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The Party

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Taking advantage when she was asleep.
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I lived in the upper floor of a small tenement block. Most of the block was rented by students and I'd found that on the whole they were a reasonable bunch. They were attending university to learn and most of them tended to buckle down and do just that.

This didn't stop them having the occasional party but whoever was throwing the party generally let the rest of the tenants know and would give a casual invite for us to drop in. (Or to stay away if they wanted the party to be a private affair.)

Towards the end of the year, with all exams done and dusted, the guys in the three units on the floor below me decided to throw one big party, to which everyone was invited. Not to be outdone the three units on the next floor down decided they'd also throw a general party, with the result that we were going to have two floors of partying students, all letting down their hair now that the year was effectively over.

Being a friendly sort and being able to afford a bit of generosity I decided to attend the party, taking along sufficient beer to make me welcome on both floors. Amazing the amount of acceptance a free drink will get you.

The party was a fun event, noisy but not descending to too noisy. We were all just relaxing and enjoying ourselves. I spent time on both floors, nibbling on the free eats and having a bit to drink. I went very easy on the drink, not really wanting to become plastered. I spent most of my time just talking generally and flirting with the girls, wondering on my chances of striking it lucky.

I was on the upper floor at one stage and the party there had sort of migrated into one of the units. The other two units had their doors open and one or two people wandered in and out of them but basically just the tenants of those units, with all the foreigners in the single unit.

Except for one sweet young thing. I saw her yawning as she came down the corridor and she nipped into one of the other units. Tired and hoping to grab a little nap before continuing with the party. I watched her go and thought I'd give her a couple of minutes to relax and then wander in and see how well my charm worked.

I gave her her couple of minutes and then followed her into the unit. There wasn't anyone else around and looking around I saw her lying on the bed in one of the bedrooms, the door wide open. I strolled into the bedroom and stood there admiring her for a few moments.

From the way she was lying I was going to guess that she'd sat on the end of the bed and then laid back and closed her eyes for a moment, arms spread on either side. I don't know if she intended to fall asleep but I was pretty certain that she had.

She was twentyish with dark hair and a cute face. I didn't know what colour her eyes were as they were closed. She was wearing jeans, not skin tight blue jeans but a pair of cream coloured jeans, stylish but comfortable. She also had a milk chocolate coloured top, a loose top that she wore outside the jeans.

I gently closed the bedroom door and moved closer. I stood there, watching her sleep, a dreamy little smile on her face. After a while I lifted her top clear of her jeans and started undoing them. Undoing her belt, button, and zip was child's play, and she didn't stir while I did so. Then I started sliding her jeans down, making sure to take her panties with me on the trip.

The first problem came when I lifted her hips slightly to tug the jeans under her bottom. She woke up, blinked and stared at me.

"Do I know you?" she asked, seeming a little disconcerted. I suppose that you could be a little disconcerted to wake up and find a strange man pulling your panties down.

"Bernie," I told her. "And you are?"

"Debbie," she said sleepily. "Ah, what are you doing?"

"Just taking these off for you," I said in a matter of fact voice. "Don't worry, I did ask you for permission first. You'll be a lot more comfortable if you sleep without them."

That wasn't really a lie. I'd certainly thought about asking her but she'd been asleep and anyway, I'm sure that she'd have agreed, so I was sort of telling the truth.

By this time I also had her jeans and panties down past her knees, leaving some very interesting skin on display. I left them where they were for the moment, turning my attention to her top. I lifted her top up so her bra was exposed, while she slapped at my hands, still more asleep than awake. I was somewhat amused to see that her bra was the same colour as her top.

"Arch your back a little so I can undo this," I told her, plucking at her bra. "It must be uncomfortable trying to sleep with it on."

It's amazing what you can get away with if you use a commanding voice and project the confidence that you will just naturally be obeyed. Debbie obediently arched her back and my hand slipped under her and unhooked her bra in a flash. After that I eased it up off her breasts, and a lovely pair of breasts they were.

"What did you do that for?" Debbie demanded, sounding somewhat shocked.

"You wanted me to," I pointed out. "Why else would you have let me undo it? Anyway, it doesn't matter. You can relax and go to sleep now."

To help her relax I started giving her a light massage. Normally I'd massage the lady's back to help ease her to sleep. I mean, it wasn't my fault that she was lying on it. I just massaged anyway, feeling her breasts rolling moving under my hands.

Debbie started protesting, pointing out that I shouldn't be doing that. I sighed and pointed out that I was just helping her relax.

"Just go with the flow and see how relaxed you become," I advised her.

I have to admit that when one hand slipped between her legs and started massaging her there she didn't seem too relaxed. Her whole body seemed to jolt, probably because she tried to surge up into a sitting position only to find that all she succeeded in doing was to press her breasts very firmly into my other hand.

Debbie was finally wide awake and aware of what I was doing and wasn't having a bar of it.

