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The Party

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Two MILF mess with sons friend and others. While he watches.
7.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/11/2015
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I want to give thanks to alexxrj for editing this story and thanks to SexyGeek for suggestions.


I just got done with my hobby, taking photographs. I was at the park and couldn't wait to get to my computer so that I could edit today's shots to add to my collection. I just graduated High School and this was the beginning of my summer before I go on to college or to work. I haven't decided which.

I just turned 18 a week ago. I'm a little nerdy but don't look like one. I'm only 5 feet and 9 inches tall but in pretty good shape. No, I don't have a six pack but do look very fit without my shirt. I've had my fair share of girlfriends, just don't have a steady one right now.

I walked up the stairs to the back porch and entered the house through the back door. I was planning to head up the back stairs straight to my room to get started on my editing but that's when I heard some voices coming from the family room. I was curious because my dad was still at work. Who was with my mom?

It was my best friend, Gray. He was sitting on the couch drinking some juice. While my mom was across from him sitting on dad's chair talking and laughing with him.

This wasn't terribly strange but Gray hasn't been over for awhile. A few months ago he started hanging with a group of guys who I thought were ass holes, just plain old bullies.

The way they treated the women around them could only be called "abusive." And the women seemed to enjoy the way they were being treated. They always came back to the guys.

I'm not sure if Gray was treating women the same way or not. He did tell me one time since he started hanging with this new group that he was getting to know a lot of women.

I'm not sure about that, but he assured me the worse you treated them, for some reason, they always came back for more. Which made me wonder why my buddy was over at my house.

I just stood there watching as my mom, who as always, was obviously flirting with him, nothing serious, of course. By now, I should be use used to it she is always flirting with my friends and other men in the neighborhood. And, of course, Gray was flirting back.

Gray is six months older than me. At six feet tall, he was all muscles with a face women seem to like, never had problems finding a lady. He never was able to keep one for more than three months either, until he started to hanging around these other guys.

He was also a member of the soccer team. When we graduated, Now that we are out of school he was planning on trying to join one of the adult teams in town. I think this is how he met those other guys.

My mom smiled at him as she stood picking up a book off the coffee table and walking over to the book case. Gray's eyes were following her; she stopped and bent over to put the book back on the bottom self. Gray, with a big grin on his face as he watch her bend over, staring at her ass.

She always dressed comfortably when she is off of work. Today, she was wearing tight black yoga pants which gave a very healthy view of her nice, tight ass. As a matter of fact, I was jealous that Gray was getting a better view of her ass than me, as she was bending over right in front of him.

I was used to guys checking out my mom. I see men turning their heads to catch a good look of her. Most of my friends talked about how sexy she is. They always tell me that she's a MILF and what they would like to do to her.

I would usually give them a hard punch or shove. Mostly, I retaliated to their comments by talking shit back. It didn't upset me when they said things about her. It kind of makes me hold my head up, and proud that she is my mom.

Guess I need to tell you a little bit about my mom. Her name is Kay, and very simply put, she is a doll. She's five foot five and works in real estate. She always says by staying in shape helps her with sales.

She keeps trim by watching what see eats, and exercising regularly. I'm not going to tell you she looks like a young 20 year old because she doesn't. She looks like a mature woman who is in great shape.

She has a nice rack, too. I did check out her bra once to see what size she was, 36 C. She looks great in whatever she wears. She has brown hair that falls just below her shoulders, but she keeps it in a ponytail when off of work.

She is always smiling and very friendly with everyone. As I said, she loves flirting. She always says flirting helps her in real estate.

My mom got back up from putting the book back. She walked over to the couch and sat next to Gray. That's when I decided to join them in the family room.

"What's up," I said, as I entered the room.

"It's about time you got home!" my mom said, as she watched me walk into the family room.

"Hey, Jack. Out taking pictures again?" Gray asked, as I sat down in dad's chair.

"Sure was. Whatcha doing here?" I asked.

"He came over to ask you a question," Mom said, cheerfully.

In a loud voice, Gray, looking a little mean at my mom, said, "Now let me talk to him, Mrs. Stone!"

