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The Path to Power Pt. 04

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Climbing the greasy pole.
4.8k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/01/2016
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The events in this story follow on 4 years after those in Part 3, and whilst it could be argued that this should be posted under the BDSM section for the sake of keeping the story together I shall post here.


Even from her first day at Baughton, Masters and Schofield, Valerie McKenzie had believed she was better than the rest of the graduate intake, probably better in fact than most of the company outright. True she did not have the brain power of a high class intellectual, but it was made up for in abundance by a Machiavellian sense of purpose, and an instant knowledge for who to befriend and when to cut them loose with ruthless abandon.

To Valerie true friends were those who could take you to the next level and then fade away quickly and quietly when they were no longer fit for purpose, and if this political will wouldn't work, then the fall back was her body. 5'8'' tall with curly shoulder length blonde hair, 34C breasts and a truly magnificent ass; in her own view, this could unpick the lock that intrigue and connections could not - as and when it were required.

Indeed it was a combination of the two that had got her going, her exercise sessions in the company gym had become the stuff of legend and it was well known that if Valerie came in with her gym bag in the morning, most of the male staff would go home for theirs at lunch. To stand out early on she had gone for ultra tight fitting lycra, sometimes with underwear, sometimes without, to be behind her when she did her stretches, was akin to taking a seat amongst the saints in paradise, to such an extent that middle management were know to draw rank and force more junior colleagues from the much valued spot.

Valerie was keenly aware of the effect she had, but like the Sirens call, it could prove an almost fatal experience. One day Valerie had seen a male member of the senior management in with his gym bag, this was time to put on a show! Collecting her things at lunch time, she flitted back and forth past his office all day, Harris Von Sohn was head of IT, a charming if awkward man, who was widely believed to be gay or asexual by the female staff members, he was imagined as everything from a sado-masochistic to a paedophile by his, more snide, male colleagues. It wasn't much to go on Valerie thought, but a shot a board member was worth anything.

As soon as Harris picked up his bag and headed for the gym, Valerie was there in a dash, she let Harris take his spot, which was, to her dismay, behind her fellow graduate Anne Ryan, Anne was pretty much everything Valerie was not, short, intellectual, loving and dumpy. To Valerie's reasoning what Anne needed was not a session in the gym but liposuction with industrial machinery, nonetheless working in expenses Anne was of use and Valerie had singled her out for special treatment early on.

Anne was dedicated to her fiancé David who she had met in school, he was, thought Valerie as equally fat, and pointless to the future of the human race as Anne, the thought of them in bed made her think of either eugenics or vivisection. Seeing his photo, which adorned Anne's desk like a golden idol, Valerie had warned Anne that should she ever displease her she would take and dump David in the blink of an eye, so now Anne cowered whenever she saw Valerie and no matter how deluded some of Valerie's expense claims were, they were always processed instantaneously.

Valerie sidled up to Anne who was attempting sit ups so laughable that it looked like she was partially paralysed.

"Move fat bitch, now!!" Valerie hissed and Anne scuttled away as fast as her legs could carry her.

Valerie stood with her back to Harris and spread her legs as wide as they would go, dipping her torso down so that her top rode up, groaning suggestively as she stretched, whilst simultaneously raising her ass high in the air. This was repeated, followed by grasping her ankles and placing her head between her thighs, with a flick of the tongue that was practically indecent, again followed by suggestive gasps and groans, now she was starting to get Harris' attention.

Next she sat on the mat facing Harris, with her legs apart, bending forward to give Harris a great view of her cleavage followed by putting her arms up and behind her head, and stretching back to show her nipples erect under the skin tight lycra.

Suddenly there was a crash in the background and a cry of pain, which broke everyone's attention, though she hadn't noticed it, it was not just Harris who was fixated on her frankly pornographic performance, to such an extent that one of her fellow graduates had mentally overloaded on one of the running machines and simply been fired off then back of it. Stunned though he was, it was nothing compared to seeing 10 men running toward him with bulging erections, though thankfully it was to help him, it was a vision he would see in nightmares forever after.

