emotional ones.

By the time they were led into a large room, big enough to hold a very large number of people, with a dark-haired man sitting on a dais, Trish was too exhausted to even feel afraid. She stared up at the Wolf, blinking, wondering what her fate was going to be. She noticed that he was a handsome older man, with dark hair that was grey at his temples (something she didn't think she'd ever seen before - no one on the Moon ever allowed their hair to grey), bright green eyes, and a stern jawline. The very air around him seemed heavy with the weight of his authority, a sense of power that should have terrified her to her very bones. Yet her emotions felt so very far away right now. Beside her, the Viking was holding her left arm, so tall that he towered over her, making her feel very, very small. Strangely, when the Wolf's gaze landed on her, even though she was too hollow to be frightened, part of her wanted to lean against the man holding her arm, as if he would protect her from his boss.


That's what was happening. She'd snapped and she was going crazy.

"Jordan..." The Wolf said, his eyes sliding over to the other woman and man. "So what have you brought me today? A present?"

"You did say you wanted a replacement for Abbey soon," Jordan said. Trish shivered. Her emotions were starting to feel a little sharper again. Like she was remembering what fear felt like as she thought about losing her virginity to the powerful and intimidating man in front of her. Thought about the wild stories she'd heard. Wondered what had happened to those who didn't share their story.

If she had to be trapped here, please, oh please let her be one of the short visits. Not that she would want to tell this story, but she if she was going to suffer... well those stories hadn't sounded all bad and at least she'd know what was going to happen.

"Mmmm, I could be persuaded to take a blonde... it would make a contrast from Abby," the Wolf said.

Now she remembered fear. It was sharp and bitter, making her stomach twist. Trish tried to shrink back but Jordan's hand on her arm tightened, holding her in place. His fingers gave her an almost reassuring caress. She remembered the pictures of the last long-term captive the Wolf had taken - a red head with green eyes. Vibrant. Colorful. The complete opposite of Trish.

The Wolf's gaze turned towards the other two. "Then again, it has been a while since I've had a couple."

Trish was a bad person, because part of her felt relief and hope - hope that maybe he wouldn't want her, but that meant hoping that he'd want Bella and Alex instead. Shame curdled and she closed her eyes against the tears. It was starting to feel like she'd never stop crying.

"We're not a couple!" Bella protested.

Shock and despair surged as she opened her eyes and turned to look at the brunette. Did the fact that they weren't a couple mean that the Wolf would turn his attention back to Trish? Bella looked back at her with horror, like she was feeling the same way Trish had just a moment ago - like she was a bad person. But she shouldn't, because Trish knew exactly how she felt.

"Not a couple..." The Wolf said, almost as if tasting the words as he said them. Trish clamped her mouth shut as the Wolf leaned forward, obviously more interested in Alex and Bella now than before.

"Drive said there was another couple following them out of the hotel, begging for a second change," Jordan said. His fingers caressed Trish's arm again. It felt like he was somehow advocating for her, as if he was diverting the Wolf's attention to the two brunettes, but that couldn't be right. Why would he care? "From what I understand, these two caught their partners together. I thought you might find the dynamic intriguing."

Okay, so the big Viking-like man obviously made the final decision on who to present to the Wolf... so it was his fault she was here, right? But why her?

Not only that, but it was obvious that his diversion had worked. The Wolf was now staring almost hungrily at the couple who were not a couple, his eyes lit with interest.

"You may have the blonde," the Wolf said, waving his hand at her. Trish suddenly felt like she was going to faint. Was that why she'd been taken? Because the the Wolf's right-hand man wanted her?

"TRISH!" Alex shouted, and tried to move towards her.

Hope - stupid, ridiculous hope - sprang up for just a moment, and then he was surrounded by the Wolf's guards. Jordan's hand on her arm had tightened. Of course they weren't going to be able to just escape like this. Of course Alex couldn't protect her. He was a prisoner too. The three men who had converged on him forced him down to his knees as Jordan pulled Trish slightly away, turning her away from the sight of Alex in his ropes, on his knees.

She started shaking again, a sob workings its way up into her throat as she realized exactly how small she was next to the big Viking. How vulnerable.

The big man shifted, lowering his head next to hers so that he could whisper in her air, his hand stroking up and down her back in what she could tell was supposed to be a comforting manner.

"Don't cry, little one, I'm not going to hurt you. You're mine now and I always take care of what's mine." His hand moved further down, caressing her ass. "I'm going to make you feel good, baby girl."

Trish tried to close her lips, trying to muffle the noises as she started sobbing again, absolutely terrified. Rape. He was going to rape her. And the worst part was, she wasn't sure that it wouldn't feel good. His big hands did feel good, strangely comforting, no matter that she now knew it was his fault that she was here at all, no matter that she was terrified of what was going to happen... Part of her still wanted to believe him that she wasn't going to be hurt. That everything was going to be okay.