"OK, OK, sorry," my mom replied, looking a little upset from the way Gray talked to her.

Then looking at me, Gray continued in a normal voice, "You know my folks always have a party this time of year for the adults. This year we are old enough to attend, being how we're both 18 now."

"I've been looking forward to finally being able to attend."

"Well, my mom wants to know if you would like to take pictures of the party for her, since you love taking pictures?"

Then my mom butted in, "He would be glad to do it."

Gray again looked at my mom with a dirty look and said in a controlling, commanding voice, "Look Mrs. Stone, I'm talking with Jack. Please stop butting in!"

I noticed Mom was about to say something, which made me say, "Sure thing." Mom just smiled at me.

Gray, then looking back at me, "Good, my mom would like for you to come over to talk to her about it. So she can tell you what she would like done."

"Let her know that I'll be over later."

Looking at Gray with a wild look of her own, though smiling, my mom said, "You're right, Gray. This is the first time you guys are old enough to come. I think you will have a great time. As long as you don't mind hanging out with all of us married folk in the neighborhood."

For a minute there was silence, as Gray looked at my mom. I think he was trying to send a message that he was in control of this conversation and not her.

He spoke, "No, not at all, Mrs. Stone, but I think there will be a few single folks there this year, besides us two. I think we will have a great time, but Jack might be too busy taking pictures to enjoy himself." With that said, Gray got up and headed out.

Mom looked at me, "You don't mind taking pictures do you?"

"No, not at all. Really. Since this is my first time to the party. By taking pictures means that I will be everywhere, seeing everything. I might have more fun than everyone else," I replied, as I started to head out of the room.

Before I could get away, Mom asked, "What has got into Gray? He seems to be quite bossy anymore."

"I think it's the new group of guys he's hanging around with." Before she could say anything else, I headed to my room.

The party at the Jones' is the biggest in the neighborhood. Over the years, it has gotten the reputation as being a very wild party. I always wanted to check it out to see for myself how wild it was.

I went over to the Jones' house to talk with Gray's mother. She gave me the low down of the party and what she would like for me to do

Just film the party and maybe take some individual pictures of people, if they ask. Which meant that I needed to ensure that I took my camcorder and a regular camera.

She told me that she was expecting the first guests to start to show up around 1pm and would like for me to get there before then.


I've been looking forward to attending the Jones' party for years now. I felt it was kind of like a passage to adulthood, just being able to finally be old enough to go.

I arrived at the party before anyone else. Mrs. Jones wanted to start at the front door to catch the guests as they walked in. Mr. Jones grabbed Mrs. Jones and had me film them giving an introduction.

I was doing my thing when Gray walked in with four of his new buddies, "Hey Jack, having fun?"

After catching my attention he continued, "Let me introduce these guys to you. That's Jake, TJ, Mike, and Mack."

All four of his friends were large, well-built, young men. They were all over six feet tall and well dressed. By looking at them, you knew they were very confident in themselves. They were also members of one of the adult soccer teams in town.

I stopped filming to hold out my hand to shake hands with each of them. "Glad to meet you guys. Don't mind me, in case Gray didn't tell you, I'm filming this whole party for his mom."

I think it was Jake who said, "He told us. He also wants us to take you under our wing like we did him. Which means you need to come to one of our soccer practices."

"Guess we'll see. Today is a great day to get to know each other." The five of them just chuckled as they walked on in and past me.

I grabbed Gray by the arm, "Hey I figured they would all have dates since you're always telling me how the girls follow them?"

Gray just looked at me, "They want to see if they can hook up here."

I was laughing now, "Really? Looks like all the women here are married."

They were all looking at me now and I just smiled and said, "Good luck!"

A few minutes later my mom and dad walked in. Dad, as always when he is off of work, was in shorts and a t-shirt.

Mom was also wearing her normal off-of-work outfit: blue jean shorts and a pull over top, which did show off her rack and tight stomach. She also was wearing her hair in a ponytail.

Dad looked at me. "Hope you enjoy yourself, don't just take pictures, have fun."

"I plan on it," I replied.