"Fucking dickhead" Valerie cursed under her breath and stormed off to shower and get changed, little did she know however, that something else had happened which would change her life. One of her more senior team members, Ritchie Metcalfe, had noticed Valerie returning from lunch with her bag and had taken up a spot in the cafe that overlooked the gym with his iPhone and had filmed Valerie's performance. Who knows, this might see him promoted, or probably given the Oscar for cinematography Ritchie thought, after posting it on social media, later that evening he briefly found himself to be more popular than Mark Zuckerberg or Kim Kardashian.

Though not entirely wise to the ways of social media herself it was not long before Valerie found out about her new found fame, but whilst some sympathised with her and others lusted after her, Valerie smelt the unmistakeable scent of opportunity. Rather than going straight to the head of HR, Joan Pierce, Valerie selected her understudy, Adrian Fitzsimons as the candidate to do her bidding, bursting into his office in a flood of tears triggered by 15 minutes holding onion slices to her eyes in the ladies she explained her predicament.

Backtracking in terror Adrian explained "This is certainly a case for Joan, I can't handle this"

"But you must" pleaded the tearful Valerie, "No-one else will look after me like you will, please, Adrian, please".

"Ah, uh, mmm, I guess I could, erm, ahh, have a word with Ritchie" stammered Adrian, desperately looking for a way out.

"Have a word with him!" Valerie exploded, "Imagine how the papers would react if they found out this is how Baughton, Masters & Schofield treat their female employees, you would be pariahs, a laughing stock".

Adrian could see no way out "What do you suggest then Val?" he asked.

Val! he had called her Val, she hated, utterly hated that.

"You must fire him, now! Make an example of him, show the world that Baughton, Masters & Schofield doesn't tolerate such behaviour" and stormed out in tears, but with a scornful grin on her downward looking face.

True to his word, Adrian dismissed an emotional and fully apologetic Ritchie who pleaded for his job, citing his long blemish free history with the company, wife, children and everything that came to mind, but it would do no good, he was gone. The reaction in the company was one of fear and horror and those who had the video deleted it instantly, they had heard the Siren's call, yet now saw the peril were one to get too close, creating a terrible imbalance between lust and fear, and that was just how Valerie like it. Now it was the time for more, and that meant Harris.

Weeks later came the office summer party and Valerie saw her chance, trailing Harris throughout the evening like a little dog following its master, she laughed at his jokes and those around him, however lame they were, whilst other male employees stayed well clear, no one wanted to be the next Ritchie.

Yet despite all her playfulness Harris would not bite, god damn it she thought to herself, all he had to do was order her to her knees and she would suck his cock right there and then. The evening wore on, and the alcohol began to add up on Valerie, thought to her disappointment the most Harris had gone for was a mocktail, as things began to break up she finally cornered him, sitting down next to Harris and, slightly drunkenly, putting her arm around him whilst running her hand up his chest.

"You're very attractive Harris" she teased, eyelids fluttering and unbuttoning the top button of her blouse, whilst trying to swing her leg across him.

Harris blocked her leg with his hand and inched away, yet there was something in his eyes, something that Valerie couldn't quite work out.

"I think you better stop, Miss McKenzie" said Harris.

"But please Harris, how about having me as your conquest, walking into the morning with the office hottie on your arm" Valerie cooed

Harris stood up "I think you had better go home Valerie, we can pretend this never happened" he said.

"Please" Valerie said, "Am I not your type, I'll do anything for you, would you like me to dress up for you; a nurse, a hooker, a secretary, you could tie me up if you liked, anything?"

For the briefest moment there was a flash in his eyes, and Valerie had seen it, knew his weakness. Her voice quietened and deepened, "Imagine me, tied up, in leather or PVC, you'd like that wouldn't you Harris, you could do anything to me".

Harris spun on his heels and almost ran for the door, "Harris, Harrisssss" she called after him, but he was gone.


The following day Valerie sat at her desk grinding her teeth in fury, Anne came to drop off her latest expense claim but took one look at her and thought better of it. Valerie seethed with rage, never had a man turned her down, never, ever, ever, her temper was vile and even her manager on enquiring after her was given a frosty "What!" as an answer, leaving her instead to sit and fume.