"You stop that," she demanded. "Right now."

For a reply I cupped a breast and leaned forward to nibble on it. After a moment I lifted my head and winked at her.

"I don't think so," I said. "Maybe in a little while. Right now I want to pet you a little."

"If you don't stop I'll scream," she threatened and I just smiled happily at her.

"Oh, I don't think so," I said. "Just too, too, embarrassing. How on earth would you explain being effectively naked? Anyone who came might believe any protests you make if you were substantially dressed, but as it is they'd wonder why you waited until you were naked before protesting. They'd gossip, you know."

"If you think I'm going to let you. . ." her voice broke off, her indignation and anger plain to see.

"Well of course you're not going to let me whatever," I agreed. "I never expected that you would. I do think that you'll wait, fuming and spluttering, while I pet you a little."

With that I continued to play with her, petting and tasting. She whined and protested, complained and moaned, but refrained from screaming. I should say mostly refrained from screaming. When I sank down to my knees and started using my tongue she certainly gave a small scream.

I teased her pussy most assiduously, while she squirmed about and protested some more, this time punctuating her protests with little shocked screams, depending on just where my tongue went.

"Stop that," she said in a half wail. "I can't stand it."

"What, this?" I asked, my tongue continuing to tease her around the clitoris.

She didn't get a chance to reply to that as that was when she climaxed. Her thighs were suddenly gripping my head quite tightly as she gave a muffled scream, shaking with her climax.

As she came down from her climax, relaxing while she gasped for breath, I rose to my feet. I leaned over her and she was looking up at me, still breathing hard. She didn't stand a chance. I parted her lips and was sinking my cock into her before she even knew that I was going to.

She was outraged, which I suppose could be expected.

"I said I wasn't going to let you," she started off, but I interrupted.

"Yes, yes, I know, but you haven't let me. I'm just doing it anyway. Ah, I might point out that screaming is well and truly out of the question now. Not unless you're into voyeurism."

She spluttered a bit but seemed to be at a loss for words. What could she say? That is, apart from describing my character in graphic detail, which she proceeded to do once she got her voice back.

I put my hand over her mouth for a moment.

"Do you think you could move with me a little?" I asked. "You can still tell me what you think of me while you're doing it."

Even as I was asking I was starting my own movements. She hesitated for a moment and then started responding, finally shutting up but giving me baleful looks as we progressed.

I took it nice and easy, thrusting into her in a deliberate and pleasurable manner, seeing no need to rush to the finish line. I have to admit that Debbie seemed more eager to get it on than I did, pushing up to meet me quite vigorously.

After a few minutes I was wondering whether I should pick up the pace a little as Debbie seemed oddly frustrated. I started putting some more oomph into my action and found that I'd underestimated just how aroused Debbie still was. She climaxed again, this time clamping down on my old-fella, trying to milk him dry, a move that I valiantly resisted.

I gave her a chance to come back to earth and then I engaged her in earnest. In no time flat I was banging her like a big bass drum, thrusting in hard and fast, giving her all I had. She responded the same way, bucking under me, her legs now wrapped around me as she clung to me. (I'll admit to idly wondering how she'd shaken one leg free from her jeans. She'd managed it somehow.)

This time I was the one who started to climax. Not that it made much difference to Debbie. As soon as I started up it was enough to have her fire off for a third time. Debbie - three, me - one. I guess that made her the winner in our little encounter.

I rose to my feet, pulling up my trousers. She lay there, trying to work up the energy to glare at me and failing badly. She was breathing hard and seemed totally indifferent to the fact that she was still lying there naked, or effectively so.

"I am going to find you and then I'm going to kill you," she assured me.

"Maybe," I agreed. "Might I point out that you damn near killed me right now. If we were to try again you might succeed. Interested?"

Damned if she didn't look interested for a moment before common sense kicked in and she settled for giving me a killing look. Then she bounced off the bed and stalked into the little en suite attached to the bedroom. The shower came on and I strolled into the en suite to watch her.

"What are you doing in here, you pervert?" she demanded.

"Keeping an eye on you until you're dressed," I said self-righteously. "I'd feel guilty as hell if I left you here naked and some low-life came and took advantage of you. Take your time. I'm in no hurry."

Funny creatures, women. Debbie took her time in the shower and the entire time she was in there she made sure that she was facing me so that I could see everything she had. Had she no modesty? Apparently not. When she did get out of the shower she faced me while she dried, her breasts bouncing up and down as she applied her towel, smirking the entire time. In the bedroom her peep show continued. Sure, she turned away from me while she stepped into her panties, but she also bent over with her legs nicely parted, showing all. Finished with dressing she stalked out of the bedroom, giving my groin a meaningful look. I had a raging erection from her little show and she damn well knew it. I could sense her sniggering as she left.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Just WOW

liz33ndliz33ndabout 5 years ago
sexy cool story

talk with confidence, and see what you can do.. good job writing.

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