The bash was in full swing now. Everyone had a beer or some kind of drink in their hand now. This is how I found out Gray's new friends were all 21, because Mr. Jones did card them. I think he did it as a joke but I saw the surprised look on his face when he found out their age.

Out in the back yard Mr. Jones had a line of grills. He had tasked someone to man each one, even my dad was helping out. People were all around in groups talking and enjoying the day.

I milled about, filming and from time to time, taking picture of couples. I was having fun talking with everyone in the neighborhood.

Everyone was having a great time. The women were all flirting with the men and the men were flirting back. Other than that I didn't see anything wild going on. Everyone was getting drunk and having a great time.

I also was watching Gray's friends. They were having fun flirting with all the women. I think they were trying to hook up with them.

What was good about being the guy taking the pictures, people tend to not notice you, even if you're right next to them. Which help me to overhear a lot of the conversations.

I heard a few women talking about Gray's friends, thinking it was cute that a group of young men wanted to be with them. I think they were all flattered by being hit on by young men. None of them were pissed about it, because they didn't tell their husbands.

I saw my mom talking with a few of Gray's friends. It looked like she was in a deep conversation with TJ right now. So I walked over to where they were to see if I could listen in. As I got closer, the first thing I noticed was my mom seemed to be staring at TJ's trousers.

I made sure I was far enough away that they didn't notice me, but could still hear every word they were saying. I wasn't taking any pictures at this time.

TJ, trying to keep his voice low, "Have you ever cheated on your husband?"

Laughing, Mom said in a normal voice, "Hell no! I'm not planning on it either. I'm old enough to be your mom."

"OK, but tell me you've never been tempted at all?" TJ said, still trying to push the subject.

Mom, now giving TJ the evil eye, "Look, TJ, you seem to be a nice guy. But, I don't think that's any of your business!"

TJ, laughing, knowing he is getting to her, continues, "So, you're telling me you have never fantasized about having a young, large cock fucking you?"

Now, looking TJ the eyes, my mom replied, "I don't think you need to know anything about my fantasies, young man."

TJ chuckled, "OK, but please answer this question: have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a real man's cock in you?"

"I have a real man at home, so why would I wonder?"

TJ leaned forward and whispered in Mom's ear, her eyes got wide and she pulled back from him. "Look, TJ, I'm married! What if my husband found out? Or my son?"

Chuckling, he moved his hands, as Mom's eyes followed them, grabbing his groin which made it look like he had a billy club stuffed in his pants. I noticed she was now staring, or should I say, hypnotized, by his immense trouser snake.

TJ just looked at her, "You think about it. There are five big cocks waiting to help you out with that fantasy of yours, that's right - five. Gray has a big cock also. Tell you what, go ask a female friend to join in, we won't tell. I think every female wants to be treated like a slut and have a big cock at least once."

He walked off without letting Mom answer. Mom also walked away and I couldn't help but stare at her magnificent ass as it swayed when she walked. She started to talk with Mrs. Brown, who lived across the street from us.

Mrs. Brown was about 12 years younger than my mom with two little kids. She still hadn't loss all the weight after having her last kid. But, she has a very cute face and a great rack.

I didn't listen to them as I had decided I would go over to another group and film some more. As I walked around filming the party, I noticed Mom was talking more and more with Gray's friends.

I was always either across the yard or too far away to hear what they were talking about. One time, I watched Mom and Mrs. Brown have a long conversation with Gray.

Time flew by and before I knew it the sun was going down. I was standing back and watching everyone. I saw Gray talking with my mom and Mrs. Brown again.

I started wondering what on earth the three of them were talking about. So I wandered over close to them to listen in.

Gray was talking, "Are you two sure this is what you want?"

Mrs. Brown, looking at my mom, answered, "Maybe it's the booze, but I always fantasize about being treated like a slut and fucked with a big cock. TJ talked to me earlier about it. I brushed him off, but then Kay came up to me. Well And, maybe it won't be so bad if the two of us did it together."

Gray looked at both of them, "Once we come down the stairs there is no turning back, there is no safe word."

He paused for a second and continued, "I know it's your fantasy. So make sure it's what you want. Think about it and let me know soon." He walked off.