"Time of the month probably" a colleague whispered to his friends, but no-one dared laugh or even smile.

Then, to her surprise, at the end of the day Valerie got a call from Harris' secretary asking her to meet Mr Von Sohn in his office at 6:30, far from being furious Valerie was for the first time in her adult life genuinely afraid. Would she be disciplined, fired even, rejection was bad enough but to be scorned too.

6:30 arrived and she was outside Harris' office in trepidation, she knocked on the glass and, when summoned, stepped inside closing the door. Fearing the worst she faced the floor and tried to look as pathetic as possible.

"I know what they say about me Miss McKenzie" Harris opened "That I'm gay, that I'm asexual, a paedophile" well they're wrong.

"Where the hell was this going" thought Valerie

"I very much enjoyed the thought of seeing you in leather" he added. "I have discussed this with friends, influential friends I should add, and we would very much like to see what you are made of."

"Influential friends" thought Valerie, this was music to her ears; politicians, judges, senior businessmen, clergy... her mind was running riot.

"I should warn you that what we do is not to everyone's taste" said Harris.

"I'll do it" Valerie blurted out, "Anything, I'll fuck you all."

"Think about it Valerie" Harris said calmly, "Think carefully about what I have said and if you choose to go ahead with it, come to this address at 9pm on Saturday, handing her a scrap of paper.


Valerie was at the address at 8:30, giving the taxi driver a tip that allowed him to break early that day and rang the door bell. No one answered so she rang again and again, but still no one answered, so she sat there on the doorstep. It was a totally unremarkable place, a normal suburban home in a reasonable but certainly not spectacular neighbourhood and she began to wonder if this wasn't Harris' idea of some sort of practical joke.

Finally, without her knocking or ringing, the door opened bang on nine, "Come inside please Valerie" said Harris, and in she went.

"I can tell you that the Committee are very keen to meet you" he added, "But they like their women a certain way. In the closet over there you will find an outfit which you should put on, it may be a little tight but there is talcum powder to help you, you should wear that and only that, no underwear, no jewellery, no stockings, socks or shoes, if you haven't already you should paint your toenails, red is their favourite, and tie your hair back in a ponytail, you will find all you need."

"The Committee?" Valerie wondered, a secret society of the rich and powerful, and she would join, take her place amongst the elite, it had come quicker than she ever hoped, but she must not let them down, she thought as opened the closet.

The outfit was some sort of leather bodysuit, covered in zips, it was obvious what some would expose, less so others, true to Harris' word the talcum powder was needed and it was skin tight, the rock hard nature of her nipples immediately obvious.

"I'm ready" she said and stepped back toward where Harris was waiting.

"Thank you Valerie, now please pout these on" he said handing her what appeared to be a pair of swimming goggles. As soon as she put them on, she realised they blocked out all the light, she was now effectively blindfold.

"I'm sure a woman of your acumen will appreciate the need for total secrecy" Harris intoned. "Now please wait there" Harris said.

Somewhere Valerie heard a door open, and someone approached, "It's me" said Harris' voice as he lifted her, then carried her across the room. Suddenly, the air changed, becoming cooler and damper, they descended a flight of stairs and Valerie found herself set down, the ground cool and uneven below her feet.

"I'll just take your arms" Harris added in a kind voice lifting first her left arm, then her right and placing her wrist though some sort of strap, which she felt tighten around it.

"Don't let them break you" Harris whispered urgently and quietly in her ear before something went in her ear shutting out any sound, then in the other. Next she felt her left leg raised, moved outward and put through another strap, which was tightened and then her right leg so she was without hearing or sight, tied in an X shape.

Valerie waited for what was to come, uneasy, but more excited and keen to impress but nothing happened. For her the passage of time was uncertain and without light or sound, in the cool room she began to doze, her head resting on her shoulder.


Abruptly Valerie was awoken from her slumber, her arms jerked upward lifting her to her tiptoes and stretching her arms and legs in their bindings, her blonde ponytail yanked downward and backward and her chest and ass unveiled as the zips were ripped open. Valerie screamed in shock and pain, her breathing and heart rain jumping as she waited for what came next.