The next thing she knew, she was being lifted up - one arm wrapped around her back and the other under her knees - and carried over to a chair where he sat down with her on his lap. It wasn't the most comfortable position with her wrists still tied behind her back. Those big hands kept caressing her body, her sides, her thighs, her ass, brushing against the sides of her breasts, and eliciting a shameful reaction between her legs. Her nipples tightened, her pussy became wet, and she knew that she was becoming aroused, even though it was so, so wrong.

But her tears were also starting to lessen, and she couldn't help but be a little convinced that maybe the big man didn't mean her real harm. He was being incredibly, strangely gentle with her.

He cuddled her, absently caressing her in an almost comforting manner, and watching as the Wolf gave Bella and Alex the nicknames Pet and Toy, and then released his last kidnap victim - Abby, whom he called Slave. Like all the others who had come before her, she'd be released and sent back to the Moon, back to her family. Trish felt a rush of envy. Not that she'd ever loved living on the Moon, but at least it was familiar. At least she'd known the perils there - loneliness, stagnation, snobbery... unlike here where she was brutally confused by Jordan's interest in her and what her future was to be. She'd never heard of the Wolf's victims being taken by anyone else in his organization.

She began to wriggle, trying to get away, as his hands became less comforting and began to be more sexual. Her skin tingled as his big hand cupped her breasts, the other sliding up her thighs.

"Hold still, baby girl," he murmured in her ear. "I'm not going to hurt you."

Lips pressed against her temple and began to move down the side of her cheek. Trish closed her eyes, holding absolutely still as he kissed his way down the side of her face and to her neck, tipping her back to give him better access. The feel of his hands on her body, kneading her small breast, drawing small circles on her inner thigh, was confusing her. She'd never felt anything like the feverish heat that he was creating inside of her and didn't know how to deal with it, how to fight it.

From what seemed like a great distance, she heard the Wolf give Bella, whom he was calling Pet, the choice to fuck either him or Alex, whom he called Toy. Trish stifled a moan, shivering at the very idea of having to choose what man raped her. No that she would be forced to make that kind of choice. Jordan's intentions were very clear, from the fingers that were now teasing the puffy outer lips of her labia to the rock hard erection pressing into her side.

A grating sound made her turn her head, opening her eyes. There was a hole opening up in the middle of the floor, a platform rising out of it. On the platform was a huge bed, its canopy and corners festooned with chains and restraints. Several wooden structures surrounded it, all of them looking somehow terrifying, as Trish's imagination began to work overtime, trying to figure out how they might be used.

Jordan's fingers slid into her hair and turned her head back to him, and Trish opened her mouth with a gasp as he kissed her, allowing him to thrust his tongue between her lips. He tasted like mint and a hint of smoke, his lips rough on hers, his tongue pushing into her mouth like he was conquering it. She couldn't move away - his hand was too firm - and she didn't want to kiss him back, but as she tried to move her tongue out of the way, it proved impossible and she found their tongues sliding together. A low groan rumbled in his chest and he kissed her harder, the hand between her legs sliding up even further to press his finger between her wet lower lips. Trish let out a small sob against his mouth and tried to press her legs together.

With a growl, the big man pulled away from the kiss and spun her around on his lap so that her back was pressed against his chest, trapping her bound arms between their bodies. The motion caused her legs to open involuntarily and she immediately squealed and tried to wriggle away. Her body was fizzing with the sensation of his fingers between her labia, stroking the sensitive folds, and the fact that she wasn't sure she wanted it to stop meant that she needed it to stop immediately. The responses of her body were already too far out of her control.

Wrapping his other arm around her, hand coming up to cup her breast, Jordan's teeth nipped at her earlobe, tugging on it. The sensation shivered through here, lighting her up from the inside as his hot breath brushed against her skin.

""Relax baby, I'm going to make you feel so good."

Trish made a little noise of distress, she didn't want to feel good.

She squealed as he pinched her nipple hard, sparking pain through the little bud. His fingers remained on the swollen tip, threatening, and Trish swallowed back her tears as she slowly forced herself to relax against him and stop squirming, hoping that he wouldn't hurt her anymore if she obeyed.

"Good girl," he crooned.

"Nooooo..." she said, pleading and moaning as his knees slid between hers and opened, spreading her legs with his own. The cool air on her exposed, heated flesh made it feel even more sensitive.

To her relief, he didn't take immediate advantage of her vulnerability. Instead, he moved his hand up from between her legs, over her stomach and began to caress and squeeze both breasts, his lips moving over the back of her neck, biting gently at her skin, as he fondled her. The position he'd put her in thrust her chest out, almost as if she was asking for his touch, and Trish moaned again as the heat inside of her core curled and built as he massaged her breasts.


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