The two women were whispering between themselves. I couldn't hear what they were talking about. Both were still drinking wine as they talked. Something didn't feel right in my gut, but I figured I was going to have to wait and see what developed.

Mrs. Brown, looking a little excited, and talking louder than she intended, "I remember what Alice (another neighbor) had told me about big pricks, how her first husband could make her do anything because he was well-hung."

Mom immediately moved her hand to her mouth and said, "Shh!" With that they went back to whispering. So, I walked away.

I saw Gray was now talking with his friends and they were laughing as they leered at the two ladies. I decided to keep an eye on them for a moment. Every now and then, they leaned in to whisper to one another as they stole glances of the women, so I knew something was up.

It didn't take long before Mom and Mrs. Brown walked over to the group. Mom spoke, "Gray, can we talk with you?"

"Sure thing, lets walk over here." Gray led the two women away from the group.

They were closer to me and didn't notice I was close by.

"What do you two lovely ladies want with me?" Gray asked.

The two women looked nervous as Mrs. Brown spoke up this time, "OK we want to do it."

Mom added stressing, "You need to promise that this won't get out. We need to maintain our spotless reputation in the neighborhood."

Gray, with a smirk, "I promise we will not tell anyone. We have our own reputations to maintain."

Looking both women in the eyes, and with a commanding voice, "You do understand you're going to be treated like sluts." Both women nodded.

"OK, you have to get rid of your husbands and be down in the basement at the end of the party. I'll tell my folks you wanted to watch a movie so I let you go into the basement, and for them not to worry if you fall sleep, that I'll check in on you," Gray told them.

It was now around 9pm and the crowd was thinning out fast, the wives making sure their drunk husbands got home safe and a few husbands making sure their drunk wives got home safe, as well.

The rest of the company was slowly heading to the door. As Mrs. Jones requested, I was filming everyone's departure.

Between breaks, I saw my dad talking to my mom, telling her it was time to go. They were having a heated conversation, and dad finally held up his hands and left.

As he walked out the door, he looked at me and said, "Your mom is going to watch a movie with Sue Brown."

I said, "OK. I'll be right along as soon as the Jones' are done with me. Don't stay up." He waved and out the door he went with Mr. Brown right behind him. I watched them walk down the road together, talking.

Mr. Jones said, "Don't leave yet, the wife and I want to put one more thing on the film."

I said, "OK, I'll be around until you give me the go ahead."

That's when I saw Gray talking with my mom in the kitchen. So I moved over by the door, so I could listen in.

Gray was talking, "You two go down to the basement and turn on your movie. That way you won't be lying to your husbands. If you hear us coming down the stairs you just keep your eyes on the T.V." Mom and Sue didn't answer, just nodded and went down the stairs.

Gray went outside where his buds were hanging. I heard Jake say, "We'll give them about 30 minutes. That way we can also make sure your mom and dad went upstairs and your friend Jack has left."

Gray said, "I'll let you know when it's clear," and he came back inside.

That's when Mr. Jones yelled, "Jack over here we're ready now."

I moved over to them and filmed their closing statements. Mrs. Jones slurring, "Hey, we're going up to bed. You can let yourself out."

I said, "OK, I'll just pack up and head home." I watched them head up the stairs.

Gray heard what I said to them and said to me, "Hey, if you want, you can hang with us."

Knowing that he didn't really mean it, I replied, "Not tonight. I need to get home." I watched as he entered the downstairs bathroom.

As soon as the door closed, I grabbed my gear and made sure nobody saw me. Slowly, and as quietly as I could, I went down the stairs to the basement. I had to see what my mom and Mrs. Brown had gotten themselves into. When I got to the bottom steps I saw Sue and my mom watching a movie.

I looked to see if there was a place where I could hide. The Jones' had their basement set up with two couches facing a large TV and a pool table behind the couches.

They had a curtain pulled across, dividing the rest of the basement. I looked behind the curtain and saw they kept the washer and dryer behind it, so I ducked behind them.

I put down my camera case and pulled out my camcorder. I slipped in a fresh new disk, which would give me another eight hours of recording. I didn't think I'd need that much, but I wanted to be able to keep it separate from the party disk.


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