Oblivious to what surrounded her she tried to twist her head, but someone was holding her ponytail firm, then came a massive smack on her ass making her scream again, she felt like she had been hit with a plank and waited for more as her ass stung. She waited, waited, waited and feared but couldn't move, then came another blow and another and another making her scream louder and more desperately.

Two voices in her head played off against each other "What have you done, they'll kill you" and "Don't break, remember what he said, don't let them break you."

Her breathing slowed as that magnificent ass began to glow a fine pink, then another blow, landed more and more and more, she stretched urgently in her bindings, legs and ankles screaming out in agony as she tried to escape but it only made her ass more tense and the blows more forceful. Suddenly the pain in her wrist and ankles exceeded her ass, so she had to stick it out to relieve the pressure as the blows continued to land, she cried out for help, then as suddenly as they had begun the blows stopped.

In her head Valerie heard her screams trail off into whimpers as the stillness set in, she jerked her head left, then right, up, then down trying to defend herself against the next assault on her body, but it did not come. Maybe that was it she thought, she had passed, it hadn't been so tough after all. The next sensation seemed to confirm that, zips on her arms and legs were opened, though to her consternation that around her pussy was also opened wide, she was now on full display, still on the tips of her toes, being stretched to the limits of her body.

All at once Valerie became aware of something else, two objects touching her skin, just above the base of her back, which were then drawn down to her still glowing buttocks, around the front of her body, across her pussy and down the inside of her thighs. Valerie couldn't place it, it felt almost like the tips of two ball point pens, then came a jolt into the centre of her inside thigh, the objects traced above her pussy and shocked her again, her breathing increasing again. Inevitably, they made their way to her nipples, first to her left, she gasped, expecting it, but the shock never came, then suddenly it moved to her right nipple and shocked her again prompting a cry.

Slowly they traced their way to her throat, Valerie began to hyperventilate acutely aware of her helplessness when suddenly they moved around her back shocking her first between her shoulders , then rapidly on her left side, then right side, down below her buttocks and at the base of her pussy.

"Ohhh fuckkkk" Valerie cried out and the shocks came more frequently.

"Ahhh" she squealed, she felt her pussy lips being parted and it going inside her

"No!!" she screamed and appealed, "Please noooo" followed by a higher pitched scream of genuine agony as three shocks were let off inside her in quick succession, her chest rising and falling quickly now, she tried to close her legs in a frenzy but was held fast. Then came another shock from both parts of it at the entrances to her ass and pussy forcing her to launch upwards tearing at the straps on her ankles. Slowly it traced its way up her back as her screams hit a new, higher pitch, it then waited at the base of her neck, another shock came and Valerie blacked out.


Slowly Valerie's eyes fluttered open, she could see again, wherever she was it was dark, she moved her hands and legs and found they were untied, sitting up she looked around and recognised where she was. It was the room upstairs she had got changed in, how long ago, how long had she been out? Her body was covered with a blanket with a pillow carefully tucked below where her head had been and her clothes from earlier laid out next to her.

Unsettled, Valerie quickly got dressed and ran to the door, it was locked but there on the mat was a key and a piece of paper, she unfolded it to see a typewritten note which said "You're bravery is commendable, if you feel you can really make an impression, we will be waiting for you at the same time next week".

Then below, in careful handwriting, was "In the closet where your outfit was you will find something for your wrists and ankles". The note was as good as its word, and though the outfit and talc were gone there was now a cream which helped soothe her.


The following week Valerie was in inner turmoil, those around couldn't help fail to notice how demure and reserved she had suddenly become, now dressed in long sleeved shirts and long skirts.

"Someone has finally found a way to give that bitch the fucking she needed" joked many of her colleagues, though only when they were sure she was out of earshot.

At night Valerie tossed and turned, she knew that if she went back they would give her an even more severe pummelling but, surely, some good would come of it, "The Path to Power" she thought to herself. But maybe there was also some part of her that had enjoyed being helpless at the hands of such men, that enjoyed being unable to resist the ways in which they would take her; sleep was a long time in coming.


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